SRD:Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions

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Favorable and Unfavorable Conditions

Table: Attack Roll Modifiers
Attacker is . . . Melee Ranged
Dazzled –1 –1
Entangled –21 –21
Flanking defender +2
Invisible +22 +22
On higher ground +1 +0
Prone –4 3
Shaken or frightened –2 –2
Squeezing through a space –4 –4
  1. An entangled character also takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity, which may affect his attack roll.
  2. The defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC. This bonus doesn’t apply if the target is blinded.
  3. Most ranged weapons can’t be used while the attacker is prone, but you can use a crossbow or shuriken while prone at no penalty.
Table: Armor Class Modifiers
Defender is . . . Melee Ranged
Behind cover +4 +4
Blinded –21 –21
Concealed or invisible — See Concealment
Cowering –21 –21
Entangled +02 +02
Flat-footed (such as surprised, balancing, climbing) +01 +01
Grappling (but attacker is not) +01 +01, 3
Helpless (such as paralyzed, sleeping, or bound) –44 +04
Kneeling or sitting –2 +2
Pinned –44 +04
Prone –4 +4
Squeezing through a space –4 –4
Stunned –21 –21
  1. The defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.
  2. An entangled character takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity.
  3. Roll randomly to see which grappling combatant you strike. That defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.
  4. Treat the defender’s Dexterity as 0 (–5 modifier). Rogues can sneak attack helpless or pinned defenders.

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