Mesmeric Influence (5e Feat)

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Mesmeric Influence

Prerequisites: Charisma of 14 or above, and Spellcasting ability.
You can push magical power into your voice, making your words compelling to those who hear and understand them. This ability does not work against someone who is currently hostile to you(I.E. on an enemy in combat.). Using this ability, the target must make a wisdom save against your persuasion or deception roll. On a success they become suspicious of your motivations, but you can attempt to mesmerise them again. On a critical success they become aware of your attempt, and can nolonger be mesmerised.On a failure they become Mesmerised, and you gain the following options:

You can use this ability to gain advantage on Persuasion, and Deception rolls You can use this ability to gain a discount of your character level as percentage in trading, This ability can be used three times, plus your charisma modifier, you regain one use per short rest, during which you must spend half an hour practicing enounciation, and all uses upon a long rest,

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