The Forsaken Child (5e Epic Boon)

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The Forsaken Child

From birth, you were destined to walk a lonely path. A path that would lead you to walk alone until the end of time, and even beyond that. A path that leads you to despair, to insanity. You will exit, endure, forever, and you will never escape this wretched curse. Your features are twisted and changed in way you can choose that accurately depicts how empty and soulless you truly are. This boon cannot be removed by any means.


Whenever you die, you are reborn in a time and place within the Material Plane or Shadowfell decided by the DM. You are reborn with all of your memories, levels, and epic boons. Additionally, you no longer age past your race’s point of maturity, and you cannot be aged through any means, magical or otherwise.

Empty Soul

You are classified as both an undead along with whatever your original race was, and have immunity to necrotic, psychic, and poison damage, along with the charmed, petrified, and poisoned conditions. Additionally, you are immune to all forms of curses and diseases, and your soul cannot in any way tampered with, stolen, or destroyed.

Wretched Power

Any damage other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage that you deal automatically becomes necrotic damage, and bypasses resistances and immunities. Additionally, any equipment that you use for more than 1d4 hours becomes twisted by your presence in a way you decide. This change does not effect any of the item’s stats or abilities, only it’s look.

Twisted Mind

You permanently gain a form of longterm or indefinite madness, which cannot be removed in any way. Additionally, your mind cannot be in any way viewed or altered with, and creatures around you can sense your madness, granting you expertise in Intimidation checks.

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