Sea Assailant (5e Subclass)

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Sea Assailant

fighter Subclass

Corsair of the Mage Isles, by Alex Chen

you have merged with the sea allowing you to fight with and in it. you may come from an ancient order of those you consider the sea sacred or maybe your a rather combantant sea sorcerer or even the soldier in a kraken´s vast army.

One with the Sea

Starting when you select this subclass your in water ability increases to new heights. Starting at level 3 your swim speed increases by 30. Your maximum amount of time you can spend underwater normally is doubled. Additionally you can use attacks underwater and from the water without disadvantage.

Watery surge

You learn the shape water cantrip. in addition whenever you use action surge or second wind you can cast any cantrip you know as part of the same action.

A warrior´s Current

Starting at 7th level you harness the strength of the sea and can circulate your blade with waving sea water. You can use an action to surround and place water on your blade which triggers a strong watery current to surround your blade causing it to do the following effects:

• When you take the attack action you can make your weapon attacks magical and you can cause your opponent to make a constitution saving throw or be pushed away 5 feet or be knocked prone 10 feet. This effect lasts for a minute and can be used an amount equal to your intelligence modifier (min. 1).

• You do double damage when attacking fire elementals with this feature.

• You can swap your blade's material property to become a liquid or solid while in this state. This effect last as long as your blade is wet

sea survivor

starting at 7th level your swimming speed doubles and you can breath underwater

Sea Senses

When you reach 10th level your senses grow beyond supernatural when it comes to water. You always know which direction will bring you to the nearest body of water and if there will be rain or storm in the next 24 hours. When placing your hand in water you can use an action to roll a wisdom(perception) check to see your surroundings within the body of water ingoring illusions and light level (or water quality) though not perceiving anything outside the pool

watery chi

Starting at 15th level you can use an action to convert a small/amount of water to magic and use it for unique purposes. The amount of drops in the flask is equal to you intelligence modifier you regain all drops on a long rest or if you spend an entire short rest underwater

• You can cover yourself with a drop and change your appearance. This feature is treated the same as the spell disguise self though last until you choose to take it off.

•you can expend 2 drops to regain a use of either second wind or action surge

•you can expend a drop to cast any first level spell or lower spell you know

Weather warrior

Starting at 18th level your connection with the sea becomes undeniable. As an action, you can Cast Control weather once per long rest without concentration.

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