Starchild (3.5e Racial Class)

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Arvandor is a beautiful realm of endless forests and striking mountains. It also has the most beautiful starlit sky of any of the planes. These stars are brimming with magical power and light. They carry within them all things that are loved by the elves. Music, art, magic, dance, elegant swordplay, all of these swirl in the depths of these stars. Sometimes an Eladrin from the Court of the Stars or an elven deity infuse these into those whom they see as having great potential to fight evil. Or as a gift to the children of those who have done great deeds to the Court of the Stars or the elven people. This is nearly almost always done when the child is an infant, but this need not be the case. Upon their 12th birthday a emissary of the court or god will visit them and explain the great gift they have been given. They also impress upon the Starchild an expectation of great deeds. A Starchild is a member of their parents' race and have all the abilities normally granted to them.

Starchildren tend to spend a great deal of time learning music, dance, swordplay and smithing. They most often worship Eilistraee if they are a girl or Corellon Larethian as a boy. They also tend to respect Morwel, the queen of the Court of the Stars. But this is more a matter of a faithful subject to a monarch and not a matter of worship to a god. A Starchild may enter this class at any point after the receive their star, but once entered, the may not leave until they finish the class. Starchildren often become Bladesingers.

Racial Traits

  • Abilities of parents' race
  • Elfblood (counts as an elf for prestigious classes and item usage.)
  • Elven Trance
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer
  • Automatic language: Common and Elven, Bonus language: Sylvan and Celestial

Class Features

Weapon and Armor
  • Longbow, Longsword, Elven Longsword.
  • No armor or shields.
Class Skills

Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes), Listen, Perform (any), Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble

Table: Starchild
Level Hit Dice BAB Fort Ref Will Skill Points CR Special
1st 1d8 +1 +2 +2 +2 (8 + Int mod) x 4 1 +2 Int, Arvandor's Grace, Spellcasting, Watched by the Stars, Elven Longsword
2nd 1d8 +1 +2 +2 +2 - 1 +2 str, +2 Wis, Starlite Blade, Glory of the Divine, Glowing Aura, Knight of the Stars
3rd 2d8 +2 +3 +3 +3 8 + Int mod 2
4th 2d8 +2 +3 +3 +3 - 2 +2 Con, +2 Cha, Star Blessing, Memory of Starlight, Nimbus of Light
5th 3d8 +3 +3 +3 +3 8 + Int mod 2
6th 3d8 +3 +3 +3 +3 - 3 +2 Dex +2, Wis, Starfire, SpellStrike, Holy Radiance
7th 4d8 +4 +4 +4 +4 8 + Int mod 3
8th 4d8 +3 +3 +3 +3 - 3 +2 Dex, +2 Cha, Elegant Strike,
9th 5d8 +5 +4 +4 +4 8 + Int mod 3
10th 5d8 +5 +3 +3 +3 - 3 +2 Str, Aura of Glory
11th 6d8 +6 +5 +5 +5 8 + Int mod 3
12th 7d8 +7 +45 +5 +5 8 + Int mod 3
13th 8d8 +8 +6 +6 +6 8 + Int mod 3
Arvandor's Grace

After reaching adulthood, a Starchild ages at one fourth that of a regular member of their race.

Glory of the Divine (Su)

A Starchild who wears no armor or shield and carries no more than a light load gains a sacred bonus to AC equal to their Charisma bonus (if any).

Watched by the Stars

The Court of the Stars and elven deities take a great interest in those they have blessed. They are particularly mindful of those who may abuse their powers for evil. A Starchild who willingly commits an evil act or becomes evil loses all supernatural class features as well as their spellcasting until they properly atone.

Glowing Aura (Ex)

A Starchild radiates an aura similar to a Cleric of chaotic good alignment equal to their class level. In addition the Starchild's soul glows faintly. This provides shadowy illumination to five feet. Good creatures nearby feel a general sense of warmth and peace, whilst evil creatures feel a sense of unease. This also announces the Starchild's presence, giving them a -5 to hide checks. A Starchild's soul burns with the light of the star in their breast. When they cast a spell or use their Starfire abilities, their eyes glow with the color of this star (any color of the rainbow). Any spell they cast and their Starfire also shines as a torch in this color.

Elven Longsword

A Starchild has an inborn connection to the longsword. This connection helps them know how to create one that is better than those made by the best of smiths. They can attempt to create an exotic version of the longsword with a weaponsmithing dc check of 20 and a market value of 100 gp. A Starchild takes great effort in making the sword a thing of beauty as well as a weapon of war. They take features of other swords to make it even more deadly. The rapier is made to be fast and agile. The scimitar's keen edge cuts deeply. An elven longsword is the same length as a regular longsword, but weighs only two pounds. The blade is only sharpened on one side and curves gracefully back. Someone proficient with a longsword can use the elven longsword without penalty and apply any longsword feats to it. Those with the exotic weapon proficiency elven longsword may also use the weapon finesse feat with it and its crit range is 18-20 instead of 19-20. In addition to the changes to the sword itself, a Starchild gains several other benefits to using an Elven Longsword they crafted themselves. They consider it a light weapon for two weapon fighting penalties. The balance of this weapon is so precise, that those wielding it are counted as having a hand free for feats and features that require them do do so. For example, they could use the deflect arrows feat with an elven longsword in both hands, or a torch in one hand and an elven longsword in the other. A Starchild uses their swords with a flourish that is almost dance like. This allows them to use the sleight of hand skill instead of bluff while feinting. A Starchild may enchant an Elven Longsword they have crafted themselves as if they had the craft magic arms and armor feat.


A Starchild who takes levels as Sorcerer or bard has an expanded spell list to choose from. They can learn any spell from the Bard or Sorcerer spell list. Spells from the fire, sun and glory domain as well as the sanctified spells from the Book of Exalted Deeds are always on any spell list they may have. They can't cast spells with the cold, darkness, evil or necromancy descriptors. A Starchild may cast normally with an elven longsword instead of a free hand, but they must still have any material components and focuses on hand.

Starlite Blade

Once per day, a Starchild may summon forth an elven longsword made of pure starlight as a move action. This blade glows with the color of their star. They blade is a force effect that overcomes damage reduction. The blade functions as a typical eleven longsword and they can use any applicable feats. The blade is especially harmful to undead and evil outsiders who take an extra 1d8 dmg. The blade lasts for a number of rounds equal to their Cha modifier plus their Starchild class levels.

Knight of the Stars

A Starchild may take the Knight of the Stars feat as a bonus feat, but they are under no obligation to do so.

Star Blessing (Su)

A Starchild gains a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls and saving throws while under the night sky (above ground and outside during nighttime).

Memory of Starlight

Starlight is memory, and as old as the universe itself. A Starchild may access the memory stored in their star to use any knowledge skill as if they had 1/2 rank in it.

Nimbus of Light (Su)

A Starchild can cloak them-self in a radiant light that marks them as a servant of the purest ideals. All who look upon them know without a doubt that they are a champion of good and are favored by the power of the Upper Planes. The nimbus may take the form of a cloud surrounding their entire body, or it may appear as beams of light around their head. Good creatures automatically recognize the radiance surrounding them as a sign of their purity and devotion to the powers of good. They gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made when interacting with good creatures. Their radiance sheds light as a common lamp: bright light to a radius of 5 feet and shadowy illumination to 10 feet. They can extinguish this radiance at will and reactivate it again as a free action.

Starfire (Su)

A Starchild may use their Starfire as a spell like-ability at will. This functions just like the spell Ray of Flame except that it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Treat their caster level as one half their total HD, or their Bard/Sorcerer caster level, whichever is higher. Half of the spell's damage is sacred and isn't subject to energy resistance. The sacred nature of the Starfire is especially damaging to undead, evil outsiders and any creature vulnerable to sunlight, dealing 1d8 damage instead of 1d6. The Starchild may use this ability in conjunction with their Spellstrike.


A Starchild learns to cast spells and wield their weapons at the same time. To use this ability, the Starchild must have one hand free (or holding an elven longsword). As a swift action a Starchild may cast any evocation spell that deals damage as part of a standard or full melee attack action and channel the energy into their meele attacks. The channeled spell affects the next target that the Starchild successfully attacks with a weapon (saving throws and spell resistance still apply). Even if the spell normally affects an area or is a ray, it affects only the target of the melee attack. If the spell normally has multiple separate sources of damage, each one applies as a target is hit separately. For example, if burning hands or fireball is cast, only the target struck by the melee attack takes the damage. If the spell were magic missile or scorching ray, the first missile or ray would strike on the first blow, the second on the second blow and so on until the spell is fully discharged. This spell is held as normal until it is discharged, a new spell is cast, or 8 hours has elapsed. Using this ability takes a degree of mental focus. Any round a Starchild uses their Spellstrike ability they take a -2 on attack rolls until their next turn.

Holy Radiance (Su)

At will, as a free action, a Starchild can empower the radiance surrounding them from Nimbus of Light into a blazing glow that sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius (and shadowy illumination out to 20 feet). Undead within 10 feet of them take 1d4 points of damage per round they remain within their halo.

Elegant Strike(EX)

A Starchild is able to place your attacks where they deal greater damage. They apply their Dexterity bonus as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus they may have) with an Elven Longsword. Targets immune to sneak attacks or extra damage from critical hits are immune to an elegant strike.

Aura of Glory(Su)

A Starhild is sure of their abilities and radiate calm. They are immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Good allies within 10 feet of them gain a morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects equal to the Starchild's Charisma bonus.

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