Idiot-Proof Pistol (5e Equipment)

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Idiot-Proof Pistol

Simple Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Idiot-Proof Pistol 750gp 1d12 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), Reload (6 shots)

An idiot-proof pistol is a cheaply-manufactured, mass-produced weapon designed to be ultra-rugged and practically impossible to mishandle. It may not be a terribly effective weapon, but you can use it as a bludgeon all you want, or leave it buried in sand for weeks and it'll still work. You may still add half your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with an idiot-proof pistol if you are not proficient with the weapon. Creatures have advantage on ability checks to figure out how an idiot-proof pistol works, and on ability checks to maintain or repair it.

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