Sylvar Moonforge (3.5e NPC)

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Sylvar Lafibrar

CR 100

Male elf wizard 100
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init/Senses +5/Listen +548, Spot {{{spot}}}
AC 98, touch 15, flat-footed 93
hp 800 (100 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +50/+51/+547
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +33 icy blast, fiery blast, lightning blast, sonic blast, epic force, speed, keen, vorpal, brilliant energy, ghost touch, defending moonbeam longsword +87/+87/+82/+77/+72 (1d8+37+3d6 electricity +3d6 fire +3d6 cold +3d6 sonic +3d6 force/17–20, +6d6 elec, fire, cold, sonic, and force) or
Melee +33 defending, spell storing, greater spell storing, epic spell storing, brilliant energy/+33 defending, spell storing, greater spell storing, epic spell storing, brilliant energy quarterstaff +87/+82/+77/+72 (d6+37)
Base Atk/Grp +50/+45/+40/+35/+54
Special Actions summon familiar, generalist wizardry, natural link, longevity, spell mastery (permanency, cone of cold, teleportation circle, foresight, gate, time stop, wish, meteor swarm, greater teleport, telekinesis, fireball, lightning bolt, contact other plane, passwall, greater magic weapon, keen edge, control weather, greater scrying, reverse gravity), darkvision 60ft.
Abilities Str 18, Dex 21, Con 19, Int 1000, Wis 1000, Cha 1000
Feats scribe scroll, eschew materials, craft wondrous item, craft magic arms and armor, brew potion, craft rod, craft wand, forge ring, craft staff, maximize spell, improved counterspell, spell penetration, epic spellcasting, extend spell, empower spell, enlarge spell, craft epic wondrous items, craft epic arms and armor, improved spell capacityx25, quicken spell, still spell, widen spell, silent spell, elf dilettante, intensify spell, arcane substitution, ignore material components, multispell, craft portal, efficient item creation (arms/armor), spell mastery, craft epic rod, craft epic wand, brew epic potion, forge epic ring, scribe epic scroll, craft epic staff, improved metamagicx3, epic leadership, polyglot, leadership, automatic quicken spell, skill focus (spellcraft), additional magic item space (ring).
Possessions As the most powerful being in existence, Sylvar Moonforge can aquire or make any magic item imaginable. He usually carries Avel'Duanis (+33 icy blast, fiery blast, lightning blast, sonic blast, epic force, speed, keen, vorpal, brilliant energy, ghost touch, defending moonbeam longsword), the Starpost (+33 defending, spell storing, greater spell storing, epic spell storing, brilliant energy/+33 defending, spell storing, greater spell storing, epic spell storing, brilliant energy quarterstaff), Cloak of Invisibility, Ring of Life (regeneration 40, true ressurection on wearer freely, needs no air, food, water, imparts longevity, allows these abilities to be transfered as touch spell by the wearer at will), Ring of Epic Spellcasting (cast all nonepic spells known freely and without preparation), Bracers of Armor +50, and Amulet of Epic Spell Resistance (SR 50). Given time to prepare for an adventure, he arms himself appropriately.

Sylvar Lafibrar (meaning "Moonforge" in elven) to is the founder of wizardry. He is well over one hundred and fifty thousand years old, and has trained a long line of tremendously powerful wizards including the legendary prophet, Telenon. He remains the most powerful being in existence; beyond the guardians of Shaae Arabor, beyond the Garrotte, beyond the Black Hands of Shaae Theubaen, beyond the Prophets, beyond the Gatekeepers, beyond the Star Travellers, beyond the Keepers of the Lost Star, beyond the current deities, beyond the gods of old, and beyond even the mighty Onarians, also called the overdeities. He spends his endless life working tirelessly to protect the balance of power and the order of good and freedom across the Seven Worlds. His mighty powers are fueled partly by a spellbook he himself created that is stored within his soul. It can be summoned back to his soul as a free action, and called to his hands as a standard action. This book stores all spells ever created, from levels 0 through 9, and all epic spells. It also serves as his portable library, his atlas, his scroll stock, his diary, and anything else that can be stored in such a book. It has an unlimited supply of pages, and yet never weighs more than one pound. Sylvar can open this book to any page that he wants without having to leaf through hundreds of thousands of spells. He has also forged a ring that allows him to cast any nonepic spell he knows freely and without preparation, giving him tremendous power. He has developed epic spells that can slay a deity at a whim and eradicate an adamantine fortress in a minute. He owns a shop known as the Moon Forge which produces the most powerful magic items in the multiverse. He enjoys dispensing poetic justice upon those he deems deserve it, inventing technological wonders unseen in even the modern age (thanks to his intellect which transcends godhood), calculating the meaning of life (thanks to his wisdom which humbles the Gods of Wisdom themselves), devising new spells, and crafting new magic items. He usually appears as a high elf wizard with silver eyes and hair and dressed in inexpensive robes. The only abnormality of this appearance is his staff, which appears to be a shining column of light and shifting colors.

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