Kinnari (4e Race)

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Flightless bird-people that attract mates with song and battle prowess

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'8"–6'2"
Average Weight: 130–180 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity or Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, choice of 1 other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Endurance
Unstoppable Speed: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Reflex defence and a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against effects that Slow, Immobilize or Restrain
Kinnari Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longspear
Kinnari Battle Dance: You gain the Kinnari Battle Dance racial power

Kinnari Battle Dance Kinnari Racial Power
Your powerful legs carry you across the battlefield with unmatched speed and grace as you strike down foes.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You may shift up to 4 squares. At any point during this shift you may spend a standard action to use an attack power currently available to you.

Play a Kinnari if you want...

  • To be equally fierce and extravagant
  • To play a character motivated by romance
  • To unstoppably race around in battle
  • To be a member of a race that favours the Bard, Monk, Ranger and Warlord classes

Physical Qualities

Kinnari are humanoids that have traits of flightless birds. From the waist down, their bodies are similar to that of an emu, long legs with backward-bending knees and three-toed feet with sharp talons. At the hips they have a covering of soft feathers, a short tail and a small pair of vestigial wings. Kinnari feathers are generally brown or black with some individuals being grey or having white patches. From waist up, their form is elf-like with feathers covering most of the arms and being present on the head in place of hair. Kinnari have similar lifespans to humans, though physically mature at a much faster rate, able to run and keep up with the rest of their tribe merely days after hatching. Typical day-to-day Kinnari clothing consists loose plain robes that don't restrict their movement, very rarely will they wear pants, and generally isn't a problem with other races since their feathers preserve their modesty. Sashes and fur hats are also common choices for Kinnari. When seeking a partner Kinnari will wear much more extravagant outfits, bright patterned cloth with enticing jewellery and a tall pointed crown.

Attitudes and Beliefs

In Kinnari myth, the first Kinnari were divine, angelic beings, a male, Sudhana, and female, Manora. They would fly down to mortal world and entertain the people with their enchanting song and dance, though if they spent too much time there, they would lose their divinity and their ability to fly, so they would only come down for one day at a time. During one of their visits, an evil king captured both of them, wanting them to play their song for him whenever he wanted. Unable to return to the heavens, the two lost their divine status and their wings could no longer carry them to the skies. When the king had them perform for him, they sung a magical lullaby that put the king and all his guards to sleep, they then killed the king with their sharp talons. Sudhana and Manora then decided that they would be safer if they meet only once every five years, so that if one of them were to be captured, the other could come and rescue them. The Kinnari hold the belief that they are descended from Sudhana and Manora and emulate them in various aspects of their lives, being raised to highly value romantic love. Kinnari enjoy physical activity, especially fighting, to a Kinnari, a friendly sparring match and a serious fight to the death are not all that different, a Kinnari will be quite willing to make friends with someone that was moments ago, trying to kill them. Song and dance also are favourite pastimes of the Kinnari, for both practicality and entertainment, dances incorporate fighting techniques and songs meld both themes of love and war. Most Kinnari do not specifically worship any gods, though those that do find resonance with both Sehanine and Kord. Kinnari deeply resent feeling restrained or contained, physically and socially, a Kinnari will become restless without a wide open area to run around in, and certain trappings of society may be found disagreeable, as such Kinnari trend towards chaotic alignments.

Kinnari Communities

Kinnari live in nomadic communities, patrolling across plains, savannas and deserts. Tribes are single-gendered, tribes of opposite gender will meet once each year to form couples and produce offspring. These meetings take the form of mock battles, unpartnered males and females fight each other to display their strength and attract a partner. Raw power, how fancy their movements are, singing and attire are all taken into account when finding partners. Tribes rotate meetings each year, so on average the same two tribes will meet once every 5 years. Generally, Kinnari have a single partner for life and will enjoy having additional mock battles whenever they meet again to see how much each have improved. After partners have chosen each other and eggs have been laid, the tribes will leave each other, taking their respective eggs, lighter green for males and darker green for females.

Kinnari Feats

Heroic Tier Racial Feats
Name Description
Accelerating Avian +1 Speed
Bird's Eye Target Designate a quarry when you draw a weapon
Flock Mentality When you allow an ally to move or shift, you can also move
Improved Battle Dance Shift half your speed when using Kinnari Battle Dance
Kinnari Advance Use an At-Will power instead of a melee basic attack on a charge
Kinnari Valor Song Use your strength instead of constitution for your Virtue of Valor
Opportunistic Ornithurine Don't provoke opportunity attack from foes granting combat advantage
Razor Talons Use monk unarmed strike when neither hand is free
Walkabout Gain the Long Distance Runner and Survivor's Preparation Martial Practices
Paragon Tier Racial Feats
Name Description
Epic Tier Racial Feats
Name Description

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