Gunman Pilot (5e Class)
Gunman Pilot
A Gunman Pilot is a pilot that pilots a Gunman, which is large sized mechanical( or clockwork like machine) creature that operates under the power of "Spiral Energy". Some may originate from underground whilst others may be from the surface. Before something catastrophic happened to the surface world, creatures named "Spiral Beings" used to live on the surface.
Creating a Gunman Pilot
A typical Gunman's design, under the "Digger" role, the Gunman is named "Lagann", and it has it's pilot inside it. |
When making a Gunman Pilot, think about what village you came from, whether you came from underground or from the surface and how long you have been there and what village you were a part of on the surface or are you from before the catastrophe that "Ended the world"?
- Quick Build
You can make a Gunman Pilot quickly by following these suggestions. First, it is recommended to choose the race Spiral Being. Second, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength.
Class Features
As a Gunman Pilot you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Gunman Pilot level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Gunman Pilot level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple Melee and Martial Melee Weapons
Tools: Smith’s tools, Tinker's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Strength
Skills: Any three.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Leather armor
- (a) Commoner clothes or (b) Ragged Clothes
- (a) One Martial Melee Weapon or (b) Two Simple Melee Weapons
- Bag of Holding specifically to hold metal scraps.
- A drill necklace.
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Spiral Power | Features |
1st | +2 | 2 | Spiral Power, Metal Smelling |
2nd | +2 | 4 | Courageous Creations, Spiral Striking |
3rd | +2 | 6 | Spiral Destiny, Unarmored Defense |
4th | +2 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement, Pulverizing Piercing, The Destiny of the Spiral |
5th | +3 | 10 | Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | 12 | Spiral Destiny, Spiral Determination, Gunman Base, Power Saving Mode |
7th | +3 | 14 | Head Hitter |
8th | +3 | 16 | Ability Score Improvement, Spiral Destiny, "The more I look, the more I want to get into that body!" |
9th | +4 | 18 | “Whether impossible or laughable, we continue to walk the path of men!” |
10th | +4 | 20 | "Manly Combining!" |
11th | +4 | 24 | Spiral Destiny |
12th | +4 | 28 | Ability Score Improvement, [[#|]] |
13th | +5 | 32 | [[#|]] |
14th | +5 | 36 | Spiral Destiny |
15th | +5 | 40 | Airless Arrogance |
16th | +5 | 48 | Ability Score Improvement, [[#|]] |
17th | +6 | 56 | [[#|]] |
18th | +6 | 64 | Spiral Destiny |
19th | +6 | 72 | Ability Score Improvement, [[#|]] |
20th | +6 | 80 | [[#|]] |
Spiral Power
Beginning at level 1, an unknown power rises within you, yet even unknown, it will be your key to success. Your amount of Spiral Power will increase with every level. This power will help with features you will achieve later on. You regain all uses of all Spiral Power at the end of a long rest.
Metal Smelling
Continuing at level 1, you gain advantage in Investigation(Intelligence) regarding finding metal, even the smallest particles, but you can easily steal as much as you like, this will be useful for finding metal scraps which can be used for creations of your own, but maybe this sense can be useful for other things along the way! You must roll a 3d100 to see how many pounds of metal you find.
Courageous Creations
Starting at level 2, you have contemplated for a very long time on how to make yourself more powerful, or rather, how to make your arsenal. You can construct your own weapons, being the scraps of metal used equals to how much the weapons would cost in terms of selling, but they must be a based off of Simple Melee and Martial Melee weapons.
Spiral Striking
Continuing at level 2, you can feel your creations become even stronger with every time you use them! Only applying to your creations from the feature "Courageous Creations", you are capable of doing 1d8 piercing of extra damage by the cost of Spiral Power equal to your proficiency bonus, for example, 1d8 for one point, 3d8 for three points, but if your proficiency bonus is 3, then your bonus die maximum is 3d8.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 3rd level, while not wearing armor your AC equals 10 + Intelligence Modifier + Strength Modifier. This is not removed while using shields.
Spiral Destiny
At 3rd level, you chose a Spiral Destiny. Choose between the subclasses listed below, detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 3 and again at level 6, 8, 11, 14 and 18.
Pulverizing Piercing
Starting at 4th level, your creations are growing almost drill like features, including from almost spiraled blades, to maces with drill points on them, even brass knuckles with drills on them. These attributes also allow something else, a more useful purpose, for using 2 Spiral Power, you can attack with all of your creations having the Silvered attribute.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Spiral Determination
At level 6, your eyes begin to glow a glistening green, or red if you are the "Destiny of the Father" subclass, and you may access a way of determination that raises your power to the limit! As a bonus action, you may attack at advantage for free until your next turn arrives. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Intelligence.
Gunman Base
Starting at level 6, you've spent another good while thinking what you could do with all this damn metal, but the drill necklace you have on hand seems to emanate a green glow, and suddenly an idea rushes into your mind, though not a very detailed one, almost only a base, but maybe a little mech named a "Gunman"!
You may now spend 2 long rests or 3 days in campaign time to create the perfect base for a little mechanical wonder of joy, a Gunman! A Gunman is composed of 1,500 pounds of the metal you can find, whether you dig and dig, to finding outside of people's homes, hell, even steal the metal!
The only way the base can be used is by putting your drill necklace inside a slot, which by turning the drill powers the base on, if another creature were to try to use your drill in the base of the Gunman, it would not work. The drill chose you and you alone.
It requires an action to get in or out of the Gunman, but if you get out of the Gunman, it remains on, but stops draining Spiral Points, since it does not move automatically and you cannot control it unless in the cockpit.
Currently, the base stands at a size large, made of metal that has been turned magical after being in your Bag of Holding Specifically for Metal. It is capable of holding only one medium sized creature inside of the cockpit, being you.
The Gunman base has hit points equal to your Intelligence mod x 30.
It has disadvantage on all saving throws, being how it is not very fast, strong or durable.
The base has a movement speed equal to you, cannot jump or swim, and will sink to the bottom of a body of water if submerged, so be carful, it is not waterproof at all, it will fill to the brim with water within a round! It takes 1 point every 5 feet you move inside of the base on land.
The AC of the base is 13 + Intelligence modifier.
The base can attack, being with it's own fists, which deal 2d6 Bludgeoning, as well as being considered your creation, meaning it benefits from your Spiral Striking and Pulverizing Piercing features, which takes 2 points each attack. Your base's hit rolls and damage die are rolled with the base's Strength.
Your base's Dexterity and Constitution are all 10 + your Intelligence modifier, except Strength, which is your Intelligence score + your Intelligence modifier to a max of 25. The base's charisma, wisdom and intelligence each have a score of 10.
The Gunman in general is not a living creature, however it runs on life energy, so it is not an object either. It is immune to being frightened and charmed, however, if you are inside of it, you have advantage against being frightened or charmed, and you can see through the face of your Gunman, which is as transparent as if you were not in it, but outside the Gunman it looks like a metal, featureless face. You are also vulnerable to fire, cold and lightning damage.
You may heal your Gunman with your smithing tools, you may roll an to use the smithing tools, if above a 12, you may roll a Intelligence roll to heal your Gunman, this can be done inside or outside the Gunman.
Power Saving Mode
Continuing at level 6, the Gunman base, as well as every Gunman additions later on are all bound to your Spiral Power. If you run out of power, your mech will go into Power Saving Mode, this will be activated manually or automatically, it will automatically retreat into Power Saving Mode once the Gunman reaches one of these conditions:
Gunman's Hit Points drop below 0.
Your Spiral Power points drop to 0.
One one of these conditions are met, the Gunman's AC drops to 0, and the Gunman becomes unbreakable, however, you take all the damage it takes on whilst still in the powered down Gunman, you must get out of the Gunman as an action.
You are also vulnerable to all damage if you are attacked in your Gunman during Power Saving mode and if your Gunman reaches negative of half of it's maximum health, it will explode, doing 8d10 Force damage to anything within 15 feet of it, anything within that 15 feet must make a Dexterity save or be knocked prone, failure will result in you taking full damage, a success only takes half and you are not knocked prone.
Once the Gunman loses all power, you are ejected by the next turn.
Head Hitter
Beginning at level 7, you can now make any attack roll and damage die using your Intelligence instead of either Dexterity or Strength.
"The more I look, the more I want to get into that body!"
At level 8, you are beginning to realize the current Gunman you pilot may not be the strongest, but it's gonna get a whole lot stronger!
You've collected a lot more metal, but not as much is needed for the creation of the base, 400 pounds of metal to be exact, and you cannot create the new Gunman without the base on hand and in prime condition, it cannot be damaged at all if you wish to upgrade it.
This upgrade has all of the same features from the base, but with some changes to help you, as well as new things to spice it up!
The only way to power this on is still with your drill necklace, nobody else can power it.
It will now take 1 long rest or 2 days in campaign time to make these edits to your mech
The Gunman still counts as size large.
Moving no longer takes as many points, it now costs a point of Spiral Power every 10 feet you move, and your Gunman's movement speed is now double of your own.
Your Gunman has learned to fly! It's flying speed is half of it's movement speed, but it uses double the movement using Spiral Power.
You no longer have disadvantage on all saving throws, and now rolls them normally, yay!
Water is still a problem, however, you can now swim, and it takes 3 whole rounds to fill the Gunman with water instead of instantly, and it costs just as much as flying while swimming, since you are using the thrusters.
Your Gunman now can have it's own weapons, detailed under your subclasses' level 8 feature.
The AC of the Gunman is now 15 + Intelligence
Your Gunman can now lift anything of size huge.
The Gunman can now fit 3 medium sized creatures or 1 size large creature in the cockpit, both being very cramped.
The Gunman's stats are still the same, except now your Gunman benefits from the Head Hitter feature.
You are no longer vulnerable to fire, cold and lightning and are resistant to slashing, bludgeoning and piercing.
“Whether impossible or laughable, we continue to walk the path of men!”
Beginning at level 9, movement in your Gunman does not use points out of combat, and addition to when your Gunman powers down into Power Saving Mode, when you are launched out of the Gunman, you can make 3 attacks at advantage as you fall down towards your enemy, you can only do this once per long rest.
"Manly Combining!"
At level 10, you have realized that maybe being alone while you fight may be an optional thing, in fact, you have had an excellent idea, you have seen that your mech feels like it has another feature to it, something the drill around your neck added without you knowing, you feel like maybe you can combine with other Gunman, or at the very least, other machines!
If you take an action, you can turn your legs into a drill and attempt to combine with a size large or larger construct, magical or not, but the bigger the creature, the harder it is to combine with. Beginning at level large, you can combine with a creature with a DC 15 Intelligence save by you, not your mech, and can be done at advantage if the creature is willing, this DC increases by 5 every size level. You can only combine once per long rest.
When you try to use this action, the legs and arms of the Gunman retract and it looks like a head, once combined with the construct, it begins to take an appearance more similar to your Gunman.
On success, you take control of the creature and it's body, you take all of the features, properties, size, resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities, as well as add it's stats to yours, but the first round you are connected to the new body, everything you do is at disadvantage.
On a fail, you are flung away and your once per day use is wasted until you take another long rest, better luck next time!
If you come in contact with another Gunman pilot and wish to fuse, you can do so by making the DC 15 Intelligence save at advantage for both of you, and when you combine you combine your stats, points and attacks, and you share a turn with your co-pilot, once you both fuse, you both take on an appearance that looks like you have fused the style of the Gunman together.
When fusing with another pilot, the movement speed of the combined Gunman is changed to 70, and the size of the combined Gunman is changed to huge. Everything not listed stays the same to the combined Gunman. You also combine the names of the Gunmen together to create a name for your combination.
Airless Arrogance
Beginning at level 15, your Gunman can now withstand any place that may be devoid of air, including in the depths of water, in maybe another dimension devoid air, hell, even space! As long as it has at least 1 Spiral Power Point, your Gunman and you will be safe, but sadly, you yourself do not have the lung capacity, who needs air anyways?!
Destinies of the Spiral
The Destiny of the Digger
You are one who has lived your life under your village's influences, obsessed with digging holes to grow the size of your village with no question about it, no clear reason other than your ancestors did it before you, nothing more and nothing less, almost as if you were a puppet, bound to a string. One day, something popped into your head, something came clear, it was the idea that you were doing all this for no reason at all, and you felt like you were a person that could do more than just dig.
- The Nose of a digger
Starting at level 3rd level, you feel like you've grown accustom to finding more metals. You can now find double the metal of what you would find normally.
- Spiral Overdrive
Beginning at level 6, when an ally of yours has 0 hit points left, you may go into a strong rage to avenge your fallen ally! When in this rage, it lasts for 5 of your turns, ending right after your 5th. In this rage, you no longer use Spiral Power in any shape or form when doing any sort of action or reaction, these benefits carry over to your Gunman as well. When you are knocked to 0 hit points or below, you get back up, whether you like it or not, and get 2d8 + Gunman Pilot Level's worth of hit points back!
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The Destiny of the Blood Brother
You were never one to take others for your leader, always a strong, independent lad or las who took no crap for anything! As much as you would love to admit how absolutely badass you are, you've been punished for your impudence on multiple occasions by your chieftain, but all that punishment and all those responsibilities will soon come to an end!
- "Believe in the you that I believe in."
By using a bonus action, at level 3, you can inspire your teammates with very motivational words and they take it to heart. For one round, your selected ally gets a plus 1d4 to any saving throw, check rolls, attack rolls and damage rolls. You can only inspire one teammate and a time, since it costs a bonus action to use.
- "Let's see ya grit those teeth!"
Beginning at level 6, your inspiration die increases from 1d4 to 2d4 and lasts for two rounds, but still limited to one target, but you sacrifice 5 hit points in exchange for these increases.
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The Destiny of the Self-Proclaimed King
You're the king of the world baby, and it's yours for the taking! But, you never were one who always did as they were told, always the competitive one, being someone who loves to fight with other people, never really giving up too easily. It's time you used that fighting spirit to benefit your friends!
- Lightking Fast
At level 3, you realize that maybe being a little more quick may help you out a bit? Your movement speed is increased by 10.
- “When you're scared, that's all the more reason to move forward!”
Starting at level 6, in an act of fear and determination, by using 4 Spiral Power, you can run away from an enemy without disengaging and without provoking opportunity attack.
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The Destiny of the Father
You have seen what things nobody would dream of seeing, you have been through the cause of why your people went underground, and you yourself are royalty amongst the Spiral Beings, a king or queen amongst god, though you could have so easily had been born into a village, you would be royalty all the same. Not only may you be royalty amongst the Spiral Beings, but even the monsters of this world.
- Kingly Reputation
Beginning at level 3, you are quite well known by creatures monstrous creatures and animals of all kind in your plain of existence, even if you have not met them, your reputation of being a spiral king or queen has reached them, earning you respect from these kinds of creatures. You have advantage in animal handling and intimidation against monstrous creatures, humanoid monstrous creatures and animals.
- Royal Resilience
Starting at 6th level, your body has become the vessel of true royalty, by using 4 Spiral Points, you can render yourself incapable of being knocked prone as a reaction and become immune to it until your next turn. You also have become immune to rough terrain all together.
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The Destiny of the Daughter
You have always been a caring, kind hearted person who never showed anyone much aggression, you stand as royalty, not as a ruler, but as a child of one, you may be a prince or princess, wanting to show the world how beautiful the Spiral could be, and with your charm, nobody can resist the support you offer!
- Heir to The Throne
Many creatures of humanoid typing think you are attractive, and starting at level 3, will want to protect you, you have advantage only on humanoid creatures while using persuasion, whilst the other humanoid creature, trying to see past your persuasion, being entranced with your attractiveness, will roll at disadvantage, maybe even regarding you as "As handsome as a prince/princess!"
- The Human spirit is infinite!”
At level 6, you are able to heal those around you mentally and physically! You may use 4 Spiral Power to heal your allies or yourself for 2d4 + Intelligence using a bonus action. An added effect is that they feel much calmer.
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Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Gunman Pilot class, you must meet these prerequisites: 14 in Intelligence, must be size medium to large.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Gunman Pilot class, you gain the following proficiencies: Smith’s tools, Tinker's tools
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