Template:5e Magic Item

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Revision as of 21:24, 6 February 2021 by Yanied (talk | contribs) (added tier)
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{{{type}}}, {{{rarity}}}

{{{description}}} [[Category:{{{type}}}]]


{{5e Magic Item
|rarity=Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Artifact, or Legendary.  Supports upper case, lower case, and mixed case.
|tier=minor or major, as referenced in the XGtE page 135. If you do not want to include a tier, omit this line.
|type=Weapon, Armor, Wondrous Item, Potion, Wand, Rod, Staff, or Vehicle.  Should be capitalized.
|description= Seeing the peril his people faced, a young dwarf prince came to believe...  Leading text and histroy of the weapon

|subtype=shield, any sword, battleaxe, etc.  This is usually only used for a magic weapon or magic armor; omit it otherwise.
|attunement=E.g., "requires attunement" or "requires attunement by a spellcaster."  If the item doesn't require attunement, omit this line.

|sentience=Used for a sentient magic item. Otherwise, omit this line.
|personality=Used for a sentient magic item. Otherwise, omit this line.

|name=Name for an artifact with random properties. Otherwise, omit this line.
|random=Used for an artifact with random properties. Otherwise, omit this line.
'''First Property.''' First description.

'''Second Property.''' Second description.

|nocat=Any text here in this parameter will prevent the template from categorizing the page.  Unless you know what you are doing, you should definitely omit this entire line. (Delete it.)

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