Half-Gnome Wereshark (5e Subrace)
Half-Gnome Wereshark
Physical Description
Half-Gnome Wereshark are exactly what they sound like. A Wereshark with a Red gnome hat.
The curse of Wereshark is permanent, because it is intrinsic in their race cause mutations
Thousands of years ago, the city of Corriaux (now Finderplain),a city inhabited by Sorcerers and Necromancer Gnome, was invaded and destroyed by Golem commanded by Drow. The gnomes who lived there were forced to migrate to another place. They chose a far-off swamp, inhabited by ultra-dimensional monsters. Although it was inhabited by these scary monsters, the environment was calm and welcoming. But the swamp was controlled by an obscure magician named Hastur who made experiments on them, crossing their DNA with Weresharks DNA. The result was something horrible and frighteningly strong. Hastur was killed and eaten by the Half-Gnome Wereshark. The Half-Gnome Wereshark could now fight the monsters that inhabited that swamp, creating a society now closed and forgotten by everyone. Over the years their strength has dropped a lot.
Half-Gnome Wereshark live in tribal villages and are not usually very open with other races. When they reach adulthood they must choose a tattoo to represent in wich Order they want to belong: there are six Orders that are distinguished by the activities they do; joining an Order makes sure that every Half-Gnome Wereshark is trained to be useful in the village. The size of the gnome hat indicates how important is a Half-Gnome Wereshark in their society.
Tattoo Ranking
Roll a d6 to choose a tattoo:
d6 | Tattoo |
1 | Skull: +1 Str |
2 | Spider: +1 Dex |
3 | Leaf: +1 Con |
4 | Fire: +1 Int |
5 | River: +1 Wis |
6 | Tribal sign: +1 Cha |
Half-Gnome Wereshark Names
Male: Akmenos, Arakg'nfx, Chugleis, David, Ekemon, Iados, Kairon, Lucyf'e-Uux, Gyiacachoth, Saa-kig, Skamos, Zsarhokrlz
Female: Aggo-cha, Bhat, Elol-rhot, Hos-mosothac, Hubot, K'michazoa, Llothotlo, Gina, Meggyogorua, Phathatlh, So-zs, Ua-sa, Yu'daua
Half-Gnome Wereshark Traits
Half gnome, half wereshark, fully ferocious.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. One ability score of your choice increases by 1 (or you can roll on the Tattoo Ranking table, above).
Age. Half-Gnome Wereshark reach maturity by age 20. Half-Gnome Weresharks can live around 500 years.
Alignment. Half-Gnome Weresharks tend to be chaotic due to their origins.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Chthonic Athlete. You are proficient in the Athletics and Arcana skill.
Swamp Born. You’re acclimated to aquatic environments, and you can breathe underwater.
Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
Muscles Weaponry. Once per turn when you hit with a melee weapon attack, add 1d4 to the damage dealt.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground and underwater, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only shades of gray.
Languages. Common, Gnomish, and Deep Speech
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