User talk:Cuthalion/Colors

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Revision as of 12:13, 22 December 2007 by Cuthalion (talk | contribs) (→‎Colors: RGB)
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I'm not colorblind, despite what my wife might say. To my eye, the following are all quite easy to see:

  • This is #BA0000; red (current scheme -- non-existent) text.
  • This is #8A2BE2; BlueViolet text.
  • This is #D2691E; Chocolate text.
  • This is #FF7F50; Coral text.
  • This is #DC143C; Crimson text.
  • This is #B8860B; DarkGoldenRod text.
  • This is #FF8C00; DarkOrange text.
  • This is #00CED1; DarkTurquoise text.
  • This is #9400D3; DarkViolet text.
  • This is #FF1493; DeepPink text.
  • This is #00BFFF; DeepSkyBlue text.
  • This is #1E90FF; DodgerBlue text.
  • This is #FF00FF; Fuchsia text.
  • This is #CD5C5C; IndianRed text.
  • This is #20B2AA; LightSeaGreen text.
  • This is #FF00FF; Magenta text.
  • This is #BA55D3; MediumOrchid text.
  • This is #9370D8; MediumPurple text.
  • This is #3CB371; MediumSeaGreen text.
  • This is #7B68EE; MediumSlateBlue text.
  • This is #C71585; MediumVioletRed text.
  • This is #FF4500; OrangeRed text.
  • This is #D87093; PaleVioletRed text.
  • This is #FF0000; Red text.
  • This is #FF6347; Tomato text.

The following are easy to see, but harder to read on this background (and my current monitor):

  • This is #FAA700; yellow-orange (current scheme -- active) text.
  • This is #00FFFF; Cyan text.
  • This is #7FFFD4; Aquamarine text.
  • This is #DEB887; BurlyWood text.
  • This is #7FFF00; Chartreuse text.
  • This is #6495ED; CornflowerBlue text.
  • This is #A9A9A9; DarkGray text.
  • This is #BDB76B; DarkKhaki text.
  • This is #E9967A; DarkSalmon text.
  • This is #8FBC8F; DarkSeaGreen text.
  • This is #FFD700; Gold text.
  • This is #DAA520; GoldenRod text.
  • This is #ADFF2F; GreenYellow text.
  • This is #FF69B4; HotPink text.
  • This is #7CFC00; LawnGreen text.
  • This is #ADD8E6; LightBlue text.
  • This is #F08080; LightCoral text.
  • This is #FFB6C1; LightPink text.
  • This is #FFA07A; LightSalmon text.
  • This is #87CEFA; LightSkyBlue text.
  • This is #B0C4DE; LightSteelBlue text.
  • This is #00FF00; Lime text.
  • This is #32CD32; LimeGreen text.
  • This is #66CDAA; MediumAquaMarine text.
  • This is #00FA9A; MediumSpringGreen text.
  • This is #48D1CC; MediumTurquoise text.
  • This is #FFA500; Orange text.
  • This is #DA70D6; Orchid text.
  • This is #CD853F; Peru text.
  • This is #DDA0DD; Plum text.
  • This is #BC8F8F; RosyBrown text.
  • This is #FA8072; Salmon text.
  • This is #F4A460; SandyBrown text.
  • This is #87CEEB; SkyBlue text.
  • This is #00FF7F; SpringGreen text.
  • This is #D2B48C; Tan text.
  • This is #40E0D0; Turquoise text.
  • This is #EE82EE; Violet text.
  • This is #9ACD32; YellowGreen text.

The following are not quite as visible, but adequate:

  • This is #002BB8; blue (current scheme -- interwiki links) text.
  • This is #005896; green-blue (current scheme -- top bar) text.
  • This is #A55858; light brown (current scheme -- visited non-existent) text.
  • This is #8B008B; DarkMagenta text.
  • This is #B22222; FireBrick text.
  • This is #228B22; ForestGreen text.
  • This is #800000; Maroon text.
  • This is #4169E1; RoyalBlue text.
  • This is #8B4513; SaddleBrown text.
  • This is #6A5ACD; SlateBlue text.

The following are too hard to see when scanning a page:

  • This is #006600; green (current scheme -- ???) text.
  • This is #5C3317; dark grey (current scheme -- ???) text.
  • This is #5A3696; purple (current scheme -- visted interwiki) text.
  • This is #660000; brown (current scheme -- ???) text.
  • This is #808000; Olive text.
  • This is #6B8E23; OliveDrab text.
  • This is #2E8B57; SeaGreen text.
  • This is #008080; Teal text.

The following are too hard to read on this background:

  • This is #F0E68C; Khaki text.
  • This is #98FB98; PaleGreen text.
  • This is #AFEEEE; PaleTurquoise text.
  • This is #C0C0C0; Silver text.
  • This is #D8BFD8; Thistle text.
  • This is #FFFF00; Yellow text.

This is only a selection of standard colors.

(This pertains to the discussion on link colors. Presumably I'll find other uses for it later.)

--Cúthalion 09:27, 9 February 2007 (MST)

By the way, I have the final say of the link colors on this site and I am red-green colorblind. If you want to make a color decision you may want to make sure it looks good for red-green colorblind people because that is how I see it :P. The link colors may need to be changed, however for me they look good (I don't know if they look bad for non-red-green colorblind people). Do they really look that bad? --Green Dragon 10:23, 12 February 2007 (MST)
Yes, they look that bad, at least to me. The purple, in particular, is barely distinguishable from surrounding text, and that's a major problem.
You saw my proposed scheme, right? None of the current colors use green, so none of my suggestions do, either. How do the links to non-existent pages look to you, either in the current scheme or my proposed scheme? --Cúthalion 12:02, 12 February 2007 (MST)
I have no problem with the identifying the links, and for me, that's part of the problem. From my point of view the link colors clash horribly with the surrounding colors, so they stand out, but they're unpleasant at which to look. The current link colors are the same ones from the monobook skin. I've tried tackling the link colors myself, and as one might imagine, when I find a set of colors that are readable, I have trouble distinguishing them from the surrounding text. Unfortunately, (from my point of view) your proposed scheme is just a polarization of the current link colors. What stands out for the current scheme really stands out with your scheme. And at the same time, what's merely unpleasant to see becomes almost painful to the eyes. —Sledged (talk) 12:41, 12 February 2007 (MST)
Hmm. So, you and I have opposite goals. I don't know what to say to that. --Cúthalion 13:20, 12 February 2007 (MST)
Possibly, but I wouldn't say that they're mutually exclusive. The trick would be to find link colors that complement the other colors of the site, but are still easy to identify. You've put up a nifty little color chart that gives everyone a good idea of what works and what doesn't based on your criteria. Right now, I'm taking SaddleBrown for a spin for my view interwiki links. I'll use it for a day and see how I like it. —Sledged (talk) 15:39, 12 February 2007 (MST)
So, you're basically saying you want something that is aesthetically pleasing. Sheesh! I'll bet you only wear matched socks, too. ;) --Cúthalion 10:01, 15 February 2007 (MST)
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