Cosh (5e Equipment)

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simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Knockout 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning, see special 2 lb. (e.g. Light, Finesse, Hidden)

a leather pouch filled with lead shot on a short handle. It is used from surprise to knock the target unconscious rather than as a combat weapon

Special When used to make an attack with advantage, on a hit, the target must make a constitution saving throw equal to 10+Str/Dex bonus (whichever stat was used to make the attack) or fall unconscious for 1D10 minutes. Proficiency with this weapon adds your proficiency bonus to this save DC. In the event of a critical hit, no damage is doubled, instead the target makes this save at disadvantage. This weapon cannot benefit from a critical hit if this special rule was not triggered.

(one vote)

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