Complete Vampire Overhaul (3.5e Template)
Author Notes
For those of you watching this overhaul's progress, this is just my notes so I don't forget stuff. Ignore it.
Erase all explanations of DCs; I don't like how it changes depending on bloodline and category, too complicated. Change all DCs to 10 + 1/2 character level + cha modifier
Get off your lethargic butt and finish the Cruomancer, Spiritualist, and Vampire Hunter classes. Also need to fix Anthotis bloodline and complete the Thrafey and Varseth bloodlines.
Cruomaner and Vampire Hunter classes need more spells.
Haarvenu seems broken, how can I fix it? Urge risk is broken. Revise it.
Fix explanations on holy damage. Sacred damage should count as holy damage as well.
Considering causing large amount of Pure Vampire Blood to spontaneously rise as a Blood Ooze (see Underdark pg 140)
Add effects to Purebloods losing control of their emotions/power. Consider making surrounding air colder (Volkihar) and surroundings becoming darker (Lyrezi)
Considering giving Khulari Bloodine the ability to possess creatures.
If vampires are immune to criticals they are immune to sneak attacks. Put in that they are immune to sneak attacks.
What’s this about?
This is a complete overhaul of vampirism for D&D. There are a few things that you must remember while reading through this overhaul. First, YOU are the DM, YOU decide what to use, change, or ignore as far as your campaigns go. This is just another way of using vampires. Second, anything that does not show up in this overhaul doesn’t mean that I left something out. It means it wasn’t meant to be used. Yes, this means that I omitted vampire spawn not because I thought it was obvious it should already be in here, but because I don’t like the usage of vampire spawn. If you want your campaign to include spawn then go ahead. As far as this overhaul goes though, when a vampire turns someone into a vampire that new vampire has free will with the exception of “Vampire Familiars” (see Overview section). Unless it is specifically stated, the vampire does not have "that" power. As an aside, although a vampire has the “undead” type, do NOT add the undead traits to the vampire. I have changed some things as far as vampires and undead go and I feel that it will be easier to grasp if the only things added to the vampire’s statistics are the contents of this article (Example: Though the vampire’s HD change to d12s, their base attack bonus is NOT ½ their HD. Their base attack bonus is unchanged). Third, there is a massive amount of information here with 19 strains of vampirism (20 if you count the purebloods). This overhaul was set up so that all the info can be used simultaneously, the changes do not have to be used in conjunction with only one of the strains. Any campaign can include all of the strains (or more if you make up your own). Lastly, there are parts of this overhaul that are incomplete, it is a work in progress but there is more than enough information here that it can be used right away (most of it). Some parts need to be revised to fit core 3.5 rules. This is because I was previously using core 2 rules.
This is a complete overhaul of vampirism. While this overhaul still accounts for many of the strengths and weaknesses of core vampires, there are still quite a few differences. The most major of these differences stems from my skewed view of what makes the use of certain powers good or evil. While I will not take the time to list every difference in the notes section of this overhaul, I will take the time to describe certain view points I have so it will be easier to understand why something is the way it is and how it works. Most importantly, when I am the DM, we don’t play be core rules, we play by MY rules. I simply use which rules I like the way they are. I will tweak a rule I partially disagree with so it fits my preferences, and I am infamous for ignoring rules I don’t like and making up my own rule to take their place. My rules are just, fair, balancing, and make way more sense. Don’t like them? Just ask and I’ll see if we can come to an agreement but don’t forget, I’M the DM. I can overrule what I want, when I want, as many times as I want. This isn’t a threat, it’s a promise. Nobody has to follow any of my rules. Feel free to take my material and alter it any way you see fit. Just don’t expect to be happy if you ever play with me as the DM. This overhaul does not require the usage of my customized rules but I think it works better with them. DMs are encouraged to make use of, change, or even ignore anything or everything I post. The descriptions in this overhaul make references to actual stories I have either written or am in the process of writing. This overhaul is based on the history of those story worlds but the history itself is irrelevant to the changes so just ignore the references. If you make an NPC or PC vampire then just give them an appropriate class and level. After that, just add whatever template you want to the vampire.
The following contents contain mass ranting and may not be found suitable for people who don’t like lots of reading. Feel free to skip what you want but it will be easier to understand the overhaul if you read most of my rant.
Positive and Negative Energy
These energies are apart of the elemental chaos for a reason…they are elements. Elements do not have alignment and if they did it would be chaotic neutral. It should be obvious that the elemental chaos is prone to chaos (hence “chaotic). Elements do not have the capacity to make moral decisions (or any decision for that matter) and so they would obvious not be good nor evil (hence “neutral”). This applies to positive and negative energy as well. Positive energy is the stuff of life and so expose to it (in small quantities) can heal all manner of ailments. One could even go as far as to say that a mortal’s soul is connected to the positive energy plane in the same way the undead are connected to the negative energy plane (though I have only just now thought of this possibility and thus, have had little time to explore it). Positive energy is incorrectly considered good aligned because of this. It is no more good or evil as the air you breathe or the dirt you walk on. Negative energy is the stuff of death, without it, all manner of life would continue to exist without end. Death is an essential part of life, dark yes, foreboding certainly, but it is not evil just in the same way that it is not good. It is an essential energy, pure and simple. The usage of negative energy is no more good nor evil then the purpose to which it was used. You want to cast an energy drain spell to stop that ogre from squashing that farmer? By all means, go ahead! You got to show the ogre whose boss and you saved a farmer in the process, good for you. Mindless undead do not have the capacity to make judgments (whether they be law, chaos, neutral, good, or evil). They do not seek and destroy all life that comes across them; they simply follow their instructions. These instructions may very well be evil, but the blame falls upon the one who gave the instructions. If these undead do not have instructions they will wander around endlessly and tend to form packs, but only engage in combat to defend themselves. They will offer no quarter in such cases; the companions (or any concerned bystander) of the one the undead is attacking will normally defend the one being attacked. Since most adventuring, crusading, or whatever…attack most undead on sight, these mindless wanderers can easily be viewed as being inherently evil because they “attacked” the party. With that said, mindless undead are essentially automatons and can be judged for their actions as easily as a car that rolled down a hill and ran someone over. This is not to say that they should be left alone, only that, left alone, they are, for the most part, harmless. Just as they are not inherently evil, the creation of mindless undead is not inherently evil, neither is the creation of intelligent undead that have the capacity for good (or at the very least, neutral). Intelligent undead are another matter. These undead can make judgments as easily as any living being, so they must obviously be held responsible for their actions. Intelligent undead are far more prone to evil for any number of reasons. They might have easier access to inherently corruptive magic, their emotions may be dulled (or in some cases gone) and so they may choose to abandon compassion, mercy, or whatever, they may feel resentment/jealously for the living and this could easily evolve into hatred, they might be hostile toward living creatures solely because the living are usually hostile towards them and they feel they must defend themselves (kinda like racism on both sides right?). Whatever the case, there are intelligent undead that are more prone to evil, but they are not inherently evil. While the ratio may be different from living races, there could easily be just as many good vampires as there are bad ones. I treat mindless undead (Int _) as not having a soul (though imprints of the soul may or may not remain in the form of memory fragments and emotions). The corpse is animated by negative energy alone and the soul of the body's owner has already passed into the afterlife (unless they were trapped or something). This is why I treat the creation of mindless undead as neutral instead of evil. The creation of intelligent undead however is dependent on circumstance, the willingness of the "victim", and the purpose this new undead will serve. Intelligent undead retain their soul so turning an unwilling person into an intelligent undead is always evil.
Undead and Positive/Negative Energy
Positive energy is anathema to undead just as negative energy is to the living. Just like the normal rules, undead in my campaigns are damaged by positive energy abilities (such as a cure spell) and healed by negative energy abilities (such as an inflict spell). Now, since this overhaul allows for vampires to be of any alignment (ever fight a Vampire Paladin?), I had to come up with special rules for turning and rebuking. Normally, good clerics and paladins turn undead and evil ones rebuke them. That is all well and good, but say you have an undead cleric of good alignment…why would an undead attempt to channel positive energy? To put it simply, I do not permit undead of ANY alignment to channel positive energy. I still let them use cure spells, as they are channeling divine energy which simply opens up a conduit to the positive energy plane, but turning pretty much requires direct contact with positive energy on the caster’s part. So, when a creature with the ability to turn undead becomes an undead themselves, they lose the ability to turn and gain the ability to rebuke, regardless of their alignment. Good aligned undead clerics cannot cast Consecrate or Hallow spells but are able to cast their opposites, Desecrate and Unhallow, instead. They receive no penalty or restriction of any kind despite the fact that Desecrate and Unhallow have the Evil descriptor and it is not considered an evil act. An undead paladin’s lay on hands ability heals undead and harms living.
Nerval is a vampire Paladin of lvl 13. His alignment is lawful good (obviously). A Paladin should normally be able to turn undead (provided they are of sufficient level), but Nerval is a vampire, if he tried to channel positive energy, well, lets just say that it would end badly. So, instead of being able to turn undead, Nerval is able to rebuke them. This does not make Nerval a bad person, it just means he is able to channel negative energy.
Experience Bonus
Bloodlines with an inherent class grant a reduction to the experience requirement for gaining levels in that class. When the PC has only one class, reduction to experience requirement is easy to caculate; however, when the character has more than one class, it gets complicated. Example, a Valenthorn, a Half-Elf Ranger, becomes a Whet-Fang vampire, gaining a 10% reduction in the experience required to gain levels in the ranger class. This reduction does not apply to levels already gained, but for levels yet to come. As he only has the ranger class, all the DM has to do is reduce the total experience required for Valenthorn to gain the next level by 10%. Later on, Valenthorn gains the Cleric class. Now the DM has to worry about how to handle the experience reduction, since Valenthorn must gain experience as normal if he wants to gain levels in the Cleric class. The way I handle this is by retracting the experience reduction, making the PC gain levels at a normal experience requirement. When the PC gains a level, they must decide which class to gain a level in. If Valenthorn choose to gain a Cleric level, I would not change his experience in any way. On the other hand, Valenthorn could choose to gain a Ranger level instead. If that was the case, I would grant him an experience gain equal to 10% of the total experience required for him to gain his previous level. So, say Valenthorn needed to gain 10,000 xp to gain a new level (this xp is the total he had to gain, not the total overall xp). If Valenthorn gained a new Ranger level, I would give him an additional 1,000 xp to reflect the xp reduction for his ranger levels. If Valenthorn gained a new Cleric level, I would not change anything and calculate the xp as normal.
Level Adjustment
There are absolutely no differences between the way I treat level adjustment and the way the core rules do. I do, however, have bonus levels. When a character becomes a vampire they will permanently gain levels in all classes they have, including any class they may gain when they become a vampire (see next section). These levels are actual levels, granting the character all the benefits of actually leveling up, including an actual raise in their level (imagine that).
I have recently begun to understand Level Adjustment. I am not fond of it and am unlikely to use it in my campaigns, but balance must be kept. If the house rules cannot provide, than Level Adjustment can.
Category D, LA +2
Category C and E, LA +8
Category B, LA +10
Category A, LA +60
How do your customized rules play into this overhaul?
You mean, other then because I said it does? Like all undead, vampires are connected to the negative energy plane. This doesn’t make them inherently evil. A good character that becomes a vampire does not incur an alignment change. They simply become a vampire. How they act from then on could incur an alignment change and the influences of their vampiric state could play a part, but ultimately it is up to the character to decide on their actions. A good cleric may still lose their status as a cleric but that is up to the individual deity. A deity that revokes a character’s cleric status because that character became a vampire might see all undead as evil, but that is just their opinion (if someone told you that, in their opinion, I was a lazer bear that commanded a horde of radioactive monkeys, would you believe them?) Many of the vampire bloodlines have an inherent class. If a character becomes a vampire of that bloodline, and they do not have this inherent class, then they will gain that class as if they were a multi-class user. Some of these inherent classes are base classes that have more than one sub-type (such as the wizard class). A character who becomes a member of such a bloodline, and does not have the inherent class, will gain the inherent class of their sire (who ALWAYS has the inherent class) as if they were a multi-class user. This is to add some flavor to the idea that a vampire’s powers are derived from their sire’s power. This also ensures that all vampires of any given bloodline have the inherent class of said bloodline (assuming that bloodline has such a class). There is no training required, knowledge of that class is innate. Nobody said that the powers of a vampire were natural.
If you read through this overhaul and the thought pops into your head (this is unbalanced) then fear not, I can handle constructive criticism. Just keep a few things in mind though. One, becoming a vampire means getting more powerful. I don’t want a character to become a vampire that makes them just as threatening as a level 1 fighter with a blessing cast on them. Vampires are stronger, faster, smarter, and all in all, better then their base race. If it is so unbalancing, then make the player’s life harder by throwing stronger opponents and more challenging situations at them instead of wasting both our times with fruitless whining. Two, Category A Vampires (keep on reading) are VERY unbalanced. They are ultra uber powerful. Even the weakest of them has a minimum level of 110 (11 character classes with a +10 bonus level) with a wide range of innate powers and abilities. They are not meant to be played as PCs (though, those who play with me know that I have erratic tendencies and can be persuaded to make an epic enough campaign that having a Pureblood PC wouldn't be unbalancing). They are not meant to be encountered in battle except as the ultimate goal of a high (and I mean HIGH) level campaign. If they are encountered at all, it should be in the most unusual of circumstances and the Category A Vampire is unlikely to be interested in the party without very good cause. Furthermore, since they are not inherently evil, a good party that encounters one may very well find out that the vampire is of good alignment and should not have any reason to fight it (they would probably lose anyway). You might also feel the need to point out that a Pureblood that isn't a child and therefore probably has epic levels in multiple classes is packing power comparable to most deity character sheets (Helm: Fighter lvl 20/Ranger lvl 10/Cleric lvl 10....WTF!?). I am not even going to sugar coat this one. In my opinion, giving a deity a character sheet, with a list of defined levels and limits is not only really cool, but really dumb. I refuse to say that Helm's total level is 40, Helm is a god. Gods don't get levels, they don't get a list of powers with limits as mortals understand them, and they don't get fought in combat. If you fight a god in actual combat, you lose. If you are a god yourself, you might win, but you aren't a PC that's for sure. If anything, the Helm listed in the Faiths and Pantheons book should be the avatar itself, not what the avatar is derived from. With that said, I apparently have a much higher opinion of a deity's power than the official rules. You could be a level 30 everything and still not be tough enough to fight a god. Next thing you know, they are going to give Ao the Overfather a list of defined levels. Now, the party may very well hate the vampire solely because of what the vampire is but as far as I’m concerned that is a stereotype ingrained deep into the minds of the living. Third, though I openly accept constructive criticism, this is dependent on how it is presented to me. Example on how to correctly tell me I did something wrong or otherwise stupid: MrFriendly151 “Yo Fiddle! Good job on the overhaul but you’ve confused a rule with something else. (Proceeds to explain the rule). FiddleSticks96 “Thanks for the input MrFriendly151. I’ll see what I can do to fix it.” See how smoothly that went? Example of how to not tell me I did something wrong or otherwise stupid: MrJerkFace323 “Fiddle. Only a noob would confuse that rule. You’re retarded. Here’s the link so you can fix your mistake.” FiddleSticks96 “Jerk” (Proceeds to delete MrJerkFace323’s message). See how much of a jerk that guy was?
Modern Vampire Lore vs Actual Vampire Lore
I’ve been a vampire buff since before it was cool to like vampires (remember the good ol’ days when someone said “Vampire” and everybody responded by saying “Eww! A GOTH!”?). I am well versed in traditional vampire lore and modern vampire lore. Don’t tell me that vampires aren’t a bunch of emo pretty boys who prance around, falling head over heels for a minor, and sparkle like the tooth fairy. They don’t, and neither do Modern Vampires. My vampires surely don’t do these things either, so don’t worry about it. I simply overhauled vampirism with a more modern sense. They are not soulless, hideous monsters whose sole purpose is to spread chaos and evil (Well, there are always exceptions J). They are more attractive and suave so they can hunt by seduction and hide their true nature. If I felt like going for the traditional vampire then I wouldn’t have had to overhaul them in the first place. And no, I don’t like Twilight and I never will. I respect originality though.
Hey! That is strikingly similar to something I saw somewhere!
I rip things off, plain and simple. From Vampire Knight to Oblivion and Bleach to Hellsing, I have taken, altered, or been inspired by all manner of media. While I rarely rip things off completely, many of my ideas are inspired from the things I read, watch, hear, etc…The Yekef Bloodline is based off of the reapers in the second Blade movie, while Category A Vampires have a power that is strikingly similar (exactly the same) as Alucard’s shadow manipulation from Hellsing. Anyone who has any amount of knowledge in anything related to the Elderscrolls may feel the need to point at that the bloodline names are exactly the same as all the known vampire bloodlines in the series. I know…and I don’t care. I spent many an hour slaving over a hot keyboard to give the dandwiki community something fresh, so I’m not particularly concerned with what you think about me ripping things off. This overhaul is heavily based off of the elderscrolls. If this seems abhorrent to you then all you have to do is not use it or make changes in your campaign as you see fit. Of course, I always give credit where credit is due.
That doesn’t look like it’s finished
Well, that’s probably because it’s not. This is a work-in-progress. I converted to core 3.5 rules halfway through so there are still some references to core 2 stuff like THAC0 (a word many of you haven’t used in 100 years). I am still very knew to core 3.5 and still very used to core 2 so if I say anything weird, that is probably why. I have created a couple classes and a new feat. These classes are Spiritualist (rip off of bleach, no zanpaktous or anything like that, just spiritual powers), Thaumaturgy (rip off of Vampire The Masquerade, I’ve started making this class and have several spells already prepared), and Shadowdash (basically like preternatural speed. This feat was inspired by Luke Valentine from Hellsing and from the idea that a vampire can suddenly appear behind you). There are still various tweaks I need to make but since it’s already so fleshed out I decided it was about time to post it.
Altering the contents
I am more than willing to make alterations to what I have made provided I am given good reason to. If you think something should be changed then let me know and we will discuss it. If you see a grammatical error then just go ahead and fix it. Do NOT make any changes outside of grammatical changes WITHOUT asking me about it first. I know this is a wiki site so this kind of thing is to be expected but I’d prefer to not stroll by one day to find that this overhaul no longer resembles what it did the last time I looked at it.
CR for Category D, same as base creature +1
CR for Category C and E, same as base creature +2
CR for Category B, same as base creature +4
CR for Category A, same as base creature +50
I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention SOMETHING. I do it every time.
This section explains how this overhaul treats vampires as opposed to the traditional view of the undead and procreation. It also adds some role-play fluff that should enhance the vampire experience.
A type of undead that survives by feeding off of the blood/life-force of other entities. The nature of a vampire’s abilities varies depending on which bloodline they belong to as well as other factors such as character class and level. Vampires are darker in nature, innately selfish, and more warlike, but are not innately evil (though they are far more prone to be evil). There are just as many good vampires as there are bad ones. They have a tendency to pursue decadence and finery and vampires who exist outside The Night Kingdom can often be found gaining rank in the local nobility or business world. Vampires have blood-red eyes with reptilian like slits for pupils. Their eyes glow in the dark or when they are hungry. Purebloods do not have whites in their eye. Instead, their iris covers the entire eye with the exception of the pupils. Beings whose eyes are naturally red will have red-orange eyes instead. The general populace, however, sees all vampires as evil abominations to be hunted down and destroyed. When someone is bitten by a vampire and then has vampire blood enter their system they will be infected with a disease known as “Porphyric Hemophilia” (which only humanoids or monstrous humanoids may catch). This disease can be easily cured but it is nearly impossible to notice to those who are not educated in vampire lore. The only warning is that when the victim sleeps they will be plagued with nightmares. After 72 hours, the victim will die. The incubation period may take longer than 72 hours for beings with strong constitutions. In all cases, after death, the victim will rise as a vampire in roughly 7 days. Despite the fact that vampires are undead, they can still sexually reproduce, though it is much harder. The greater the percentage of vampire blood in a person, the harder it is for them to sexually reproduce. It is nearly impossible for a Category A Vampire to have offspring. When someone is turned into a vampire their percentage of vampirism will be half that of their sire to a minimum of 30%. The nature of the disease does not allow for a turned vampire to be less than 30% vampiric and so if the vampirism in a turned vampire would be less than 30% it is automatically enhanced to 30%. When someone is born as a vampire their vampirism percentage will be equal to the combined percentage of their parents divided by 2. This is the only way for vampirism below 30% to exist. The vampiric state will not be added to a being born as a vampire until sometime during their adolescent years. The process of the vampiric state falling upon a natural born vampire is called “awakening”. Until their true nature awakens they are, for the most part, indistinguishable from their base race. They must eat food appropriate to a living member of their base race. There are only a few dissimilarities that can be distinguished. First, the immune system of the unawakened vampire will still be as advanced as it would be if they were awakened but they do not have any regenerative abilities. Second, the unawakend vampire is truly alive, only after they awaken do they become undead. Third, the unawakend vampire is weakened (but not harmed) by sunlight. It is rare to see unawaked Category B Vampires at anything other than home or a social party. Since the Category B Vampires are almost always nobles, it is difficult for commoners to see them anywhere else, as they will be under protection until they can protect themselves. Only the most influential or trusted individuals will ever meet an unawakened pureblood in person. Such purebloods are in constant danger of being kidnapped as bartering chips, or worse. One can be certain that an unawakened pureblood will be under constant protection by their clan’s honor guard. The greater the percentage, the more powerful a vampire is. The difference in power between vampires on opposite ends of the same category is minute but noticeable. This difference in power assumes that both individuals are equal in power before applying their power as a vampire. The only way to be more than 50% vampire is through birth, with the exception of a pureblood that came into existence via The Pact of Unreachable Blood. While this is not true for all vampires, vampires tend to be very territorial and prideful.
Someone who is 72% vampire turns someone into a vampire. The turned vampire will be 36% vampiric. Someone who is 100% vampire turns someone into a vampire. The turned vampire will be 50% vampiric. Someone who is 40% vampire turns someone into a vampire. The turned vampire will be 30% vampiric. Someone is born and their parents are 50% and 100% vampire. When the newborn’s vampiric nature awakens they will be 75% vampire. Someone is born and their parents are 30% vampire and 0% vampire (not vampiric in any way). The newborn will be 15% vampire.
---The Hunger---
Vampires grow hungry for blood in the same manner other beings grow hungry for food but the need is far greater and can overwhelm a vampire, causing them to lapse into a bloodthirsty frenzy if they are not careful. It is their way of surviving. The longer a vampire goes without feeding, the weaker they become. A vampire can feed off of another vampire but the blood will not be as nutritious and the hunger for blood will not be kept at bay for long. The exception to this is the blood of a pureblood, which is not only extremely nutritious as well as keeping the hunger at bay for a longer period of time but will permanently increase a vampire’s power. Vampires lust for a pureblood’s blood more than anything, including their loved ones. A vampire cannot die the true death via starvation. A vampire grows weaker the longer they go without drinking blood. Eventually, the vampire will wither and fall dormant until enough blood enters their system, after which they will awaken and return as normal (though they are likely to be extremely hunger). A starving vampire can be trusted not to bite someone as much as a cornered animal can be trusted not to attack.
---The Beast/Inner Vampire---
Deep down inside, all vampires are animals entirely under the control of their instincts. When a vampire is in grave danger or succumbs to the hunger, they often lose themselves to their “inner vampire”. The vampire will often go berserk, but this is not the only effect it can cause. Vampires, particularly purebloods, may sometimes seemingly have a conversation with their inner vampire as they try to control themselves (though this interaction is almost always a mental one). The inner vampire’s desires are of the purest form and are not easily contained. The inner vampire is not an alternate personality, though when a vampire succumbs to it it may appear as though the vampire’s personality temporarily changed, but a vampire’s true nature. Most vampires love and hate themselves because of their inner vampire. They are in a constant state of existing between the borders of sanity and madness.
"The beast? It's always there. It's wait'n to take over, and when it does, it's like a wild animal wearing your skin, desperate, scared, reckless; it'll do anything to survive and it's you that has to deal with the consequences. The only way to fight the beast is to keep in touch with your humanity and don’t go hungry. It’s a fine line." – Jack
A Bloodline refers to one of the many strains of vampirism. Each bloodline has its own set of strengths, powers, and weaknesses. Though they are referred to as strains, bloodlines are actually just individual aspects of full vampirism. This would mean that the only true vampires are the Category A Vampires. All vampires belong to a particular bloodline with the exception of Category A Vampires. When a vampire is born, they will inherit the bloodline of their most vampiric parent. In the case of having a pureblood for a parent, the bloodline of the non-pureblood vampire will be inherited. If the other parent is not a vampire at all, a random bloodline will be inherited.
A person turned into a vampire is referred to as their maker’s “childe”. A childe is not magically compelled to obey the vampire that turned them, but, in most cases, they obey them anyway.
The vampire who turned someone into a vampire is called that person’s sire. The sire has no special influence over the childe and the childe is not bound to the sire in any way.
This term originally meant a kine in service to a vampire but in modern times it has come to refer specifically to a kine that has lost their will to a pureblood.
To embrace someone means to turn them into a vampire.
---The True Death/Final Death---
Vampires refer to being destroyed as “The True Death”. Vampires cannot die because they are already dead but they can be destroyed and will thereafter be truly dead.
---Pureblood/Category A Vampire---
Someone who is 100% vampire. The same as being 100% Elf or 100% Human. The change into vampirism affects many aspects of the victim, DNA included. There are only two ways a Pureblood can come into existence. The first being birth, the second requires a month long ritual in which someone who is already a vampire must overcome their vampiric instincts. Purebloods are the most powerful of vampires in existence but there are very few of them. Their power is even more fearsome then that of a lich. The highest recorded number of purebloods to exist at the same time is 32 (after the fall of Lamae Bal and her army). Usually, one pureblood (not between just one couple but between the entire pureblood population) is born every 2 to 3 thousand years but there have been cases where more than one is born within that time frame as well as it taking more than 3000 years for one to be born. A pureblood couple that has more than one child within 2000 years is considered exceptionally lucky or blessed by the Vampire's Pantheon. Purebloods posses highly advanced forms of all the powers of all the vampire bloodlines and then some. The powers they posses are enhanced far beyond the comprehension of most beings. This great power is also a great weakness. Purebloods have so much power that their development is exceedingly slow. Before anything, they must first learn to control the vast raw energy that they posses. Purebloods tend to live far longer than most vampires, who generally live not much longer then 600 years (for the lucky ones). It would not be strange for a pureblood to live over 5000 years. This is not to say that vampires may die of old age, indeed, they are already dead. Vampire society is a dangerous place to live. Eventually, someone will destroy you. When a pureblood reaches approximately ten thousand years of age they become a daywalker, though sunlight will still weaken them it will not harm them. When this happens, the pureblood will receive the title of “Ancient”. Those with this title command great respect even amongst the purebloods. There is a high suicide rate amongst purebloods. Suicide also accounts for most deaths amongst purebloods. When someone lives long enough they tend to long for death and because of this, ancients are so rare as to be virtually non-existent. Incest is commonly practiced amongst purebloods in order to keep the bloodline pure. While this may seem bestial to most, a pureblood’s physiology is vastly different from the living races and they use their own incomprehensible logic. There is no risk of genetic defects. Pureblood siblings often genuinely fall in love with each other. This is because pureblood siblings feel a particularly strong bond with each other because their blood shares a special bond with their family that goes beyond being related.
---Pureblood’s Geass---
An innate ability all purebloods posses. This ability allows a pureblood to completely control the actions of any non-pureblood vampire within a given radius. The length of the radius depends on the casters power. The radius is 30ft +10ft per caster level. Even if a vampire is outside this radius, if the pureblood can still see them then they can still control them. The control is limited to physical actions only and the pureblood cannot force the vampire to divulge information (though information could be forced via other means) or to think in a certain way. Vampires with particularly strong wills can resist this geass either partially or completely. This power has no effect on Vampire Familiars. They have no will to begin with; there is nothing there for the Pureblood to control.
A pureblood could force a non-pureblood vampire to move to a certain location or perform an action such as unlocking a door or attacking someone else or themselves but they could not force them to tell them valuable information the pureblood might be looking for.
---The Pact of Unreachable Blood---
The name of the ritual used to turn a non-pureblood vampire into a pureblood vampire. This ritual can only be performed by a pureblood. Once started, failure to successfully complete the ritual results in permanent and incurable insanity and insatiable bloodlust in the vampire. The nature and details of this ritual are a closely guarded secret and the existence of the ritual itself is known by only a few beings outside The Ring of Purebloods.
---Noble Class Vampire/Category B Vampire---
Someone who is anywhere from 70%-99% Vampire. This is the second most powerful level of vampires though they are much weaker then purebloods but more powerful than Category C Vampires. The term “Noble Class” arose in the Night Kingdom as Category B vampires make up the bulk of the Night Kingdom’s aristocracy. Though less common than Category C Vampires, there are roughly ten thousand Category B Vampires as opposed to the pitiful number of Category A vampires. Category B Vampires posses enhanced powers of the bloodline they are from.
---Main Stream Vampire/Category C Vampire---
Someone who is anywhere from 30%-69% vampire. These are the most common of all vampires as well as the most numerable. They number approximately twenty million strong.
---Dhampir/Category D Vampire---
Someone who is anywhere from 1%-29% vampire. Dhampirs are sometimes referred to as Half-Vampires though this would be incorrect since a half-vampire would be 50% vampire. They are the product of a vampire of no more than 59% and a non-vampire. They do not posses the same strengths and weaknesses of vampires and are, for the most part, human (or elf, dwarf, etc…). They are not undead and their race is always that of their non-vampiric parent. They must survive in the same manner of their race, which typically includes eating food as opposed to drinking blood. Despite their mostly human (or other) body they do have some alterations. One or more of their abilities will be enhanced; the number of abilities, which abilities, and the magnitude of the enhancement vary depending on the bloodline the vampire parent belongs to. They also heal faster and live about 4 times as long as their base race. In addition to these enhancements, once a month, a dhampir must feed on living blood and will be burned by sunlight. Dhampirs typically bear a special resentment for vampires, particularly their vampiric parent, because dhampirs are incapable of reproduction. Dhampir’s have been known to disclose the identity of a vampire or the location of a vampire coven to the authorities due to their resentment, because of this, vampires typically avoid mating with non-vampires; on some occasions, a vampire has killed their dhampir child to avoid this from happening. Most dhampirs become vampire hunters.
---Level E/Category E Vampire---
This category is not so much a class of vampire as it is a derogative term used to describe a vampire that has given in to their instincts. Vampires who cannot control their instincts typically “degenerate” into a Category E Vampire unless tamed by another, more powerful vampire. They tend to form packs, traveling from place to place in number in order to more efficiently hunt and for greater protection. They are semi-mindless and as wild as beasts. They usually attack anyone or anything on sight, including other vampires, but excluding other Category E Vampires they have accepted into their “pack”. The fact that this category is placed lower than the category Dhampirs belong to is proof that Level E Vampires are given absolutely no respect by their more civilized peers.
---Vampire Familiar---
A vampire familiar can only be created by a Category A Vampire. Vampire Familiars are people who where turned into a vampire but their maker chose to take their free will away. Vampire Familiars have the same powers, abilities, and cognitive awareness as other Category C Vampires but they are incapable of disobeying, fleeing from, lying to, attacking, or otherwise betray their sire. Unless otherwise told by their sire, the vampire must do everything it can to preserve its own existence unless doing so would endanger their sire. The link between a Vampire Familiar and their sire is unaffected by distance and continues to work even if sire and familiar are on separate planes. At any time, the sire may choose to use the senses of any one vampire familiar to sense everything they are sensing and, if they choose, speak through the familiar. The sire may only use this ability if they are on the same plane as a familiar. A Vampire Familiar will continue to serve their sire until they die the True Death or their sire chooses to return their free will to them. For obvious reasons, Vampire Familiars despise their sire and are unlikely to forgive the wrongs committed to them after they are set free. In most instances, a Vampire Familiar is destroyed by their sire once they feel that the familiar has outlived its usefulness. If their sire is destroyed their free will is automatically returned to them. Other than by the will or destruction of the sire, the only way to break this bond is divine intervention.
The Nature of the Vampire
To say “Vampires are not inherently evil” depends greatly on perspective and how much value one places on desire vs instinct. While vampires have the capacity to be good, their most basic instincts are evil by most standards; after all, Molag Bal created the vampires specifically to spread chaos and evil. This is not to say that they are born evil. They just have more trouble resisting evil then other creatures. Vampires are usually evil (more than 50%). This is in part due to the vampiric culture (if the DM wants a vampiric society to not be evil aligned, this evil tendency can be reduced to often (40-50%)) and in part due to their instincts. A vampire will either embrace or turn from their evil nature (a rare few remain neutral, though soldiers are commonly lawful neutral). In the latter case, the vampire will either struggle for eternity to keep their nature in check or succumb to it and degrade into a Category E Vampire.
What are the commonly shared instincts vampires share despite their base race? The first and most obvious is their hunger for blood. The mere scent of blood can excite a vampire, the taste even more so. A hungry vampire may find that their companions are looking more and more delicious (as a rule, they find someone of the gender they are more attracted to to look more delicious). The vampire may find it hard to resist the urge to feed off their companions, especially if the blood is freely offered. A starving vampire probably won’t even care who they feed off of and will likely want to feed NOW. This is the most basic and overriding instinct a vampire has. Vampires are more warlike then most of the living. They usually prefer bloodshed then peaceful negotiations. They don’t necessarily have shorter tempers, they would just rather fight then talk, but this does not mean they will fight if it would be more advantageous to talk. Vampires are innately selfish (more so then humans), and are often predisposed to debauchery. They may find an opportunity to benefit themselves to be a more obvious choice then benefiting others. Vampires also have more trouble to fight against their desires. None of these instincts define the vampire in question, they are merely the temptations they feel, albeit more strongly then humans feel temptations. A vampire may even be disgusted with their nature and seek to do as much good to off set it. As a rule, the greater the percentage of vampirism in someone, the more they struggle to control their instincts.
When someone becomes a vampire, either through awakening or through the embrace, they must make a DC 20 Will save or have their alignment shift towards Chaotic Evil. This save is made BEFORE the vampire template is added. The change in alignment might affect class features, especially the Cleric and Paladin classes. The new vampire will not want to change alignment if they fail their save. This save can be voluntarily failed, thus allowing the new vampire to freely shift their alignment towards Chaotic Evil as far as they wish, up to becoming Chaotic Evil.
(Lawful Good becomes Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good becomes True Neutral, Chaotic Good becomes Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral becomes Lawful Evil, True Neutral becomes Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral becomes Chaotic Evil, Lawful Evil becomes Neutral Evil, Neutral Evil becomes Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Evil remains the same)
Vampires are often driven by their self-destructive impulses. They aren’t out to destroy themselves, they just don’t always consider the consequences of whatever action they are taking. This too, is one of their most basic instincts. Some sages theorize that these self-destructive impulses are there to keep the vampire population from multiplying to rapidly.
"What does eternal life mean to you guys ANYWAY? It's so...CHEAP in this's just this ORGY of blood and life! It's like you're trying to use up a bar of soap that isn't getting any smaller! Whether you wanted it or not, you BECAME immortal, didn't you?! How can you just throw it away so EASILY?! Don't you think that's a WASTE?!" - Akira Kaburagi Regendorf
“That's what vampires are like. We stampede like crazed stallions, fuelled by our lust and desires...and devour EVERYTHING in sight. Eternal life, too, is just a fuel, after all.” - Alphonse Medici Borgiani
“You people are insane.” – Akira Kaburagi Regendorf
General Changes
This section includes the general changes that are true for all vampires no matter what bloodline or they belong to. To avoid confusion, when something is described as being _% more powerful. it means all statistic for said ability (damage, range, penalties, etc...but not casting time) are increased by the same percentage. So if a fireball is 50% more powerful, it will do 50% more damage. Just as an example. Unless otherwise stated, any ability a vampire has that simulates a spell is treated as having a caster level equal to the vampire's. If the vampire lacks a caster level, their caster level will be treated as being equal to their highest class level. The bonus levels apply only to the classes the being had at the time they became a vampire. If a class is picked up after becoming a vampire, that class will start at level 1 as normal.
When someone is turned into a vampire, their body undergoes a painful transformation over a 3 day period. The specific changes depend upon the bloodline. After the 3 day incubation period the individual will “die” and return as a vampire. While there are many different bloodlines there are a few traits shared amongst all vampires. When someone is turned into a vampire these bonuses will be applied in addition to the bonuses of their respective bloodline. Those who are born as a vampire will not receive any bonuses and are nearly indistinguishable from a living version of their race until their vampiric nature “awakens”. This awakening usually occurs in the vampire’s adolescent years. Unawakened vampires are not harmed by sunlight but are still greatly weakened by it. They can go outside in cloudy weather without much problem. They must eat whatever food their base race requires because they do not yet have fangs. In general, vampires appear to be human (or whatever race they came from) except they are paler and their features are more feral. An experienced vampire hunter can distinguish a vampire from a living being with little effort under normal circumstances. Categories A, B, and D are inherent templates. Category A can still be acquired but again, PCs were not meant to ever be this category of vampire and if they ever are, they will need to be in a high-level campaign to have any sort of challenge.
---Enhanced Physical and Mental Abilities---
- Immunity to the following effects: Sleep, Charm, Poison, Disease, Stunning, Death, Paralysis, Morale, Fear, and System Shock (possible death from tremendous damage (50+))
- Continues to advance in age category over time, gaining the appropriate benefits but does not suffer any penalties. They do not physically age and will not grow more decrepit over time. They will stay the same age when turned. If physical maturity has not yet been reached, the vampire will continue to physically age at a normal rate until physical maturity has been reached
- Positive energy spells such as cure light wounds damages the vampire instead of healing it. Conversely, negative energy spells such as cause light wounds heal the vampire instead of harming it. Since the vampire is undead, attempts to absorb a vampire's hp (such as with a vampiric touch spell) causes damage to the caster rather then healing them. The vampire also heals hp equal to the amount that they would have been damaged by but this healing cannot heal damage caused by holy or anti-vampiric magic and neither can negative energy spells such as cause light wounds
- Gain a claw attack as a natural weapon that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2+1, Tiny 1d3+2, Small 1d4+3, Medium 1d6+4, Large 1d8+6, Huge 2d6+8, Gargantuan 2d8+10, Colossal 4d6+14). Unless the base creature has a stronger natural weapon, its claws become its primary natural weapon
- Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a vampire’s slam attack (or any other natura weapon the vampire might possess) gain two negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points. A vampire can use its energy drain ability once per round.
- May use Vampiric Touch at will. This healing cannot heal damage caused by holy or anti-vampiric magic. This is a supernatural ability
- Low-light vision
- Learn at an accelerated rate. Minds are much sharper and pick up on new ideas quicker. The vampire gains an extra 4 skill points per level
- After 1 week, a vampire’s bones will strengthen to the point that they do not incur fall damage.
- No matter how much they might appear to be human (or elf, dwarf, etc…) a vampire is still undead and therefore does not need to breathe. They are still able to breath, but the lack of air will not affect them (though in a vacuum or underwater it would be impossible to speak or cast any spell with a verbal component). Vampires do not actively breath and must consciously do so if they want to speak or cast a spell with a verbal component (no air in the lungs = no talking). It only takes about 1 or 2 days for a vampire to get used to having to consciously breathe to speak until it becomes habitual and they no longer have to think about it. The air they exhale is not altered in any way from when they inhaled it (they have no oxygenation process). A vampire does not contribute to dwindling oxygen supplies (beings that would suffocate do not have to worry about the vampire taking up oxygen). Do not count the vampire when you are determining how much time an area has before the air supply is insufficient
- A vampire's heart does not stop beating and so they retain a pulse and body warmth (most of them). Their body will be a lower temperature then a living member of their base race but it won't be icy cold like some vampire lore suggests (the exceptions being if the vampire is a volkihar vampire or if the base race is naturally icy cold). The change in body temperature (again, unless they are a volkihar vampire) is noticeable but not suspicious in and of itself (the change is not significant enough). Since they retain a heartbeat and pulse, they are not immune to attacks that cause bleeding. The actual loss of blood will not harm them; though, if they lose enough blood they will grow hungry. Vampires do not incur bleeding damage but the attack that caused the bleeding still harms them
- Vampires may use a preternatural stillness when stationary that grants them a 20% concealment bonus while Hiding
- As an undead creature, vampires have no constitution score. All checks that require a constitution score will use the charisma score instead. The vampire’s constitution score will be treated as +0 (nonability). Immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect works on objects or is harmless. Immune to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain, and automatically fails Constitution checks. Vampires still tire but at only half the rate of the base creature (non-lethal damage is halved when it comes from natural sources, such as running). Vampires heal non-lethal damage at twice the normal rate (2 points per hour per class level. Magical healing, such as cause light wounds, will heal the same amount in non-lethal damage. the vampire's regenerative abilities do not cure non-lethal damage)
- Gain the Scent ability
- A vampire who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if they were actively looking for it
- Vampires can "smell" fear in the living. When the vampire is observing a living creature, they are able to detect how afraid it is (shaken, frightened, panicked)
- Feats: Vampires gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Run, and Lightning Reflexes, regardless of whether or not they meet the prerequisites
---Category C Vampires---
- +1 to all class levels
- Str increased to 19. If Str is equal to or higher than 16 Str will be increased by +4
- +4 to Dex, Cha
- +2 to Int, Wis
- +6 bonus to natural armor
- +25 total hp
- Gain Bite attack, as a secondary natural weapon, that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1, Tiny 1d2, Small 1d3, Medium 1d4, Large 1d6, Huge 1d8, Gargantuan 2d6, Colossal 2d8). This attack gains a +5 bonus to attack rolls
- May jump twice as far (To jump 10ft the DC is 5 rather than 10. To jump 15ft the DC is 8 (7-12) rather than 15. To jump 20ft the DC is 10 rather than 20. etc...). In addition, the vampire does not need to make a running start to jump as far as a normal creature could. If the vampire makes a running start, they may jump twice as far again (4 times as far). (Example, if the vampire makes a running start, they may jump 20ft at DC 5 instead of DC 10). The DC for any other action that requires a jump check is reduced in the same manner (divided by 2, divided by 4 if a running start for said action reduces DC and was made).
- Base Land Speed increases by 50%
- Darkvision up to 60ft (if the base creature already has darkvision then increase the range by 30ft. If the new Darkvision would be less than 60ft, than increase it to 60ft as normal)
- Can pick up the scent of blood with the Scent ability at twice the normal range
- Damage Reduction 5/(holy, +1, fire, anti-vampiric)
- Natural weapons are treated as +1 magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- All HD become D12. If already equal to or greater then D12 then there is no adj
- If an HD roll is less than 4, then it will be treated as 4
- +2 spell slots for all spell levels. This applies to both mage and cleric spells.
- Skills: Vampires have a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.
- Unnatural Presence (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of the vampire at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and become frightened if forced to do so; they remain frightened as long as they are within that range. In general, fey folk such as pixies, nymphs, etc… and other guardians of forests such as unicorns are intolerant of intelligent undead (as they often represent the worst of the unnatural). They are likely to drive the vampire off but if the vampire can prove it is genuinely not a threat then they will tolerate its existence. All encounters with fairy folk are made with a –5 penalty to Charisma checks and a –2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and the fairy folk are treated as being unfriendly towards the vampire. If the vampire successfully persuades the fairies that they are not a threat then the fairies will be treated as being indifferent towards the vampire.
- Challenge Rating, same as base creature +2
---Category B Vampires---
- +3 to all class levels
- Str increased to 21. If their strength is already equal to or higher than 16 Str will be increased by +6.
- +6 to Dex and Cha. With few exceptions, Category B Vampires are physically attractive
- +4 to Int and Wis
- +8 bonus to natural armor
- +50 total hp
- Gain Bite attack, as a secondary natural weapon, that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2, Tiny 1d3, Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8, Huge 2d6, Gargantuan 2d8, Colossal 4d6). This attack gains a +10 bonus to attack rolls
- May jump tree times as far (To jump 10ft the DC is 3 (2-1/2) rather than 10. To jump 15ft the DC is 5 rather than 15. To jump 20ft the DC is 7 (6-2/3) rather than 20. etc...). In addition, the vampire does not need to make a running start to jump as far as a normal creature could. If the vampire makes a running start, they may jump twice as far again (6 times as far). (Example, if the vampire makes a running start, they may jump 20ft at DC 4 (3-1/3) instead of DC 7). The DC for any other action that requires a jump check is reduced in the same manner (divided by 3, divided by 6 if a running start for said action reduces DC and was made).
- Base Land Speed increases by 100%
- Double range for the Scent ability
- Can pick up the scent of blood with the Scent ability at quadruple the normal range
- Damage Reduction 10/(holy, +3, fire, anti-vampiric)
- Natural weapons are treated as +3 magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- All HD become D12. If already equal to or greater then D12 then there is no adj
- If an HD roll is less than 8 then the result will be treated as 8
- Darkvision up to 120 ft (if the base creature already has darkvision then increase the range by 60ft. If the new Darkvision would be less than 120ft, than increase it to 120ft as normal)
- Gain the feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover
- +4 spell slots for all spell levels. This applies to both mage and cleric spells.
- Cannot be turned or rebuked. If a turn roll would successfully turn the vampire, the vampire will suffer holy damage equal to half the caster’s level. If a turn roll would successfully destroy the vampire, then the vampire will suffer holy damage equal to the caster’s level. (this is in addition to damage normally taken)
- +30% resistance to disruption
- Skills: +12 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.
- Lifesense (Su): The vampire notices and locates living creatures within 30 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. The vampire must concentrate to use this ability. While this ability is active, the vampire is never caught flat-footed or surprised by living creatures
- Unnatural Presence (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of the vampire at a distance of 40 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and become frightened if forced to do so; they remain frightened as long as they are within that range. In general, fey folk such as pixies, nymphs, etc… and other guardians of forests such as unicorns are intolerant of intelligent undead (as they often represent the worst of the unnatural). They are likely to drive the vampire off but if the vampire can prove it is genuinely not a threat then they will tolerate its existence. All encounters with fairy folk are made with a –8 penalty to Charisma checks and a –3 penalty on Diplomacy checks and the fairy folk are treated as being hostile towards the vampire. If the vampire successfully persuades the fairies that they are not a threat then the fairies will be treated as being unfriendly towards the vampire.
- Memory Blank (SuP): By touching a living creature, the vampire may alter the victim’s memory. This ability works in the same manner as the Modify Memory spell except as noted here. The victim suffers a –5 penalty to their will save and the vampire may alter +1 minutes of memory per caster level.
- Challenge Rating, same as base creature +4
---Category A Vampires---
- +10 to all class levels
- Str increased to 35. If equal to or higher than 26 there will be a +10 bonus instead
- +15 to Int and Wis
- +20 to Dex
- +40 bonus to Natural Armor
- +250 total hp
- Gain Bite attack, as a secondary natural weapon, that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1d2, Diminutive 1d3, Tiny 1d4, Small 1d6, Medium 1d8, Large 2d6, Huge 2d8, Gargantuan 4d6, Colossal 4d8) and the target must make a Fortitude save or suffer 1 point of Constitution Damage. This attack gains a +15 bonus to attack rolls
- All the vampire’s natural weapons deal an additional 1d4 Vile Damage (at the vampire’s option, they may choose not to deal vile damage when using their natural attacks by suppressing the unholy powers coursing through their being. This also suppresses the +1 vile damage the vampire deals with the Vile Natural Attack feat)
- May jump four times as far (To jump 10ft the DC is 3 (2-1/2) rather than 10. To jump 15ft the DC is 4 (3-3/4) rather than 15. To jump 20ft the DC is 5 rather than 20. etc...). In addition, the vampire does not need to make a running start to jump as far as a normal creature could. If the vampire makes a running start, they may jump twice as far again (8 times as far). (Example, if the vampire makes a running start, they may jump 20ft at DC 3 (2-1/2) instead of DC 5). The DC for any other action that requires a jump check is reduced in the same manner (divided by 4, divided by 8 if a running start for said action reduces DC and was made).
- Base Land Speed increases by 300%
- 5x range for the Scent ability
- Can pick up the scent of blood with the Scent ability at ten times the normal range
- Damage Reduction 30/(holy, epic and good, anti-vampiric)
- Natural weapons are treated as epic and evil weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- All HD become D20. If already equal to or greater than D20 then there is no adj. Max hp are gained per level
- Darkvision up to 500ft (if the base creature already has darkvision than increase the range by 250ft. If the new Darkvision would be less than 500ft, than increase it to 500ft as normal)
- Gain the feats: Flyby Attack, Hover, Irresistible Gaze, Improved Flyby Attack, Pervasive Gaze, Piercing Gaze, Vile Natural Attack (this is in addition to the 1d4 Vile Damage they normally do with their natural attacks), Wingover, Corrupt Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psi-Like/Supernatural Psionic Ability (2) (this works like Corrupt Spell-Like ability in all regards except that it can be applied to Supernatural, Psi-Like, and Supernatural Psionic abilities as well), Violate Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psi-Like/Supernatural Psionic Ability (2), Quicken Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psi-Like/Supernatural Psionic Ability (2), Boost Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psi-Like/Supernatural Psionic Ability (2), Empower Spell-Like/Supernatural/Psi-Like/Supernatural Psionic Ability (2), Wingstorm (Due to a Pureblood’s great strength and powerful wings, even pureblood’s of medium size or smaller still gain this ability. A pureblood uses this ability as if they were 2 size categories larger to a minimum size of Large. Example, Medium sized purebloods use it as if they were Huge, Large sized purebloods use it as if they were Gargantuan, Diminutive sized purebloods use it as if they were Large)
- Double spell slots for all spell levels. If the increase would be less than 10 than instead of doubling the number of slots there will be a +10 to the number of spell slots for that spell level. This applies to both mage and cleric spells and is reapplied each time the vampire gains new spell slots (the vampire does NOT receive an additional 10 slots, when they gain new slots, remove the 10 bonus slots they have, if their base slots are 11 or higher, double the slots and do NOT apply the 10 bonus slots, this is calculated for each spell level for each spellcasting class).
- Cannot be turned or rebuked. If a turn roll would successfully turn the vampire, the vampire will suffer holy damage equal to the caster’s level (this accounts for the purebloods double weakness to holy damage, do not double this damage). If a turn roll would successfully destroy the vampire, then the vampire will suffer holy damage equal to twice caster’s level (this accounts for the purebloods double weakness to holy damage, do not double this damage). (this is in addition to damage normally taken)
- Without exception, Category A Vampires are extremely attractive and have a natural suave and charm. This allows them to easily hunt by seduction. Cha set to 35. If Cha is equal to or higher than 26, there will be a +10 bonus instead
- Immune to polymorph, petrification, and other form-altering attacks
- Always under the effects of True Seeing and Tongues (both at caster level 20)
- Resistant to detection. The vampire is treated as always being under the effects of a nondetection spell of a caster level equal to the vampire’s
- Skills: +20 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.
- Immune system is extremely advanced. Magical/Supernatural poisons or diseases (such as mummy rot) do not affect the vampire unless otherwise stated by the DM. Foreign objects are ejected from the body (such as a pole). Any foreign substance that enters the vampire’s body is virtually instantly eradicated, leaving behind no trace.
- "They have an extraordinary immune response. Anything that penetrates the cell membrane; chemical, biological, technological, it’s all instantly destroyed."
- Lifesense (Su): The vampire notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet, just as if it possessed the blindsight ability. It also senses the strength of their life force automatically, as if it had cast deathwatch. The vampire also notices undead within 60 feet in the same manner but since undead have no life force the vampire cannot determine how close they are to being destroyed. The vampire must concentrate to use this ability. While this ability is active, the vampire is never caught flat-footed or surprised by living or undead creatures
- Unnatural Presence (Su): Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of the vampire at a distance of 90 feet. They will not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain panicked as long as they are within that range. They may detect the vampire for an additional 30 feet beyond the first 90. While they are within that range, they will be shaken. They will never willingly track the vampire. In general, fey folk such as pixies, nymphs, etc…and other guardians of forests such as unicorns are intolerant of intelligent undead (as they often represent the worst of the unnatural). A Pureblood’s presence is so unnatural that fairy folk and guardians such as unicorns are treated as always being hostile towards the vampire and will attack them on sight. They will flee if they don’t think they can win but will do their best to drive the vampire off. Purebloods automatically fail any Charisma, Diplomacy, or other social checks when dealing with fairy folk; they will not even hear what the vampire has to say. If the vampire wishes to deal with fairy folk they must use their servants as mediators as the fairies despise the pureblood’s very existence.
- Negative Energy Beacon (Ex): In many ways, the vampire is a beacon of negative energy. Casters that attempt to absorb hp from the vampire suffer double damage and gain 2 negative energy levels. The vampire also resists positive energy by 50% and their claw attack deals 4 negative energy levels rather then 2. Due to this intense connection to the negative energy plane, the vampire may use Enervation and Energy Drain at will as supernatural abilities. The vampire heals as many hp as the target lost due to the level loss. If the hp would go over the vampire’s total then the extra hp are treated as temporary hp that will go away in 1hr. This ability cannot be used to heal damage caused by anti-vampire magic. While the vampire cannot be disrupted (the connection to the negative energy plane is too strong), weapons with disruption cause triple damage (rather than double) to the vampire.
- Anathemic Turning (Ex): The powerful energies within the vampire are too potent to be turned by any cleric, no matter how powerful. Any cleric attempting to turn the vampire will sense this power even as they raise their holy symbol. The vampire must first resist their turning attempt (as Resistance to Turning) as if they were an undead with HD equal to half their own (The vampire is immune to turning/rebuking, if they fail the resistance, nothing happens). If the vampire is successful, they can then make an opposed Will check against the turning cleric. Success indicates the turning is reversed, causing the cleric’s holy symbol to blacken (losing its potency as a holy symbol, becoming nothing more than a useless object with a faint evil aura) and the cleric to suffer 3d8 points of unholy damage (Will save for half). If the vampire rolls a natural 20, their powerful will shatters the cleric’s holy symbol, causing him to suffer 8d8 points of unholy damage and stunning him for 2d4 rounds. He also loses 2d4 of his remaining turning attempts for the day.
- Memory Blank (SuP): By touching a living creature, the vampire may alter the victim’s memory. This ability works in the same manner as the Modify Memory spell except as noted here. The victim suffers a –10 penalty to their will save and the vampire may alter +2 minutes of memory per caster level.
- Enhanced Children (Ex): Any creature turned into a vampire by the Category A Vampire gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its Strength and Dexterity. It also gains 1 extra hit point per HD. If the Pureblood is destroyed, the vampire loses this enchantment bonus.
- Pureblood’s Chosen (Ex): A Category A Vampire may designate a single Category B or lower vampire of its choice as its chosen (note: a vampire familiar not under the control of the Category A Vampire may not benefit from this ability). Doing so requires a 1-hour ritual during which the chosen must consume a small portion of the Pureblood’s flesh. The chosen gains a +6 enchantment bonus to its Strength and Dexterity scores. It also gains 3 extra hit points per HD. The Pureblood can remove this designation as a standard action. If the Pureblood is destroyed, the vampire loses this enchantment bonus. This bonus does not stack with Enhanced Children.
- Unholy Grace (Ex): The vampire adds its Charisma modifier as a bonus to all its saves and as a deflection bonus to its armor class.
- Challenge Rating, same as base creature +20
---Slowed development (Category A only)---
Category A Vampires have so much power that it is a weakness in and of itself. Having 8 classes, at minimum, means gaining levels can often take far longer. These vampires also command a vast amount of raw power, further hampering their control over their powers. The first 5 levels a pureblood gains in any of their starting classes (outside of the level bonus upon their “awakening”) are negated. What this means is that when the pureblood would go from a level 10 ranger to a level 11 ranger their experience points for their ranger class is reset to the minimum for level 10 and they do not gain any benefits. The vampire must then go from a level 10 ranger to a level 11 ranger 4 more times before they can actually make progress with their ranger class. All 8 of the pureblood’s starting classes must get past this 5 level negation individually so when the pureblood “gains” a level in the shadowcaster class their ranger class must still “gain” 5 levels before it can truly advance. In addition, all experience requirements for the pureblood’s 8 starting classes are increased by 25%. This increased experience requirement includes the 5 levels that would be negated, and continues to persist for the rest of the pureblood’s existence.
---Unawakened Status---
Natural born vampires are truly one of the most peculiar creatures in existence. As if the mere fact that an undead creature is capable of having children wasn’t hard enough to accept, these same children are naturally undead. The child vampire does not have fangs, is not undead, and is not harmed by anti-vampire magic, holy magic/objects, or any of the other things that normally harm or hamper vampires. They must eat food appropriate to their base race and still retain their sense of taste until they awaken and they have a constitution score (as they are not yet undead). Unawakend vampires are treated as being a living member of their base race and do not gain any of the vampire templates or powers. They do, however, gain certain benefits/drawbacks by sheer force of their unnatural birth. First, their immune systems are just as advanced as a vampire of the category they belong to. Second, they are weakened, but not harmed, by sunlight. Third, they are hardier than normal. During cloudy or otherwise overcast weather, the unawakened vampire is not weakened by sunlight (the exception to this rule is unawaked Category A Vampires). An unawakened Category C Vampire suffers 1d4 nonlethal damage every hour they are exposed to sunlight. If this nonlethal damage exceeds their hp they will fall unconscious but will not suffer lethal damage. If they look up into the sky they will become Sickened for 1hr and suffer 2 nonlethal damage. Unawakened Category B Vampires suffer 2d4 nonlethal damage every half hour they are exposed to sunlight and are Sickened for as long as they are exposed to sunlight. If this nonlethal damage exceeds their hp they will fall unconscious and suffer 1 lethal damage every hr. If they look up into the sky they become Nauseated for 2hrs, become Dazzled for 1d4 minutes, and suffer 4 nonlethal damage. An unawakened Category A Vampire suffers 3d6 nonlethal damage every 10 minutes they are exposed to sunlight, suffer a –4 penalty to Str and Dex checks, and are Nauseated for as long as they are exposed to sunlight and for 1d4hrs after they leave the sunlight. If this nonlethal damage exceeds their hp they will fall unconscious and suffer 1 lethal damage every 30 minutes. If they look up in the sky they immediately lose consciousness and suffer 1 lethal damage and when (if) they regain consciousness they will be Blinded for 1d4 hrs. Unawaked Category A Vampires are still weakened by sunlight even if it is cloudy or otherwise overcast weather. While they are exposed to overcast sunlight they will only suffer half nonlethal damage and be Sickened rather then Nauseated; though they will become Nauseated for 2hrs if they look up into the sky and suffer 1d6 nonlethal damage. They will not suffer lethal damage from overcast sunlight even if they lose consciousness. Unawakened Category A Vampires still have an aversion to good holy symbols, holy grounds, or otherwise holy objects/sights. They will not; however, be harmed by them. Unawakened Category C Vampires gain a +2 Con bonus, +3 to Fort saves, and +5hp (these effects go away after they awaken, being replaced by the vampire template). Unawakened Category B Vampires gain a +4 Con bonus, +6 to Fort saves, and +10hp (just as for category c, these effects go away after they awaken, being replaced by the vampire template). Unawakened Category A Vampires gain a +8 Con bonus, +12 to Fort saves, and +20 hp (ditto). It is impossible to discern which category an unawakened vampire belongs to outside of these differing magnitudes of weakness. Of course, if one were to be told what category the child belongs to it becomes much clearer (assuming you believe what you hear). Child vampires belonging to noble families will often be wearing their family crest or some other distinguishing object, and likely be accompanied by guards and attendants who are clearly servants to nobles. Such things make this discernment much simpler. Their vampiric nature "awakens" sometime during their adolescent years, though there are instances of a natural born vampire's instincts awakening as early as 9 years old (or a comparable state of physical maturity, it depends on the growth rate of the base race).
"It is said that the reason natural born vampires start off being the same as the living, is so that vampire will eternally remember what it can never have." - Aldur Vermoth
Arklicite is a metal created by Arkay, Zenithar, and Kynerath. This metal was given to mortals so that they could stand up to the vampiric threat long ago. It is specially made to fight vampires and thus, this metal is a bane to any vampire. This metal is malleable and slightly stronger than steel. Due to the magical nature of Arklicite, any weapon or armor made of it receives a +1 enchantment. A weapon made of Arklicite automatically gains Vampire Bane as an enchantment. An armor forged from Arklicite acts in a similar manner but, instead of dealing damage (armor doesn’t deal damage…usually), the user receives a damage reduction of 5/- when the source of the damage is a vampire. Arklicite bears a special affinity for anti-vampire magic. An Arklicite weapon enchanted with anti-vampire magic deals an additional 2d6 damage to vampires (on top of the 2d6 from Vampire Bane, totaling in an extra 4f6 damage). This is in addition to the benefits granted by the anti-vampire magic. Arklicite armor enchanted with anti-vampire magic grants the user a damage reduction of 10/- when the source of the damage is a vampire. All damage dealt by Arklicite is treated as anti-vampiric damage. Any weapon made out of arklicite deals only 1 damage when the target is not a vampire regardless of damage modifiers.
---Shadow Dash---
This is not an ability that all vampires share; instead, it is an ability that all vampires have the potential to learn. This can be thought as a list of feats rather then just one feat but since the mechanics behind them are similar, I have listed it as a feat that can be gained multiple times. Once you read it you will understand.
- Shadowdash [General]
- You can move at preternatural speeds and use it in conjunction with your undead nature. This is more a list of feats that are related to each other and not a feat itself.
- Prerequisite: Must be a vampire. Minimum level depending on which benefit is selected (if the vampire has multiple classes, use the highest class level). Dexterity must be at least 18. Other restrictions depended on which benefit is selected.
- Benefit: There are multiple benefits that may be acquired by this feat. Only one benefit may be selected each time this feat is gained. The list of benefits are as follows:
- Preternatural Speed: No level restriction. You move with incredible speed. Your Base Land Speed increases by 100%. This increase stacks with the vampire’s innate speed bonus.
- Hidden Step: Minimum Character Level 3. You may take a swift action to appear directly behind a non-moving, living target of medium size or smaller. The target must be within 30ft of you and must be in your line of sight. If there is no room behind the target then you may not use this ability on them. The use of this power causes you to suffer 1d4 points of non-lethal damage.
- Mortis Shield I: Minimum Character Level 4. You may flex and relax your muscles with inhumane speeds, causing small vibrations to surround your body that deflect damage. Once every minute (10 rounds), you may use this power as an immediate action to gain Damage Reduction 5/anti-vampiric for 1 round. This damage reduction stacks with the vampire’s innate damage reduction but not any other damage reduction. If a damage reduction other than the vampire’s innate damage reduction is present, use whichever of the two is higher. The use of this power causes you to suffer 1d4 points of non-lethal damage.
- Shadow Step: Minimum Character Level 5. As a creature of the night, you may trail the shadows. Once per round as a move action, you may slip through the shadows to change locations. This power functions as a Dimension Door spell except as noted here. It is a Supernatural ability and you may only move up to 60 feet. The use of this power causes you to suffer 2d6 non-lethal damage.
- Shadowdash I: Minimum Character Level 6. Must have Preternatural Speed. Using your vampiric powers, you can move at blinding speeds. Once per round as a swift action, you may move at double movement rate (land, flying, swimming, or whatever) for 1 round. During that round, you may not be targeted by ranged attacks by beings without the Precise Shot feat or whose base attack bonus is less than +6. You may perform actions other than move actions during that round but once you do, the power ends. You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls during that round. The use of this power causes you to suffer 2d6 points of non-lethal damage. You may appear to be a blur to observers. Observers whose movement rate is equal to or greater than your own during that round see you normally.
- Shadow Strike: Minimum Character Level 7. Must have Shadowdash I. If you have this power, you may perform attack actions during the round you use Shadowdash I.
- Mortis Shield II: Minimum Character Level 8. Must have Mortis Shield I. You may vibrate your muscles at a much faster and longer rate. This ability is used in the same way as Mortis Shield I but lasts for 4 rounds and the damage reduction is increased to 10/anti-vampiric. The use of this power causes you to suffer 2d4 points of non-lethal damage every round for 4 rounds. This ability may be stopped at will as an immediate action.
- Shadowdash II: Minimum Character Level 10. Must have Shadowdash I. Using your vampiric powers, you can move at speeds that are nearly impossible to follow. Once per round as a swift action, you may move at quadruple your movement rate (land flying, swimming, or whatever) for 1 round. During that round, you may not be targeted by ranged attacks by beings without the Improved Precise Shot feat or whose base attack bonus is less than +12. You may perform actions other than move or attack actions during that round but once you do, the power ends. You gain a +8 bonus to attack rolls during that round. The use of this power causes you to suffer 2d8 points of non-lethal damage. You are moving so fast that observers only see you as a glowing red line following the path that you took. Once you “enter” or “come out” of this line, you appear in a flash of blue light with the same shape as yourself (see Alucard vs Luke Valentine if you really want to know what I’m talking about). Observers whose movement rate is equal to or greater than your own during that round see you normally.
- Reversing Back Step: Minimum Character Level 10. Must have Hidden Step. You may take a move action to use this power. Even if you are restrained from taking a move action (such as being tied up by a rope), you may perform this feat so long as you were able to perform move actions in the previous round (if you have been restrained from performing move actions for 2 or more rounds you cannot use this power). Once performed, you vanish and reappear within 30ft of your previous location (you decide where you reappear). In addition to a change in location, any action performed on you during the round you performed Reversing Back Step is ignored (things like damage, status effects, spells, or the like are reversed as if they never happened). This power is akin to reversing time for yourself by 1 round. Things that affected you or things that were affecting you during the previous round are not reversed. (example, you are hit by a fireball and suffer 20 fire damage, in the next round you are impaled and suffer 15 damage, you use Reversing Back Step, thus negating the 15 damage you suffered, however, the 20 fire damage is not reversed). The use of this power causing you to suffer 4d8 non-lethal damage. You may only use this power once per day. This power can be gained multiple times. Each time it is gained you may use it an additional time per day.
- Waltz of the Dead: Minimum Character Level 12. Must have Shadowdash II. Must have Shadow Strike. During the round you use Shadowdash II you may perform 1 extra attack without penalty. This power can be gained multiple times. Each time it is gained you may attack 1 additional time. The use of this power causes the vampire to suffer 1d4 points of non-lethal damage for every attack made.
- Illusionary Step: Minimum Character Level 12. Must have Reversing Back Step. You can use your unnatural speed to leave behind an after-image to confuse your enemies. You may take a move action to move to any location within your base land speed range. You move so quickly that enemies do not see you move; moreover, there is an image of yourself left in the place where you previously were. This image lasts for 1 round or until attacked. In either case, the image dissipates. The use of this power causes you to suffer 4d8 non-lethal damage. You may only use this power once per day. This power can be gained multiple times. Each time it is gained you may use it an additional time per day.
- Shadowdash III: Minimum Character Level 20, Must have Shadowdash II. Using your vampiric powers, you can move at speeds that defy the laws of physics. Once per round as a move action, you may move to any location within 300ft of your current location. You must normally be able to access said location by physically moving yourself to it. You do not teleport to the location, you simply move so fast that observers lose sight of you entirely, as if you had vanished. You may perform an attack of opportunity on 1 target between your starting location and the location you moved to. The use of this power causes you to suffer 3d10 points of non-lethal damage. This benefit can be gained multiple times, each time it is gained, the range increases by 100ft and you may perform an attack of opportunity on an additional target. You may choose to attack a target more than once during your movement, however, this uses up one of your attacks of opportunity (example: You have 3 points in this power, there are 3 creatures along the path you have taken during your movement, you can attack each one of them 1 time, one of them 1 time and 1 of them 2 times, or 1 of them 3 times). You gain a +12 bonus to attack rolls during the use of this power. For every extra 100ft of movement, the vampire suffers an additional 2d8 non-lethal damage. For every attack made during the use of this power, the vampire suffers 1d8 points of non-lethal damage. Observers whose movement rate is equal to or greater than your own during that round see you normally. For the purposes of determining whether or not an observer can see the vampire normally, treat the vampire’s movement rate as 1 mile per second (good luck with finding something with that kind of movement rate *evil grin*).
- Special: This feat can be gained multiple times. Each time you may select an additional benefit. Each benefit may only be selected once. With the exception of Reversed Back Step, if you are restrained from taking move actions (such as being tied up by rope), then you cannot perform this feat. This feat does not work in bright illumination. A vampire may gain a benefit from this feat through training. The vampire must either be trained for 5 years by another vampire who has the desired benefit, or have intimate knowledge of the mechanics of the desired benefit and train by themselves for 10 years.
---Mask of Nobility---
This is an Extraordinary Ability that Category A and B vampires posses. This power allows the vampire to conceal their true nature from other non-vampires. The vampire’s fangs fully retract and their normally blood-red eyes become a color normal to the vampire’s base race. They will still be pale however, and this power does not protect them from any of their weaknesses. Even experienced vampire hunters can be fooled by this ability. Only the most veteran of hunters or a true prodigy can discern a vampire’s true nature while the vampire is using this power. A Yekef vampire cannot use this ability. When Volkihar vampire uses this power, their eyes and hair remain the same glacial blue color. Their fangs still retract; in addition, their breath will not be seen unless it is cold enough for warm-blooded creature's breath to be seen. They will still be very cold to the touch but their touch will not harm creatures not immune to cold. This power lasts as long as the vampire wills it and no concentration is required. This power automatically ends if: the vampire suffers holy or anti-vampire damage, they are successfully repelled by a mirror (only purebloods and the bonsammu bloodline can be repelled by mirrors) or good aligned holy symbol. They vampire may still use any of their powers while using Mask of Nobility, but they must end it to feed or use their natural attacks and flying abilities granted by the vampire template.
---Blood Memories---
“Blood is the currency of the soul and the silver plate of the mind. The giving of blood, the taking of blood, that’s what it means.” - Schrödinger
If a vampire drinks a large amount of blood from a being they may concentrate in order to take in some of their memories. The vampire may influence which sort of memories they will see. If they are looking for specific information, and the information appeared recently in the victims mind, then they have a much greater chance of uncovering it. The vampire may not see memories more than 2 weeks old. These memories are not lost to the victim; the vampire merely sees these memories. The vampire does not necessarily have to kill their victim, but should the vampire choose to drink all of the victim’s blood then they may see memories up to 6 weeks old. Any mental defenses the victim has may still block the vampire’s mind. The vampire does not see all memories within the given time frame. So long as the vampire continues to drink their victim’s blood a continual stream of memories will flood into the vampire’s mind (though the vampire may choose to only allow certain kinds of memories into their mind). If enough memories are absorbed the vampire may lose consciousness while their mind sifts through these memories. The vampire does not have to continue to drink the victim’s blood in order to sift through the memories they have already absorbed. In any case, if the vampire drinks the victim dry, they may see up to twice as long into the victim's memories.
---Charm Gaze---
A vampire may cast a powerful charm spell at any living individual that makes eye contact with them. Their gaze will act as a Charm Person spell (whichever is more appropriate) and all saving throws will be made at a –2 penalty for Category C Vampires, -4 for Category B Vampires, and –10 for Category A Vampires. The charm gaze of a Category A Vampire is very powerful, it acts as a Charm Monster spell and may affect creatures normally immune to charming (such as outsiders, intelligent undead, elves, etc...immunity to charm) but such creature’s do not receive a penalty to their roll. Category A Vampires still cannot charm mindless creatures (such as mindless undead or constructs), as they have no mind to be charmed.
---Resistance to normal weapons---
A vampire’s skin is exceptionally tough. Normal, non-magical objects are highly ineffective against their resistance.
Note: This reduction in damage is calculated BEFORE the vampire’s Damage Reduction is taken into account.
Category C Vampires resist normal weapons by 50% (suffer half damage). Category B Vampires resist normal weapons by 75% (suffer 25% damage). Category A Vampires are immune to normal weapons.
---Sun Damage---
Sunlight is a power feared by many an undead. While some undead, such as the wraith or spectre, are merely rendered powerless by sunlight, a vampire is actually harmed by it. Sunlight's undiluted strength and life-giving effect upon living creatures is the source of a vampire's, and other undead, weakness to sunlight. They are simply constitutionally unable to accept exposure to sunlight as anything other than a direct physical attack. Only natural sunlight will actually harm a vampire, so, despite its name, the daylight spell will not harm a vampire (though it will temporarily blind them). When a vampire is exposed to natural sunlight, they will burn as if on fire. Depending on the directness of the sunlight, and the category of the vampire, they will turn to dust within a few seconds to a few minutes. If there is glass or other clear substances of at least 1 inch thick between the vampire and the sunlight, the vampire will not be harmed, though they will be very uncomfortable. If the clear substance is not of sufficient thickness, the vampire will be treated as being exposed to indirect sunlight.
Direct sunlight negates a vampire’s regeneration no matter their category. The one exception being Dhampirs, also known as Category D Vampires.
A vampire is disoriented whenever they are exposed to direct sunlight.
For every round a Category C Vampire is exposed to direct sunlight they suffer damage equal to 10% of their total hp each round, Category B Vampires suffer damage equal to 20% of their total hp each round, and Category A Vampires suffer damage equal to 40% of their total hp each round. Indirect sunlight (such as being reflected by a mirror) will cut the regenerative abilities of Category C and B Vampires in half but will still negate the regenerative abilities of Category A Vampires. This indirect sunlight will also cause Category C Vampires to suffer damage equal to 5% of their total hp each round, Category B Vampires suffer damage equal to 10% of their total hp each round, Category A Vampires suffer damage equal to 20% of their total hp each round. Partial expose to sunlight (such as only the hand) will not destroy the vampire but the body part so exposed will be disintegrated in the same number of rounds it would take for the vampire to be destroyed (based on direct or indirect). The damage the vampire suffers due to this should reflect the size of the area burned (the vampire would suffer more damage from losing their whole arm rather than just their hand). The DM will determine the damage. In all cases, damage caused in this manner will only heal 1 hp per 1oz of fresh blood the vampire drinks. This damage cannot be healed in any other manner.
When a Pureblood becomes 10,000 +/- 10d10x10 years old, they become a daywalker. A daywalker may be exposed to natural sunlight without being harmed; however, they are not totally unaffected by natural sunlight. While exposed to natural sunlight, a daywalker will suffer 25% more damage from any source. All of the vampire's spells, spell-like, psi-like, supernatural, extraordinary, powers, and other abilities are 50% less powerful while exposed to direct sunlight. Finally, while exposed to direct sunlight, a daywalker heals are only 1/2 their normal rate. Though this dampening of power is disadvantageous, a daywalker should NEVER be underestimated. Remember, the daywalker is still a pureblood and they have had thousands of years to increase their power.
---Strengthen over time---
A vampire’s connection to the negative energy plane starts with a 10% chance (rather than 1%) to mature every 100 years of its existence; though, the vampire cannot gain the fast healing ability from evolution. Instead of gaining fast healing, the vampire gains a +1 bonus to all regenerative abilities (Max +10). Finally, when a vampire's connection to the negative energy plane matures, all of the spell-like, supernatural, supernatural psionic, psi-like, and extraordinary abilities they received from their vampire template may be used 1 day earlier (if the ability may only be used once per 3 days they may now use it once per 2 days). If the ability may be used 1 or more times per day, they may use it an additional time per day (if the ability can be used 3 times per day it can now be used 4 times per day). If the ability may be used at will, the DC to resist it increases by 1. This bonus stacks with previous evolutions. (see Libris Mortis pg 99).
For every 100 years a vampire goes without gaining a level, they automatically gain a level in a class of their choice. This level represents the power the vampire has gained due to its advanced age. The vampire gains this level even if they have been dormant or buried underground for the 100 years. A vampire’s connection to the negative energy plane likewise has a chance to strengthen every 100 years regardless of whether or not they were dormant. This has caused vampires to have the notion that “older equals better” (as it does, at least, for them) and so older vampires receive more respect.
Some scholars believe that, of the countless vampires that likely lay dormant, unknown, and buried beneath the Earth, there are many that have accumulated much power over the long centuries they have been dormant. Those same scholars claim that, should these vampires ever awaken, it would be a dark and bloody day for the living races.
---Coffin Deprivation---
A vampire’s mind is sensitive to the spiritual world and because of their undead existence, spirits are drawn to them as they sleep. While an encounter with a truly malevolent spirit is rare, the spirits in general cause a great deal of mental distress to the vampire as they try to communicate with it. The communication with the spirits will cause the vampire to have terrible, often unnerving, nightmares. Eventually, this communication with the vampire will occur even if the vampire is awake. Once this happens, the vampire will begin to hallucinate, causing even greater distress. The hallucinations will grow worse over time and have any number of effects on the vampire but a visual hallucination will never occur. In order to prevent this from happening, a vampire must sleep in a coffin. As a vampire ages, their subconscious will naturally learn how to keep these spirits at bay, until they no longer need to sleep in a coffin. The exact amount of time required for this to happen varies from vampire to vampire. On average, it takes about 50d4 years. In all cases, the nightmares prevent restful sleep, leaving the vampire fatigued upon waking and unable to regain arcane spells.
After 3 days the nightmares will have become so disturbing that a will save (DC 20) must be made upon waking with a –5 penalty. A failed save results in a –1 to all checks for the next 24hrs. After 5 days the penalty increases to –2. After 7 days the penalty caps at –4.
After 3 days the vampire will begin to hallucinate. These hallucinations will mainly consist of vague noises that are not necessarily deafening. These noises are however, enough to cause a distraction. All actions that require concentration will have a 10% chance of failure. After 5 days the noises will become louder and clearer, random words can be discerned from all the noises. All actions that require concentration will have a 25% chance of failure. In addition, Category A and B vampires lose the Mask of Nobility ability. After 7 days the noises become loud and entire sentences can be discerned. Some of these sentences may be threatening or outright malevolent. Every hr the vampire must make a will save (DC 30) or be shaken for 1hr. All actions that require concentration will have a 50% chance of failure as well as a –1 to all initiative rolls.
Coffin Deprivation is very stressful for a vampire. A vampire suffering these effects will become increasingly irritable and unpleasant to be around. This causes the vampire to be less effective at concealing their true nature. All social and charisma checks will be made with a –5 penalty.
There is a method that can be utilized to protect a vampire from coffin deprivation without a coffin. It is a rare magical item called "Urn of the Voiceless". A magically enchanted dirt is stored in the urn. The enchantments on the dirt increase its weight. ½ a cubic foot of this dirt weighs 50lbs. If a vampire sleeps within 50ft of the urn, they will not suffer from coffin deprivation even without a coffin. 50lbs of this dirt is required per vampire. Though it is called the URN of the Voiceless, any container will do. The dirt need not even be in a container, but a lack of a container would make transporting it rather difficult. The ingredients for the enchantment are very rare, and because of this, the base price for this dirt is 100,000pp per 50lbs of dirt.
For a vampire who has yet to overcome Coffin Deprivation, travel can be quite a nuisance. Few vampires posses an Urn of the Voiceless so younger vampires just set up a permanent residence. What about the more adventurous vampires? The most obvious choice for an adventuring vampire is to just bring a coffin with them. This will provide a place for the vampire to sleep and hide from the sunlight. It is, however, quite suspicious to most and painfully obvious to vampire hunters. Fortunately for the adventuring vampire, many a vampire mage has proved to be resourceful time and again. These mages have devised a means for vampires to freely travel without fear of the obvious mistake of waltzing to and fro a city with a coffin on their back. This device is called a "Safe Sleeper's Coffin". It is a pocket sized magical device the shape of a coffin with 2 trigger words. The first trigger word causes the device to grow until it is the same dimensions of a regular coffin or, if it is currently the size of a regular coffin, cause it to shrink until it may fit in the palm of a human's hand. The device can then be opened/closed like any regular coffin and can even be locked from the inside. If the coffin is made to shrink, it will eject its contents so this cannot be used to smuggle a person or objects or the like. A portable coffin if you would. The second trigger word can only be used if the speaker is inside the coffin and the coffin is closed. Once spoken, the coffin will bury itself 5ft underground, provided the ground is soft like soil. The coffin cannot bury itself in hard substances such as rock. There will be evidence that something was buried as the soft ground is pushed aside. Speaking the second trigger word while the coffin is buried will cause the coffin to resurface. This ingenious item is highly sought after by adventuring vampires. A Safe Sleeper's Coffin is worth a mere 5,000 gp but it can't be found just anywhere. Stores that sell items specifically garnered towards vampires or undead will likely have a few of these in stock. The wonders of magic.
---Blood Hunger---
"Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood."
All vampires must drink blood in order to sustain themselves regardless of their age or category. Young vampires will have to drink blood as often as humans must eat. As a vampire ages, the time between feedings will decrease until it reaches once every 24hrs. Once a being becomes a vampire, or when a natural born vampire "awakens", they start off having to feed once every 8hrs. The time between feedings increases at a rate of 1hr every 2 years (30 minutes per year, 2.5 minutes per month). After 32 years, the vampire only has to drink blood once every 24hrs. If a vampire forgoes their feedings they will slowly begin to weaken in addition to the build up of an increasing urge to drink blood (1 point of Str, Dex, Cha, Int, and Wis drain (this drain can only ever bring the vampire's ability scores as low as 1/2 their total. So, a vampire whose total Strength score is 20 can have is strength drained to as low as 10 in this manner) every feeding missed. After missing 7 feedings, the vampire's spell-like abilities are reduced in power by 50%. After missing 14 feedings, the vampire loses access to their spell-like abilities and their supernatural abilities are reduced in power by 50%. After missing 10 feedings, the vampire must make a frenzy check, they must make this check every time they would feed thereafter until they feed (this is an exception to a vampire being immune to frenzy for 24hrs on a successful check). After missing 21 feedings (the vampire is likely going mad with hunger by this point), they lose access to their supernatural abilities. After missing 30 feedings, the vampire loses access to their extraordinary abilities. If the vampire goes for 6 months without feeding, they will fall dormant. During this dormancy, they are comatose and totally helpless. In order for the vampire to come out of this dormancy, the vampire's flesh must be exposed to at least 1oz of fresh blood for Category C Vampires, at least 1/2 an oz of fresh blood for Category B Vampires, a single drop of blood is enough to pull a pureblood out of this dormancy. When a vampire comes out of this dormancy, they will frenzy with no chance for a saving throw. All penalties incurred by lack of feeding can only be reversed by feeding. Spell-like, Supernatural, and Extraordinary abilities will be restored after just one feeding but drained stats will be restored by 1 point per 5oz of blood. One feeding isn't enough to satisfy a vampire if they have gone for a long time without feeding. To become fully satisfied, the vampire must feed once for every 3 feedings missed; though, 1 feeding is enough to prevent the vampire from frenzying.
A pregnant vampire must feed twice as often; this is not only a desire, but a necessity for the fetus to survive. While a living female's body is wired to protect the fetus over it's own life, the body of a female vampire places its own survival above the fetus. If a pregnant vampire frenzied because of hunger, there is a 50% chance that her body will eat the fetus, thus being fed. The fetus, obviously, dies.
A vampire’s sense of smell will become increasingly sensitive to the smell of blood the longer they go without feeding (for every feeding the vampire misses, increase the range that they can detect blood with the scent ability by 100ft).
A vampire’s body withers and ages over time as they forgo their feedings. Their body will be restored to its previous state upon feeding.
Vampires crave the blood of the being they love the most. If the vampire goes too long without sucking blood from that specific person then they will have to suck the blood of other creatures/beings to curve their craving but they will never be truly satisfied. Vampires desire the blood of purebloods more then anything else. They will not get cravings for pure vampire blood but are unlikely to pass an opportunity to suck blood from a pureblood if they think they can get away with it.
The hunger is an almost overriding instinct. It takes a strong will to not be controlled by it and even then, given enough time, the hunger will whip even the most disciplined vampire into a frenzy.
A vampire’s saliva creates a euphoric sensation when it enters a living being’s blood stream. Their saliva always enters the bloodstream of a creature they bite, though if the bite was forced the euphoric sensation will be negated by other factors. A living being that willingly lets a vampire bite them will not be in pain during the bite; instead, there will be a euphoric sensation caused by the vampire's saliva. The higher the category of vampire, the more euphoric it will be. This euphoria also increases in subsequent bites but decreases the longer the blood donor is not bit. Frequent bites can cause the being to become addicted to the vampire’s bite.
A vampire may satisfy its hunger by feeding on any living creature with at least human like intelligence.
A vampire may satisfy their hunger by feeding on a creature that has been dead for no longer than 1hr. If the creature has been dead for more than 1hr, the blood is too rotted and will have the same effects as feeding on undead blood. The blood of an undead creature is stagnant and nauseating. A vampire cannot satisfy their hunger by feeding on undead blood and if they try, they will become sickened for 1d4hrs and vomit up the blood. The one exception to this rule is the blood of a vampire. A vampire may feed off of other vampires (though this is generally frowned upon unless the feeding was for a more sensual effect). Vampire blood (except for Pure vampire blood) is as nutritious as animal blood and has the same effects. If a vampire is fed upon by another vampire, they will become hungry so vampires cannot survive off of each other.
The blood of an animal is not as nutritious as the blood of a living creature. If a vampire satisfies their hunger with animal blood, they will become hungry again at only half the regular time. Yekef vampires and Purebloods may gain the same nutrition from animal blood as they would from a living creature with at least human like intelligence.
The scent and taste of every individual creature (living or undead) of at least human like intelligence is unique. While different races follow a certain tendency of scent and taste (human blood is easily distinguishable from elf blood or orc blood), there are variations between each individual. So much so that a vampire can learn to recognize others by the scent and taste of their blood. Magical shape changing does not alter this scent and taste; making it nearly impossible for an impostor to trick a vampire into thinking they are someone the vampire knows well enough to know the scent (and perhaps taste) of their blood.
---Blood Drain---
A vampire must drink roughly 1 pint (16oz) of blood to satisfy their hunger. On average, a human (or any humanoid of Medium Size if you prefer) can lose anywhere from 3-5 (more in some cases) before they are in danger of dying. A successful blood drain is not a full 1-pint but just a full gulp. I don't know exact details and it varies depending on the size of the mouth. So, for simplicities sake, one successful gulp is considered to be 1 oz (it took me 4 gulps to swallow 4 oz of water...yes...I went so far as to come up with an estimate using real data. Welcome to my madness *evil grin*). A vampire is able to hold, on average, about 1 gallon of blood in their system (this blood is on top of the blood already in their system). I don't think a digestion rate is necessary but, what the heck. Digestion rate is 1 oz per 10 minutes for Category C Vampires, 1 oz per 5 minutes for Category B Vampires, and 1 oz per minute for Category A Vampires. This is to reflect the way that higher category vampires are, well, more vampiric and consume blood at a faster rate. The only use I can think for this is the rate it would take to diablerize someone...or kill them through lack of blood. To make this easier, multiply the statistics by 4 for every size category higher and divide by 4 for every size category smaller (with Medium as a base of course). For the purposes of combat, for every 1 point of constitution drain dealt via the Blood Drain attack, the vampire is considered to have drunk 3oz of blood.
A vampire can suck blood from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of constitution damage each round the pin is maintained. On each such successful attack, the vampire heals 10 hp (unless otherwise stated, the source of the damage is irrelevant). If the vampire is at full hp then 5 temporary hit points are gained instead. These temporary hp stack and last for 1hr. It is assumed that, when the being is a willing donor, the vampire is only taking as much blood as it needs to satisfy its hunger. A vampire gains extra benefits for devouring a humanoid (draining them of all their blood).
Note: I know that temporary hp are gained through ability DRAIN and not ability DAMAGE. I intentionally put damage because your body naturally produces blood (duh). The vampire is draining your blood, not your life-force. Ability damage heals on its own, ability drain does not. It wouldn't make sense to say ability drain.
Effects for devouring a humanoid (these bonuses apply ONLY if the vampire drinks the victim dry. A vampire is able to drain dry only one humanoid of medium size per day. They don’t have enough room in their system to hold any more blood than that.):
- Gain 5% of experience required to level up. This experience gain is based upon the total of the min experience for the next level minus the min experience for the current level (this would mean that devouring 20 humanoids would guarantee a level up). If the vampire has more than one class, they must choose which class will gain experience. This experience gain is permanent
- +2 bonus to all regenerative abilities and saves for the next 12hrs
---Pure Vampire Blood---
It is a myth that vampire blood has healing properties in and of itself; however, there is a truth hidden in many a myth, and this is one such myth. The blood of a pureblood has many special properties, the least of which is medicinal. A vampire (except for purebloods) desires the blood of a pureblood more then anything else. They will rarely pass up an opportunity to drink pure vampire blood if they think they can get away with it. Ingesting pure vampire blood has a number of effects on a vampire. Purebloods themselves gain no benefits from ingesting pure vampire blood beyond being less hungry. Purebloods rarely, if ever, allow anyone but their lover to suck or even extract their blood. In almost all cases, when one comes across pure vampire blood, it was acquired by either supreme mercantile or extremely dangerous means. A pureblood is likely to take great offense if they learn that an individual ingested pure vampire blood without a pureblood’s permission.
- Tastes better then anything they have ever tasted (with the exception of the blood of an even more powerful pureblood)
- Amount of time until the vampire becomes hungry again is doubled
- Gain 5% of experience required to level up for every oz. This experience gain is based upon the total of the min experience for the next level minus the min experience for the current level (this would mean that 20oz is guaranteed to grant a level up regardless of the starting experience). If the vampire has more than one class, they must choose which class will gain experience. This experience gain is permanent
- Heal 20 hp for every oz ingested (this heals ALL forms of damage and may regrow limbs and organs)
- +4 bonus to all rolls for 24hrs (min 10oz)
- +1 bonus (max +5) to all regenerative abilities for every 2oz for the next 24hrs
- Negate damage caused by bright illumination for 1hr per oz (Lyrezi only)
- All spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities are 50% more powerful for 24hrs (min 25oz)
- Become more susceptible to the Pureblood’s Geass of that particular Pureblood. –1 penalty to will save vs that particular Pureblood’s Geass power per 2oz. (permanent and increases the more pure vampire blood that is ingested)
If the blood is from an ancient pureblood then the bonuses will be slightly different:
- Same as regular but everything except for duration and oz required is doubled
- Immunity to sunlight for 1hr for every 5oz ingested (same weaknesses as ancient still applies)
Note: all benefits below this point assume the target is a living being. Undead and dead do not gain any of these benefits
Pure vampire blood has medical uses as well. 10oz of pure vampire blood (it need not be fresh) can be used to create a special potion with all the following effects (due to the supernatural nature of the potion, it will never spoil):
- Cure all non-magical and magical diseases and poisons (does not cure supernatural diseases or poisons)
- Restore all abilities/levels/other stats lost by negative energy levels/stat damage or similar afflictions
- Stops all bleeding (external or internal)
- Fully restores all hp (does not regenerate lost organs or other body parts)
- Gain Fast Healing 1 for 24hrs
- Bring the being back from the edge of death except under the most extreme circumstances
Ingesting pure vampire blood as it is has the following effects:
- Cure 1 non-magical or magical disease/poison for every 1oz (chosen at random but magical diseases will always be chosen first. this cannot heal supernatural diseases such as lycanthropy)
- Restore 4d8+10 hp for every 1oz
- Slows the rate of death should the being be dying or is suffering under some sort of medical condition, no matter how severe (The rate is slowed by an amount far greater than mere hours. The life of the being could easily be prolonged by several days assuming all basic needs are met (food, water, etc…)) (min 4oz)
In addition to the above effects, the health of the being is permanently increased. For every 60oz (1/2 gallon) ingested the constitution score of the being will increase by 1. This effect is permanent. There is a side effect to this constitution increase. The being loses their will to the pureblood. Their blood will begin to recognize the voice and scent of the pureblood and compel the being to obey the pureblood as if by a charm spell. After 5 points of constitution increase the effects become the same as the link between a pureblood and a vampire familiar. These effects cannot be reversed by anything less than a miracle or wish spell; however, the pureblood may choose not to use this to compel the being to obey them. This ingestion need not (and should not, see below) be ingested all at once. It can happen over the course of many months or even years. This can be used to buffer the health of a being with poor health; perhaps a being with a weak heart can be saved by ingesting pure vampire blood over time. Eventually the heart of said being would strengthen to the point that they would be just like any regular being. Frequent ingestion can even raise the being’s health beyond the norm. If the constitution score of the being is higher than 20 than it will not be increased. If the base race of the creature normally has a constitution score of 13 or higher (such as a Behemoth, Con 23), the maximum said creature’s constitution score can be raised in this manner is equal to the normal constitution score of the creature’s base race + 8.
While pure vampire blood has obvious medicinal benefits, too much of anything is bad, especially pure vampire blood. Pure vampire blood is highly poisonous in amounts greater than 5oz. A living being should not ingest more than up to 5oz of pure vampire blood during any given week. More than 5oz of pure vampire blood is always lethal and will kill a living being in a number of minutes equal to 1 + the beings constitution modifier. This assumes that all 10+ oz were ingested within a time frame of 1 week. This poisoning bypasses any and all resistances and immunities. If the creature is living, pure vampire blood can kill them. A successful Greater Restoration, Miracle, or Wish spell (any of which must have a minimum caster level of 20) will save the beings life.
The main reason why pure vampire blood can be so lethal is the efficiency of a Pureblood’s immune system. Their blood is extremely volatile; this volatility combined with their biological supremacy makes their blood hostile even when it is outside of the pureblood. In amounts greater than 5ozs, the pure vampire blood has a limited intelligence of its own (one of the main reasons why pureblood immune systems are so advanced), even if it is inside another being. When this intelligent pure vampire blood enters a living creature, it views it as a threat and attacks the creature’s organs. The pure vampire blood uses the creature’s cardiovascular system as its primary means of transportation, but it may move around outside the system, eating through solid flesh and bone if it must. The pure vampire blood will being to assimilate the infected creature’s blood, creating even more pure vampire blood; though any of the pure vampire blood in the creature; though, the blood in the creature’s system does not retain the base magical properties of regular pure vampire blood, losing all benefits that would be gained for feeding on it. Essentially, creatures poisoned by an overdose are eaten alive by the blood.
Beings that die from an overdose of pure vampire blood have a 10% chance of rising as a Ghoul (or Ghast if at a high enough level/HD) in 1 round, but it will not be under the control of the vampire. Vampires are warlike creatures, and this nature is deeply inherent in pure vampire blood. Due to the fact that the Ghoul/Ghast was created with this warlike blood, they will lapse into an internal frenzy, devouring any living creature they come across with reckless abandon. They cannot control the violent nature of the pure vampire blood. They become mindless killing machines that abandon all thought or reason and will continue to search out living creatures to devour (or their corpses) until they are mercifully destroyed.
Dhampirs have vampire in them, and so they gain benefits from Pure Vampire Blood. Dhampirs gain the same benefits as a living creature would; however, they may become a full vampire by drinking enough pure vampire blood. They must drink a lethal dose of pure vampire blood in order for the transformation to begin. After they normally would die from the lethal dose, they will rise as a 30% vampire in 1d4 days.
An interesting thing happens when 20oz of a pureblood’s blood leaves its body, but does not enter any other creature’s body. When 20+oz of pure vampire blood is left outside of any biological system for more than 1hr, it spontaneously rises as a Blood Ooze. The Blood Ooze is completely independent of the pureblood it once existed as a part of; however, a the same pureblood that birthed it can command it at will, and it will obey the pureblood without hesitation. If left uncontrolled, it will seek out creatures with blood and devour them, repeating the process for eternity.
Vampires are much more bestial then the living races and are heavily influenced by their instincts. Just as when an animal is cornered, a vampire will lose themselves to their instincts in order to survive. A vampire will Frenzy for a few reasons. One, if the need to feed off of blood is dire. Two, if the vampire’s life is in great danger. Three, if the vampire suffers 20% or more of their total hp in 1 round (this damage need not come from just one source). In any event, the vampire cannot voluntarily end their frenzy. The vampire will do everything in their power to resolve the problem but they will never use spells or spell-like abilities or other supernatural powers. They will only use their physical abilities, though they may still use their shadowdash feats. If the vampire carries any weapons they will use them. If no weapon is readily available at the time the vampire frenzies then they will resort to using their fangs, claws, or any martial arts that they know. Frenzying is an instinctual reaction and cannot be consciously initiated. In all cases, frenzying is a bad thing and vampires will often go to great lengths to avoid it. Once frenzied, a vampire will never flee from battle. If the vampire has a wisdom score of 16 or greater then they receive a saving throw to avoid frenzying. The saving throw vs frenzy is a will save at DC 15 for Category C Vampires, DC 20 for Category B Vampires, and DC 30 for Category A Vampires. The vampire only receives a bonus to their will save from their wisdom modifier; unless it is specifically stated in an item’s or creature’s description, do not apply any other bonus. In all cases, there will be a –1 penalty for every 20% of total hp the vampire has lost, for every feeding the vampire has missed since they last fed, and for every obviously great threat to the vampire’s life. If the save is successful, the vampire is not suceptible to frenzy for the next 24hrs or until after at least 8hrs of rest (whichever comes first). A pureblood is able to calm a frenzied vampire via the pureblood’s geass ability but not other purebloods. Though it may seem quite the opposite, purebloods are influenced by their instincts more than all other categories of vampire. Purebloods suffer a –5 penalty to all saving throws vs frenzy. A vampire with shape changing abilities is likely to utilize them if they are beneficial when they frenzy. Vampire’s may still use the Shadowdash feat while they are frenzied.
Ex: If the vampire desperately needs to feed then they will not un-frenzy until they have fed and will do every thing they can to find a creature they can feed off of. Once such a creature is found, the vampire will attack them in an attempt to feed off their blood. If a cave in threatens the vampire’s life and no apparent escape route is available the vampire will frenzy in an attempt to suffer less damage while rapidly looking for a way out or bashing through any obstacles in their path. The vampire suffers a large amount of damage during battle. The vampire will frenzy in an attempt to quickly dispatch all enemies in order to protect themselves.
Effects (all effects are temporary and go away after the vampire has un-frenzied):
- +10 to Str and Dex
- +5 bonus to all regenerative abilities (+10 for Category A)
- +5 to all attack and damage rolls (+10 for Category A)
- +2 to all saving throws (+5 for Category A)
- +5 to Natural AC (+10 for Category A)
- +50 temporary hp (these do not heal) (+100 for Category A)
- Suffer 25% less damage (regardless of the source) (50% for Category A)
- Does not feel pain and is not slowed down by any damage incurred
- All movement rates are doubled (this doubling is determined after all other alterations to the vampire’s movement rates have been applied, including spells such as slow/haste and feats such as Shadowdash (Preternatural Speed))
- May jump three times as far instead of twice as far (Category C), May jump four times as far instead of three times as far (Category B), May jump five times as far instead of four times as far (Category A)
- Immune to Fear effects, even natural fear, and will attack with reckless abandon
- Player loses control of the character
- Will continue to attack all enemies in the area until all enemies or the vampire have been killed. The vampire will not make any attempt to protect anyone but themselves. They will not attack companions on sight unless the frenzy was incurred by hunger. The vampire will attack any creature, even companions, that are within 10ft of them. It is advisable not to approach a frenzied vampire. Beings who are exceptionally close to the vampire may still be able to successfully approach them and calm them down.
Notes: This is an extraordinary ability and is treated as being a Fast Healing ability.
Vampires have regenerative abilities far beyond the living races. The higher the category, the more advanced the regeneration is. Staking a vampire’s heart only paralysis them and only if the stake is made of wood, silver, arklicite, or a stake enchanted with holy or anti-vampire magic. If the stake is removed the vampire can move again. Staking a Category A Vampire’s heart will paralyze them for 1d4 rounds (1d4+5 rounds if the stake is made out of arklicite or blessed with anti-vampire magic. A stake made out of arklicite that has been blessed with anti-vampire magic will paralyze them for 1hr…note: the damage a Pureblood normally takes for touching Arklicite or objects blessed with anti-vampire magic does not apply while they are paralyzed in this state). Afterwards, the stake will be pushed out of the vampire by their regenerative ability and the wound will close up (the wound will not close up on its own if the stake was blessed by anti-vampire magic) and the vampire will continue to act as normal.
A Pureblood cannot touch arklicite or an object enchanted with anti-vampire magic. If they attempt to do so, swaths of pain will rush through them, causing to be affected as if they were struck by a Symbol of Pain (the effects of the symbol of pain lasts for as long as the vampire is holding the object and for 1hr afterwards) and the part that is touching it will be burned, causing 2 points of holy damage every round contact is maintained, this damage will begin to heal only after contact is broken (this accounts for the purebloods double weakness to holy damage, do not double this damage. These 2 points of holy damage are also inflicted upon the pureblood every time they are struck with any object or weapon enchanted with anti-vampire magic or objects made out of arklicite). Destruction of the head and or heart will destroy the vampire (with the exception of purebloods). Regeneration is negated by sunlight. Unholy ground adds a +2 bonus to all regenerative abilities. Rest in a coffin doubles all regenerative bonuses (this does not double the unholy ground regenerative bonus. If the vampire is resting in a coffin that is on unholy ground than the +2 unholy ground bonus will be ignored). A pureblood may heal damage caused by anti-vampire magic by 1hp per hour of uninterrupted rest in a coffin (2hp per hour if the coffin has been enchanted via the unhallow spell, see below).
A coffin can be enchanted with the unhallow spell. A coffin under this enchantment will triple, rather than double, all regenerative bonuses; In addition, after 8 hrs of uninterrupted rest in the enchanted coffin, the vampire will receive a +1 bonus to all rolls and regenerative abilities for the next 24hrs. This enchantment will dissipate after 1 year. The enchantment can be renewed by recasting unhallow on the coffin.
Vampires of 51% or greater cannot be resurrected by any spell that normally resurrects an undead and turns them back into a living creature (such as True Resurrection). There isn't enough non-vampiric DNA to resurrect, not to mention that they are NATURALLY a vampire.
Purebloods are well known for being exceedingly difficult to kill but that is not the worst of it. Even should a Pureblood be destroyed, they may still be brought back to unlife by a third party. A Pureblood's regeneration is truly astounding. A Pureblood can be resurrected (as a pureblood of course), provided the one resurrecting the pureblood has the pureblood's ashes, via 2 means. The first is a 1hr ceremony in which the pureblood feeds on the very essence of life (a soul). The pureblood's ashes must be present during the ceremony. The soul does not have to be specially prepared in any way. A soul must simply be present, even if the soul is still in the owner's body. If the ceremony is completed, the pureblood will devour the soul (the soul is utterly destroyed and can only be saved by divine intervention (the divine source in question MUST intervene before or at the moment the soul is devoured, in which case the ceremony will fail)). The pureblood (no matter where their soul is) will always be aware that someone is attempting to get them to feed off of a soul to bring them back to "life". The pureblood may choose not to devour the soul and thereby remain destroyed. Eating a soul is an incredibly evil act; a pureblood who does so will automatically become evil aligned if they are not already. The second method is a tricky process. The following spells must be cast on the pureblood's ashes once a week for 10 years: Reincarnate, Create Greater Undead, Revive Undead, Unhallow, and Regenerate. After this 10 year process is complete, the ashes must be mixed with at least 20 gallons of living humanoid blood (it need not be fresh). The mixture must then be placed in a coffin enchanted with the Unhallow Spell. Finally, a Wish or Miracle Spell must be cast on the coffin. The mixture will then coagulate into a new body and the Pureblood will return to unlife (their soul enters the new body). This new body is identical to the pureblood’s original body (or whatever body they had before being destroyed), do not recalculate statistics. For both resurrection processes, the Pureblood's ashes must be available. If the ashes are gone, they may be retrieved via the following process: An urn (whose value must be no less than 10,000gp) must have the Unhallow and Symbol of Death spells cast upon it. The urn must then be placed in a coffin. The coffin must then be filled with graveyard soil. A Wish or MiracleSpell must then be cast upon the coffin. After the process, the Pureblood's ashes will coalesce in the urn (no matter where the ashes were prior to the spell. the pureblood's ashes will fill the urn even if the ashes had been scattered). The Pureblood's ashes can then be used. A Pureblood can be rendered permanently destroyed either via diablerization (in which case the pureblood's soul is devoured and therefore utterly destroyed) or by permanently dispersing their ashes. Since a Pureblood's ashes are the essential ingredient in resurrecting the pureblood in question, the ashes must logically be dispersed. Unfortunately, there is a method in which the ashes can be magically retrieved (see above). To prevent the pureblood's ashes from being retrieved, the ashes must be dispersed with the following process. The Arkay's Wrath, Hallow, and Ensorcelled Weave spells must be cast of the pureblood's ashes. The ashes must then be mixed with holy water. A Wish or Miracle Spell must then be cast on the mixture. Finally, the mixture must be scattered across holy ground. After the process, the Pureblood's ashes will forever be beyond the reach of any would-be resurrection and divine intervention by a deity of equal or greater power than an Overdeity is the only way for the pureblood to revive.
A Revive Undead Spell may revive a vampire (including purebloods) so long as they have not been destroyed for too long. If a pureblood has been destroyed for too long, they may still be revived using either of the methods described above.
Category C Vampires:
- Regenerates 1 hp every round (10hp/minute). Damaged caused by fire, weapons of +3 enchantment, magic, or holy magic takes twice as long to heal (1hp/2rounds or 5hp/minute). Damage caused by weapons of +4 or higher, or damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast will heal 1 hp per hour. Damage by anti-vampire magic heals 1 hp per 3 hours. May not regenerate limbs but may organs.
Category B Vampires:
- Regenerates 3 hp every round (30hp/minute). Damage caused by fire, magic, or holy magic takes twice as long to heal (3hp/2rounds or 15hp/minute). Damaged caused by weapons of +3 enchantment will heal 2 hp per round (20hp/minute). Damage caused by weapons of +4 or higher, damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast will heal 1 hp per round (10hp/minute). Damage caused by anti-vampire magic heals 1 hp per 6 hours. May regenerate limbs and organs but takes 2d4 months. If severed limbs are not destroyed they may be reattached after 10hrs of being pressed against its stump. Petrification lasts for 24hrs, after which the vampire’s flesh (and anything else on their person that was petrified) will be restored to normal. The vampire is still harmed by sunlight during petrification. Any damage caused before then will still apply. If the statue of the vampire is destroyed then the vampire truly dies and will not regenerate.
Category A Vampires:
- Instantaneous regeneration (unless otherwise stated, the vampire heals instantaneously. the vampire still suffers the damage as normal however, so a longsword+1 will still cause 1d8+1 damage. at the same moment, the damage will be healed, however, if this damage was enough to reduce the vampire's hp to 0 they will not heal. example: the vampire has 100 hp and is struck by a longsword+1, suffering 4 damage. the damage is then healed instantly, bringing the vampire's hp back to 100. the vampire has 3 hp and is struck by a longsword+1, suffering 7 damage. the vampire is forced into gaseous form because their hp were reduced to 0. a body part can still be severed this way but only with tremendous force. This example did not take into account the vampire’s damage reduction). Damage caused by fire, magic, or weapons of +4 enchantment will heal 20 points per round (200hp/minute). Damaged caused by weapons of +5 or higher and damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast will heal 10 hp per round (100hp/minute). Damage caused by holy magic heals 1 hp per round (10hp/minute). Damaged caused by anti-vampire magic can only be healed by fresh blood or sleeping in a coffin. If the vampire fails its save against a spell or effect that would destroy it instantly (such as a disintegrate spell), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to half the vampire’s full normal hit. The vampire is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds. If the vampire loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 2d4 minutes (the detached piece turns to vampire dust in 2d4 rounds). The vampire can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump. Severe damage may take longer to heal. Even if their heart and/or their head are destroyed the vampire will not die. Destruction of the heart will greatly weaken the vampire (Str, and Dex are drained by 20 points to a minimum of 10, cannot use any spell-like, psi-like, bat-clone, aetherial shadow, or nether-lightning abilities, all classes are drained by 10 levels to a minimum of 1, -10 penalty to all rolls, move at half speed, flight (unaided or with wing) suffers from clumsy maneuverability (gaseous form does not suffer any penalties), vampire will have a pained and sickly look about them and will likely break out in a cold sweat, causing the vampire to suffer from the sickened effect. these effects remain until the vampire's heart regenerates; they cannot be dispelled in any other manner) but they can still move around and their heart will regenerate in about 7 days when they regularly feed off of fresh blood. Destruction of the head will greatly weaken the vampire (same as destruction of the heart but after the vampire comes out of gaseous form they are helpless and cannot move until their head regenerates) and will force them into gaseous form. The head will not begin to regenerate until after the vampire leaves gaseous form (preferably in their coffin). The head will regenerate in about 40 days when they regularly feed off of fresh blood, though they will be unable to feed themselves, as they have no head, so someone other then the vampire must expose the vampire’s flesh to adequate amounts of fresh blood every time the vampire would normally feed. The time it takes to regenerate their heart or head is multiplied by 4 without the presence of fresh blood. The vampire will not be forced into gaseous form if their head is severed. They can still move about and their head can still sense things and speak but it can take no other action (it cannot levitate itself with its psi-like abilities...even though floating talking heads are really cool). The vampire may re-attach their head by pressing it against their neck. If the head is severed by an anti-vampiric weapon then the vampire must still regenerate in the same manner as if their head was destroyed. Petrification lasts for 1 round, after which the vampire’s flesh (and anything else on their person that was petrified) will be restored to normal. The vampire is still harmed by sunlight during petrification. Any damage caused before then will still apply, though, given the vampire’s extreme regenerative abilities, damage will likely be healed almost instantly. Once the vampire has been restored, they are no longer affected by petrification from the source that petrified them. Other than immolation by sunlight, the only way to kill a Category A Vampire is to first stop their regeneration. More powerful forms of anti-vampire magic may do this. The vampire’s regeneration must continue to be negated until they are destroyed. Unless otherwise stated, a pureblood’s regeneration cannot be slowed, halted, or suppressed in any way.
---Staking a Vampire---
Though it is traditionally called “staking”, any object capable of dealing piercing damage can be used to stake a vampire. An arrow, a spear, a sword, a chair leg carved to have a sharp end, a metal pole with a jagged/sharp end, etc…
Some believe that a stake must be used to paralyze a vampire. Some go as far as to say that only a stake out of Mountain Ash will do. In reality, any object of sufficient size that could conceivably pierce something, a sword for example, will do. Even ranged weapons, such as a crossbow, can be used; however, attempts to stake a vampire must be made in a the space the vampire occupies or an adjacent space, even if ranged weapons are being used.
Staking a vampire during combat is a tricky business that is virtually impossible. It is far safer to stake a helpless vampire, either while they are resting or have otherwise been made helpless; however, for the bold, or foolish, a fight does not make the vampire’s heart unreachable. One can stake a vampire during combat as a full-round-action. They must make a melee attack against the vampire at a -10 circumstance penalty. The attack must deal at least twice as much damage as the vampire’s damage reduction. If successful, the vampire will be “staked”. It is important to remember that removing the stake allows the vampire to act freely as normal, so, if you use your weapon to stake the vampire, it is advisable that you destroy the vampire before removing your weapon.
Of course, it is infinitely safer to stake a vampire while they are helpless. A stake attempt against a helpless vampire automatically hits, though sufficient damage must still be dealt.
---Evil Exception (Ex)---
Vampires may use spells with the evil descriptor, gain feats with an evil alignment as a prerequisite, and use evil aligned items regardless of their alignment without penalty.
---Weakness and resistances---
With the exceptions of the Selenu bloodline, the Volkihar bloodline, the Egnana bloodline, and Category A Vampires, all vampires have a 50% weakness to fire and a 10% resistance to cold and electricity (this resistance and weakness stack with any other resistance/weakness). It is widely debated whether or not this intolerance to fire is the source of a vampire’s ability to survive in cold but the effects are clear. Though vampires are still affected by cold as much as the living are (with the exception of Purebloods and Volkihar vampires), natural cold cannot kill them. If the vampire is exposed to a large amount of natural cold for a long enough period of time that it would cause “death”, they will fall dormant until they are warmed up again. Volkihar vampires still have a 10% resistance to electricity. Egnana vampires still have a 10% resistance to cold and electricity.
---Sensitive Senses---
A vampire’s senses are several times sharper than the living races. This is especially true for Category A Vampires. A vampire is far more likely to detect a sent or see or hear something that would otherwise go unnoticed. Strong odors, such as garlic, will cause discomfort for a vampire. While a vampire may shy away from strong odors, they are not magically repelled by them and can pass through them as easily as anyone else (though they find garlic to be particularly intolerable). Odors that would normally adversely affect humans will be doubly as potent to Category C and B Vampires and 4 times as potent to Category A Vampires. When in the presence of a light as bright as sunlight (a torch's bright illumination wouldn't bother them but the bright illumination from a daylight spell would), a vampire will be blinded. Category A Vampires are particularly sensitive to bright lights and will be partially blinded (-1 penalty to AC, Dex bonus is cut in half, move at 75% speed, -2 penalty to Search checks and Str/Dex based skills, all skills that actively rely on vision (such as spot checks) have a 50% chance of failure, all opponents are considered to have 25% concealment) by bright illumination. Treat a vampire in bright light as a human in total darkness. When the vampire leaves the presence of the strong light they return to normal. Vampires posses an optical ability that allows them to "zoom" in in the direction they are looking like a magnifying glass. With a clear line of sight, Category C Vampires can zoom in as far as 1-mile as if they were standing there. Category B Vampires may zoom in up to 5-miles. Category A Vampires may zoom in as far as 10-miles. This does not grant the vampire any kind of special vision (though special vision granted through spells such as true seeing still take effect). They see as they normally would (such as being fooled by an illusion or blinded by bright light) and do not get any kind of microscopic vision. If the vampire blinded, they cannot use this zoom vision. Objects (such as a wall or a pocket of bright light) may block this zoom vision, as can poor visibility (such as fog).
Vampires have no reflection in the “Visible Spectrum”. Mechanical sensors will not detect a vampire unless the sensor is capable of detecting light outside of the “Visible Spectrum though magical sensors may detect them normally. This extends to the clothes they are wearing and anything they are carrying. Large objects may still cast a reflection. This anomaly makes it difficult to fight a vampire with mere machines and allows them to easily bypass security cameras.
Vampires are treated as always being under the effects of Spider Climb and so they can easily climb up sheer surfaces with no problem (climb wall always succeeds).
A vampire’s body does not retain water, when a vampire cries, they cry blood.
Vampires have a radically different sense of taste. Anything except blood will taste like sand to them (Consequently, they often are not very good cooks).
When a vampire is destroyed, they will turn into a fine powder known as “vampire dust”, though their bones remain, and because of this, it is impossible for a vampire to feign death when fighting someone who has read up on correct vampire lore.
Vampires often feel a strong attachment to specific areas with some morbid significance, like the grave of a suicide or the site of a murder.
Animals can detect a vampire’s presence. The animals will often raise a cry of alarm or fear due to the vampire’s predatory nature.
A pureblood’s bones are black, though their teeth are still white.
Vampires may not train animals or have animal companions (with the exception of bats, rats, non-animal creatures (such as a magical beast or a fiendish/celestial creature), and in the case of the Whet-Fang bloodline, small reptiles).
Category C Vampires are aware of the presence of another vampire on one level or another so long as the vampires are within a 10-mile radius of each other. Category B Vampires are aware of the presence of another vampire on one level or another so long as they are within a 20-mile radius of each other. Category A Vampires are aware of the presence of another vampire so long as they are within a 40-mile radius of each other and will have a vague idea of the general direction of the other vampire(s). The closer any 2 vampires are to each other, the more aware of the others presence they are.
Despite popular belief, vampires cannot control wolves through their vampiric powers (though spells such as command/charm animals may do this just as well).
It is widely believed that vampires cannot cross running water unless carried across in their coffin. This is false.
Vampires are unphased by water; though holy water burns them.
It is widely believed that vampires cannot enter a private residence without first being invited; this is not true, vampires may freely enter a private residence as easily as any other creature (if not even more so).
Unlike other undead, vampires still make use of SOME their organs. The vampire’s physiology changes depending on their bloodline. All bloodlines create specialized organs for the vampire. Despite this, vampires are still immune to critical strikes, as their regeneration simply heals the damage over time. This immunity to critical strikes does not apply if the weapon being used has the Vorpal enchantment.
A vampire’s body consumes vast amounts of energy, one of the reasons why they must feed off of living blood to survive. They require to vital energies in life giving blood to fuel their existence. Negative Energy alone is not enough. Being one of the few, if not the only, undead that requires sleep; the way they sleep is slightly different. They may fall asleep practically instantly. When they do so, they fall into a very deep sleep. No amount of noise will wake them; they must wake up on their own; either through adequate rest, by training themselves to wake up after a certain amount of time, or similar methods of waking up. They are not totally helpless while asleep. If a creature moves within 30 feet of them, or if they are in immediate danger, the vampire is entitled to a Listen check vs the creature’s Move Silently check. A check is made once every minute. In the case of immediate danger, the Listen check has a DC of 30. If more than one creature is present, the vampire makes a check vs each creature, and need only succeed on one of them. If any check succeeds, the vampire wakes up and is immediately aware of the creature(s) and/or other form of immediate danger. If natural sunlight, or a sunlight spell (such as sunburst…but not a daylight spell) occurs within 50 feet of the vampire, they wake up immediately unless they are in a coffin. During the time that a vampire is asleep or otherwise unconscious, all body functions stop, including heartbeat. While in this state, they have all the properties of a fresh corpse, and are indistinguishable from a fresh corpse (assuming the observer has no knowledge that the “corpse” is a vampire). This deathlike state fools mundane equipment and observations, but not magical detection such as Deathwatch.
Vampires are nocturnal because sunlight is deadly to them; nonetheless, they can still be awake during the day. Despite this, during the daylight hours, unless the vampire is at least 100ft underground, they will be Exhausted. This exhaustion cannot be resisted or overcome in anyway, with the exception of any affect that protects the vampire from sunlight; therefore, protection such as Liquid Night or the blood of an Ancient will remove this exhaustion. This exhaustion disappears after the sun sets; however, if the vampire was up all day and stays up all night, they may remain exhausted anyway because of lack of sleep.
Long ago, vampires discovered that their power increases if they cannibalize their own kind. The process of diablerie requires a vampire to completely drain another vampire’s blood. After draining their victim, the vampire must consume the victim’s soul (which can be achieved by sucking out their soul via the vampire’s fangs but only after the draining process is complete). This must all be done in one sitting so it would be impossible to diablerize more than 1 vampire in any given day, as the amount of blood the vampire just drained is a great amount indeed. Only a pureblood is capable of diablerizing another pureblood. Diablerie is considered as a sort of ultimate sin in vampire society. Few vampires will even associate themselves with a Diablerizer and once a vampire diablerizes another vampire, an unmistakable aura of evil permeates them, making the fact that they are a diablerizer known to any vampire that perceives their aura. A vampire gains no benefits for diablerizing a vampire more than 5 levels or HD lower then them. The exception to this rule is when a pureblood diablerizes another pureblood. The pureblood will ALWAYS gain benefits. When a vampire whose alignment is not Chaotic Evil commits diablerie, they must make the same will save required when they first became a vampire or have their alignment shift towards Chaotic Evil. A vampire who has diablerized another vampire carries a distinct taint out to a 30ft radius. This taint has no physical component and cannot be detected by mundane or magical means, or by any creature other than a vampire or dhampir. Vampires and Dhampirs can identify a tainted vampire within 30ft on a successful Spot check (DC 20 – the number of vampire’s the tainted vampire has diablerized. If the vampire has diablerized 20 or more vampires, other vampires/dhampirs automatically succeed their Spot check to identify the taint).
Note: The bonus feats that the vampire
If the vampire is 0-5 levels or HD lower:
- Do not have to feed for the next 3 days
- Gain 50% experience required to level up. This experience gain is based upon the total of the min experience for the next level minus the min experience for the current level (this would mean that diablerizing 2 vampires of 0-5 levels or HD lower would guarantee a level up).
- +2 bonus to all regenerative abilities for next 24hrs
- +2 bonus to all rolls for the next 24hrs
- -1 penalty to all saving throws vs frenzy for the next 24hrs
- Gain a bonus feat for every 5 diablerized
If the vampire is a higher level or HD:
- Do not have to feed for the next 5 days
- Gain a level
- +5 bonus to all regenerative abilities for the next 72hrs
- +4 bonus to all rolls for the next 72hrs
- May gain 1 class the victim had that the vampire does not already have (with the exception of prestige and paragon classes)
- -2 penalty to all saving throws vs frenzy for the next 24hrs
- Gain a bonus feat
If the vampire is a Pureblood:
- Do not have to feed for the next 7 days
- +10 levels in all classes
- +10 perfection bonus to all regenerative abilities (permanent)
- +5 bonus to all rolls for the next 7 days
- +2 perfection bonus to all rolls (permanent)
- May gain all classes the victim had that the vampire does not already have (with the exception of prestige and paragon classes)
- -5 penalty to all saving throws vs frenzy (permanent)
- Regenerative abilities instantly heal wounds caused by weapons of an additional +1 enchantment. Example: A pureblood instantly heals wounds caused by weapons of +3 enchantment or lower. After diablerizing a Pureblood, the Pureblood now instantly heals wounds caused by weapons of +4 enchantment or lower. If the Pureblood diablerizes yet another Pureblood, they will instantly heal wounds caused by weapons of +5 enchantment or lower, and so on and so forth. (permanent)
- Gain 10 bonus feats
---Weakness to holy ground/objects---
Vampires have an aversion to good-aligned holy symbols. Even the suggestion of one, such as fallen trees that form a cross, or a peasant’s dinner that resembles the halfling goddess’s horn of plenty, cause them distress. A vampire cannot get within 10 feet of a holy symbol, even if it is built into the ground or wall, unless they succeed on a DC 40 Will save (The DC is 80 for Purebloods). The DC increases by 1 for every additional holy symbol within 100 feet of the vampire. The distaste is evident unless the vampire succeeds a bluff check opposed to the observer’s sense motive check. If the vampire is forcibly moved within 10 feet of the holy symbol they are paralyzed for 1hr or until they are moved further than 10 feet from the holy symbol. If the vampire is paralyzed for 1hr and waits the entire hr to become unparalyzed, they are frightened and must move away from the holy symbol as quickly as possible. The vampire cannot be paralyzed again in this manner until they are further than 10 feet from a holy symbol. A vampire cannot ignore the presence of a holy symbol by closing their eyes or casting a darkness spell. The holy symbol must be completely destroyed.
Note: The effect of holy symbols described above only applies to large holy symbols that are built on the ground or right into a building. The holy symbols that one carries around with them work slightly differently.
Hand help holy symbols don’t carry as much power, but at the same time they can be more effective. A vampire will recoil if a good aligned holy symbol is presented to them with courage and conviction. A recoiling vampire must stay at least 5 feet away from a creature holding the symbol. If the symbol is removed from sight or if the creature is no longer holding it with courage and conviction, then the vampire is no longer affected by it. Holding a vampire at bay in this manner takes a standard action. If a vampire is splashed with a vial of holy water or struck with a good holy symbol they will suffer 1d6+1 points of holy damage. While on holy ground a vampire will suffer 1d4 points of holy damage per round or per minute. Disruption counts as holy damage. Placing an alter or building a church isn't enough to turn an area into holy or unholy grounds. Divine magic must be in place to alter the spiritual quality of the area. Areas under the effects of the 5th level cleric spell "Hallow" are considered holy ground. Areas under the effects of the 5th level cleric spell "Unhallow" are considered unholy ground.
Category A Vampires are particularly weak to holy damage. All penalties/damage caused by holy ground/objects are doubled. The vampire is kept at bay for 15 feet by a good aligned holy symbol (mirrors still keep them at bay for 5 feet as normal). Hearing the name of a good aligned deity, a good aligned outsider especially important to the deity, a good aligned outsider of great power or significance (such as a solar, a celestial paragon, or their champion), or their titles, as well as other religious phenomena, including, but not limited to, praying out loud to said beings, holy ground, bells of a church to a good aligned deity, or a religious ceremony, causes Category A Vampires physical and mental distress. While this distress is not especially devastating, it is enough to cause them to have an aversion to these names, as well as cause them to suffer a –2 circumstance penalty to concentration checks to cast spells, and on any skill check that requires unusual concentration or attention to detail (such as Craft, Forgery, Knowledge, Open Lock, and Search) for 1 minute. If names are spoken repeatedly, or if the vampire is present for a lasting occurrence, such as being at a ceremony or being on holy ground, the effects remain for as long as the vampire is present and for 1 minute afterwards. Typically, said vampire becomes irritated when this happens. Some even become angry and punish the offender. In any case, the pureblood must make a Bluff check opposed to an observers Sense Motive check to hide their discomfort.
---Control over Bats and Rats---
Vampires can control bats, dire bats, rats, and dire rats. They may also Shape Change into a bat or rat at will. Vampires can call forth 1d6+1 rat swarms or 1d4+1 bat swarms in 2d6 rounds for Category C Vampires, 1d6 rounds for Category B Vampires, and instantly (they are magically created) for Category A Vampires. Category C Vampires may use this power once per day, Category B Vampires may use this power 4 times per day, and Category A Vampires may use this power at will. Category A and B vampires may also use this power to summon 1d6+1 dire rats or 1d4+1 dire bats. In all cases, the summoned creatures will serve the vampire until death or until released. Category B and A vampires may turn into a swarm of bats at will. This is commonly used as a form of escape. Category B Vampires may also Shape Change into a Night Hunter, dire rat, or dire bat. Category A Vampires may also Shape Change into A Night Hunter, dire rat, dire bat, or Sinister. The use of any of these powers takes a standard action. These abilities are treated as supernatural abilities. Vampires may give commands to bats, dire bats, rats, and dire rats as if they had used the Dominate Animal spell. The creatures will obey the vampire. Commands from a vampire of a higher character level but the same category take higher priority. Commands from a vampire of a higher category, regardless of difference in level, take higher priority.
Whet-Fang vampires cannot control bats are rats of any kind. Instead, they control reptiles and amphibians of animal intelligence. A Whet-Fang may Shape Change into any reptile or amphibian of animal intelligence they have knowledge of (no matter how much the vampire knows of the particular creature, if they do not know what it looks like they still cannot shape change into it). Category C Whet-Fangs can only Shape Change into creatures of Tiny or Small size. Category B Whet-Fangs may only Shape Change into creatures of Tiny, Small, or Medium size. Purebloods may Shape Change into any reptile or amphibian of up to Large size. Category B and A vampires may Shape Change into dire versions of these creatures, regardless of whether or not it exceeds the normal size restriction. A Category C Whet-Fang may call forth 1d6+1 swarms of a reptile or amphibian of Small size or smaller in 2d6 rounds once per day as a supernatural ability. Category B Whet-Fangs may summon them in 1d6 rounds 4 times per day as a supernatural ability. Purebloods may summon them instantly (they are magically created) at will as a supernatural ability. Whet-Fangs and Purebloods may give commands to reptiles and amphibians of animal intelligence as if they had used the Dominate Animal spell. The creatures will obey the vampire. Commands from a vampire of a higher character level but the same category take higher priority. Commands from a vampire of a higher category, regardless of difference in level, take higher priority.
Vampires can fly. They may also influence the direction they are falling by “gliding”.
Category C Vampires may only fly if they Shape Change into a bat or dire bat (unless some other form of flight is available).
Category B Vampires may use unaided flight at will with good maneuverability. Unaided flight allows the vampire to fly at a speed of up to their base land speed and counts as a supernatural ability. They may also sprout 2 large bat-like wings and fly at twice their flying movement rate and their flight will count as an extraordinary ability. The vampire need not beat their wings to fly, as their wings do not rely on air.
Category A Vampires may use unaided flight at will with good maneuverability. Unaided flight allows the vampire to fly at a speed of up to their base land speed and counts as a supernatural ability. They sprout 4 wings instead of 2. When their wings are out they fly at 4 times their flying movement rate and their flight will count as an extraordinary ability. The vampire need not beat their wings to fly, as their wings do not rely on air.
It is widely accepted that there is no cure for vampirism. There are as many myths and legends surrounding vampirism as there are vampires. One of the most interesting is perhaps the idea of curing vampirism. There is no evidence which supports any claims that vampirism came be cure outside of divine intervention. Indeed, it is all together likely that only a deity can reverse such a profane curse. Despite this, there are myths about vampires being cured of their curse by mortal means. Vampirism can, in fact, be cured by mortal means, but there are very few who know how, and those that do are not in the habit of revealing such secrets. Only vampires of less than 50% can be cured of vampirism.
If a vampire of 50-69% is exposed to a cure they will become ill in 2d6 hrs. After 24hrs of rest, they will return to normal. This illness has the following effects:
Sickened with double penalties, -2 circumstance penalty to all ability scores (minimum score of 1)
If a vampire of 70-99% is exposed to a cure they will suffer damage equal to ¼ of their total hp and will become very ill within 1d6 hrs. After 1 week of rest, they will return to normal. This illness has the following effects:
Sickened with triple penalties, -5 circumstance penalty to all ability scores (minimum score of 1), all movement rates cut in half, cannot use Shadowdash abilities
If a pureblood is exposed to a cure they will suffer damage equal to ½ of their total hp and will immediately become deathly ill. Finally, their regeneration is negated for 24hrs. This damage and illness will not heal until the pureblood has rested for a full month. This illness has the following effects:
Sickened with 5x penalties, Nauseated, -10 circumstance penalty to all ability scores (minimum score of 1), all movement rates reduced to 30ft, cannot use Shadowdash or Extraordinary abilities
Indeed, a cure for vampirism acts as a deadly poison that a pureblood’s immune system is quite vulnerable to. Woe to the purebloods should The Order of the Virtuous Blood ever learn the secrets to curing vampirism.
---Vampirism vs Lycanthrope---
Note: A Bolverine is like a super werewolf. I used this creature as a plot device in one of the worlds I made. I gave them specific qualities but I have little to no intention of listing them. The Vampirism vs Lycanthrope can be ignored really but for those who want vampires and lycanthropes to hate each other, this is a good little extra to add to it.
While Vampirism is derived from Molag Bal, Lycanthrope is derived from Hircine. While not directly opposed to each other, there is wide spread rivalry amongst the daedra lords, no exceptions. This rivalry has rubbed off on the supernatural natures of vampires and lycanthropes. They feel a strong resentment towards one another; though there have been rare instances of these two species working together against a common foe, it is unheard of for a vampire and lycanthrope to be friendly towards one another. Perhaps in answer to this rivalry, the supernatural nature of their respective bloods also opposes each other. A vial of vampire blood will cause 1d6+1 damage to a lycanthrope or vise versa. Pure vampire blood deals double damage, in addition, purebloods do not suffer damage when exposed to lycanthropic blood. Should a vampire ingest lycanthropic blood they will suffer 2d6 damage and immediately vomit up the blood. The reverse is true for lycanthropes. Purebloods may ingest lycanthropic blood as normal. Bolverines exhibit the same resistance and lethality as Purebloods in terms of damaging and ingesting. A vial of Bolverine blood deals double damage to vampires and if a vampire ingests bolverine blood they will suffer 4d6 damage and immediately vomit up the blood. Bolverines can ingest vampire blood without problem but cannot ingest pure vampire blood. If they do they will suffer 2d6 damage and immediately vomit up the blood. A vial of bolverine blood will cause 1d6+1 damage to a pureblood or vice versa. A pureblood cannot ingest bolverine blood. If they do they will suffer 2d6 damage and immediately vomit up the blood.
---Becoming a vampire---
Outside of birth, a living creature may become a vampire by acquiring the disease "porphyric hemophilia". Only humanoids and monstrous humanoids may acquire this disease. To acquire this disease, the living creature must have it's blood sucked by a vampire and then have at least 1 drop of the blood of the vampire that bit them enter their system within 24hrs of the bite. The blood does not have to intentionally be injected or consumed. A vampire may inject blood into someone via their fangs. During battle, the vampire may shed blood that lands on the wounds of another being, if the vampire also performs their drain attack on that being, they will be infected just as well. No matter how both the bite and the injection of blood was received, the living creature will then be infected with Porphyric Hemophilia. This disease has only one symptom, while asleep; the infected person will be plagued with nightmares. This disease is otherwise impossible to detect. It may be removed by a remove disease spell or other spells/scrolls/potions/etc...which remove diseases, such as restoration. If the disease is not removed within 72hrs, it is too late to stop the transformation. After this 72hr incubation period has passed, the infected creature will die and will rise as a vampire of the same bloodline as the vampire who infected them in 1d8 days. A creature slain by the negative levels caused by a vampire's claw attack will rise as a vampire of the same bloodline as the vampire who slew them in 1d4 days. In the event that the vampire who slew them is a Category A Vampire, the bloodline will be random. In either case, a Category A Vampire may choose to turn the victim into a "Vampire Familiar" (see Overview section) but this must be decided upon the death or infection of the creature in question. If the vampire who slew or infected the creature, or if the Category A Vampire decided not to turn the creature into a Vampire Familiar, the newly risen vampire is free-willed and is not compelled to serve their sire in any way. Unwilling vampires may even attempt to hunt down their sire.
It is important to note that natural born vampires have no genetic or physical defects whatsoever. Sanity/Humanity aside, there is nothing wrong with them. A creature that becomes a vampire shares in some of this lack of physical abnormality. Physical abnormalities will completely revert. This healing does not restore body parts that are missing all together. A blind creature whose species normally can see would regain its sight, paralysis caused by spinal damage would revert, an extra finger would rapidly decay and the ensuing hole would close up, but a missing hand or organ would not regrow. This process does not restore mental abnormalities/illnesses such as insanity, but abnormalities caused by damage to the mind (that the creature was NOT born with) will heal. An example would be a creature that suffered severe head trauma and thereafter had a very fragile memory. After becoming a vampire, the damage to their brain would heal. A creature born with autism became a vampire. Even after becoming a vampire, the autism would not heal.
This section includes all the vampire bloodlines. Every vampire belongs to a bloodline and receives additional benefits/drawbacks based upon what bloodline they belong to. A bloodline is not an organization (though you can make it out to be that way). It is merely a strain of vampirism. Some of these bloodlines are incomplete, particularly the Anthotis bloodline. I need to rework some of them to fit core 3.5 rules better. Classes gained by becoming a particular strain of vampire are gained regardless of alignment. The vampire's alignment has no effects on classes gained in this manner. A non-pureblood vampire may only have one of their aura powers active at any given time. All aura powers can be suppressed or resumed as a free action. Auras that are continually emitted are always active. Auras that are listed as toggable do not count towards the active aura limit. All feats granted by a bloodline are gained regardless of whether or not the vampire meets the prerequisites.
Unless otherwise stated, spell-like, supernatural, or extraordinary ability that emulates a spell has a caster level equal to the vampire's or the vampire’s highest class level (whichever is higher). If the vampire’s caster level (actual or effective) is not high enough to normally cast the emulated spell, the spell is cast at the minimum caster level required to cast it.
Unless otherwise stated, the DC to resist any of the abilities granted by a Bloodline is 10 + the vampire's Charisma modifier + 1/2 the vampire's character level.
---Pureblood Special Traits---
All buffs for Category A Vampires are cumulative. Category A Vampires posses the powers (and weaknesses…sort of) of ALL bloodlines in addition to some extra powers that only they posses.
- All experience requirements to reach the next level are increased by 25%
- May turn their victims into any bloodline the vampire desires
- The blood of a pureblood is so powerful that it can turn someone into a vampire even if they are already dead. The individual will have an incubation period of only a few seconds rather then a few days and their soul instantly returns to their body unless it is trapped in some way. The vampire must have access to the victim’s body and the body must be relatively intact. Missing limbs do not prevent this profane resurrection but the victim’s limbs will still be missing upon their resurrection. This resurrection is extremely distressful and persons so raised this way will immediately frenzy without a saving throw. A pureblood cannot raise someone as a vampire if they have been dead for more than 24hrs
- A pureblood may have up to 3 aura powers active at a time (auras that listed as toggable or always active do not count towards this limit); however, there is a 25% chance every round that the separate auras will interfere with each other and collapse, 50% if there are 3 auras. Auras ended in this manner cannot be used again for 10 minutes. Only 1 toggable aura may be active at a time. Though listed under pureblood special traits, this limit to aura powers counts for all vampires with aura powers.
Nether Lightning:
- This spell-like ability allows the vampire to cause the magical energies within them to vibrate to the point that electricity is created. When used, the vampire releases an ark of electrical and unholy energies in the form of a black lightning with a white translucent lining. The vampire may choose to add negative energy to this attack to cause those affected to gain negative energy levels but this must be decided before the spell is cast. The vampire may strike everything within a 30ft ark in front of them up to 60ft long and +10 ft long per caster level (Max 200ft) or a specific target within the same effective range. When released in an ark, the lightning causes 1d8 electric damage per three caster levels and 1d4 unholy damage per three caster levels. In addition, all affected targets gain 3 negative energy levels. This spell cannot be dodged if released in an ark but a reflex save with a –6 penalty (DC 20) can be made for half damage and gaining only 1 negative energy level. If the vampire targets a specific being, the lightning will be released in a concentrated bolt that deals 1d12 electric damage per three caster levels and 1d6 unholy damage per three caster levels. All beings within 10 ft of the target will suffer 1/2 of the damage incurred on the target and will gain 2 negative energy levels. In addition, the target gains 6 negative energy levels. A successful dodge check can be made to avoid the spell. If struck, a reflex save with a –2 penalty (DC 20) can be made for half damage and gaining only 3 negative energy levels, adjacent targets will not gain any. All saving throws are rolled separately for each being affected. Excessive use of this power will fatigue and damage the vampire. This spell-like ability requires 3 rounds of concentration to cast.
Bat Clone:
- The vampire can create small creatures or a clone of themselves using a small portion of their body such as a finger (which will not regenerate until the creature(s)/clone has been destroyed or dispelled). The spell will not duplicate anything the vampire is carrying but will still duplicate their clothes if a clone is created. The stats of the creature(s) vary depending on how much of the body the vampire gives, the level of the vampire, and what kind of creature is created. The created creature may be given simple commands such as guarding a certain area. At any time, the vampire may choose to use the sensory of one of the created creatures. Otherwise, the vampire only has a vague awareness of what is happening to the creatures. If bats are created in this manner the vampire may create up to 100 bats for every portion of their body used and may use the sensory of all the bats at the same time. Bats created in this manner may see with their eyes as well as humans do and so they also give a visual feedback. The vampire may also communicate telepathically with anyone who comes into physical contact with one or more of these bats. This allows the vampire to scout at a much faster rate and to coordinate their companions with great efficiency. To do this, the vampire must remain stationary and keep their eyes closed. A clone of the vampire itself will have ½ of their total hp and level but it does not regenerate on it’s own or via magic. The clone cannot use any of the vampire’s magic or supernatural abilities. The clone will have the same ability scores as the vampire. Unlike created creatures, the clone may only be controlled completely or not at all. When the clone is being controlled, the vampire must remain stationary and keep their eyes closed, they are aware of everything the clone is aware of but will not be aware of their own surroundings unless an obvious threat is near. The vampire does not feel any physical sensation but it still aware of any damage incurred by the clone. The vampire may also use the clone to verbally communicate with anyone near the clone. What makes this ability so useful is that creatures and clones created in this manner are unaffected by sunlight. The vampire may choose to dispel any or all creatures/clone created in this manner at will. A successful dispel evil will dispel creatures but not the clone. Only one clone may exist at any given time. A clone of the vampire may become incorporeal at will.
---Aetherial Shadow Form---
This is quick possibly the most powerful ability a Pureblood possesses. The vampire calls upon their instincts and the dark and evil power within them and summons them into the physical world. The vampire’s body will dissolve and reform into shadow and aetherial matter. Bloody red eyes will open up all over this form and the vampire may shape their body into any form they desire. The exact amount of matter the vampire has to work with is dependant upon their level and the amount and magnitude of the shadows and magical energy in the surrounding area. This is a Category A Vampire’s most powerful ability. While in this form, they are virtually indestructible and unstoppable. The nature of this power causes the vampire to hunger for both battle and blood uncontrollably. The alignment of the vampire is irrelevant. This power is both highly effectual and dangerous and it is generally used only as a last resort. This is an innate ability all purebloods possess. While in this form, the vampire receives various bonuses and drawbacks. They are as follows:
“Now! It's time to educate you on how a real vampire does battle!” – Alucard
- Bonuses:
- +10 profane bonus to all ability scores (except for Constitution)
- May only be harmed by holy magic, anti-vampire magic, epic and good weapons, weapons made out of arklicite, and damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast
- Immunity to Energy
- Damage caused by epic and good weapons, and damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast will heal 20 hp per round (200hp/minute). Damage caused by holy magic will heal 10 hp per round (100hp/minute). Damage caused by weapons made out of arcklicite, or anti-vampire magic heals 1 hp per round (10hp/minute)
- Because the vampire’s body is diffused throughout the mass of shadow/aetherial matter, destruction of specific body parts is impossible; therefore, limbs and organs are treated as “regenerating” instantly
- +5 profane bonus to all rolls. Rolls that must be made via the weaknesses of this power do not receive this bonus
- +10 profane bonus to Natural Armor
- Gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to Charisma Modifier (this is in addition to the Unholy Grace Deflection bonus)
- The first 10 points of damage the vampire deals is converted into Vile damage
- Damage reduction is changed to 20/anti-vampiric
- Total hp are temporarily increased by +10 per HD (These are not temporary hp and will heal like normal hp but go away after Aetherial Shadow ends)
- All attacks made by this shadow/aetherial matter count as an evil and epic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- All powers, abilities, and spells are 50% more powerful
- Vision in all directions
- Immunity to gaze attacks
- May use a gaze attack against any enemy with a clear sight of them
- Continually emits an Aura of Cold
- Continually emits an Unholy Aura as if they were a 30th level cleric with double range (this aura extends from any and every space the vampire occupies)
- Will never frenzy (though the side effects are probably more terrifying)
- Spirit Force acts as if it were 10 levels higher
- Enhanced Aura of Desecration (Su): The vampire emits an aura of utter desecration with a radius of 1,000ft (caster level 30). The vampire acts as a shrine to an evil deity, and so the effects of the desecration are doubled. If this aura enters a consecrated area, the area where they intercept will be affected as follows: An opposed caster level check must be made, if the desecration wins the check, the consecration is suppressed, being replaced by the desecration. If the consecration wins the check, both the consecration and desecration are suppressed. Areas where the consecration and desecration do not meet are unaffected. If this aura enters a hallowed area, the area where they intercept will be affected as follows: both are suppressed. Areas where the hallowed and desecration do not meet are unaffected. If this aura enters an area connected to a deity, the deity’s connection is cut off but the desecration is not suppressed.
- Continually emits an Aura of Terror (Su) (All non-undead within 120ft of the vampire are overcome with intense feelings of fear, hopelessness, and dread and suffer a –4 penalty to all attack rolls (-6 if attacking the vampire). In addition, a will save with a –4 penalty must be made every round or the being will be paralyzed with fear for 1d4+3 rounds. Beings of level 8-12 may make an additional save without penalty if they fail the previous roll. A successful secondary save results in the being fleeing in terror for 1d4+3 rounds as if under the effects of panicked instead. Beings above level 12 or 12 HD are unaffected by Aura of Terror.)
- Continually emits an Aura of Deeper Darkness (Su) (All candles, torches, and small fires/electric lights within 200ft of the vampire are snuffed out. This ability otherwise functions as a Deeper Darkness spell with a radius of 200ft and is centered on the vampire (caster level 20))
- The vampire’s body is a mass of shadow/aetherial matter entirely under their control. They may shape their body into any form they choose regardless of whether or not the form is that of an actual creature or object. They may simply choose to create masses of tentacles to attack with. Physical objects such as teeth and claws can also be made. Anything the vampire was carrying may also be used and all bonuses from items the vampire was wearing still apply. The player and DM must determine the exact damage of these attacks, the number of attacks, and other statistics before the attack is made (the DM should not penalize the player because it took awhile to figure out the stats. If the player takes awhile to decide how to attack then it would be the same as taking too long to think during combat).
- May Meld with Shadows at will. In the next round they may spring forth from any shadow connected to the shadow they melded with. If the vampire makes an attack during this round the target must make a Fortitude save at a –2 penalty. Failure results in a sneak attack. The vampire may only this attack once per target per encounter. If another being present in the encounter pays relatively close attention to this surprise attack incurred on another, they will not be surprised if the vampire chooses to perform this attack on them and so they are not subject to this attack.
- Weaknessess:
- The vampire will hunger uncontrollably. During the first round the vampire must make a successful will save with a DC 80 at a –6 penalty or they will attack the nearest enemy until they have drained them of all their blood. After the first round, a successful will check of the same DC at a –2 penalty must be made every round or the vampire will attack the nearest enemy until they have drained them of all their blood.
- The vampire has drawn their instincts into the physical world and wrapped them around themselves. This causes the vampire to become increasingly violent, sadistic, malevolent, and irrational, regardless of alignment. The vampire will lust for bloodshed and will likely end up committing an evil act. Regardless of what the vampire does while in this form, their alignment will not change, as they are under the effects of powerful dark magic and would not normally act in this manner; however, they will likely feel great remorse and/or guilt for any evil act they may have committed (assuming they were not evil to begin with). If their deity does not tolerate such evil acts they may lose their cleric powers (if any) and will have to repent if they want to get them back.
- The vampire’s mind is bolstering with its dark and malevolent instincts. Every round, the vampire must make a successful will save at a –4 penalty (DC 80). A failed save results in the vampire losing the ability to distinguish friend from foe for 1d4 rounds. Thereafter, all beings present will be treated as enemies insofar as the vampire is concerned. Beings that the vampire is close to will still be seen as friends, though the vampire is not likely to listen to anything they have to say. The vampire does not make this roll while they cannot distinguish friend from foe (as it would be irrelevant). After the vampire regains their distinction they must continue to make this roll as normal.
- After the vampire ends the Aetherial Shadow Form they will still continue to hunger uncontrollably. The vampire will be required to feed 3 times as often for the next 7 days or risk frenzying. After the spell ends the vampire will be overcome with 1 week worth of fatigue and there is a 50% chance that the vampire will immediately lose consciousness and will not wake for 24hrs. Companions (if any remain) will not have forgotten the terrifying display of darkness and power they had witnessed moments ago. There is a 20% chance for each companion to abandon the vampire out of fear instead of taking them with them. This is pretty much fatal to the vampire if they are outside and no longer conscious with no one to take them inside and away from the approaching dawn. Close friends will never abandon the vampire (though they are likely to have lingering feelings of dread)
---Aetherial Shadow: Black Penance---
The Aetherial Shadow can be described as a form of spiritual ascendance (or descendance…depending on your point of view). It is hardly a surprise that Purebloods have spent millennia trying to uncover its secrets. Some Purebloods believe that there exists a level beyond the first; a way to achieve even greater power by pushing the Aetherial Shadow beyond its limitations. There exists no evidence to support this theory; however, a particular legend still persists amongst the Purebloods. The legend states that a Pureblood of the ancient past achieved such spiritual clarity that he broke the limits of the Aetherial Shadow and discovered the next level. For reasons unknown, he named this level “Black Penance”. Many a Pureblood has wasted away countless centuries in search of any documents left behind by this Pureblood. Thus far, no tangible evidence exists in support of the veracity of this legend.
Black Penance truly exists, and though only one has ever achieved it, there is the possibility that another Pureblood could attain the same spiritual clarity to push the Aetherial Shadow to the next level. It is unlikely at best, since the one who achieved it was non-other than Belenthrond, though he had not yet ascended to goddom. It was likely Belenthrond’s divine heritage that allowed him to reach this point, so for another vampire to reach the same point, well, suffice it to say that that option is unlikely.
Black Penance is not a decentralized mass of aetherial/shadow matter; instead, the vampire’s form is altered to be made up of this same matter. It is much more rigid, and so does not have the flexibility the initial form possesses. The vampire’s four wings will protract, and will not be able to retract, and will be about twice as big. The vampire will grow a long black tail and two white horns, both of which are curved but point upward from the sides of the vampire’s head. The horns are about 2-3 feet in length. The tail is twice the length of the vampire and ends with a medium sized wad of “fur”. The vampire’s feet end with wicked talons, with an additional talon protruding from the back of each foot. The rest of the vampire’s features are mostly indistinct, being replaced by a semi-rigid black matter. The vampire’s face remains mostly the same. The only changes to the face are that 2 orbs that glow blood red replace the vampire’s eyes. The skin on the vampire’s face becomes bone white.
The vampire has some control over their form, and may increase the size of any or all parts of their form by 1 category. They may not decrease their form’s size below their normal size, but they may “mold” their body as if it were amorphous, allowing them to slip through spaces as small as half their size. They may cause their tail to increase in length to as much as three times its length, and may manipulate their tail however they please. This tail may be used to hold and use a weapon.
These bonuses replace the bonuses granted by Aetherial Shadow. They do not stack.
“As I suspected. You are still stuck at the mortal level.” – Belenthrond Indoril
Requirements. Purebloods cannot innately use Black Penance as they can use Aetherial Shadow. Before they can use this power, a Pureblood must meet the following requirements:
- Must have at least 300 character levels.
- Must have overcome their vampiric instincts
- Must have knowledge of how to successfully compress and solidify the Shadow/Aetherial matter (this knowledge has been lost to history, but perhaps it could be uncovered or relearned by another individual.)
- Bonuses
- +20 Profane bonus to all ability scores (except for Constitution)
- Immunity to Energy (energy-based spells directed at the vampire have a 50% chance of being reflected back at the caster)
- +20 profane bonus to Natural Armor
- +10 profane bonus to all rolls. Rolls that must be made via the weaknesses of this power do not receive this bonus
- May take 10 on any roll twice per round or take 20 on one roll once per round, not both
- The first 10 points all damage the vampire deals is converted into Vile damage
- Total hp are temporarily increased by +20 per HD (These are not temporary hp and will heal like normal hp but go away after Aetherial Shadow ends)
- Gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to Charisma Modifier x 2 (this is in addition to the Unholy Grace Deflection bonus)
- All attacks made by the vampire’s natural attacks count as an evil and +8 epic enchantment weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- The vampire’s natural weapons and any weapons they wield are treated as having the Unholy and Profane Burst enchantments
- Gain a tail attack that deals 2d10+4 bludgeoning damage
- Wings may be used as natural weapons. Each wing deals 1d12+2 bludgeoning damage
- Feet may be used as natural weapons. Each foot deals 1d8 slashing damage. Cannot be used if not airborne.
- Claw attack deals 6d6+12 slashing damage.
- Bite attack deals an additional 5 damage
- All powers, abilities, and spells are 100% more powerful
- Vision in all directions (the vampire may toggle this power since extra vision is attained only when the vampire chooses to create extra eyes)
- Immunity to gaze attacks
- May use a gaze attack against any enemy with a clear sight of them
- Continually emits a Freezing Aura
- Continually emits an Unholy Aura as if they were a 40th level cleric with a range of 1,000 ft
- All movement rates are doubled, as are all Shadowdash abilities
- Spirit Force acts as if it were 20 levels higher
- Profane Aura (Su): The vampire continually emits an aura with a radius of 1-mile. The aura acts as an Unhallow spell (caster level 40). The vampire controls which spell is attached to the aura and may change the spell as a free action once per round at will. If this aura enters a consecrated area, the area where they intercept is affected as follows: The consecration is suppressed but the unhallow effect remains. If this aura enters a hallowed area, the area where they intercept is affected as follows: An opposed caster level check is made, if the aura wins the check, the hallow effect is suppressed, if the hallow wins the check, they are both suppressed. If this aura enters an area connected to a deity, the deity’s connection is cut off.
- Continually emits an Aura of Deeper Darkness (Su) (All candles, torches, and small fires/electric lights within 500ft of the vampire are snuffed out. This ability otherwise functions as a Deeper Darkness spell with a radius of 500ft and is centered on the vampire (caster level 30))
- Continually emits an Aura of Terror (Su) (All non-undead within 300ft of the vampire are overcome with intense feelings of fear, hopelessness, and dread and suffer a –6 penalty to all attack rolls (-10 if attacking the vampire). In addition, a will save with a –6 penalty must be made every round or the being will be paralyzed with fear for 2d6+6 rounds. Beings of level 12-16 may make an additional save with a -3 penalty if they fail the previous roll. A successful secondary save results in the being fleeing in terror for 2d4+4 rounds as if under the effects of panicked instead. Beings above level 16 or 16 HD are unaffected by Aura of Terror.)
- May Meld with Shadows at will. In the next round they may spring forth from any shadow connected to the shadow they melded with. If the vampire makes an attack during this round the target must make a Fortitude save at a –5 penalty. Failure results in a sneak attack. The vampire may only use this attack once per target per encounter. If another being present in the encounter pays relatively close attention to this surprise attack incurred on another, they will not be surprised if the vampire chooses to perform this attack on them and so they are not subject to this attack.
- All non-lethal damage/fatigue is removed, the vampire no longer suffers non-lethal damage from any source, and is utterly immune to fatigue. All non-lethal damage is instead pooled together, when Black Penance ends, the vampire suffers non-lethal damage equal to the non-lethal damage accumulated x2
- Regeneration (Ex): The vampire instantly regenerates any wound. The vampire takes normal damage from epic and good aligned weapons, weapons made from arklicite, weapons enchanted with anti-vampire magic, from anti-vampire spells and spells of 10th level or higher with the good descriptor, and damage caused by backlash from spells the vampire cast.
- Fast Healing 30 (Ex): The vampire heals 30 hp/round. Limbs and organs regenerate instantly unless destroyed/severed by anti-vampire damage, in which case it will regenerate in 1d4 rounds.
- Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): The vampire may use the following spells at will with a caster level equal to their own.
- Circle of Death, Damning Darkness, Greater Teleport, Plane Shift, Power Word Stun, Wave of Pain, and Wretched Blight
- The vampire acts as if affected by the Haste spell (caster level 20).
- Weaknesses
- Unlike Aetherial Shadow, the vampire does not hunger uncontrollably while using Black Penance. To achieve this power, the vampire must have transcended their instincts. They are in complete control of their actions.
- The amount of evil the vampire has drawn out of themselves cannot be described. The vampire has effectively become the very profane forces that were used to create them. The vampire must succeed a will save DC 100 or suffer an alignment change to Chaotic Evil. This save is made only once per use of Black Penance. This alignment change persists even after Black Penance ends, assuming the save failed. The vampire may change alignment as normal afterwards, but they will not want to. The DC decreases by 2 each time the vampire succeeds the save. So, if the vampire uses Black Penance and succeeds the save, next time they use it the DC will be 98. If they succeed that time, next time they use it the DC will be 96. The DC will continue to decrease until it reaches 0. If the vampire fails the save, the DC reverts to 100.
- After the vampire ends Black Penance they will be overcome with a maddening hunger. The vampire will be required to feed 6 times as often for the next month or risk frenzying (this is in exception to the vampire’s immunity to frenzying). After Black Penance ends the vampire will be overcome with 1 month worth of fatigue and there is a 90% chance that the vampire will immediately lose consciousness and will not wake for 1 week. Companions (if any remain) will not have forgotten the terrifying display of darkness and power they had witnessed moments ago. There is a 50% chance for each companion to abandon the vampire out of fear instead of taking them with them. This is pretty much fatal to the vampire if they are outside and no longer conscious with no one to take them inside and away from the approaching dawn. Close friends will never abandon the vampire (though they are likely to have lingering feelings of dread)
- This god-like power does not come without a price. It completely and utterly breaks mortal limitations. The attention of deities aside, the vampire’s body, mind, and soul were not meant to handle such power. The strain of maintaining this power causes the vampire to be permanently drained of 1 level in all classes. This loss in level is paid when Black Penance ends and must be paid every time the power is used. The vampire’s hp are reduced by 1/100 of their max hp every round. This damage cannot be healed until 1 month after the vampire ends Black Penance. A vampire whose hp are reduced to 0 by this effect is torn apart by their own power, causing their remains to be treated as if disintegrated.
---Aetherial Shadow: Encompassing Bone Void---
No pureblood has ever imagined that there might be a level beyond Black Penance, but there is. It is likely that no mortal vampire can ever achieve this power, and there exists no precedence for the circumstances behind how this terrible power was discovered. When Belenthrond Indoril’s soul was destroyed by Na’gt, his lingering will heard the cries of grief and terror from his wife, who was also about to be utterly destroyed by Na’gt. Belenthrond’s love for her defied all logic and reason; the metaphysical laws of the multi-verse were unable to prevent Belenthrond from willing himself back from spiritual death. When he arose, he assumed a form with power on par with the Celestial Deities, thus breaking his own demi-cosmic limitations, and allowing him to overcome Na’gt’s might. His victory was short lived, for even a being such as he was never meant to posses such power. He was unable to maintain his existence under the stress, and was crushed by his own power, leaving behind nothing of his mind but base instinct and rage, at least until the intervention of the Cosmic Gods.
The power of this form cannot be accurately measured. A Pureblood using Encompassing Bone Void is the equal of a Greater Deity, sometimes even beyond that. Even a demi-cosmic such as Belenthrond could not handle this much power; thus, it is likely that it will never be seen again.
List of classes: Cleric, Sangromancer, Fighter, Monk, Psion, Rouge, Ranger, Shadowcaster, Spiritualist, Wizard
Any class gained by becoming a vampire is treated as a favored class for the purposes of determining experience penalties for multiclassing. Treat the inhereted class as a favored class even if the base creature already has a different favored class (they will just have to not complain that they now have 2 favored classes). These classes are all treated as a favored class for Purebloods.
- This bloodline is gifted with powerful minds suited for psionic prowess. While not as physically imposing as some of the other bloodlines, all Anthotis vampires have the psion class. If someone does not have this class when they are turned they will automatically gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. An Anthotis vamprie’s Psionic Charm Gaze is so potent that it may even affect elves. The Anthotis bloodline is considered to be one of the most powerful bloodlines.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Int, Wis
- +4 bonus to save throws to resist mind-affecting effects
- Experience required to gain a level in the psion class is reduced by 10%
- May choose 2 disciplines rather than 1. Separate experience points to advance in these disciplines are not required. The vampire is merely treated has having access to 2 disciplines. Manifester level is treated as being 3 levels higher then it really is for the purposes of opposed rolls
- DC to resist powers increased by 3
- +4 racial bonus to Concentration, Autohypnosis, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, and Use Psionic Device checks
- Gain 2 extra Power Points for every Psion level
- Gain 1 additional powers known for every Psion level
- Psionics are 25% more powerful
- Gain the Feats: Autonomous, Closed Mind, Psionic Charge, Psionic Affinity, Speed of Thought, Talented, All Metapsionics Feats (1 time)
- May Dominate Person with a glance once per day (this domination affects monsters as well, creatures with an intelligence equal to or less than 4 receive no saving throw). This is a psi-like ability
- Advanced Blood Memories (the vampire may see memories up to 5 weeks old and if they drink their victim dry they may see memories up to 15 weeks old. Mental defenses are easier to break through)
- May use Telepathic Bond once per day
- May communicate Telepathically with any creature that has language within 250ft at will. The vampire may only use a language they known (unless they are being affected by a spell that allows them to communicate in any language, such as the Tongues spell), so if the creature does not speak the vampire’s language, they will not understand what the vampire is saying. This is a psi-like ability
- May use Telekinesis as if they were a caster of the same level at will as a psi-like ability. All parameters for the spell are increased by 50%
- Dire Charm (Su): The vampire can implant a command in their target’s mind. The victim makes a Will save. Failure means the dire charm lies dormant until activated. The target may not know they have been affected at all and may continue for days with this charm lying waiting to be activated. A vampire may only dire charm as many creatures as their HD. Examples of dire charms are ‘Defend Me!’ causing your target to suddenly leap to your defense, or ‘sleep!’ in which case your target will fall into a deep slumber until awoken. The dire charm dissipates after 1 week.
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Int, Wis
- +6 bonus to save throws to resist mind-affecting effects
- Experience required to gain a level in the psion class is reduced by 20%
- May choose 4 disciplines rather than 1. Separate experience points to advance in these disciplines are not required. The vampire is merely treated has having access to 4 disciplines. Manifester level is treated as being 6 levels higher then it really is for the purposes of opposed rolls
- DC to resist powers increased by 5
- +6 racial bonus to Concentration, Autohypnosis, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, and Use Psionic Device checks
- Gain 4 extra Power Points for every Psion level
- Gain 2 additional powers known for every Psion level
- Psionics are 50% more powerful
- The vampire’s mind is enhanced beyond the norm. The vampire must meditate for 8 hrs once a week to keep their power in check. Failure to meditate results in all bonuses being reduced to the level of Category C Vampires. When under the influence of extreme emotion, a –2 penalty is applied to all rolls involving psionics.
- Gain the Feats: Autonomous, Combat Manifestation, Deadly Precision, Force of Will, Closed Mind, Psionic Charge, Power Penetration, Psionic Affinity, Psionic Body, Psionic Empowerment, Speed of Thought, Talented, All Metapsionics Feats (2 times)
- Advanced Blood Memories (the vampire may see memories up to 10 weeks old and if they drink their victim dry they may see memories up to 30 weeks old. Only powerful minds may attempt to block the vampire’s mind)
- May use Telepathic Bond 3 times per day
- May communicate Telepathically with any creature that has language within 500ft at will. The vampire may only use a language they known (unless they are being affected by a spell that allows them to communicate in any language, such as the Tongues spell), so if the creature does not speak the vampire’s language, they will not understand what the vampire is saying. This is a psi-like ability
- May use Telekinesis at will. All parameters for the spell are doubled. This is a psi-like ability
- May use Nightmare as a spell-like ability once per day
- May use Telekinetic Sphere 3 times per day as a psi-like ability
- May Dominate Person with a glance 3 times per day, saving throws are made with a –3 penalty (this domination affects monsters as well, creatures with an intelligence equal to or less than 8 receive no saving throw). This is a psi-like ability
- Dire Charm (Su): The vampire can implant a command in their target’s mind. The victim makes a Will save at a -2 penalty. Failure means the dire charm lies dormant until activated. The target may not know they have been affected at all and may continue for days or even weeks with this charm lying waiting to be activated. A vampire may only dire charm as many creatures as their HD. Examples of dire charms are ‘Defend Me!’ causing your target to suddenly leap to your defense, or ‘sleep!’ in which case your target will fall into a deep slumber until awoken. The dire charm dissipates after 1 month.
- Category A Vampires:
- The vampire has access to all psion disciplines. Separate experience points to advance in these disciplines are not required. The vampire is merely treated has having access to all disciplines. Manifester level is treated as being twice as high as it really is for the purposes of opposed rolls
- DC to resist powers increased by 10
- +10 racial bonus to Autohypnosis, Concentration, Knowledge (psionics), Psicraft, and Use Psionic Device checks
- There is a 50% chance that attempting to becoming Psionically Focused will fail regardless of the outcome of the roll. This is because the vampire is attempting to focus a vast amount of psionic energy that is continuously swirling and churning like a great maelstrom. This percentage decreases by 2 for every Psion level the vampire has above 10
- If the vampire is not psionically focused, there is a 5% chance that, when they use a Psionic power, Psi-like ability, or Supernatural Psi-Like ability, they will either fail to hold their vast psionic powers back, causing the power to act as though it were 4 manifester levels higher and act as though it had an additional 6 power points spent on it, or they will lose control of their powers, causing a blast of psionic energy to shoot out in a random direction for 5ft per caster level of the power. This blast deals 1d4 damage +1 damage per caster level of the power to all creatures in its path, reflex save for half. To determine whether the power is strengthened or fizzles, roll a d100, a result of 1-50 results in a strengthened power, a result of 51-100 results in a lose of control
- It takes 1 minute (10 rounds) for the vampire to become Psionically Focused and they may not decrease this time with the Psionic Meditation feat or a similar ability
- Gain 10 extra Power Points for every Psion level
- Gain 3 additional powers known for every Psion level
- Psionics are 100% more powerful
- Gain the Feats: Align Attack, Autonomous, Combat Manifestation, Deadly Precision, Force of Will, Chain Power, Closed Mind, Ghost Attack, Inquisitor, Narrow Mind, Psionic Charge, Power Penetration, Psionic Affinity, Psionic Body, Psionic Empowerment, Greater Psionic Empowerment, Psionic Fist, Psionic Mastery, Greater Psionic Fist, Greater Power Penetration, Overchannel, Opportunity Power, Speed of Thought, Talented, All Metapsionics Feats (3 times)
- Advanced Blood Memories (the vampire may see memories no matter how old the memory is. The vampire may push past recent memories and move directly to deep into the victims past if they so desire. Only the most powerful of minds may attempt to block the vampire)
- May use Telepathic Bond at will. When a second Telepathic Bond is cast, the affected creatures may be included in the link between the previous one at the vampire’s discretion. This is a Supernatrual Psi-Like ability
- May use Telekinesis at will. All parameters for the spell are multiplied by 10 and there is no limit to the amount of weight the vampire may lift or creatures the vampire may affect. The spells effectiveness is multiplied by 4. This is a Supernatural Psi-Like ability
- May use Ultrablast, Mind Thrust, Psionic Blast, Detect Psionics, Detect Hostile Intent, and Energy Bolt as a psi-like abilities at will
- May communicate Telepathically with any creature that has language within a 1 mile radius will. This is a Psi-Like ability.
- May use Nightmare as a psi-like ability at will
- May use Telekinetic Sphere as if they were a caster of three times their level at will. The spell is also three times as powerful and can be maintained beyond the duration so long as the vampire concentrates on the sphere. While the vampire does this, the vampire may not cast spells, perform any action that requires concentration, or use any other abilities derived from their vampiric powers. In addition, the vampire may not move themselves or the sphere while this concentration is maintained. If the sphere is aloft then it will fall as normal but once it is on the ground, or if it already was, it will remain stationary and any attempt the vampire makes to move it will end the spell. To maintain it after the spell ends, the vampire must make a Concentration check every round and every time the sphere suffers damage. The DC is 30 but it increased by 5 every round. The DC to concentrate when the sphere suffers damage is equal to 30 +5 for every round after the spell has ended +1 for every point of damage the sphere suffered. This is a Psi-Like ability
- May Dominate Person with a glance, saving throws are made with a –6 penalty (this domination affects monsters as well, creatures with an intelligence equal to or less than 12 receive no saving throw). This is a Supernatural Psi-Like ability
- Immune to Mind-Affecting Powers. If an attempt is made to forcibly affect or connect to the mind of the vampire (such as with psionics or psi-like abilities), than the power will automatically fail and the psychic backlash will cause the caster to suffer 2d4+2 points of damage, be stunned for 1d4 rounds, and suffer Wisdom Drain equal to the number of rounds they were stunned (this protection applies even if the vampire was indirectly affected by an area mind-affecting power). If the offender has a manifester of at least 50% greater than that of the vampire’s, they may make an opposed manifester check at a –5 penalty. If they succeed the check, they are not affected by this backlash and the vampire is affected as normal, including the effects of a mind affecting power. This defense exists because the vampire's mind is VERY hostile to invasion. The vampire must consciously relax their mental defenses to prevent this hostile reaction. It is advisable that companions wishing to connect to the vampire's mind inform the vampire ahead of time
- The vampire’s mind is a fearsome power to behold. The vampire must meditate for 1 hr every day to keep their power in check. Failure to meditate will result in a –10 penalty to all rolls involving psionics and cause their powers to only be 50% more powerful (rather than 100%). Strong emotion may cause their mental powers to run wild and affect the world around them. Nearby glass cracking and/or shattering is common when the vampire is under the influence of strong emotions. Under extreme emotional influence, normally durable objects such as walls or stone may also crack; metallic objects will bend if not sufficiently thick (1/2 inch or less). Unprotected creatures and objects may be tossed around (as per the Telekinesis spell with a caster level equal to ½ the vampire’s manifester level (minimum 9). The Telekinesis produces a Violent Thrust; no other result can be generated. The direction of the thrust is entirely random). If the vampire is in danger of dieing the true death while they are not in control of their psionic powers then a dangerous situation will develop. Should the vampire die while not in control of their psionic powers, the psychic backlash will cause adverse effects to every mind within a 20-mile radius of the vampire. Creatures of 9 or lower manifester level will die instantly with no saving throw. Creatures of 10-13 manifester level will suffer 5d10+10 damage and suffer the effects of insanity with a 50% chance of death. Creatures of 14-19 manifester level will suffer 4d8+5 damage with a 50% chance of suffering from the effects of insanity and a 10% chance of death. Creatures of 20 or higher manifester levels suffer 2d6+2 points of damage. The minds of creatures without manifester levels are ill prepared to withstand this psychic backlash and will die instantly with no saving throw. Creatures who do not have manifester levels but have levels in an epic or paragon class suffer 4d8+5 points of damage and have a 50% chance of death. Creatures with great mental abilities such as a Mind Flayer or another Category A Vampire are utterly immune to this psychic backlash regardless. If the vampire consciously suppresses their power all adverse effects are greatly diminished. It is advisable to not cause emotional distress to the vampire.
- Dire Charm (Su): The vampire can implant a command in their target’s mind. The victim makes a Will save at a -5 penalty. Failure means the dire charm lies dormant until activated. The target may not know they have been affected at all and may continue for weeks or even months with this charm lying waiting to be activated. A vampire may only dire charm as many creatures as their HD. Examples of dire charms are ‘Defend Me!’ causing your target to suddenly leap to your defense, or ‘sleep!’ in which case your target will fall into a deep slumber until awoken. The dire charm dissipates after 1 year.
- Charm of the Pureblood (Su): The vampire can affect their victims over great distances. After feeding from their target, the vampire maintains a telepathic link, even seeing/ sharing their senses. The vampire can watch the world through their eyes, learning their secrets and following their footsteps. The target gets a chance to resist the compulsion when the vampire first brings it to bear and once per day thereafter. Success indicates the vampire cannot use this power on them again until the vampire has slept or 24hrs have passed (The charm is not dispelled by this save, the vampire simply cannot use its powers on the target until they have slept or 24hrs have passed). Being able to share the target’s thoughts can be both a good and a bad thing, as not only will the vampire know their exact location, but they may in turn know the vampire’s mind. Strong willed victims might even be able to see the vampire’s thoughts as per the Mind Probe spell (caster level 20). The target can make one Will save per day to be able to know the vampire’s thoughts. This charm can be removed by a Dispel Evil spell. The charm counts as a 9th level enchantment (caster level 20) cast by an evil creature for the purposes of determining the DC to dispel the effect. The can issue the following commands:
- Command: The vampire can compel their target to do as the vampire pleases. The target may be reluctant to carry out dangerous instructions, but will endeavor to carry out the vampire’s orders to the best of their ability. Any task the target would be unwilling to perform grants them a Will save. A success means the target overwhelms the vampire’s compulsion and passes into unconsciousness (the vampire cannot attempt to Command them again until 24hr have passed). A Protection from Evil spell will not prevent the vampire from Commanding the target, but a Magic Circle against Evil or a Hallow spell will.
- Summon: The vampire can compel their victim to seek them out. The vampire can send them mysterious dreams of their location (if they do not know it).
- Sleep: The target falls instantly into a deep and dreamless sleep for 3d6+10 minutes. They cannot be woken by any means during this time, although the vampire can wake them at any point with a single command.
- Talk: The vampire can overwhelm their victim’s will and speak through their mouth.
- This bloodline enhances a vampire’s magical potency. While not as physically imposing as some of the other bloodlines, they are gifted spellcasters. If someone is turned into an Aundae vampire and they do not have a magical class (mage, wizard, etc…) then they will automatically gain the magical class of their sire as if they were a multi-class user. Their minds are cursed (or gifted) with madness. While this madness can range anywhere from totally insignificant to the point that there is little difference or being all pervasive, there will always be at least a touch of madness.
- Category C Vampires:
- +3 to Int, Wis
- +4 spell slots for all spell levels (arcane slots only. divine spell slots do not increase)
- +4 racial bonus to learn/cast/prepare spell checks
- +4 racial bonus to Spellcraft
- +3 bonus on opposed caster level checks
- Emotions are more pronounced and harder to control, causing the vampire to suffer a -4 penalty to Bluff checks when attempting to mask their thoughts/feelings
- Experience requirements to gain levels in magical classes are reduced by 10%
- Spells are 25% more powerful
- Gain the feat: Magical Aptitude, Iron Will, Spell Focus (2 of the vampire’s choice), Combat Casting
- May use Aundae Hypnosis 3 times per day (Duration lasts for 5 minutes per level of the caster. Must make eye contact with the target. If target has more levels or HD than the vampire's caster level or is undead they are unaffected. Target must make a successful will save or suffer one of the following effects. The caster determines the effect. Only one effect may be chosen per casting: Fall asleep as per the sleep spell, ignore the caster and their companions and any actions they perform (target will not remember encountering the caster or their companions. If any action is performed on the target or the target’s companions the spell immediately ends), be dominated as per the dominate person spell). This is a spell-like ability
- Category B Vampires:
- +4 to Int, Wis
- +6 spell slots for all spell levels (arcane slots only. divine spell slots do not increase)
- +6 racial bonus to learn/cast/prepare spell checks
- +6 racial bonus to Spellcraft
- +5 bonus on opposed caster level checks
- Emotions are more pronounced and harder to control, causing the vampire to suffer a -8 penalty to Bluff checks when attempting to mask their thoughts/feelings
- Experience requirements to gain levels in magical classes are reduced by 20%
- Spells are 50% more powerful
- Gain the feats: Magical Aptitude, Spell Penetration, Silent Spell, Iron Will, Spell Focus (3 of the vampire’s choice), Combat Casting, Eschew Materials
- May use Aundae Hypnosis 6 times per day (Duration lasts for 10 minutes per level of the caster. Must make eye contact with the target. If target has more levels or HD than the vampire's caster level or is undead they are unaffected. Target must make a successful will save at a –2 penalty or suffer one of the following effects. The caster determines effect. Only one effect may be chosen per casting: Fall asleep as per the sleep spell, ignore the caster and their companions and any action they perform (target will not remember encountering the caster or their companions. If an action is performed on the target or the target’s companions the spell immediately ends), be dominated as per the dominate person spell). This is a supernatural ability
- Category A Vampires:
- +10 racial bonus to learn/cast/prepare spell checks
- +10 racial bonus to Spellcraft
- +10 bonus on opposed caster level checks
- Do not innately suffer from insanity (though they tend to go at least a little crazy over time anyway)
- Emotions are more pronounced and harder to control, causing the vampire to suffer a -20 penalty to Bluff checks when attempting to mask their thoughts/feelings
- Subject to wild mood swings
- Do not retain humanity as easily
- Have a tendency to be whimsical
- Spells are 100% more powerful
- Gain the feats: Iron Will, Epic Will, Quicken Spell, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude, Spell Focus (All Schools and Sub-Schools), Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Ignore Material Components
- May use Aundae Hypnosis at will (Duration lasts for 30 minutes per level of the caster. Must make eye contact with the target. If target has more levels or HD than the vampire's caster level or is undead they are unaffected. Target must make a successful will save at a –4 penalty or suffer one of the following effects. The caster determines effect. Only one effect may be chosen per casting: Fall asleep as per the sleep spell, ignore the caster and their companions and any action they perform (target will not remember encountering the caster or their companions. If an action is performed on the target or the target’s companions the spell immediately ends), be dominated as per the dominate person spell). This is a supernatural ability
- This bloodline focuses on stealth, speed, and assassination. Coincidently, Berne vampires make excellent thieves and assassins. If someone is turned and they do not have the rouge class, they will automatically gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. Berne vampires more easily learn the Shadow Dash ability.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- +3 to Dex
- +2 bonus to rear attack
- +2 to initiative rolls
- +4 bonus to Ref saving throws
- +1d6 damage bonus to Sneak Attack
- +4 racial bonus to Tumble, Disguise, Hide, Spot, Jumping, Disable Device, Open Lock, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Search, Sleight of Hand, Use Rope, Bluff, Move Silently, and Balance checks
- Gain the Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic
- May Hide in Plain Sight
- May use Venomous Bite one time per day (The vampire’s body naturally produces a deadly venom but only enough to be used once per day. If the vampire successfully bites an enemy they may choose to inject this venom via their fangs. The target must make a successful fortitude save at a –2 penalty or suffer the following effects: After 1 round the bite wound will begin to itch badly, all actions that require concentration will have a 10% chance of failure. After 3 rounds the victim will suffer 2 points of poison damage every round until the poison is neutralized, 24 hrs pass, or until death. After 5 rounds the wound will begin to bubble and the victim will become paralyzed until the poison is neutralized, 24hrs pass, or until death.)
- Experience requirements to gain levels in rouge and assassin classes are reduced by 10%
- All movement rates are increased by 50% (this increase is calculated for every bonus to the vampire’s speed. These include, but are not limited to, base speed, class bonuses to speed (such as monk), feats (such as epic speed). Shadowdash is the one exception to this increase. Its effects are not increased)
- Non-lethal damage caused by Shadowdash is decreased by 10%
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- +4 to Dex
- +4 to initiative rolls
- +6 bonus to Ref saving throws
- +2d6 damage bonus to Sneak Attack
- +8 racial bonus to Tumble, Disguise, Hide, Spot, Jumping, Disable Device, Open Lock, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Search, Sleight of Hand, Use Rope, and Bluff, Move Silently, Balance checks
- Gain the Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic, Fleet of Foot, Nimble Fingers, Mobility, Flick of the Wrist, Point-Blank Shot, Quick Draw
- May use Pass without Trace as a spell-like ability once per day
- May Hide in Plain Sight
- May use Venomous Bite three times per day (The vampire’s body naturally produces a deadly venom but only enough to be used three times per day. If the vampire successfully bites an enemy they may choose to inject this venom via their fangs. The target must make a successful fortitude save at a –4 penalty or suffer the following effects: After 1 round the bite wound will begin to itch intensely, all actions that require concentration will have a 25% chance of failure. After 2 rounds the victim will suffer 4 points of poison damage every round until the poison is neutralized, 24 hrs pass, or until death. After 3 rounds the wound will begin to bubble and the victim will become paralyzed until the poison is neutralized, 24hrs pass, or until death.)
- Experience requirements to gain levels in rouge and assassin classes are reduced by 20%
- All movement rates are doubled (this increase is calculated for every bonus to the vampire’s speed. These include, but are not limited to, base speed, class bonuses to speed (such as monk), feats (such as epic speed). Shadowdash is the one exception to this increase. Its effects are not increased)
- Non-lethal damage caused by Shadowdash is reduced by 25%
- Category A Vampires:
- +4 bonus to rear attack
- +10 bonus to Ref saving throws
- +8 to initiative rolls
- +4d6 damage bonus to Sneak Attack
- May Hide in Plain Sight
- +10 racial bonus to Tumbling, Jumping, Disable Device, Open Lock, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Search, Sleight of Hand, Use Rope, Bluff, Move Silently and Balance checks
- The vampire recieves a +10 racial bonus to Disguise checks ONLY if they are disguising someone else. Any being who attempts to disguise a Category A Vampire (including the vampire themselves) suffers a -10 circumstance penalty due to the vampire's sheer physical beauty
- Gain the feats: Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic, Blinding Speed, Cloak Dance, Deft Hands, Epic Dodge, Mobility, Epic Reflexes, Eye in the Back of Your head, Nimble Fingers, Epic Speed, Fleet of Foot, Flick of the Wrist, Quicker than the Eye, Quick Draw
- The vampire is treated as always being under the effects of Pass without Trace (caster level 20). The vampire may choose to leave a trail
- May use Venomous Bite at will (The vampire’s body naturally produces a deadly venom. The venom rapidly reproduces and may be used as many times per day as the vampire wishes. If the vampire successfully bites an enemy they may choose to inject this venom via their fangs. The target must make a successful fortitude save at a –8 penalty or suffer the following effects: The venom is so potent that it instantly paralyzes the victim and causes 8 points of poison damage per round. The victim will continue to be paralyzed and suffer poison damage until the poison is neutralized or until death.)
- All movement rates are quadrupled (this increase is calculated for every bonus to the vampire’s speed. These include, but are not limited to, base speed, class bonuses to speed (such as monk), feats (such as epic speed). Shadowdash is the one exception to this increase. Its effects are not increased)
- Start with the Preternatural Speed and Hidden Step benefits from the Shadowdash feat and non-lethal damaged caused by Shadowdash is reduced by 50%
- This bloodline is considered to be one of the weaker bloodlines but at the same time, they are feared by the living far and wide. Bonsamu vampires have the ability to turn invisible at will, clearly a useful power in many a circumstance.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str and Dex
- May use Invisibility 6 times per day. The vampire may use this supernatural ability only on themselves
- May see creatures and objects that are invisible if the caster level of the being who cast the spell is no more than 5 levels higher then the vampire’s highest class level
- May be kept at bay with a mirror in the same way as a good holy symbol
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str and Dex
- May use Invisibility 12 times per day as if they were a caster of the same level +5. The vampire may not use this supernatural ability on any creature or object, only itself
- May use Greater Invisibility 6 times per. The invisibility lasts per minute instead of per round. The vampire may not use this supernatural ability on any creature or object, only itself
- May see creatures and objects that are invisible if the caster level of the being who cast the spell is no more than 10 levels higher then the vampire’s highest class level
- May be kept at bay with a mirror in the same way as a good holy symbol
- Category A Vampires:
- May use Invisibility at will as if they were a caster of the same level +10. The invisibility lasts for as long as the vampire wills it or until they do something that would break the spell. The vampire may not use this supernatural ability on any creature or object, only itself
- May use Greater Invisibility 12 times per day as if they were a caster of the same level +5. The invisibility lasts per 5 minutes instead of per round. The vampire may not use this supernatural ability on any creature or object, only itself
- May use Invisibility Sphere 6 times per day as if they were a caster of the same level.
- May use Invisibility 10ft radius 3 times per day. This spell-like ability functions like an invisibility spell but acts as if it were cast by a caster of the same level of the vampire’s +5
- May be kept at bay with a mirror in the same way as a good holy symbol
- Commonly known as Ash Vampires, this bloodline focuses on the raw destructive powers of death and decay. Egnana vampires inherit the cold heartlessness and cruelty of undeath. Closely related to the Garlythi bloodline, Egnana vampires share a special kinship with them, though the Garlythi, like most other bloodlines, consider the Egnana heartless to the extreme. Egnana vampires likewise share a special kinship with the Yekef bloodline. Yekef vampires appreciate the Egnana more than the other bloodlines do. Whether they want to or not, Egnana vampires feel joy when witnessing the pain and suffering of others. Those Egnana that fall into the malevolent nature of vampirism are truly monstrous. Egnana feel little by way of emotion, preferring to rely on pure logic instead, the pain of others is often the only way they feel joy. Egnana especially delight in physiological torture. Egnana vampires have dark or ashen flesh and pale, narrow black eyes. They are either bald or have very fine white or black hair. They exhale wisps of ash and dust when they speak and their eyes burn like embers at all times. Egnana vampires favor hot climates, especially deserts, where they are able to move around without leaving a trail of decay. If someone is turned and they do not have the monk class, then they gain the monk class as if they were a multi-class user.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str and Int
- +4 racial bonus to Bluff, Concentrate, and Intimidate checks
- Gain Damage Reduction 10/(holy, +2, anti-vampiric). This replaces the damage reduction that all Category C Vampires possess
- Natural Attacks count as +2 weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- Gain a Slam Attack that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2, Tiny 1d3, Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8, Huge 2d6, Gargantuan 2d8, Colossal 4d6). This slam attack is the vampire’s primary natural weapon. Its claw attacks become secondary natural weapons.
- May use Recall Agony as a supernatural ability once per day
- May use Inflict Moderate Wounds as a supernatural ability 3 times per day
- May use Death Knell as a supernatural ability once per day
- Gain Fire Resistance 25
- Gain the feats: Multiattack
- Enfeebling Touch (Su): The vampire may deliver a charge of negative energy on their target upon a successful slam attack. This ability acts as a Ray of Enfeeblement spell, except it is delivered as a melee touch attack, not a ranged touch attack, and its effects stack on consecutive strikes. No matter how many times the target is struck, its strength cannot be reduced below 1. If the vampire may only use this power once per round and cannot use it during the same round they use Ash Disintegration. The target entitled to a Fortitude save to resist the effects and spell resistance still applies. If the creature is protected from negative energy, they are immune to this ability.
- Ash Disintegration (Su): The vampire can use their slam attack to deliver a powerful disintegration effect (the vampire may also deliver this attack if they are in physical contact with a creature of object). Against living beings, Ash Disintegration deals 2d6 damage. Against standard objects it works as per the rusting grasp spell (caster level equal to the vampire’s), only it affects any object, living or inanimate. The vampire can only use this power once per round. A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save receives only half damage. Damage dealt by this power can only be restored through curative magic (cure moderate wounds or better) by a cleric of 5th level or greater; otherwise, wounds heal naturally at half normal rate.
- Decrepit Gaze (Su): The vampire does not have the ability to charm as a gaze attack and gains Decrepit Gaze in its place. The vampire is constantly under the effects of an Eyebite spell, but with a +2 bonus to the caster level. This power is delivered as a gaze attack; merely looking at a creature is not enough to affect them. Creatures may attempt to avoid the gaze attack as normal. A successful Dispel Evil spell suppresses this power for 2d4 rounds.
- Shape of Ash (Su): The vampire can transform into a swirling cloud of dust and ash as a move action. They can reform as a move action. The ash cloud takes up the same space as the vampire. While in ash form, they have a movement rate of 20 ft. (perfect) and are immune to physical attacks (although they can be turned - but not destroyed). The ash is almost impossible to destroy. If it is separated, scattered or blown apart, the vampire reforms from the greatest portion of ash, the rest becomes non-magical.
- Aura of Decay (Su): The vampire radiates an aura of death and decay in a 10ft radius. This aura causes plants to wither and die, milk curdles, wood rots, as well as similar phenomena, leaving a trail of decay wherever the vampire goes; thus allowing them to be tracked with relative ease. Nothing grows within this aura. This aura causes 1d4 damage per round to plant-like creatures (Fortitude save for half). Animals and Plant-like creatures with 1 HD or less die instantly with no saving. This aura emulates the effect a Waves of Fatigue spell. A creature who succeeds their save verses the fatigue effect is immune to this aura for 24hrs. The vampire’s coffin, if any, is unaffected by this aura.
- Death State (Ex): Egnana vampires are very hard to kill. If reduced to 0 hitpoints, they turn into ash as per their Shape of Ashes ability. In 1 hour, they transform into inert dust where they reform 3d4 days later. They are not aware of their surroundings while in this state, but they may still perform mental actions, so long as those mental actions do not affect the outside world. If the vampire is reduced to 0 hitpoints by sunlight or anti-vampire damage, or if they are exposed to natural sunlight while they are in their Death State, they are truly destroyed and this ability is rendered ineffectual. The only way to destroy the vampire while they are in this state is either to expose them to natural sunlight or bury them in holy ground. Creatures slain by this power are turned to ash as though they were disintegrated.
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- +3 to Int
- +6 bonus to Bluff checks
- Gain Damage Reduction 15/(holy, +4, anti-vampiric). This replaces the damage reduction that all Category B Vampires possess
- Natural Attacks count as +4 weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
- Gain a Slam Attack that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2, Tiny 1d3, Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8, Huge 2d6, Gargantuan 2d8, Colossal 4d6) This slam attack is the vampire’s primary natural weapon. Its claw attacks become secondary natural weapons. The vampire may use its slam attack twice in the same round.
- May use Recall Agony as if it had been invested with 2 additional points as a supernatural ability 3 times per day
- May use Inflict Critical Wounds as a supernatural ability 6 times per day
- May use Death Knell as a supernatural ability 3 times per day
- Gain Fire Resistance 50
- Gain the feats: Multiattack
- Enfeebling Touch (Su): The vampire may deliver a charge of negative energy on their target upon a successful slam attack. This ability acts as a Ray of Enfeeblement spell, except it is delivered as a melee touch attack, not a ranged touch attack, and its effects stack on consecutive strikes. No matter how many times the target is struck, its strength cannot be reduced below 1. If the vampire may only use this power 2 times per round and cannot use it during the same round they use Ash Disintegration. The target entitled to a Fortitude save at a -3 penalty to resist the effects and spell resistance still applies. If the creature is protected from negative energy, they are immune to this ability.
- Ash Disintegration (Su): The vampire can use their slam attack to deliver a powerful disintegration effect (the vampire may also deliver this attack if they are in physical contact with a creature of object). Against living beings, Ash Disintegration deals 3d6 damage. Against standard objects it works as per the rusting grasp spell (caster level equal to the vampire’s), only it affects any object, living or inanimate. The vampire can only use this power 2 times per round. A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save receives only half damage. Damage dealt by this power can only be restored through curative magic (cure critical wounds or better) by a cleric of 10th level or greater; otherwise, wounds heal naturally at half normal rate. Creatures slain by this power are turned to ash as though they were disintegrated.
- Shape of Ash (Su): The vampire can transform into a swirling cloud of dust and ash as a move action. They can reform as a move action. The ash cloud takes up the same space as the vampire. While in ash form, they have a movement rate of 30 ft. (perfect) and are immune to physical attacks (although they can be turned - but not destroyed). The ash is almost impossible to destroy. If it is separated, scattered or blown apart, the vampire reforms from the greatest portion of ash, the rest becomes non-magical.
- Decrepit Gaze (Su): The vampire does not have the ability to charm as a gaze attack and gains Decrepit Gaze in its place. The vampire is constantly under the effects of an Eyebite spell, but with a +4 bonus to the caster level. This power is delivered as a gaze attack; merely looking at a creature is not enough to affect them. Creatures may attempt to avoid the gaze attack as normal. A successful Dispel Evil spell suppresses this power for 1d4 rounds.
- Aura of Decay (Su): The vampire radiates an aura of death and decay in a 20ft radius. This aura causes plants to wither and die, milk curdles, wood rots, as well as similar phenomena, leaving a trail of decay wherever the vampire goes; thus allowing them to be tracked with relative ease. Nothing grows within this aura. This aura causes 2d4 damage per round to plant-like creatures (Fortitude save for half). Animals and Plant-like creatures with 2 HD or less die instantly with no saving. This aura emulates the effect a Waves of Fatigue spell. A creature who succeeds their save verses the fatigue effect is immune to this aura for 24hrs. The vampire’s coffin, if any, is unaffected by this aura.
- Death State (Ex): Egnana vampires are very hard to kill. If reduced to 0 hitpoints, they turn into ash as per their Shape of Ashes ability. In 2 hours, they transform into inert dust where they reform 2d4 days later. They are not aware of their surroundings while in this state, but they may still perform mental actions, so long as those mental actions do not affect the outside world. If the vampire is reduced to 0 hitpoints by sunlight or anti-vampire damage, or if they are exposed to sunlight while they are in their Death State, they are truly destroyed and this ability is rendered ineffectual. The only way to destroy the vampire while they are in this state is either to expose them to natural sunlight or bury them in holy ground.
- Category A Vampires:
- Gain a Slam Attack that deals damage according to the vampire’s size (Fine 1, Diminutive 1d2, Tiny 1d3, Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8, Huge 2d6, Gargantuan 2d8, Colossal 4d6). This slam attack is a secondary natural weapon. Due to the vampire’s incredible speed, it may use its slam attack four times in the same round.
- May use Recall Agony as if it had been invested with 6 additional points as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Inflict Critical Wounds as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Death Knell as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Circle of Death as a supernatural ability once per day
- Gain the feats: Multiattack, Improved Multiattack
- Enfeebling Touch (Su): The vampire may deliver a charge of negative energy on their target upon a successful slam attack. This ability acts as a Ray of Enfeeblement spell, except it is delivered as a melee touch attack, not a ranged touch attack, and its effects stack on consecutive strikes. No matter how many times the target is struck, its strength cannot be reduced below 1. If the vampire may only use this power 3 times per round and cannot use it during the same round they use Ash Disintegration. The target entitled to a Fortitude save at a -6 penalty to resist the effects and spell resistance still applies. If the creature is protected from negative energy, they are immune to this ability.
- Ash Disintegration (Su): The vampire can use their slam attack to deliver a powerful disintegration effect (the vampire may also deliver this attack if they are in physical contact with a creature of object). Against living beings, Ash Disintegration deals 5d8 damage. Against standard objects it works as per the rusting grasp spell (caster level equal to the vampire’s), only it affects any object, living or inanimate. The vampire can only use this power 4 times per round and cannot use it during the same round they use Enfeebling Touch. A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save receives only half damage. Damage dealt by this power can only be restored through powerful curative magic (heal or better) by a cleric of 20th level or greater; otherwise, wounds heal naturally at half normal rate. Creatures slain by this power are turned to ash as though they were disintegrated.
- Shape of Ash (Su): The vampire can transform into a swirling cloud of dust and ash as a move action. They can reform as a move action. The ash cloud takes up the same space as the vampire. While in ash form, they have a movement rate of 40 ft. (perfect) and are immune to physical attacks (although they can be turned - but not destroyed). The ash is almost impossible to destroy. If it is separated, scattered or blown apart, the vampire reforms from the greatest portion of ash, the rest becomes non-magical.
- Decrepit Gaze (Su): The vampire may use the Eyebite spell as a gaze attack. The spell has a +8 bonus to the caster level. This power is delivered as a gaze attack; merely looking at a creature is not enough to affect them. Creatures may attempt to avoid the gaze attack as normal. A successful Dispel Evil spell suppresses this power for 1 round.
- Aura of Decay Toggable (Su): The vampire can radiate an aura of death and decay in a 30ft radius. This aura causes plants to wither and die, milk curdles, wood rots, as well as similar phenomena. Nothing grows within this aura. This aura causes 4d4 damage per round to plant-like creatures (Fortitude save for half). Animals and Plant-like creatures with 5 HD or less die instantly with no saving. This aura emulates the effect a Waves of Exhaustion spell. A creature who succeeds their saving verses the exhaustion effect is fatigued for 2d4 minutes but is otherwise immune to this power for 24hrs. The vampire’s coffin, if any, is unaffected by this aura.
- Death State (Ex): If reduced to 0 hitpoints, the vampire may turn into ash as per their Shape of Ashes ability, if they do not, they turn into Gaseous Form as described in the Keerilth bloodline. In 4 hours, they transform into inert dust where they reform 1d4 days later. They are not aware of their surroundings while in this state, but they may still perform mental actions, so long as those mental actions do not affect the outside world. If the vampire is reduced to 0 hitpoints by sunlight or anti-vampire damage, or if they are exposed to sunlight while they are in their Death State, they are truly destroyed and this ability is rendered ineffectual. The only way to destroy the vampire while they are in this state is either to expose them to natural sunlight or bury them in holy ground.
- This bloodline focuses on necromantic powers. While not as physically imposing as some of the other bloodlines, Garlythi vampires make excellent clerics and necromancers. If someone is turned and they do not have the cleric or necromancer specialist class then they will gain the class of the one who turned them as if they were a multi-class user (clerics do not have to worship a specific god. in a garlythi vampire's case, they may naturaly draw power from the lower planes if they serve no deity). Category A Vampires cannot specialize in a mage class so they automatically gain the cleric class. They have the ability to turn their victims into ghouls/ghasts that will be bound to their will. Any ghouls or ghasts created by the victims will also be bound to the vampire’s will. Garlythi vampires have a much higher concentration of negative energy inside them than other vampires. Do to this increased concentration of negative energy, they have a resistance to positive energy. The Garlythi is considered to be one of the most powerful bloodlines. They can often be found in the various temples throughout The Night Kingdom.
- Category C Vampires:
- +3 to Wis
- Experience requirements for Cleric levels or Necromancer Specialist levels are reduced by 10%
- +4 to all cleric/wizard spell slots
- +1 bonus to domain spell slots in each spell level
- May Rebuke Undead as if they were a cleric of the same level. If they have more than one class, the level of the highest class is used. If the vampire has cleric levels their Rebuke Undead rolls gain a +2 bonus
- Gain an extra Domain
- Gain Positive Energy Resistance 10
- May Animate Dead as a spell-like ability once per day
- May use Ghoul Touch as a supernatural ability 3 times per day
- May use Speak with Dead as a supernatural ability once per day
- May control up to 10HD of undead per caster level
- Gain the Necromantic Rush, Corpsecrafter feats
- +4 bonus to the number of times the vampire may Rebuke Undead per day
- May use Protection from Good 3 times per day as a supernatural ability
- If the vampire drains a humanoid of all their blood they may choose to turn them into a ghoul (or ghast if the humanoid’s level is sufficiently high). The ghoul/ghast will be under the control of the vampire and will last until destroyed. Any ghouls/ghasts created by the subservient one will also be under the control of the vampire. May only control 5 ghouls/ghasts per level and they do not count against the vampire’s normal limit to the number of undead they may control. If the vampire is destroyed, so are all ghouls and ghasts under their control
- May Curse Water once per day
- Cannot be turned or rebuked
- Disruption does not destroy the vampire but deals an additional 1d10 holy damage
- Category B Vampires:
- +4 to Wis
- Experience requirements for Cleric levels or Necromancer Specialist levels are reduced by 20%
- May Rebuke Undead as if they were a cleric of the same level. If they have more than one class, the level of the highest class is used. If the vampire has cleric levels their Rebuke Undead rolls gain a +4 bonus
- +8 to all cleric/wizard spell slots
- +2 bonus to domain spell slots in each spell level
- Gain 2 extra domains
- May Animate Dead as a spell-like ability 3 times per day
- May use Ghoul Touch as a supernatural ability 6 times per day
- May control up to 20HD of undead per caster level
- Gain the Necromantic Rush, Corpscrafter, Bolster Resistance feats
- Gain the Negative Energy Burst feat
- Gain Positive Energy Resistance 20
- +8 bonus to the number of times the vampire may Rebuke Undead per day
- May use Unholy Blight as if they were a cleric of the same level once per day
- May use Desecrate as if they were a cleric of the same level once per day at will
- May use protection from good 10’ radius 5 times per day
- May use Unhallow once per year at will
- May Curse Water 4 times per day at will
- May use Speak with Dead as a supernatural ability 3 times per day
- If the vampire drains a humanoid of all their blood they may choose to turn them into a ghoul (or ghast if the humanoid’s level is sufficiently high). The ghoul/ghast will be under the control of the vampire and will last until destroyed. Any ghouls/ghasts created by the subservient one will also be under the control of the vampire. May only control 10 ghouls/ghasts per level and they do not count against the vampire’s normal limit to the number of undead they may control. If the vampire is destroyed, so are all ghouls and ghasts under their control
- May use Wail of the Undead (Ex) once per week (Non-undead within a 25 ft and +5 ft per level radius must make a Will save with a –2 penalty or be Frightened for the duration of the spell. This does not affect the vampire’s companions. In addition, provided there are sufficient materials within the area of effect, 2d8 +2 skeletons/zombies of 3 HD will rise and fall under the control of the vampire. There is a 50% chance that a skeleton/zombie will be 5 HD, a 20 % chance for 8 HD, and a 5% chance for a skeleton warrior to rise. The percent chance for each of the above is rolled for each skeleton/zombie that rises. In all cases, the summoned undead will attack the vampire’s enemies and will last until destroyed or until the duration of the spell ends. The duration lasts 1 round per caster level of the vampire. If cast on unholy ground, all percentages are doubled and the number of skeletons/zombies that will rise are doubled. This spell does not work on holy ground)
- Disruption does not destroy the vampire but deals an additional 2d10 holy damage
- Category A Vampires:
- May control up to 40HD of undead per character level
- Gain 3 extra domains
- +4 bonus to domain spell slots in each spell level
- May Animate Dead at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Ghoul Touch as a supernatural ability at will
- May Create Undead once per day as a spell-like ability. Undead by the vampire in this manner are automatically under their control, as are any spawn the undead creates
- Rebuke Undead rolls gain a +10 bonus
- No limit to the number of times the vampire may Rebuke Undead per day
- May use Contagion at will as a spell-like ability
- May use Unhallow once per week as a supernatural ability
- May Curse Water at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Magic Circle against Good at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Speak with Dead as a supernatural ability at will
- Gain the Necromantic Rush, Corpsecrafter, Bolster Resistance, Deadly Chill, Necromantic Might, Necromantic Presence, Profane Lifeleech, Quicken Turning feats
- Gain the Negative Energy Burst feat
- May add the Profane enchantment (Libris Mortis pg77) to any weapon they wield and/or their natural weapons at will. If the weapon leaves the vampire’s hand, it loses the Profane enchantment. This is an extraordinary ability that is derived from the vampire’s strong connection to the negative energy plane
- Desecrating Aura (Su) (The area within a 20ft radius of the vampire is treated as always being desecrated. This power acts in the same manner as the Desecrate spell, except that the pureblood is treated as being the shrine of an evil deity. If this aura enters an area with a permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher-power other then the vampire’s then it is treated as being cut off from the higher-power but the rest of the desecrating effect does not work. If this aura leaves the area then the higher-power regains contact with the area and the rest of the desecrating effects function as normal. This power may be suppressed by casting a Consecrate spell on the vampire. The aura will then be suppressed for as long as the Consecrate spell lasts. This aura is suppressed on holy ground)
- Negative Energy Aura (Ex) Toggable. A 30-foot-radius negative energy aura spreads from the vampire. All undead in the field are treated as if having turn resistance +10 and a negative energy version of fast healing 10 (this does not stack with any innate healing. If innate healing is already present then either the innate healing or fast healing 10 will be used, whichever is better). Living creatures in the aura are treated as having 10 Energy Drains and suffer 10 damage per round unless they have some sort of negative energy protection or protection from evil. Plant life in a 100ft radius of the vampire will wither and die. Plant like creatures within 100ft of the vampire will suffer damage as if they had been hit by a Horrid Wilting spell by a caster of the same level as the vampire. This damage occurs every round. Living creatures of 10 or lower HD or level that are not protected from negative energy will die instantly with no saving throw. A creature slain by this aura will rise in 1d4 rounds as a wight under the control of the vampire. The wights can create their own spawn but the spawn will also be under the vampire’s control. These wights, as well as any spawn they create, count against the vampires limit to the number of undead they may control. Any spell, ability, or other such power that channels positive energy originating from within this is aura is suppressed and the caster must make an opposed caster level against the vampire or the spell will fizzle. A successful casting of the spell will have all variable statistics minimized. Conversely, any spell, ability, or other such power that channels negative energy originating from within this aura deals maximum damage. This power can sometimes slip out if the vampire becomes influenced by strong emotions. While it will not fully activate, a burst of negative energy centered on the vampire will come out, causing all living creatures within 10ft of the vampire to suffer 5 damage and gain one negative energy level. Plant life within 50ft of the vampire will wither but only smaller plants will actually die. Plant like creatures will suffer 3d8 damage. There is no saving throw for this aura power)
- If the vampire drains a humanoid of all their blood they may choose to turn them into a ghoul (or ghast if the humanoid’s level is sufficiently high). The ghoul/ghast will be under the control of the vampire and will last until destroyed. Any ghouls/ghasts created by the subservient one will also be under the control of the vampire. No limit to the amount of ghouls/ghasts that can be controlled and they do not count against the vampire’s normal limit to the number of undead they may control. If the vampire is destroyed, so are all ghouls and ghasts under their control
- May use Unholy Blight 3 times per day at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Wail of the Undead (Ex) once per day (Non-undead within a 50 ft and +10 ft per level radius must make a will check at a –4 penalty or be Panicked for the duration of the spell. This does not affect the vampire’s companions. In addition, provided there are sufficient materials within the area of effect, 4d8 +6 skeletons/zombies of 5 HD will rise and fall under the control of the vampire. There is a 50% chance that a skeleton/zombie will be 8 HD, a 20 % chance for 10 HD, and a 10% chance for a skeleton warrior to rise. The percent chance is rolled for each skeleton/zombie that rises. In all cases, the summoned undead will attack the vampire’s enemies and will last until destroyed or until the duration of the spell ends. The duration lasts 1 round per caster level of the vampire. If cast on unholy ground, all percentages are doubled and the number of skeletons/zombies that will rise are doubled. This spell does not work on holy ground.)
- This bloodline is considered to be one of the weakest bloodlines. Haarvenu vampires are not particularly effective in combat compared to the other bloodlines; nonetheless, they are feared for their powers to charm even vampires. The Haarvenu bloodline focuses on seduction and beauty. Haarvenu vampires prefer to hunt by seduction rather then by force. Moreover, they prefer to feed off of humanoids with a high charisma. If more than one humanoid is available to feed on then they will go for the one with the higher charisma. Haarvenu vampires are more susceptible to indulging sensual desire, particularly when it comes to seducing someone. If the opportunity to seduce someone arises, the vampire must make a successful will save (DC 20) to avoid the urge, this is a compulsion effect. Haarvenu vampires are not all about sensual desire, though they are quite susceptible to it, they are fond of all things beautiful and, as a consequence, are artistic by nature. Haarvenu vampires would easily be drawn to concerts, art shows, and the like. Some of the worlds most famous artists are Haarvenu vampires. Haarvenu vampires are passionate, often considered enslaved to their emotions, and while they are capable of great beauty and grace, this passion has a darker side to it. Haarvenu vampires are just as capable of the most terrible and evil of passions as they are of artistic passion. If someone is turned into a Haarvenu vampire and they do not have the Bard class then they will gain the Bard class as if they were a multi-class user.
- Category C Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +3 to Cha
- -4 racial penalty to all will saves versus compulsion effects
- +4 racial bonus to Perform checks
- Experience requirements to gain levels in the Bard class are reduced by 10%
- May use Bard spells up to the 1st level as a spell-like ability at will. The total number of spells the vampire may cast per day using this ability is 5
- Charm Gaze adds an additional –2 penalty to saving throws and may affect elves/vampires at half penalty
- May enhance or suppress any of the seven deadly sins within a being to a limited degree 3 times per day (must make eye contact)
- May use Suggestion 3 times per day as a supernatural ability
- May use Emotion 3 times per day as a supernatural ability
- Gain the feats: Alluring, Jack of All Trades, Lingering Song, Persuasive, Requiem, Trustworthy
- May use Bardic Music +2 times per day
- Lover’s Kiss (Ex): The vampire may inject a venom via their fangs. The target must make a Fortitude save or suffer the effects of the poison. The poison deals 1d4 Charisma drain and causes the creature to become infatuated with the vampire. This infatuation works like the Charm and Sympathy spells combined, except the object in question is the vampire, and the target is the creature suffering from the poison. This infatuation lasts until the creature is healed of the charisma drain. The vampire may only have 1 creature infatuated with them by this venom, so if the vampire uses this venom on a different creature, and said creature fails their fortitude save, the previous one is released of their infatuation. Being released in this manner does not restore the charisma drain. The vampire produces enough venom to use this power once per day.
- May use Vampiric Siren’s Song (Su) once per 3 days (Area of effect is 100yrds +10yrds/level (Max +100). Duration is 10 minutes +5 minutes/bard level (Max +30). This spell enables the vampire to sing with an enchanting beauty so magnificent that any humanoid within the area of effect must make a will save at a –2 penalty or be charmed. In addition the closest affected humanoid to the caster will immediately proceed to the caster’s location in a dazed like state. The humanoid will take no action against the caster and will do nothing but stand there for the duration of the spell or until the vampire releases them from the spell. Upon regaining their normal state of mind, the humanoid will not remember their encounter with the vampire)
- Category B Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +5 to Cha
- -6 racial penalty to all will saves versus compulsion effects
- +6 racial bonus to Perform checks
- Experience requirements to gain levels in the Bard class are reduced by 20%
- May use Bard spells up to the 2nd level as a spell-like ability at will. The total number of spells the vampire may cast per day using this ability is 10. The caster level is the same as the vampire's +3
- Charm Gaze adds an additional –4 penalty to saving throws and may affect elves/vampires at half penalty
- May use Emotion 6 times per day as a supernatural ability
- May use Suggestion 6 times per day as a supernatural ability
- Gain the feats: Alluring, Jack of All Trades, Lingering Song, Requiem, Persuasive, Subsonics, Trustworthy
- May use Bardic Music +4 times per day
- May enhance or suppress any of the seven deadly sins within a being to a moderate degree 6 times per day (must make eye contact)
- Lover’s Kiss (Ex): The vampire may inject a venom via their fangs. The target must make a Fortitude save at a –2 penalty or suffer the effects of the poison. The poison deals 1d6 Charisma drain and causes the creature to become infatuated with the vampire. This infatuation works like the Charm and Sympathy spells combined, except the object in question is the vampire, and the target is the creature suffering from the poison. This infatuation lasts until the creature is healed of the charisma drain. The vampire may only have 3 creatures infatuated with them by this venom, so if the vampire uses this venom on a different creature, and said creature fails their fortitude save, the vampire must release one of the 3 previous ones of their infatuation. Being released in this manner does not restore the charisma drain. The vampire produces enough venom to use this power three times per day.
- May use Vampiric Siren’s Song (Su) once per day (Area of effect is 150yrds +20yrds/level (Max +200). Duration is 20 minutes +10 minutes/bard level (Max +60). This spell enables the vampire to sing with an enchanting beauty so magnificent that any humanoid within the area of effect must make will save at a –4 penalty or be charmed. In addition the closest affected humanoid to the caster will immediately proceed to the caster’s location in a dazed like state. The humanoid will take no action against the caster and will do nothing but stand there for the duration of the spell or until the vampire releases them from the spell. Upon regaining their normal state of mind, the humanoid will not remember their encounter with the vampire)
- Category A Vampires:
- +10 racial bonus to Perform checks
- Not susceptible to the urge risk
- May use Bard spells up to the 3rd level as a supernatural ability at will. The total number of spells the vampire may cast per day using this ability is 20. The caster level is the same as the vampire's +6
- May use Bardic Music +6 times per day
- May use Emotion at will as a supernatural ability
- Gain the feats: Alluring, Trustworthy, Extra Music, Jack of All Trades, Lingering Song, Requiem, Subsonics
- When the vampire speaks they may cause their voice to have the same effects as per the Suggestion spell at will. The vampire may only affect one creature at a time. The suggestion will last for 24hrs + a number of hours equal to twice the vampire's caster= level and the target makes their save at a –6 penalty but targets of 10 or lower levels or HD do not receive a saving throw of any kind. The target does not have to see the vampire; they need only hear the vampire’s voice. This power can also be used with telepathy as if it were a telepathic suggestion. This is a supernatural ability
- May enhance or suppress any of the seven deadly sins within a being to a great degree at will (target must hear the vampire's voice either vocally or via telepathy)
- Lover’s Kiss (Ex): The vampire may inject a venom via their fangs. The target must make a Fortitude save at a –5 penalty or suffer the effects of the poison. The poison deals 2d4 Charisma drain and causes the creature to become infatuated with the vampire. This infatuation works like the Charm and Sympathy spells combined, except the object in question is the vampire, and the target is the creature suffering from the poison. This infatuation lasts until the creature is healed of the charisma drain. The vampire may only have 6 creatures infatuated with them by this venom, so if the vampire uses this venom on a different creature, and said creature fails their fortitude save, the vampire must release one of the 6 previous ones of their infatuation. Being released in this manner does not restore the charisma drain. The vampire’s body rapidly reproduces this venom, so they may use as often as they want.
- May use Vampiric Siren’s Song (Su) at will (Area of effect is 300yrds +40yrds/level (Max +400). Duration is 40 minutes +20 minutes/bard level (Max +120). This spell enables the vampire to sing with an enchanting beauty so magnificent that any humanoid within the area of effect must make a will save at a –6 penalty or be charmed. In addition, the closest affected humanoid to the caster will immediately proceed to the caster’s location in a dazed like state. The humanoid will take no action against the caster and will do nothing but stand there for the duration of the spell or until the vampire releases them from the spell. Upon regaining their normal state of mind, the humanoid will not remember their encounter with the vampire)
- While considered to be one of the weaker bloodlines, Keerilth vampires may assume gaseous form at will and have fewer restrictions while in this form. Certainly it is a useful means of escape or infiltration.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- May assume gaseous form at will as a supernatural ability. (this power can be used even if under water but they will immediately begin to float directly to the surface. While in the air they receive a 50% bonus to the normal movement rate for gaseous form and regular air currents only affect them by 50%)
- May end gaseous form at will
- When hp <= 0, will not be destroyed. Instead, they will be forced into gaseous form. They will remain in this form for 4hrs. If they do not return to a coffin before the time expires, the vapors will break apart and the vampire will truly be destroyed. If they return to a coffin before the time expires, they will reform and regain 1 hp after 12hrs of rest. Afterwards, healing returns to normal. During the 12hrs of rest, the vampire can be diablerized or destroyed.
- Noxious Breath (Ex): The vampire can breathe a cloud of toxins in a 10ft long and 5ft wide cone. These toxins are not harmful to the dead, but deal 2d6 points of damage to all living beings in the area of effect. This power causes dizziness and nausea as per the spell stinking cloud (Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds). If you so choose, you can forego any damage inflicted to raise the Nausea DC by 5. Creatures with HD that totals less than ¼ of the vampire’s HD will be overwhelmed by the stench and pass into unconsciousness for 1d4 rounds. The vampire can only use your noxious breath attack once every 6 rounds.
- Shape of Ice (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, the vampire can transform into a hazy mist of freezing, razor-sharp particles of an area no greater than 10ft by 10ft by 10ft. The vampire can move at 30 ft (good). Any creature entering the mist takes 1d4 points of slashing damage per round and living creatures suffer an additional 1d4 points of cold damage (no save). This power lasts for 1d4 rounds +1 round/HD of the vampire. The vampire may only use this power once per day.
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- May assume gaseous form at will as a supernatural ability. (this power can be used even if under water but they will immediately begin to float to the surface but may influence the direction they float. While in the air they move at twice the normal movement rate for gaseous form and strong air currents only affect them by 50%. Regular air currents do not affect them)
- When hp <= 0, will not be destroyed. Instead, they will be forced into gaseous form. They will remain in this form for 8hrs. If they do not return to a coffin before the time expires, the vapors will break apart and the vampire will truly be destroyed. If they return to a coffin before the time expires, they will reform and regain 1 hp after 6hrs of rest. Afterwards, healing returns to normal. During the 6hrs of rest, the vampire can be diablerized or destroyed.
- May end gaseous form at will
- May magically summon 1d4 Vampiric Mists once per day. The summoned mists will stay for 1 round per character level of the vampire. Mists that are created by a mist that divides during the duration of this spell still disappear when the spell ends. This is a spell-like ability
- Noxious Breath (Ex): The vampire can breathe a cloud of toxins in a 20ft long and 10ft wide cone. These toxins are not harmful to the dead, but deal 3d6 points of damage to all living beings in the area of effect. This power causes dizziness and nausea as per the spell stinking cloud (Fortitude save with a -2 penalty or be nauseated for 2d4 rounds). If you so choose, you can forego any damage inflicted to raise the Nausea DC by 10. Creatures with HD that totals less than 1/3 of the vampire’s HD will be overwhelmed by the stench and pass into unconsciousness for 2d4 rounds. The vampire can only use your noxious breath attack once every 3 rounds.
- Shape of Ice (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, the vampire can transform into a hazy mist of freezing, razor-sharp particles of an area no greater than 20ft by 20ft by 20ft. The vampire can move at 60 ft (good). Any creature entering the mist takes 1d6 points of slashing damage per round and living creatures suffer an additional 1d4+3 points of cold damage (no save). The chill is so intense that all living beings must make a Fortitude save. Those that resist are dazed until the end of the round. Those that fail are dazed and suffer 1 point of Strength and Dexterity damage. This save must be made every other round. This power lasts for 2d4 rounds +2 round/HD of the vampire. The vampire may only use this power 3 times per day.
- Category A Vampires:
- May assume gaseous form at will as a supernatural ability. (this power can be used even if under water but they will immediately begin to float directly to the surface but they may greatly influence the direction they float. They may even move sideways instead of upwards but may never move down. While in the air they move at three times the normal movement rate for gaseous form. Air currents do not affect them)
- May end gaseous form at will
- When hp <= 0, will not be destroyed. Instead, they will be forced into gaseous form and may not end this form until they return to a coffin. There is no time limit for the vampire to return to a coffin. After they return to a coffin they will reform and regain 1 hp after 3hrs of rest. Afterwards, healing returns to normal. While in this helpless state, the vampire's regenerative ability is still treated as being active and, while they will not regenerate as normal until the 3hrs it takes to regain 1hp, they still cannot be destroyed until their regeneration is suppressed. During the 3hrs of rest, the vampire can be diablerized. This is the only time a Pureblood can be diablerized and the only way to destroy the vampire without suppressing their regeneration.
- May Shape Change into a Vampiric Mist once per day. This form lasts for 1hr per 10 character levels or until the vampire wills it to end. The vampire retains its armor class, regeneration, and bonuses but loses any bonus granted by Str. The vampire may use this form to feed. The vampire moves at the same movement rate for gaseous form (with the same bonuses they get to gaseous form) and is considered to have perfect maneuverability. While in this form the vampire may not use gaze attacks, magic, or other supernatural and spell-like abilities but may use extraordinary abilities
- May magically summon 2d4 Vampiric Mists 3 times per day. The summoned mists will stay for 2 rounds per character level of the vampire. Mists that are created by a mist that divides during the duration of this spell will disappear when the spell ends. This is a spell-like ability
- Noxious Breath (Ex): The vampire can breathe a cloud of toxins in a 50ft long and 25ft wide cone. These toxins are not harmful to the dead, but deal 5d6 points of damage to all living beings in the area of effect. This power causes dizziness and nausea as per the spell stinking cloud (Fortitude save with a -5 penalty or be nauseated for 4d4 rounds). If you so choose, you can forego any damage inflicted to raise the Nausea DC by 20. Creatures with HD that totals less than of the vampire’s highest class level will be overwhelmed by the stench and pass into unconsciousness for 4d4 rounds. The vampire can only use your noxious breath attack once every round.
- Shape of Poison (Ex): The vampire can transform into a cloud of noxious mist that acts like the spell cloudkill (caster level equal to the vampire’s). You have a movement rate of 20 ft (perfect) and it lasts for as long as the vampire wills it. While in this form, the vampire has the incorporeal trait but cannot pass through solid matter.
- Shape of Ice (Ex): As a move-equivalent action, the vampire can transform into a hazy mist of freezing, razor-sharp particles of an area no greater than 30ft by 30ft by 30ft. The vampire can move at 80 ft (perfect). Any creature entering the mist takes 2d6 points of slashing damage per round and living creatures suffer an additional 2d4+5 points of cold damage (no save). The chill is so intense that all living beings must make a Fortitude save. Those that resist are dazed until the end of the round. Those that fail are dazed and suffer 1 point of Strength and Dexterity damage. This save must be made every other round. This power lasts as long as the vampire wills it and they may use it at will.
Notes: This is the info for a vampiric mist taken from AD&D. Go ahead and ignore morale and replace THAC0 with "Attack Roll"
Mist, Vampiric:
- CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Non-arctic/Swamps and subterranean
- DIET: Blood
- INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
- ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
- ARMOR CLASS: 4 (8 when substantial)
- MOVEMENT: 12 (6 when substantial)
- THAC0: See below
- SIZE: M (5'-8' tall)
- MORALE: Elite (13-14)
- XP VALUE: 270
- These gaseous monsters prey on all living creatures, enveloping them with their gaseous tendrils, then draining their blood for food. Vampiric mists appear as thick, billowing clouds, 5 to 8 feet in diameter. Color ranges from pale pink when hungry to crimson red when sated. Vampiric mists speak no language, but they communicate through a limited form of telepathy. These creatures reek of old blood and are often smelled before seen.
- Combat: Vampiric mists automatically sense the presence of any warm-blooded creature within 50 feet. Hungry mists take the shortest route possible to the victim, navigating by touch, flowing easily over water or through narrow cracks. Their path can be blocked by nonporous obstacles, but vampiric mists are intelligent and if any reasonable path exists they will find it. All vampiric mists have maximum hit points (8 per die) when full, but they are almost never encountered in this state. For each 12 hours a mist goes unfed, it loses 1 hit point. Vampiric mists whose hit point totals reach 0 due to starvation die. To regain hit points, vampiric mists must drain fresh blood from living victims (hence the mist's name). For each 2 hit points of blood drained, the mist regains 1 hit point. A vampiric mist may attack one victim per round by reaching out with a gaseous tendril. Targets of a vampiric mist are treated as AC 10. Modify this number by the victim's Dexterity, and by the magical protection worn (+1, +2, etc.) but ignore magical shields. The touch of a vampiric mist drains 1d8 points of blood. A hit 4 above the needed to hit number means the mist has enveloped its victim. Enveloped victims are automatically hit each round until either the mist dies, finishes feeding, or retreats. Attacks by other characters against an enveloping vampiric mist divide their damage evenly -- half against the mist, half against the victim. Only the enveloped victim may attack the mist without harm to himself, However, because of the disorienting effect of rapid blood loss, enveloped victims may not use any spells or magical devices that require concentration. While blood draining is mainly used to feed, the ability can also be used in defense by sated vampiric mists. Extra blood is simply dumped upon the ground. Normally, a vampiric mist is damaged only by magical weapons or by spells that effect air. Lightning bolt and magic missile are also effective. However, immediately after reaching maximum hit points a vampiric mist takes on substance. This substantial stage last 1d6 turns. During this time the mist's movement rate slows to 6, its AC drops to 8, and it may be hit by normal weapons.
- Blood draining is not a form of regeneration; a mist that loses hit points in combat must heal those points normally. Keep track of a mist's current hit points and its maximum possible for that combat (this total starts at 24 and goes down with damage caused to the mist). Each time the mist is wounded, reduce both the current hit points and the maximum. If the current hit point total ever reaches 0, the mist dies. Hit points gained by draining blood are added to the current hit points, which cannot exceed the maximum total (24 minus damage to the mist). Hit points lost due to starvation are subtracted from the current hit points only. The current hit points may never exceed the mist's maximum hit point total. (After the current battle is over, the maximum hit point totals for any surviving mists return to 24.)
- Habitat/Society: These dread monsters inhabit both swamps, where they creep along mixing in with morning and night fog, and subterranean caverns, where they stalk prey in absolute darkness. Vampiric mists attack at night or early morning, flowing over the ground in search of warm-blooded victims. They prefer lone victims, but hungry mists sometimes raid towns at night, slaying livestock and draining victims in their sleep, before slipping out at dawn.
- Ecology: First thought to be immature forms of crimson death, it is now known that these fiends were deliberately created by a powerful vampire wizard. Vampiric mists reproduce by division. A mist is 10% likely to divide during its substantial stage immediately after feeding. The two mists created have 3 Hit Dice each, but only 4 hit points per die (thus they are born ravenously hungry). Vampiric mists prey on all warm-blooded creatures. No animals hunt vampiric mist deliberately, though stirges, leeches, and other bloodsuckers are sometimes drawn (fatally) to their smell. Vampiric mists have no known life span. They live until they starve, are slain, or reproduce.
- Vampires were created by the dark god Molag Bal, because of this, one aspect of vampirism is an affinity for the outer realms of Oblivion and the lower realms. This bloodline focuses on that affinity and its members are powerful conjurers. If someone is turned and they do not have the Conjurer Specialist, Sorcerer, or Wizard class, than they will gain the Conjurer Specialist class as if they were a multi class user. They are less physically imposing as some of the other bloodlines. They prefer the blood of evil beings. If more than one being is available to feed on then they will go for the one with the greatest evil. Khulari vampires are most well known for their ability to possess creatures.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Int, Wis
- May use Fog Cloud once per day as a spell-like ability
- Experience required to level up the conjurer specialist class is reduced by 10%
- XP cost for spells is reduced by 25%
- Conjuration/Summoning spells are 10% more powerful
- +4 spell slots for all spell levels
- Gain the feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning
- Can smell the evil in a being. The more evil, the stronger the scent. Conversely, the less evil, the weaker the scent. This ability functions in the same manner as Detect Evil but the vampire is never overwhelmed. This ability is treated as being always active and is an extraordinary ability
- May Summon Monster IV once per day as a spell-like ability
- May Smite Good (the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its level (maximum of +20) against a foe of any good alignment) once per day as a supernatural ability
- May Dispel Good once per day as a spell-like ability
- May use Dismissal once per day as a spell-like ability
- When dealing with Outsiders of any-evil alignment, the vampire gains a +2 racial bonus to all checks
- Gain the ability to speak Infernal and Abyssal
- Possession (Su): Like a fiend, the vampire has the ability to project itself onto the Ethereal Plane and possess creatures. This ability acts exactly as a fiend’s possession ability (as described in the Book of Vile Darkness) except as noted here. The vampire may possess only living creatures. The vampire may not alter the possessed creature’s form as a fiend can. If the possessed creature moves further than 10 miles +100ft/vampire’s HD from the vampire’s physical form, or the possessed creature moves to a different plane, the vampire is immediately ejected from the creature and the possession ends. When a fiend possesses a creature or object, they radiate an evil aura, and are affected by spells that affect evil creatures, regardless of the possessed creature or objects alignment, unless the fiend passes a check. This does not apply for creatures possessed by the vampire. Instead, spells that affect undead affect the creature unless the vampire passes the same check. Spells that eject extraplanar creatures, such as dismissal, have no effect on the vampire, as they would affect a fiend.
- Ally/Enemy: Unlike fiends, the vampire may affect up to 2 ability scores simultaneously, but they may not enhance one ability score and penalize another. They may only enhance scores or penalize scores, not both. The modifier for the ability scores is still +/- 4.
- Feeding: This ability only works on living creature’s with at least 2 points of Constitution. While possessing the vampire does not need to sleep. The vampire still must feed, but only needs to feed 3x as infrequently as normal; thus, if the vampire normally needs to feed once every 24hrs, while they are possessing a creature, they only need to feed once every 72hrs. The vampire may choose to feed on the life-force of the possessed creature as a standard action. Doing so reveals the vampire’s presence, though the possessed creature may not necessarily know what is happening to them. When the vampire feeds, the possessed creature suffers 2 Constitution Drain. The possessed creature is entitled to a Will save to resist this effect. The vampire may attempt to feed off of the creature again if they resisted the effect, but a creature that succeeds 3 consecutive saves is immune to further feeding attempts for the next 24hrs. A creature killed by this feeding ability rises as a vampire in 1d4 days.
- Category B Vampires:
- +3 to Int, Wis
- May use Fog Cloud 4 times per day as a spell-like ability
- Experience required to level up the conjurer specialist class is reduced by 20%
- XP cost for spells is reduced by 50%
- Conjuration/Summoning spells are 25% more powerful
- +6 spell slots for all spell levels
- Gain the feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning
- Can smell the evil in a being. The more evil, the stronger the scent. Conversely, the less evil, the weaker the scent. This ability functions in the same manner as Detect Evil but the vampire is never overwhelmed. This ability is treated as being always active and is an extraordinary ability
- Gain the Planar Turning feat, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning
- May Summon Monster VI 2 times per day as a supernatural ability
- May Smite Good 3 times per day (the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its level (maximum of +20) against a foe of any good alignment) as a supernatural ability
- May Dispel Good 3 times per day as a spell-like ability
- May use Dismissal 3 times per day as a supernatural ability
- When dealing with Outsiders of any evil alignment, the vampire gains a +4 racial bonus to all checks
- Gain the ability to speak Infernal and Abyssal
- Possession (Su): Like a fiend, the vampire has the ability to project itself onto the Ethereal Plane and possess objects or creatures. This ability acts exactly as a fiend’s possession ability (as described in the Book of Vile Darkness) except as noted here. The vampire may not possess objects. The vampire may not alter the possessed creature’s form as a fiend can. If the possessed object or creature moves further than 20 miles +200ft/vampire’s HD from the vampire’s physical form, or the possessed object or creature moves to a plane that is not connected to the ethereal plane, the vampire is immediately ejected from the object or creature and the possession ends. Like a fiend, the vampire may not perform more than one possession ability at the same time; thus, the vampire could not grant the Succor ability and be an Ally at the same time. When a fiend possesses a creature or object, they radiate an evil aura, and are affected by spells that affect evil creatures, regardless of the possessed creature or objects alignment, unless the fiend passes a check. This does not apply for creatures/objects possessed by the vampire. Instead, spells that affect undead affect the creature/object unless the vampire passes the same check. Spells that eject extraplanar creatures, such as dismissal, have no effect on the vampire, as they would affect a fiend.
- Enhancer: When the vampire possesses a weapon and then chooses to enhance it, the weapon automatically gains the vampiric enchantment (as described in the Magic Item Compendium) with no penalty to the limit the vampire may enhance it. The vampire may feed when the weapon is used to deal damage. If the weapon is used to deal at least 10 points of damage to a living creature, the vampire is treated as being fed. Weapons possessed by vampires are sometimes mistaken as intelligent weapons.
- Ally/Enemy: Unlike fiends, the vampire may affect up to 3 ability scores simultaneously, but they may not enhance one ability score and penalize another. They may only enhance scores or penalize scores, not both. The modifier for the ability scores is still +/- 4.
- Succor: The vampire may grant the possessed creature a profane version of Fast Healing 1.
- Feeding: This ability only works on living creature’s with at least 2 points of Constitution. While possessing the vampire does not need to sleep. The vampire still must feed, but only needs to feed 3x as infrequently as normal; thus, if the vampire normally needs to feed once every 24hrs, while they are possessing a creature, they only need to feed once every 72hrs. The vampire may choose to feed on the life-force of the possessed creature as a standard action. Doing so reveals the vampire’s presence, though the possessed creature may not necessarily know what is happening to them. When the vampire feeds, the possessed creature suffers 2 Constitution Drain. The possessed creature is entitled to a Will save to resist this effect. The vampire may attempt to feed off of the creature again if they resisted the effect, but a creature that succeeds 3 consecutive saves is immune to further feeding attempts for the next 24hrs. A creature killed by this feeding ability rises as a vampire in 1d4 days.
- Category A Vampires:
- May use Fog Cloud at will as a spell-like ability
- Conjuration/Summoning spells are 50% more powerful
- XP cost for spells is reduced by 100% (even if there is an XP cost, the vampire does not pay it)
- Gain the feats: Augment Summoning, Unholy Strike, Planar Turning
- May Summon Monster IX 3 times per day as an extraordinary ability
- May Smite Good 6 times per day (the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its level (maximum of +20) against a foe of any good alignment) as a supernatural ability
- May Dispel Good at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Dismissal at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Align Weapon as a spell-like ability once per day. The vampire cannot grant the good alignment to any object. With this power, the vampire may also permanently turn a weapon into an Unholy weapon. Thereafter, the weapon is treated as an unholy weapon. If the weapon already has an alignment, the vampire may not use this spell on it.
- When dealing with Outsiders of any evil alignment, the vampire gains a +8 racial bonus to all checks
- Can smell the evil in a being. The more evil, the stronger the scent. Conversely, the less evil, the weaker the scent. This ability functions in the same manner as Detect Evil but the vampire is never overwhelmed. This ability is treated as being always active and is an extraordinary ability
- Lesser Fiends (8HD or less) fear them and will obey them (provided they do not already have a more powerful master). They will never engage the vampire in combat (provided they are in control of their own will). If the vampire engages them in combat, they will be panicked until they are no longer in the vampire’s presence.
- Gain the ability to speak Infernal, Abyssal, and Daedric
- Possession (Su): Like a fiend, the vampire has the ability to project itself onto the Ethereal Plane and possess objects or creatures. This ability acts exactly as a fiend’s possession ability (as described in the Book of Vile Darkness) except as noted here. The vampire may not alter the possessed creature’s form as a fiend can. When the vampire projects itself onto the Ethereal Plane, it may choose to bring its physical form with them. Essentially, their physical form “disappears” from reality. Their physical form will then reappear when they return to the material plane. Their physical form always reappears in the stop that they enter the material plane on, NOT where they were before they left. This ability to bring their physical form along for the ride is most often used as a means of transportation. The vampire remains in possession no matter the distance between their physical form and the object or creature or even if the creature moves to a different plane. The vampire may communicate telepathically with any creature within 100ft of the possessed object or creature, including the possessed creature. While the possessed creature is unconscious, the vampire may probe their memories without alerting the possessed creature to the vampire’s presence. While possessing an object, the vampire may speak by projecting its voice from the object, allowing any within ear shot to hear the vampire. As normal, the sound the Category A Vampire’s voice can act as a suggestion spell, at the vampire’s discretion. While possessing an object, the vampire may see and hear up to a distance of 120ft and retains its various forms of vision (darkvision, low-light vision, etc…), as well as its true seeing ability. When a fiend possesses a creature or object, they radiate an evil aura, and are affected by spells that affect evil creatures, regardless of the possessed creature or objects alignment, unless the fiend passes a check. This does not apply for creatures/objects possessed by the vampire. Instead, spells that affect undead affect the creature/object unless the vampire passes the same check. Spells that eject extraplanar creatures, such as dismissal, have no effect on the vampire, as they would affect a fiend.
- Watcher: When the vampire takes on the role of watcher when possessing an object, it may see and up to a distance of 240ft and retains its various forms of vision (darkvision, low-light vision, etc…), as well as its true seeing ability. The object does not have to remain stationary.
- Enhancer: When the vampire possesses a weapon and then chooses to enhance it, the weapon automatically gains the vampiric enchantment (as described in the Magic Item Compendium) with no penalty to the limit the vampire may enhance it. The vampire may feed when the weapon is used to deal damage. If the weapon is used to deal at least 10 points of damage to a living creature, the vampire is treated as being fed. Weapons possessed by vampires are sometimes mistaken as intelligent weapons.
- Ally/Enemy: Unlike fiends, the vampire may affect up to all ability scores simultaneously, but they may not enhance one ability score and penalize another. They may only enhance scores or penalize scores, not both. The modifier for the ability scores is +/- 6.
- Succor: The vampire may grant the possessed creature a profane version of Fast Healing 5.
- Traveler: The vampire may grant the possessed creature a supernatural form of unaided flight. The creature gains fly speed 40ft (average). At the same time, this ability increases the possessed creature’s primary movement rate by 30ft (to a maximum of twice the creature’s normal base movement rate). If the possessed creature already has a fly speed, their maneuverability increases by one step (clumsy becomes poor, poor becomes average, etc…) and the movement rate increases by 30ft. After calculations, use traveler ability’s flight or the new flight ability for the creature, whichever is better.
- Feeding: This ability only works on living creature’s with at least 2 points of Constitution. While possessing the vampire does not need to sleep. The vampire still must feed, but only needs to feed 3x as infrequently as normal; thus, if the vampire normally needs to feed once every 24hrs, while they are possessing a creature, they only need to feed once every 72hrs. The vampire may choose to feed on the life-force of the possessed creature as a standard action. Doing does not automatically reveal the vampire’s presence; the creature must succeed a Will save DC 30 to notice the loss of Constitution. On a failed save, the creature believes it is as healthy as it otherwise would be. Even on a successful save, the possessed creature may not necessarily know what is happening to them. When the vampire feeds, the possessed creature suffers 2 Constitution Drain. The possessed creature is entitled to a Will save to resist this effect. The vampire may attempt to feed off of the creature again if they resisted the effect, but a creature that succeeds 3 consecutive saves is immune to further feeding attempts for the next 24hrs. A creature killed by this feeding ability rises as a vampire in 1d4 days. As a Category A Vampire, the possessing vampire has the option to turn the newly risen vampire into a vampire familiar, as normal.
- This bloodline is more closely attuned with the darkness and the powers that darkness may offer. Lyrezi vampires are intolerant of strong lights, even more so then the other bloodlines. They are users of shadow magic and good ones at that. If someone is turned and they do not have The Shadowcaster (see Tome of Magic) class they will gain the class as if they were a multi-class user. Their skin is paler than normal vampires and their hair is a shadowy bluish-black. The shadows around them may appear to move. They rival the Aundae in terms of magic power.
- Category C Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +3 to Int, Cha
- Shadowcaster spells are 25% more powerful
- Do not gain any benefits from the Sustaining Shadow ability
- May see through the shadowy illumination caused by spells with the darkness descriptor
- Due to the rigid mental discipline required of Shadowcasters, the number of years required for the vampire to overcome Coffin Deprivation is reduced by 10 for each level the vampire has in the Shadowcaster class
- May use Shadow Body once per day as a supernatural ability (lasts until caster decides to end it or 10hrs have past, the size of the caster does not matter, they may even pass through a key hole if they wish, otherwise same as the Shadow Body spell)
- May use Armor of Darkness once per day as a spell-like ability
- May Summon Shadow once per day as a spell-like ability
- May use Darkness at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Deeper Darkness as a spell-like ability once per day
- Suffers 1d4 damage (this damage regenerates at the same rate as magic damage but does not begin to regenerate until after the vampire is no loner in the presence of light as bright as sunlight) per round while exposed to bright illumination and are partially blinded by it (1/2 the effects of blindness, the same as for purebloods, see "Sensitive Senses" in "General Changes"). The damaged caused by this weakness may break concentration as normal
- Suffers double sun damage (damaged as if they were a Category B Vampire)
- Experience requirement to gain a level in the Shadowcaster class is reduced by 10%
- May use all 1st level mysteries as a supernatural ability. The vampire is treated as already knowing every mystery of up to the 1st level. The vampire may only use a mystery once per day with this ability. This is in addition to the number of times they may regularly use their mysteries.
- Gain a bonus mystery every 3 levels
- Gain the feats: Empower Mystery (1 time), Enlarge Mystery(1 time), Extend Mystery( 1 time), Reach Mystery(1 time), Shadow Vision
- Eyes of the Night (Su): The vampire may cast their consciousness out into darkness, seeing through the shadows into any location with which they are familiar. This ability acts exactly as the spell clairvoyance (although the vampire’s sight can penetrate any darkness they might encounter). The vampire can spy through cracks in walls, or from patches of darkness while they concentrate.
- Shadow Step (Ex): The vampire can step into a shadow and out of another as a move-equivalent action. There must be shadow at both your point of entrance and your destination. Shadows must be man-sized or larger for Shadow Step to be effective. The vampire cannot travel father than 50ft in this manner. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes.
- Category B Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +4 to Int, Cha
- Shadowcaster spells are 50% more powerful
- Do not gain any benefits from the Sustaining Shadow ability
- May see through the shadowy illumination caused by spells with the darkness descriptor
- Due to the rigid mental discipline required of Shadowcasters, the number of years required for the vampire to overcome Coffin Deprivation is reduced by 10 for each level the vampire has in the Shadowcaster class
- May use Shadow Body 3 times per day as a supernatural ability (lasts until caster decides to end it or 16hrs have past, the size of the caster does not matter, they may even pass through a key hole if they wish, otherwise same as the Shadow Body spell). This is a supernatural ability
- May use Armor of Darkness 3 times per day as a spell-like ability
- May Summon Shadow 3 times per day as a spell-like ability
- Continually emits and Aura of Darkness (this spell acts in the same manner as the darkness spell)
- May use Deeper Darkness at will as a supernatural ability (The spell will last for 12hrs but does not follow the caster and is not countered by strong light but a daylight spell or direct sunlight will negate it)
- May use False Dusk once per day as a spell-like ability (False dusk calls into existence a glowing bluish-black light, as if dusk were occurring, with a 30ft radius centered on the caster. All living creatures within a false dusk suffer 6d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw against this damage. Affected living also act confused on the round after the false dusk appears)
- Suffers 2d4 damage (this damage regenerates at the same rate as magic damage but does not begin to regenerate until after the vampire is no loner in the presence of light as bright as sunlight) per round while exposed to bright illumination and are partially blinded by it (1/2 the effects of blindness, the same as for purebloods, see "Sensitive Senses" in "General Changes"). The damaged caused by this weakness may break concentration as normal
- Suffers double sun damage (damaged as if they were a Category A Vampire)
- Experience requirement to gain a level in Shadowcaster class is reduced by 20%
- May use all 1st and 2nd level mysteries as a supernatural ability. The vampire is treated as already knowing every mystery of up to the 2nd level. The vampire may only use a mystery 2 times per day with this ability. This is in addition to the number of times they may regularly use their mysteries.
- Gain a bonus mystery every 2 levels
- Gain the feats: Empower Mystery (2 times), Enlarge Mystery(2 times), Extend Mystery(2 times), Reach Mystery(2 times), Shadow Cast, Shadow Reflection, Shadow Vision
- Eyes of the Night (Su): The vampire may cast their consciousness out into darkness, seeing through the shadows into any location with which they are familiar. This ability acts exactly as the spell clairvoyance, except at double range (although the vampire’s sight can penetrate any darkness they might encounter). The vampire can spy through cracks in walls, or from patches of darkness while they concentrate.
- Send the Shadow (Su): The vampire can cast forth their shadow, which can journey out from them. Silent and almost invisible, it can fly at a rate of 40 ft. (good). The vampire maintains a sensory link to their shadow at all times, and can see through its eyes no matter where it is. The shadow cannot be destroyed, although light based spells aimed directly at it have a 10% chance per spell level of shattering it (leaving the vampire without a shadow for 2d4 days). The vampire can recall their shadow at any time as a standard action.
- Shape of Darkness (Su): The vampire can transform themselves into living shadow as a standard action. They gain the trait Incorporeal and can pass through solid objects at will. Their physical attacks pass through armor. The vampire may only deliver a standard negative energy drain attack in this form, although they derive no benefits from so doing. Creatures slain while in this form rise up as Shadow under the vampire’s control in 1d4 days. These shadows count against the number of HD of undead the vampire may control. While in this form, the vampire is considered to be a shadow thus, spells that affect shadows will also affect the vampire. This ability lasts for 1hr and may only be used once per day.
- Shadow Step (Ex): The vampire can step into a shadow and out of another as a move-equivalent action. There must be shadow at both your point of entrance and your destination. Shadows must be man-sized or larger for Shadow Step to be effective. The vampire cannot travel father than 100ft in this manner. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes.
- Category A Vampires:
- Do not benefit from Sustaining Shadow
- May see through the shadowy illumination caused by spells with the darkness descriptor
- May use Shadow Body at will (lasts until caster decides to end it or 24hrs have past, the size of the caster does not matter, they may even pass through a key hole if they wish, otherwise same as the Shadow Body spell). This is a supernatural ability
- May Summon Shadow at will
- May use Deeper Darkness at will as a supernatural ability (The spell will last for 24hrs but does not follow the caster and is not countered by strong light but a daylight spell or direct sunlight will negate it)
- May use Shadow Walk at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Armor of Darkness as if they were a wizard of the same level 6 times per day as a spell-like ability
- May use False Dusk 3 times per day as a supernatural ability (False dusk calls into existence a glowing bluish-black light, as if dusk were occurring, within a 60ft radius centered on the caster. All living creatures within a false dusk suffer 12d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw against this damage. Affected living also act confused on the next 3 rounds after the false dusk appears)
- May use Absolute Darkness once per week as a spell-like ability (The spell acts in a similar manner as a deeper-darkness spell but will last for 24hrs. This spell creates a sphere of pitch-black darkness that extends in a 40ft radius from the caster. The darkness does not follow the caster and not even natural sunlight will counter this darkness. All creatures with darkvison and are capable of seeing through the shadowy illumination caused by spells with the darkness descriptor may see in this darkness)
- Spells involving darkness/shadow magic are 100% more powerful
- May use all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level mysteries as a supernatural ability. The vampire is treated as already knowing every mystery of up to the 3rd level. The vampire may only use a mystery 3 times per day with this ability. This is in addition to the number of times they may regularly use their mysteries.
- Gain a bonus mystery every level
- Gain the feats: Empower Mystery (3 times), Enlarge Mystery(3 times), Extend Mystery(3 times), Line of Shadow, Quicken Mystery, Reach Mystery(3 times), Shadow Cast, Shadow Reflection, Shadow Vision, Still Mystery
- Eyes of the Night (Su): The vampire may cast their consciousness out into darkness, seeing through the shadows into any location with which they are familiar. This ability acts exactly as the spell clairvoyance, except at quadruple range (although the vampire’s sight can penetrate any darkness they might encounter). The vampire can spy through cracks in walls, or from patches of darkness while they concentrate.
- Send the Shadow (Su): The vampire can cast forth their shadow, which can journey out from them. Silent and almost invisible, it can fly at a rate of 40 ft. (good). The vampire maintains a sensory link to their shadow at all times, and can see through its eyes no matter where it is. The shadow cannot be destroyed, although light based spells aimed directly at it have a 10% chance per spell level of shattering it (leaving the vampire without a shadow for 2d4 days). The vampire can recall their shadow at any time as a standard action.
- Shape of Darkness (Su): The vampire can transform themselves into living shadow as a standard action. They gain the trait Incorporeal and can pass through solid objects at will. Their physical attacks pass through armor. The vampire may only deliver a standard negative energy drain attack in this form, although they derive no benefits from so doing. Creatures slain while in this form rise up as Shadow under the vampire’s control in 1d4 days. These shadows count against the number of HD of undead the vampire may control. While in this form, the vampire is considered to be a shadow thus, spells that affect shadows will also affect the vampire. This ability lasts as long as the vampire wills it and may be used at will.
- Shadow Step (Ex): The vampire can step into a shadow and out of another as a move-equivalent action. There must be shadow at both your point of entrance and your destination. Shadows must be man-sized or larger for Shadow Step to be effective. The vampire cannot travel father than 200ft in this manner. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes.
- Shadow Door (Ex): The vampire can step into any shadow and out any other shadow, so long as they can see their point of origin. This is a move-equivalent action. The vampire does not have to be able to physically see their destination to use this power. They could scry for it, or be looking through the eyes of their simulacrum, undead minion, or other forms of detection.
- While considered to be one of the weaker bloodlines, Montalian vampires have the unique ability to teleport at will. Such a power should not be underestimated. They are effective at infiltration. Some even might say they rival the Berne bloodline in terms of assassination.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- +2 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks
- May use Dimension Door 5 times per day as a spell-like ability
- May use Teleport once per day as a spell-like ability
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- +4 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks
- May use Dimension 10 times per day as a spell-like ability
- May use Teleport Without Error once per day as a spell-like ability
- Category A Vampires:
- May use Dimension Door as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Teleport Without Error-15ft radius once per day as a spell-like ability at will
- This bloodline grants the vampire great strength (though not as great as the Yekef Bloodline) and vast knowledge in physical combat. Quarra vampires make excellent warriors. They have an unnatural ability to skillfully wield any weapon or armor, even if they have never seen the like or had any previous training. If someone does not have the fighter class when they are turned then they will automatically gain the fighter class as if they were a multi-class user.
- "You lied! You said you'd never used a wakizashi before, yet your technique is at this level!" - Serteng
- "I wasn't lying. I really haven't ever picked one up before. I just know how to use it." - Cynthia
- "That's not natural." - Serteng
- " isn't." - Cynthia
- Category C Vampires:
- +3 to Str
- +1 to Dex
- +5 total hp
- +2 hp per level
- +3 racial bonus to base attack bonus
- +4 racial bonus to Profession (Smith) and Intimidate
- Experience requirements for warrior levels are reduced by 10%
- May use, and is proficient with, all weapons, armors, and shields that are not user specific (examples: artifact weapons or weapons attuned to a certain being do not benefit from this power)
- Claw attack deals 1d8+6 damage
- Gain the feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (all weapon types benefit from this, including natural weapons), Improved Initiative , Multiweapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Blind-Fight, Power Attack, Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Focus (all weapons, including natural weapons)
- +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +1 bonus to damage rolls with melee and ranged weapons(This bonus applies to, and only to, ANY object that was specifically made to be a weapon. example: a spear would gain this bonus but a chair leg being used as a club would not)
- +2 competence bonus to AC while wearing armor
- Category B Vampires:
- +4 to Str
- +2 to Dex
- +10 total hp
- +3 hp per level
- +5 racial bonus to base attack bonus
- +6 racial bonus to Profession (Smith) and Intimidate
- Experience requirements for warrior levels are reduced by 20%
- May use, and is proficient with, all weapons, armors, and shields that are not user specific (examples: artifact weapons or weapons attuned to a certain being do not benefit from this power)
- Claw attack deals 1d8+6 damage
- Gain the feats: Improved Critical (all weapon types benefit from this, including natural weapons), Improved Initiative , Multiweapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Wounding Attack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Far Shot, Improved Bull Rush, Point-Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Focus (all weapons, including natural weapons)
- +4 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls with melee and ranged weapons(This bonus applies to, and only to, ANY object that was specifically made to be a weapon. example: a spear would gain this bonus but a chair leg being used as a club would not)
- +4 competence bonus to AC while wearing armor
- Category A Vampires:
- +10 racial bonus to base attack bonus
- +8 racial bonus to Profession (Smith)
- May use, and is proficient with, all weapons, armors, and shields that are not user specific (examples: artifact weapons or weapons attuned to a certain being do not benefit from this power)
- Gain the feats: Improved Critical (all weapon types benefit from this, including natural weapons), Improved Initiative , Multiweapon Fighting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Wounding Attack, Blind-Fight, Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Far Shot, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Shot On The Run, Two-Weapon Defense, Weapon Focus (all weapons, including natural weapons), Weapon Specialization (all weapons, including natural weapons)
- +6 bonus to attack rolls and a +3 bonus to damage rolls with melee and ranged weapons(This bonus applies to, and only to, ANY object that was specifically made to be a weapon. example: a spear would gain this bonus but a chair leg being used as a club would not)
- +6 competence bonus to AC while wearing armor
- This bloodline grants its members keen political savvy and etiquette. Raelu vampires have a common lust for political power and often work their way up the local nobility. They make excellent politicians. Raelu vampire’s belonging to the Order of Vile may also walk in broad daylight without burning for 30 minutes for every 50 years of age (Max 5 hrs). This unique daywalking ability was given by non-other than Clavicus Vile. What his Raelu worshipers had to give in exchange is unknown. If someone is turned and they do not have the Aristocrat class then they will gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. They prefer the blood of the highborn. If more than one being is available to feed on then they will go for the one with the greatest social status (provided they are willing to take the risk).
Note: Undetecable Lie was in AD&D but does not appear to exist in 3e or 3.5e. For the purposes of adhering to 3.5e rules. Undetectable Lie is a level 2 spell that protects against Discern Lies and Zone of Truth. An opposed caster level is made to see if the Lie is detected. It lasts for the same time as a Discern Lies spell. In addition, the spell grants a +20 competence bonus to Bluff checks. The spell lasts 1 minute/caster level.
- Category C Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +4 to Cha
- +3 racial bonus to Gather Information, Bluff, Sense Motive and Diplomacy
- May gain rank in Knowledge (nobility and royalty, local, history) as if it were a class skill
- Gain the feats: Leadership, Persuasive, Trustworthy
- May use Discern Lies, Undetectable Lie, Known Alignment, and Undetectable Alignment (all caster level 5) 3 times per day as a supernatural ability
- May use Aversion as a gaze attack as if 2 extra power points were spent on it once per day as a Psi-Like ability
- May have 2x as many followers
- Category B Vampires:
- +1 to Str
- +5 to Cha
- +6 racial bonus to Gather Information, Bluff, Sense Motive and Diplomacy
- May gain rank in Knowledge (nobility and royalty, local, history) as if it were a class skill
- Gain the feats: Leadership, Persuasive, Trustworthy
- May use Disern Lies, Undetectable Lie, Known Alignment, and Undetectable Alignment (all caster level 10) 6 times per day as a supernatural ability
- May use Aversion as a gaze attack as if 4 extra power points were spent on it 4 times per day as a Psi-Like ability
- May have 4x as many followers
- Category A Vampires:
- +10 racial bonus to Diplomacy
- May gain rank in Knowledge (nobility and royalty, local, history) as if it were a class skill
- Gain the feats: Leadership, Epic Leadership, Persuasive, Trustworthy
- Continually affected as if under the effects as a Discern Lies, Undetectable Lie, Undetectable Alignment (all at a caster level of 20. these may be dispelled but the vampire may resume them as a free action the next round)
- May use Know Alignment at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Aversion as a gaze attack as if 10 extra power points were spent on it at will as a Supernatural (Psionic) ability
- May have 10x as many followers
- This bloodline is often considered one of the weaker bloodlines but their abilities are greatly under appreciated. Selenu vampires posses great resistances to magic and are particularly effective at seeking out and removing magic or fighting magic users. Certainly, they make excellent anti-wizard units.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Wis
- Resist Electric, Acid, Sonic, Cold, and Fire 25
- Gain Spell Resistance equal to their HD +10
- +4 bonus to saving throws against all spells and spell-like abilities
- Suffer 5 less damage from arcane spells to a minimum of 0 (this is in addition to any damage reduction the vampire has)
- May Dispel Magic 1 time per day per HD as a spell-like ability
- May Detect Magic at will as a spell-like ability
- If a Dead Magic Zone, Wild Magic Zone, or Anti-Magic Field is within 100 +10yards/level (the highest class level is used) the vampire will automatically know its general direction and distance (distance will error by +/- 50yards)
- Immune to wizard spells of the 1st level unless willingly being affected. This immunity counts even if the spell was an area spell and even if the vampire was not at the center of the blast. Even if the spell was present before the vampire arrived (such as a barrier), it will simply not affect the vampire in anyway. The vampire can pass through it as if it weren’t even there. While the vampire will not be influenced by illusionary spells of up to the 1st level, they will still be aware that the spell exists, though they will not know what form the illusion has taken
- If the vampire concentrates on a being they have a 25% chance per minute of determining whether or not they can use arcane magic but this will not tell them if they can use cleric magic
- Confining Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a confining blow, they immediately makes a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + class level) against all transmutation (polymorph) spells or spell-like abilities and abilities that function as transmutation (polymorph) spells (including the change shape supernatural ability) the target has in effect. On a successful check, the polymorph abilities end and the target cannot change form again through any means for 1 round per the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Distracting Wound* (Ex): If the vampire hits a target with a distracting wound, it becomes more difficult for the target to cast spells. The target must make a concentration check with a DC of (10 + vampire's highest class level) to cast any spell. This effect lasts for one round per three levels in the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Liberating Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a liberating blow, thye immediately make a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against all enchantment (charm) spells or spell-like abilities the target has cast on other creatures. On a successful check, the enchantments end. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Revealing Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a revealing blow, they immediately make a dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against any illusion spell or spelllike ability on the target. On a successful check, the illusions end. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Witch Bane (Ex): The vampire gains a +4 bonus on an attack roll made against an arcane spellcaster, and a successful attack deals an additional 2d6 hit points of damage. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Perplexing Blow* (Ex): The vampire can deliver blows that bewilder and confound his targets. A target struck with a perplexing blow takes 2 points of Intelligence damage in addition to the attack’s normal damage. The vampire may use this ability 3 times per day.
- Backlash (Su): Whenever the vampire is the target of an arcane spell or spell-like ability, the creature casting the spell must make a Will save (DC of 10 + the vampire's highest class level + the vampire’s Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, the caster takes 1d4 points of damage. Because the backlash takes effect after the spell is cast, it cannot disrupt the spellcaster.
- Category B Vampires:
- +3 to Str, Wis
- Resist Electric, Acid, Sonic, Cold, and Fire 50 (non magical fires will not affect them)
- Gain Spell Resistance equal to their HD +20
- 10% chance that a hostile spell will bounce back at the caster
- +6 bonus to saving throws against all spells and spell-like abilities
- Suffer 10 less damage from arcane spells to a minimum of 0 (this is in addition to any damage reduction the vampire has)
- May Dispel Magic 3 times per day per HD as a spell-like ability
- May Detect Magic at will as a spell-like ability
- If a Dead Magic Zone, Wild Magic Zone, or Anti-Magic Field is within 150 +20yards/level (the highest class level is used) the vampire will automatically know its direction, general distance, and general dimensions (distance will error by +/- 25yards and dimensions will error by +/- 50yards)
- Immune to wizard spells up to the 2nd level unless willingly being affected. If a spell of up to the 2nd level hits the vampire and is not reflected then the spell will not affect the vampire. This immunity counts even if the spell was an area spell and even if the vampire was not at the center of the blast. Even if the spell was present before the vampire arrived (such as a barrier), it will simply not affect the vampire in anyway. The vampire can pass through it as if it weren’t even there. While the vampire will not be influenced by illusionary spells of up to the 2nd level, they will still be aware that the spell exists, though they will not know what form the illusion has taken
- If the vampire concentrates on a being they have a 50% chance per minute of determining whether or not they can use arcane magic but this will not tell them if they can use cleric magic
- Confining Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a confining blow, they immediately makes a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against all transmutation (polymorph) spells or spell-like abilities and abilities that function as transmutation (polymorph) spells (including the change shape supernatural ability) the target has in effect. On a successful check, the polymorph abilities end and the target cannot change form again through any means for 1 round per the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Distracting Wound* (Ex): If the vampire hits a target with a distracting wound, it becomes more difficult for the target to cast spells. The target must make a concentration check with a DC of (10 + vampire's highest class level) to cast any spell. This effect lasts for one round per three levels in the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Liberating Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a liberating blow, thye immediately make a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against all enchantment (charm) spells or spell-like abilities the target has cast on other creatures. On a successful check, the enchantments end. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Revealing Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a revealing blow, they immediately make a dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against any illusion spell or spelllike ability on the target. On a successful check, the illusions end. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Witch Bane (Ex): The vampire gains a +4 bonus on an attack roll made against an arcane spellcaster, and a successful attack deals an additional 3d6 hit points of damage. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Perplexing Blow* (Ex): The vampire can deliver blows that bewilder and confound his targets. A target struck with a perplexing blow takes 2 points of Intelligence damage in addition to the attack’s normal damage. The vampire may use this ability 6 times per day.
- Backlash (Su): Whenever the vampire is the target of an arcane spell or spell-like ability, the creature casting the spell must make a Will save (DC of 10 + the vampire's highest class level + the vampire’s Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, the caster takes 1d8 points of damage. Because the backlash takes effect after the spell is cast, it cannot disrupt the spellcaster.
- Category A Vampires:
- Resist Electric, Acid, Sonic, and Fire 80% (extreme heat, natural electricity, sonic-booms (or other similar high sonics), and non-magical acids/fires/heat will not affect them)
- Gain Spell Resistance equal to their highest class level +50
- 25% chance that a spell of the 5th will bounce back at the caster, 50% chance that a spell of the 4th level will bounce back at the caster, spells of up to the 3rd level will always bounce back at the caster
- +10 bonus to saving throws against all spells and spell-like abilities
- Suffer 20 less damage from arcane spells to a minimum of 0 (this is in addition to any damage reduction the vampire has)
- Always under the effects of the epic spell Eternal Freedom
- May use Greater Dispel Magic at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Arcane Sight at will as a supernatural ability
- If a Dead Magic Zone, Wild Magic Zone, or Anti-Magic Field is within 250+50yards/level (the highest class level is used) the vampire will automatically know its direction, distance, and dimensions
- Immune to wizard spells up to the 4th level unless willingly being affected. If a spell of up to the 4th level hits the vampire and is not reflected then the spell will not affect the vampire. This immunity counts even if the spell was an area spell and even if the vampire was not at the center of the blast (though the spell will still effect everything else caught in it as normal). Even if the spell was present before the vampire arrived (such as a barrier), it will simply not affect the vampire in anyway. The vampire can pass through it as if it weren’t even there. While the vampire will not be influenced by illusionary spells of up to the 4th level, they will still be aware that the spell exists, though they will not know what form the illusion has taken
- Confining Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a confining blow, they immediately make a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + class level) against all transmutation (polymorph) spells or spell-like abilities and abilities that function as transmutation (polymorph) spells (including the change shape supernatural ability) the target has in effect. On a successful check, the polymorph abilities end and the target cannot change form again through any means for 1 round per the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability at will.
- Distracting Wound* (Ex): If the vampire hits a target with a distracting wound, it becomes more difficult for the target to cast spells. The target must make a concentration check with a DC of (10 + vampire's highest class level) to cast any spell. This effect lasts for one round per three levels in the vampire's highest class level. The vampire may use this ability at will.
- Liberating Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a liberating blow, they immediately make a single dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against all enchantment (charm) spells or spell-like abilities the target has cast on other creatures. On a successful check, the enchantments end. The vampire may use this ability at will.
- Revealing Blow* (Su): If the vampire hits a foe with a revealing blow, they immediately make a dispel check DC 15 (1d20 + highest class level) against any illusion spell or spelllike ability on the target. On a successful check, the illusions end. The vampire may use this ability at will.
- Witch Bane (Ex): The vampire gains a +4 bonus on an attack roll made against an arcane spellcaster, and a successful attack deals an additional 4d6 hit points of damage. This power can be used 9 times per day
- Perplexing Blow* (Ex): The vampire can deliver blows that bewilder and confound his targets. A target struck with a perplexing blow takes 2 points of Intelligence damage in addition to the attack’s normal damage. The vampire may use this ability at will.
- Backlash (Su): Whenever the vampire is the target of an arcane spell or spell-like ability, the creature casting the spell must make a Will save (DC of 10 + the vampire's highest class level + the vampire’s Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, the caster takes 2d6 points of damage. Because the backlash takes effect after the spell is cast, it cannot disrupt the spellcaster.
A special thanks to Pathfinder Products for a masterfully written class "Witch Hunter". I used some of the info in their product for this particular bloodline so if you work for them...I don't own anything. Pathfinder does.
- This bloodline grants its members the ability to shape shift into anyone they have sucked blood from. Telboth vampires are feared for this ability even amongst their own kind. They also posses the Advanced Blood Memories ability. This can be used in conjunction with their shape shifting abilities to better deceive others into thinking they really are the person whose form they have taken. This terrifying power makes them to be excellent spies.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- May assume the form of any humanoid of the same size category that they have sucked blood from within 1 week at will. This ability functions as Shape Change and is an extraordinary ability. The vampire also assumes the voice of the one they shape change into. May “store” 2 forms for up to 5 weeks +1 day per level (this ability lasts for 3hrs +1hr/level and is dispelled by candle light. the total level of the vampire is used). Changing for requires a standard action.
- Advanced Blood Memories (the vampire may see memories up to 5 weeks old and if they drink their victim dry they may see memories up to 15 weeks old)
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- May assume the form of any humanoid of the same size category that they have sucked blood from within 3 weeks at will. This ability functions as Shape Change and is an extraordinary ability. The vampire also assumes the voice of the one they shape change into. May “store” 5 forms for up to 2 months +1 week per level (this ability lasts for 5hrs +2hr/level and is dispelled by candle light. the total level of the vampire is used). Changing for requires a standard action.
- May assume the form of a werebat hybrid once per day. This form lasts for as long as the vampire wills it, they lose consciousness, or are destroyed. The vampire retains all of its abilities, magic or otherwise, but they cannot cast any spell that requires a verbal component and they cannot communicate verbally. The vampire also loses its ability to see with regular vision but gains a blindsense ability described below. They get a +5 bonus to Str and Dex, their claw attack will deal damage as if the vampire were one size category higher and they gain a bite attack that will deal damage as if they were one size category higher (these claw and bite attacks temporarily replace the vampire’s). The vampire flies at four times their normal flight rate. While airborne, the vampire can use its feet to deal 1d4+1 damage each. While in this form, the vampire suffers 50% extra damage from sonic damage. While in this form the vampire gains the ability Blindsense (Ex): The vampire uses echolocation to pinpoint creatures within 100 feet. Opponents gain no benefit with concealment while within 50ft of the vampire. While opponents are 51-100ft from the vampire they gain half benefit from concealment. Solid objects can block this ability just as it would a bat’s; however, the vampire’s echolocation is far more advanced so the vampire may still know the location of any given creature based on the circumstances (such as echoes, heavy breathing, stuff like that). The vampire is blind while in this form. They detect the presence of solid objects using echolocation. They do not physically see it and do not see color. The vampire does not detect objects or creatures that do not have a physical presence unless the object or creature is making a noise or otherwise performs an action on the vampire (such as attacking it; however, while attacking the vampire will alert the vampire of its presence, it still has no physical presence and the vampire will still be unable to detect its location). Things that have no physical presence that are making no sound are treated as being totaly invisible to the vampire.
- Advanced Blood Memories (the vampire may see memories up to 10 weeks old and if they drink their victim dry they may see memories up to 30 weeks old)
- May temporarily shape shift small parts of their body into various forms. The part changed can be no larger than their hand (the nature of the change and the benefits/drawbacks will be determined by the player and DM). A common usage of this ability is to turn one or both of their claws into a sort of black, boney, claw with elongated talons. This change causes their claw attack to deal damage as if it were enhanced by the Improved Natural Attack feat, even if this feat has already been selected for their claw attack, the damage will be enhanced a second time. This ability can be used in similar ways, use your imagination (I'm talking to both the players and the DM). The use of this ability requires a move action.
- Category A Vampires:
- May assume the form of any humanoid of the same size category that they have sucked blood from within 4 months at will. This ability functions as Shape Change and is an extraordinary ability. The vampire also assumes the voice of the one they shape change into. May “store” 10 forms for up to 1 year +1 month per level (this ability lasts for 8hrs +3hrs/level and is dispelled by candle light. the total level of the vampire is used). Changing form requires a standard action.
- May assume the form of a werebat hybrid at will. This form lasts for as long as the vampire wills it, they lose consciousness, or are destroyed. The vampire retains all of its abilities, magic or otherwise, but they cannot cast any spell that requires a verbal component and may only communicate telepathically. The vampire also loses its ability to see with regular vision but gains a blindsense ability described below. They get a +10 bonus to Str and Dex, their claw attack will deal 4d6+10 damage and they gain a bite attack that will deal 2d6+4 damage. The vampire flies at 8 times their normal flight rate. While airborne, the vampire can use its feet to deal 2d8+2 damage each. While in this form, the vampire suffers double damage from sonic damage. While in this form the vampire gains the ability Blindsight (Ex): The vampire uses echolocation to pinpoint creatures within 1 mile. Opponents gain no benefit with concealment while within 1 mile of the vampire. Solid objects can block this ability just as it would a bat’s; however, the vampire’s echolocation is far more advanced so the vampire may still know the location of any given creature based on the circumstances (such as echoes, heavy breathing, stuff like that). The vampire is blind while in this form. They detect the presence of solid objects using echolocation. They do not physically see it and do not see color. The vampire does not detect objects or creatures that do not have a physical presence unless the object or creature is making a noise or otherwise performs an action on the vampire (such as attacking it; however, while attacking the vampire will alert the vampire of its presence, it still has no physical presence and the vampire will still be unable to detect its location). Things that have no physical presence that are making no sound are treated as being totaly invisible to the vampire.
- May temporarily shape shift large parts of their body into various forms. The part changed can be no larger than their arm (the nature of the change and the benefits/drawbacks will be determined by the player and DM). A common usage of this ability is to turn one or both of their claws into a sort of black, boney, claw with elongated talons. This change causes their claw attack to deal damage as if it were enhanced by the Improved Natural Attack feat, even if this feat has already been selected for their claw attack, the damage will be enhanced a second time. If their claw attack is enhanced in this way it will strike as an epic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Another way Purebloods commonly use this shape shifting power is to turn one of their arms into 1-6 large, bat-like wings. They decided how many wings are produced. These wings are not used for flight; instead, they are used for attacking, as they are very sharp. Each wing deals 2d6+4 damage and strike as an epic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Purebloods are very proud of their beauty and will avoid unseemly changes if at all possible. This ability can be used in similiar ways, use your imagination (I'm talking to both the players and the DM). The use of this ability requires a move action.
---Thrafey (Needs Revision and Completion)---
- All beings with a soul have at least some measure of spiritual power. While most humanoids posses so little spiritual power they will never realize it is there, there are beings whose spirits are powerful enough to affect the world around them. The Thrafey bloodline greatly enhances a vampire’s spiritual power. If someone is turned and they do not have the Spiritualist class then they will gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. The Thrafey bloodline is considered to be one of the most powerful bloodlines. (I haven't finished the spiritualist class yet so don't use this bloodline yet)
- Category C Vampire:
- +2 to Str, Dex, Wis
- +1 to Int
- +2 bonus to Concentration checks
- Experience required to level up Spiritualist class reduced by 10%
- The vampire is treated as having 3 extra HD for the purpose of determining Spirit Force
- Demon Arts 10% more powerful
- Any attempt to tamper with the vampire’s soul has a 25% chance of failure unless the vampire is willing or the one tampering has great power
- +5 to all SP gains
- Category B Vampire:
- +3 to Wis
- +2 to Str, Dex
- +1 to Int
- +4 bonus to Concentration checks
- Experience required to level up Spiritualist class reduced by 20%
- The vampire is treated as having 6 extra HD for the purpose of determining Spirit Force
- Demon Arts 25% more powerful
- Any attempt to tamper with the vampire’s soul has a 50% chance of failure unless the vampire is willing or the one tampering has great power
- +10 bonus to all SP rolls
- Category A Vampire:
- Any attempt to tamper with the vampire’s soul automatically fails unless the vampire is willing or the one tampering has great power
- +10 bonus to all SP rolls; in addition, SP rolls are quadrupled before applying the +10 bonus
- Gain Supernatural Instincts feat
- Spirit Force is doubled, contains an all-pervasive terror, and cannot be concealed. Spiritually aware beings that sense the vampire’s spiritual presence suffer a –6 penalty to all saves and must make a will save (DC 30) or be shaken until they can no longer feel the vampire’s presence
- Demon Arts 50% more powerful
---Varseth (Needs Revision and Completion)---
- This bloodline exclusively focuses on the ancient art of Cruomancey. While all vampires have access to bloodmagic in one form or another, the Varseth bloodline grants much greater abilities in terms of this most peculiar art. A Varseth vampire’s veins are much more pronounced, because of this, they are more easily identified as being a vampire. Though they are less physically imposing as some of the other bloodlines, the Varseth bloodline is considered to be one of the most powerful bloodlines. If someone is turned and they do not have the Cruomancer class they will gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. Vampires not of this bloodline may only cast Cruomancer spells of up to the 4th level (though it is possible for non-vampires to gain this class, the caster’s blood must be magical by nature or they will be ill suited for this class. The spells of such caster’s will be 50% weaker and they may only learn Cruomancer spells of up to the 3rd level, making the class a poor choice). (I am mostly done with this class but haven't posted it yet so don't use this bloodline yet).
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Int, Wis
- -1 to Cha
- +4 to spell slots for all spell levels
- Experience required to level up Cruomancer class reduced by 10%
- All Cruomancer spells are 15% more powerful
- May cast any Cruomancer spell of the 1st level at will as an extraordinary ability
- Blood heals twice as many hp
- Blood Step (Ex): The vampire can step into one source of blood and out of another as a move-equivalent action. They can only step into or out of blood that has at least 10 hit points damage or a single point of mortal Constitution. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes. The vampire cannot travel further than 50ft with this ability.
- Category B Vampires:
- +3 to Int, Wis
- -2 to Cha
- +8 to spell slots for all spell levels
- Experience required to level up Cruomancer class reduced by 20%
- All Cruomancer spells are 30% more powerful
- May cast any Cruomancer spell of up to the 2nd level at will as an extraordinary ability
- May partially manipulate their own blood to perform physical attacks. All attacks performed in this manner will strike as though they had a +1 enchantment. (Player will decide how to use this power. DM will decide the stats. Such attacks take up a standard action)
- Blood heals twice as many hp
- Blood Step (Ex): The vampire can step into one source of blood and out of another as a move-equivalent action. They can only step into or out of blood that has at least 8 hit points damage or a single point of mortal Constitution. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes. The vampire cannot travel further than 100ft with this ability.
- Category A Vampires:
- All Cruomancer spells 50% more powerful
- May cast any Croumancer spell of up to the 3rd level at will as an extraordinary ability
- May completely manipulate their own blood to perform physical attacks. All attacks performed in this manner will strike as though they had a +2 enchantment. (Player will decide how to use this power. DM will decide the stats. Such attacks take up a standard action)
- May create physical weapons of simple design (such as a sword) from their own blood. All weapons created in this manner will act as though they were a +3 version of their normal counterpart (the creation of a weapon in this manner takes up a standard action)
- Blood heals three times as many hp
- Blood Step (Ex): The vampire can step into one source of blood and out of another as a move-equivalent action. They can only step into or out of blood that has at least 5 hit points damage or a single point of mortal Constitution. The vampire must be able to see their destination with their own eyes. The vampire cannot travel further than 200ft with this ability.
- Blood Door (Ex): The vampire can ‘teleport’ into any source of blood, so long as they can see their point of destination as a move action. The vampire can only teleport into blood that has at least 10 hit points damage or at least 1 point of Constitution (blood pool created by Constitution damage or drain). The vampire does not have to be able to physically ‘see’ their destination to use this power. They could scry for it, or be looking through the eyes of your simulacrum, undead minion or other forms of detection.
- This bloodline causes the vampire’s spirit to be entrenched in the cold of death. Volkihar vampires are more easily identified as being vampires due to the physical changes that occur. Their skin is snow white and their eyes and hair are glacial blue. Their lips and tongue turn to the bluish color that appears when someone’s body temperature is very low. Their skin is very cold to the touch and their breath can be seen even in high temperatures. They are intolerant of heat and must focus their icy powers inward in order to tolerate temperate climates. They will never enter desert or otherwise hot climates. They are un-phased even by the coldest of temperatures, be it magical or natural. They commonly make their lairs beneath frozen lakes. The Volkihar are seen as one of the more powerful bloodlines. A Volkihar vampire's eyes glow glacial blue, rather than blood red, while in the dark or when hungry. When a Volkihar vampire shape changes into a bat, rat, dire bat, dire rat, or night hunter, the fur and skin will be snow white. (for specific information on their powers, see the source book "Frostburn")
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- Gain the Cold sub-type
- Due to the vampire's cold-subtype coupled with the natural weakness to fire vampires have, Volkihar vampires suffer double, rather than half as much again, damage from fire
- +6 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice
- Move at full speed in snowy and icy conditions and always succeed balance checks on ice
- Immunity to Cold (this immunity cannot be pierced unless otherwise stated by the DM.)
- Always under the effects of Snowsight and Snow Walk
- May not prepare or cast spells with the fire descriptor
- May use Shivering Touch, Lesser as an extraordinary ability at will
- May use Ice Darts as an extraordinary ability at will
- May use Arctic Haze as a spell-like ability once per day
- May use Blood Snow as a spell-like ability once per day
- May use Detect and Dispel Fire at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Wall of Ice once per 3 days as a spell like ability
- May use Cone of Cold once per day as a spell like ability
- May use Chill Touch at will as a spell like ability
- May use Aura of Cold at will as a supernatural ability(Reduces the temperature in a 5ft +1-foot radius/level. Water may be frozen but only on the surface. Creatures not immune to cold will suffer 1d6 points of cold damage per round. The caster must be stationary to maintain the spell. If the caster changes location the spell will be broken. They caster may perform other actions without breaking the spell. This power may be used inwardly to protect the vampire from otherwise intolerable conditions such as a temperate climate. When used inwardly, the vampire may tolerate temperatures in their severe heat danger range without penalty for 1hr. Once used in this way the vampire may not use this aura power until the 1hr period has expired. This ability cannot protect the vampire from their extreme heat danger range. This aura can only be turned inward once per day. When this power is not used inwardly the vampire suffers from severe heat in temperatures ranging from 40-70 degrees F. The vampire suffers from extreme heat in temperatures ranging from 71-120 degrees F. For temperatures above 120 degrees F the vampire suffers an additional 1d4 non/lethal damage on a failed saving throw for every 10 degrees beyond 120)
- May use Breath of Frost at will as an extraordinary ability(Exhales a cloud of cold air spreading outward from the caster in the shape of a cone shaped amanation. The cone’s dimensions will increase by 5ft/caster level. The cold air causes 1d4 cold damage. Damage is increased by +1 per level of the vampire (Max+5))
- May use Freeze Blood once per day as a spell like ability (Breathes a cloud of extreme cold into the target. Target must make a Fortitude save or their insides will be frozen, killing them instantly. A successful save vs death causes the target to suffer 2d4+2 cold damage. Fire Elementals suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throw. The target must be within a space adjacent to the vampire)
- Ice Walk (Ex): The vampire can pass through ice, snow, or slush as easily as a fish swims through water or a human walks across the ground. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, and its passage does not create any ripples or other signs of its presence. The vampire may walk across the top of any amount of snow without sinking and leaves no trail, but they do leave a scent. The vampire prefers to fight from the cover of an ice sheet or snow field in much the same way an incorporeal creature uses a wall or floor for cover. A vampire attacking a creature outside the ice or snow in which it is hiding gains the benefit of cover.
- Tremorsense (Ex): The vampire automatically senses the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with ice or snow.
- Heat Sense (Ex): The vampire can automatically sense heat sources within 60 feet, as the spell detect fire. It senses only the presence or absence of heat, but if it chooses to use a standard action to concentrate on this ability, it can establish the number and location of heat auras and the strength of each in the second and third rounds of concentration. Invisible creatures whose location is pinpointed by heat sense still have total concealment from the vampire.
- Freeze (Su): The vampire can drain the heat from a living creature. On a successful grapple check, the vampire deals 2d4 points of dexterity damage to a grappled foe. Fortitude save for half. The vampire chooses whether or not to use this power.
- Cold to the Touch (Ex): The vampire’s body is constantly kept at sub-zero temperatures and at the deepest parts of their body the temperature is easily below –200 F. The touch of the vampire (which penetrates thick objects such as armor) deals 1d6 cold damage and has a 20% chance of causing the Creeping Frost disease. This is a touch attack but it also works whenever a creature touches the vampire, either by the vampire’s natural attacks or by the creature simply reaching out and touching the vampire. Any creature that hits the vampire in melee suffers 1d4 cold damage unless wielding a reach weapon.
- Absorb Cold (Ex): Cold damage heals, not harms, the vampire. If the vampire is struck with an effect that deals cold damage, the vampire heals hit points equal to ½ of the damage that would have been dealt.
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str
- Gain the Cold sub-type
- Due to the vampire's cold-subtype coupled with the natural weakness to fire vampires have, Volkihar vampires suffer double, rather than half as much again, damage from fire
- +6 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice
- Move at full speed in snowy and icy conditions and always suceed balance checks on ice
- Always under the effects of Snowsight and Snow Walk
- Immunity to Cold (this immunity cannot be pierced unless otherwise stated by the DM)
- May not use fire based magic
- May use Snowsong as a supernatural ability once per day
- May use Shivering Touch, Lesser as an extraordinary ability at will
- May use Arctic Haze as a spell-like ability 4 times per day
- May use Blood Snow as a spell-like ability 4 times per day
- May use Binding Snow as a spell-like ability 4 times per day
- May use Detect and Dispel Fire at will as a supernatural ability
- May use Glacial Globe of Invulnerability as a spell-like ability once per day
- May use Wall of Ice 4 times per day as a spell like ability
- May use Cone of Cold 6 times per day as a spell like ability
- May use Chill Touch as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Ice Storm 3 times per day as a spell like ability
- May use Otiluke's Freezing Sphere once per day as a spell like ability
- May use Polar Ray 3 times per day as a spell like ability
- Continually emits an Aura of Whiteout Toggable as an extraordinary ability (This power functions in the same manner as the 7th level Druid spell Whiteout and is centered on the vampire)
- May use Aura of Cold as an extraordinary ability (Reduces the temperature in a 10ft +3-foot radius/level. Water may be frozen partially. Creatures not immune to cold will suffer 2d6 point of cold damage per round. This power can be used inwardly to protect the vampire from their severe heat danger range. When used inwardly, the vampire may tolerate temperatures in their severe heat danger range without penalty for 1hr. Once used in this way the vampire may not use this aura power until the 1hr period has expired. This ability cannot protect the vampire from their extreme heat danger range. The vampire suffers from severe heat in temperatures ranging from 33-50 degrees F)
- May use Freezing Aura at will as a supernatural ability (Similar to Aura of Cold but more powerful. Rapidly reduces the temperature in a 5ft +1-foot radius/level. Water will be frozen instantly and completely. Creatures not immune to cold will suffer 3d6+2 points of cold damage per round. Creatures vulnerable to cold not already in the area may not enter for the duration of the spell. If a creature vulnerable to cold in the area of effect leaves the area of effect then they may not enter again for the duration of the spell. Persons and creatures must leave the area after 12 rounds or succumb to hypothermia. All creatures affected by this aura will be slowed as if hit by the slow spell. Caster must remain stationary. If the caster changes location the spell will be broken. Effects will continue to last for 1 round after the spell ends. After 1 round has past the temperature will return to normal. This power can be used inwardly to protect the vampire from their extreme heat danger range. When used inwardly, the vampire may endure in their extreme heat danger range for 5hr without penalty. This aura cannot be used for that 5hr period. This aura can only be turned inward once per day. The vampire suffers from extreme heat in temperatures ranging from 51-80 degrees F. For temperatures above 80 degrees F the vampire suffers an additional 1d4 lethal damage on a failed saving throw for every 10 degrees beyond 80)
- May use Breath of Frost at will as an extraordinary ability (Exhales a cloud of cold air spreading outward from the caster in the shape of a cone shaped emanation. Dimensions of the cone increased by +5 feet per level. The cold air causes 2d4 cold damage. Damage is increased by +2 per level of the vampire (Max +10))
- May use Freeze Blood 3 times per day as a spell like ability (Breathes a cloud of extreme cold into the target. Target must make a Fortitude save at a –2 penalty or their insides will be frozen, killing them instantly. A successful save causes the target to suffer 2d4 +2/caster level (Max +10) cold damage. Fire Elementals suffer a -4 penalty to their saving throws. The target must be within a space adjacent to the vampire)
- Ice Walk (Ex): The vampire can pass through ice, snow, or slush as easily as a fish swims through water or a human walks across the ground. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, and its passage does not create any ripples or other signs of its presence. The vampire may walk across the top of any amount of snow without sinking and leaves no trail, but they do leave a scent. The vampire prefers to fight from the cover of an ice sheet or snow field in much the same way an incorporeal creature uses a wall or floor for cover. A vampire attacking a creature outside the ice or snow in which it is hiding gains the benefit of cover. The vampire may extend this ability on to one other creature that they are touching. During the time the creature under this ability’s effects, they must not cease to touch the vampire, if they do, they are no longer under its effect and will be frozen solid. This power does not grant the creature air supply; creatures that need to breathe will have to find another way to breathe.
- Tremorsense (Ex): The vampire automatically senses the location of anything within 120 feet that is in contact with ice or snow.
- Heat Sense (Ex): The vampire can automatically sense heat sources within 120 feet, as the spell detect fire. It senses only the presence or absence of heat, but if it chooses to use a standard action to concentrate on this ability, it can establish the number and location of heat auras and the strength of each in the second and third rounds of concentration. Invisible creatures whose location is pinpointed by heat sense still have total concealment from the vampire.
- Freeze (Su): The vampire can drain the heat from a living creature. On a successful grapple check, the vampire deals 2d4 points of dexterity damage to a grappled foe. Fortitude save for half. The vampire chooses whether or not to use this power.
- Frost Born (Ex): May create and manipulate ice and cold air at will. The vampire has a number of “Cold Points”. The vampire regenerates 1 point per round. The vampire regenerates 2 points per round while in severe cold, 5 points per round while in extreme cold, and 10 points per round while in unearthly cold. The vampire regenerates 1 point every 2 rounds while in severe heat, 1 point every minute while in extreme heat, and 1 point every 10 minutes while in unearthly heat. The maximum number of cold points the vampire may have at any given time is equal to their HD x 2. The vampire may expend as many points per round as they wish, with the maximum number of points they may spend equal to their current points. The vampire may cause any one of the following effects by expending cold points. The number of cold points the vampire must spend depends on which effect they use. Some powers have a minimum character level as a prerequisite.
- Cold of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch attack against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Fortitude save of suffer 1d4 points of Constitution Drain. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Fortitude save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Embrace of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch attack against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Will save or be haunted with visions of death and decay, particularly their own, causing them to suffer 1d4 points of Wisdom Drain. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Will save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Silence of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Will save or be silenced for 1d4 rounds. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Will save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Shatter (Su): The vampire may cause ice to shatter into pieces. The vampire may shatter 1 cubic foot of ice/HD. If corporeal creatures/objects are magically stored within the ice, or are frozen within it, they must make a Fortitude save or be destroyed. A successful save results in 1d10 damage. The vampire may increase the amount of ice affected by 1 cubic foot for each additional point they spend. This power costs 2 points.
- Frostfell’s Embrace (Su): The vampire heals 2d6 hp, +2 point for every additional point they spend. This power costs 5 points. Minimum character level of 3.
- Frozen Blade (Su): The vampire can create any kind of melee weapon they are proficient with. The melee weapon must be of simple design, no moving or linked parts can be created; thus, a mace or sword could be made, but not a ball and chain. The weapon has all the properties of a +1 version of a normal weapon of its type. The weapon lasts for 1hr before it melts. If the weapon ever leaves the vampire’s hands, it immediate melts. This power costs 10 points. Minimum character level of 6.
- Frozen Beam (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a beam of freezing air and blue energy. This is a line attack with a medium range. The beam deals 1d6 cold damage/2 HD of the vampire (Max 10d6), Reflex save for half. The vampire may spend an additional 5 points to cause all affected creatures to make a will save at a –4 penalty or be frozen solid for 1d4 minutes. Creatures with the water subtype suffer a –6 penalty instead. This power costs 5 points. Minimum character level of 10.
- Frozen Blast (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a blast of freezing blue energy. The blast deals damage and acts in the same manner as a fireball except as noted here. The blast deals cold damage, not fire damage. This power costs 5 points.
- Frozen Burst (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a burst of freezing air and blue energy. The burst has a radius of 10 feet and is centered on the vampire. All affected creatures suffer 2d8 cold damage and must make a Will save of be frozen solid for 1 minute. The vampire may increase the damage by 2 and the DC by 1 for every 2 additional points they spend. Minimum character level of 8.
- Encase (Su): The vampire may cause 1 creature or object to be frozen solid for 1 hr. The creature or object is entitled to a Will save to resist the effect. This power cannot affect a creature or object of more than 1 size type larger than the vampire. This power costs 20 points. The vampire may increase the DC by 1 for each additional point they spend. Minimum character level of 10.
- Frostfell Magicka (Su): The vampire may emulate any Wizard or Druid spell that has the cold descriptor. The vampire must have at least 3 times as many HD as the level of the spell they emulate. The vampire cannot use this power to emulate a spell with an XP cost. The vampire spends cold points equal to the level of the spell they emulate.
- Cold to the Touch (Ex): The vampire’s body is constantly kept at sub-zero temperatures, and at the deepest parts of their body, the temperature is absolute zero. The touch of the vampire (which penetrates thick objects such as armor) deals 2d6 cold damage and has a 40% chance of causing the Creeping Frost disease and a 10% chance of causing the Winter Rot disease. This is a touch attack but it also works whenever a creature touches the vampire, either by the vampire’s natural attacks or by the creature simply reaching out and touching the vampire. Any creature that hits the vampire in melee suffers 1d6 cold damage unless wielding a reach weapon.
- Absorb Cold (Ex): Cold damage heals, not harms, the vampire. If the vampire is struck with an effect that deals cold damage, the vampire heals hit points equal to ½ of the damage that would have been dealt.
- Category A Vampires:
- Immunity to Cold (this immunity cannot be pierced unless otherwise stated by the DM)
- Move at full speed in snowy and icy conditions and always succeed balance checks on ice
- Always under the effects of Snowsight and Snow Walk
- May pass through solid ice as if it were air or water. This ability extends to anything the vampire is wearing and carrying. Large objects cannot be carried through. Up to two other being of the same size type as the vampire or smaller, along with their possessions, may be brought along with the vampire through the ice if the vampire is touching them and intentionally exerts this power on them. While passing through the ice, the being will have no air supply. This is an extraordinary ability
- May use Snowsong as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Shivering Touch as an extraordinary ability at will
- May use Arctic Haze as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Blood Snow as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Binding Snow as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Detect and Dispel Fire as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Wall of Ice as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Cone of Cold as a spell-like ability at will
- May use Chill Touch as a supernatural ability at will
- May use Otiluke's Freezing Sphere as a spell-like ability 3 times per day
- May use Ice as a spell-like ability 3 times per day
- May use Polar Ray as a spell like ability at will
- May use Aura of Whiteout Toggable as an extraordinary ability (This power functions in the same manner as the 7th level Druid spell Whiteout and is centered on the vampire)
- Continually emits an Aura of Cold Toggable. This is an extraordinary ability (Reduces the temperature in a 15ft +5-foot radius/level. Water may be frozen completely. Creatures not immune to cold will suffer 3d6 point of cold damage per round. Fire and water based creatures affected by this spell will be slowed as if hit by the slow spell)
- May use Freezing Aura at will as an extraordinary ability (Similar to Aura of Cold but more powerful. Rapidly reduces the temperature in a 10 +3-foot radius/level. Water will be frozen instantly and completely. Creatures not immune to cold will suffer 4d6+5 points of cold damage per round. Fire based creatures not already in the area may not enter for the duration of the spell. If a fire based creature in the area of effect leaves the area of effect then they may not enter again for the duration of the spell. Persons and creatures must leave the area after 6 rounds or succumb to hypothermia. Fire based creatures of less than 10 levels or HD and water based creatures of less than 6 levels or HD are slain instantly with no saving throw. Water based creatures will be frozen solid and be rendered helpless in 3 rounds. Fire based creatures will be frozen solid and be rendered helpless in 1 round. After a person or succumbs to hypothermia they collapse and are rendered helpless but do not lose consciousness. Persons or creatures that have succumb to hypothermia will continue to suffer damage as normal but will die in 4 rounds unless measures are taken to warm them up. Beings killed in this manner are frozen solid. The vampire may move around and perform other actions without breaking the spell. Effects will continue to last for 3 rounds after the spell ends. After 3 rounds have past the temperature will return to normal)
- May use Breath of Frost at will as an extraordinary ability (Exhales a cloud of cold air spreading outward from the caster in the shape of a cone shaped emanation. The cone’s dimensions increase by 10ft/caster level. The cold air causes 4d4 points of cold damage. Damage is increased by +4/caster level of the vampire (Max +20).)
- May regurgitate up to 10 gallons of Coldfire (See Frostburn pg 17) once per day as a supernatural ability. This ability may be released in a cone shaped emanation with the same dimensions as Cone of Cold at the vampire's discretion.
- May use Freeze Blood at will as an extraordinary ability (Breathes a cloud of extreme cold into the target. Target must make a Fortitude save at a –4 penalty or their insides will be frozen, killing them instantly. A successful save causes the target to suffer 4d4 +2/caster level (Max +20) cold damage. Fire Elementals suffer a -8 penalty on their saving throw. The target must be within a space adjacent to the vampire)
- May use Frigid Winter once per year as a supernatural ability (Produces a blizzard within a 10mile radius/4 caster levels (Max 50 mile radius). This blizzard lasts for 30 days, growing progressively worse until 20 days have past. The blizzard is less severe the further one is from the center. After 20 days, the blizzard will begin to die out until finally ending after 30 days. The blizzard’s severity can be maintained after 20 days if the caster maintains 5hrs of uninterrupted concentration on the blizzard. If the caster chooses to do this then the time limit for the blizzard increases by 1 day for each day concentration occurs and the severity does not decrease. If the caster fails to concentrate on the blizzard on any day after the blizzard has existed for more than 20 days, then the blizzard will begin to subside until fully dissipating after 10 days have past. Once the blizzard begins to dissipate the caster cannot maintain it. At any time, the caster can will the blizzard to cease. The blizzard will not cease immediately; it will instead begin to subside until fully dissipating after 10 days have past).
- May use the epic spells Animus Blizzard as a spell-like ability once per week and Dire Winter as a spell-like ability once per month
- Ice Walk (Ex): The vampire can pass through ice, snow, or slush as easily as a fish swims through water or a human walks across the ground. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, and its passage does not create any ripples or other signs of its presence. The vampire may walk across the top of any amount of snow without sinking and leaves no trail.. The vampire can fight from the cover of an ice sheet or snow field in much the same way an incorporeal creature uses a wall or floor for cover. A vampire attacking a creature outside the ice or snow in which it is hiding gains the benefit of cover. The vampire may extend this ability on to two other creatures that they are touching. During the time the creatures are under this ability’s effects, they must not cease to touch the vampire, if they do, they are no longer under its effect and will be frozen solid. This power does not grant the creatures air supply; creatures that need to breathe will have to find another way to breath.
- Tremorsense (Ex): The vampire automatically senses the location of anything within 300 feet that is in contact with ice or snow.
- Heat Sense (Ex): The vampire can automatically sense heat sources within 300 feet, as the spell detect fire. It senses only the presence or absence of heat, but if it chooses to use a standard action to concentrate on this ability, it can establish the number and location of heat auras and the strength of each in the second and third rounds of concentration. Invisible creatures whose location is pinpointed by heat sense still have total concealment from the vampire.
- Freeze (Su): The vampire can drain the heat from a living creature. On a successful grapple check, the vampire deals 2d4 points of dexterity damage to a grappled foe. Fortitude save for half. The vampire chooses whether or not to use this power.
- Frost Born (Ex): May create and manipulate ice and cold air at will. The vampire has a number of “Cold Points”. The vampire regenerates 2 point per round. The vampire regenerates 3 points per round while in severe cold, 6 points per round while in extreme cold, and 15 points per round while in unearthly cold. The vampire regenerates 1 point every round while in severe heat, 1 point every 5 rounds while in extreme heat, and 1 point every 5 minutes while in unearthly heat. The maximum number of cold points the vampire may have at any given time is equal to their HD x 4. The vampire may expend as many points per round as they wish, with the maximum number of points they may spend equal to their current points. The vampire may cause any one of the following effects by expending cold points. The number of cold points the vampire must spend depends on which effect they use. Some powers have a minimum character level as a prerequisite.
- Cold of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch attack against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Fortitude save of suffer 1d4 points of Constitution Drain. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Fortitude save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Embrace of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch attack against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Will save or be haunted with visions of death and decay, particularly their own, causing them to suffer 1d4 points of Wisdom Drain. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Will save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Silence of the Grave (Su): The vampire makes a ranged touch against 1 creature. The creature suffers 1d6+2 cold damage and must make a Will save or be silenced for 1d4 rounds. This power costs 4 cold points. The vampire may increase the DC of the Will save by 1 for every additional cold point they spend (Max 5).
- Shatter (Su): The vampire may cause ice to shatter into pieces. The vampire may shatter 1 cubic foot of ice/HD. If corporeal creatures/objects are magically stored within the ice, or are frozen within it, they must make a Fortitude save or be destroyed. A successful save results in 1d10 damage. The vampire may increase the amount of ice affected by 1 cubic foot for each additional point they spend. This power costs 2 points.
- Frostfell’s Embrace (Su): The vampire heals 2d6 hp, +2 point for every additional point they spend. This power costs 5 points. Minimum character level of 3.
- Frozen Blade (Su): The vampire can create any kind of melee weapon they are proficient with. The melee weapon must be of simple design, no moving or linked parts can be created; thus, a mace or sword could be made, but not a ball and chain. The weapon has all the properties of a +1 version of a normal weapon of its type. The weapon lasts for 1hr before it melts. If the weapon ever leaves the vampire’s hands, it immediate melts. This power costs 10 points. Minimum character level of 6.
- Frozen Beam (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a beam of freezing air and blue energy. This is a line attack with a medium range. The beam deals 1d6 cold damage/2 HD of the vampire (Max 10d6), Reflex save for half. The vampire may spend an additional 5 points to cause all affected creatures to make a will save at a –4 penalty or be frozen solid for 1d4 minutes. Creatures with the water subtype suffer a –6 penalty instead. This power costs 5 points. Minimum character level of 10.
- Frozen Blast (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a blast of freezing blue energy. The blast deals damage and acts in the same manner as a fireball except as noted here. The blast deals cold damage, not fire damage. This power costs 5 points.
- Frozen Burst (Ex): The vampire channels raw cold in the form of a burst of freezing air and blue energy. The burst has a radius of 10 feet and is centered on the vampire. All affected creatures suffer 2d8 cold damage and must make a Will save of be frozen solid for 1 minute. The vampire may increase the damage by 2 and the DC by 1 for every 2 additional points they spend. Minimum character level of 8.
- Encase (Su): The vampire may cause 1 creature or object to be frozen solid for 1 hr. The creature or object is entitled to a Will save to resist the effect. This power cannot affect a creature or object of more than 1 size type larger than the vampire. This power costs 20 points. The vampire may increase the DC by 1 for each additional point they spend. Minimum character level of 10.
- Frostfell Magicka (Su): The vampire may emulate any Wizard or Druid spell that has the cold descriptor. The vampire may only emulate spells of up to ½ the level of their highest class level. The vampire cannot use this power to emulate a spell with an XP cost. The vampire spends cold points equal to the level of the spell they emulate.
- Controlled Body Temperature (Ex): The vampire’s body is constantly kept at a temperature the same as a living member of their base race. The vampire is totally unaffected by extremities in temperatures as low as absolute zero or as high as 10,000 F. The vampire may sheath themselves in a layer of extreme cold at will. The vampire may choose how much of their body and what areas this power covers. While active, the touch of the affected part (which penetrates objects as thick as armor) deals 3d6 points of cold damage on contact, stuns the target for 1 round, and has an 80% chance of causing the Creeping Frost disease and a 25% chance of causing the Winter Rot disease. This is a touch attack but it also works whenever a creature touches the vampire, either by the vampire’s natural attacks or by the creature simply reaching out and touching the vampire. If entirely covered, any creature that hits the vampire in melee suffers 1d6+4 cold damage unless wielding a reach weapon.
- The Whet-Fang bloodline is more reptilian than bat but its members are by no means less powerful. Whet-Fang vampires are at one with nature (though they are not a natural part of nature and animals fear them all the same), being able to pick up even the barest of details that might otherwise go unnoticed. They cannot control bats and rats like the other bloodlines but they can control small reptiles. They cannot turn into a bat or rat either and instead may turn into a small reptile of their choice. They are more easily identified as vampires. Their skin is scaly and they speak with a hissing noise. If someone is turned and they do not have the ranger class they will automatically gain this class as if they were a multi-class user. If the base creature cannot swim, they gain the ability to. Whet-Fang vampires are drawn to swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar terrain, as it is their preferred environment.
- Category C Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- -1 to Cha
- +2 bonus to Natural AC
- Gain the ability to speak Draconic
- Gain the Reptilian Subtype
- Gain a tail equal to ½ the length of their height. This tail is not strong enough to make use of the multi-weapon feat as per the Savage Species book. If the base creature already has a tail, it becomes strong enough to make use of the multi-weapon feat and the base creature gains a tail-attack as a natural weapon (using size as the base to determine the damage). If the base creature already has a tail attack, it gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls with the tail attack. Regardless of whether or not the base creature had a tail, this tail can be used to trip opponents
- +4 racial bonus to Knowledge (geography, nature), Survival, Swimming, Spot, Listen, Hide, Jump, and Balance
- Experience required to gain levels in the ranger class is reduced by 10%
- Gain a Atrophic Bite attack as an extraordinary ability (the vampire’s body naturally produces a venom that may be injected via their fangs. This poison, once injected, begins to atrophy the creature’s muscles. The creature must make a Fortitude save every round at a –2 penalty for 5 minutes. A failed save causes 2 points of Strength and Dexterity drain. A creature whose Strength is reduced to 0 by this poison dies. This is because the muscles supporting their heart will atrophy. The vampire only produces enough venom to use this power 3 times per day)
- Gain the feats: Improved Scent, Improved Swimming, Swamp Stalker
- May use Shriek 3 times per day as an extraordinary ability (The vampire gives out a deafening shriek. This shriek shatters glass or crystal like substances of less than ½ inch thick. All enemies within 60ft +5ft per level (Max +50) of the caster must make a fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. Crystal like creatures will also suffer 1d8+2 per level (Max +20) sonic damage. A successful save will result in half damage and duration. All affected creatures are deafened for 1d4 rounds after the stun wears off. The use of this power takes a standard action)
- May cast Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, or Commune with Nature as a supernatural ability once per day. The vampire may only cast one or the other per day, not both.
- Category B Vampires:
- +2 to Str, Dex
- -2 to Cha
- +3 bonus to Natural AC
- Range for Scent ability is doubled
- Gain the ability to speak Draconic
- Gain the Reptilian Subtype
- Gain a tail equal to ½ the length of their height. This tail is strong enough to make use of the multi-weapon feat as per the Savage Species book. If the base creature already has a tail attack, it gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls with the tail attack. Regardless of whether or not the base creature had a tail, this tail can be used to trip opponents
- +6 racial bonus to Knowledge (geography, nature), Survival, Swimming, Spot, Listen, Hide, Jump, and Balance
- Experience required to gain levels in the ranger class is reduced by 20%
- Gain a Atrophic Bite attack as an extraordinary ability (the vampire’s body naturally produces a venom that may be injected via their fangs. This poison, once injected, begins to atrophy the creature’s muscles. The creature must make a Fortitude save every round at a –2 penalty for 15 minutes. A failed save causes 3 points of Strength and Dexterity drain. This is because the muscles supporting their heart will atrophy. The vampire only produces enough venom to use this power 6 times per day)
- Gain Improved Scent and Improved Swimming as a bonus feat regardless of whether or not prerequisites are met
- May use Shriek 6 times per day (The vampire gives out a deafening shriek. This shriek shatters glass or crystal like substances of less than 1 inch thick. All enemies within 80ft +10ft per level (Max +100) of the caster must make a fortitude save at a –4 penalty or be stunned for 2d4+2 rounds and suffer 1d4+1 point per level (Max +10) sonic damage. Crystal like creatures receive an additional –2 penalty and will suffer 2d6+3 per level (Max +30) sonic damage. Crystal like creatures of 3 HD or less are instantly destroyed with no saving throw. A successful save will result in half damage and duration. All affected creatures are deafened for 1d8 rounds after the stun wears off. The vampire may emit this power in the shape of a cone (5ft diameter at the caster, the diameter inreases by 2ft for every 1ft foward) or cylinder (10ft diameter at the caster) instead of a sphere. The cone or cylinder will cover the same total area as the sphere. The use of this power takes a standard action)
- May cast Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, Control Winds, Commune with Nature as a supernatural ability 3 times per day. The vampire may cast any combination of these spells per day but is limited to only 3 castings in total.
- Category A Vampires:
- May transform into and/or control reptiles
- +10 racial bonus to Knowledge (geography, nature), Survival, Swimming, Jump, and Balance
- Gain the ability to speak Draconic
- Gain a Atrophic Bite attack as an extraordinary ability (the vampire’s body naturally produces a venom that may be injected via their fangs. This poison, once injected, begins to rapidly atrophy the creature’s muscles. The creature must make a Fortitude save every round at a –6 penalty for 1 hr. A failed save causes 5 points of Strength and Dexterity drain. This is because the muscles supporting their heart will atrophy. The vampire’s body rapidly reproduces this poison, allowing them to use this power as many times as they wish)
- Gain Feats: Improved Scent, Uncanny Scent, Improved
- May use Shriek at will (The vampire gives out a deafening shriek. This shriek shatters glass or crystal like substances of less than 2 inches thick. All beings within 120ft +20ft per level (Max +200) of the caster must make a will check at a –4 penalty or be stunned for 8 rounds and suffer 2d4+2 per level (Max +20) sonic damage. Crystal like creatures receive an additional –4 penalty and will suffer 4d6+6 per level (Max +60) sonic damage. Crystal like creatures of 6 HD or less are instantly destroyed with no saving throw. A successful save will result in deafness for 1d6+3 rounds and half damage. The vampire may emit this power in the shape of a cone (5ft diameter at the caster, the diameter increases by 2ft for every 1ft forward) or cylinder (10ft diameter at the caster) instead of a sphere. The cone or cylinder will cover the same area as the sphere. This spell affects the vampire’s companions. This power is treated as a 5th level wizard spell for the purpose of determining DC but the modifier for the power is Constitution based, not Wisdom based)
- May cast Control Winds, Call Lightning, Sleet Storm, and Commune with Nature as a supernatural ability at will
- May cast Control Weather as a supernatural ability at will. The spell is cast as if the vampire were a druid
- May cast Whirlwind as a supernatural ability 3 times per day.
- May cast Storm of Vengeance as a supernatural ability once per day.
- This bloodline grants the vampire with great physical strength and endurance. The nature of this bloodline twists and distorts the vampire’s body, causing their form to become grotesque and fearsome. Yekef vampire’s are obviously inhuman and cannot conceal their vampiric nature. Their regeneration is twice as powerful but they must also feed twice as often. A Yekef vampire’s jaw and skin is disconnected at the front of the face from the lower lip to the neck. Their jaw may open sideways in both directions, revealing sharp, crooked teeth at the ends. Their tongues may extend up to 6 inches out of their mouths. Their tongues open up like a cylinder with 6 crooked teeth in a ring. The vampire will use this form of biting as a means to rapidly drain the blood of their victims. A Category A Vampire’s jaw opens up in 4 directions rather than 2 (the top part of their jaw also opens up). If someone is turned and they do not have the monk class then they will gain the monk class as if they were a multi-class user.
- Category C Vampires:
- +4 to Str
- -5 to Cha
- +3 to Natural AC
- +15 total hp
- +4 racial bonus to Bluff and Intimidate
- Gain +4 hp per HD
- The vampire may open up their jaw as described above to rapidly drain blood from a victim. If the vampire uses their blood drain attack in this way, they are treated as having dealt 2 blood drains on a successful blood drain attack
- Animal blood is twice as nutritious
- Blood Drain heals twice as many hp
- Gain the feats: Deformity (face), Endurance, Improved Grapple, and Willing Deformity
- Continually emits Aura of Fear as a supernatural ability (living creatures with fewer HD than the vampire’s within a 15ft radius must make a Will save at a –2 penalty or be affected as though by a fear spell cast by a wizard with a caster level equal to the vampire’s. After the effects wear off the creature must make another save to resist the aura. A successful save means the creature is immune to this aura for 24hrs. If more than one aura of fear is present the creature must make a save for each aura.)
- Heart is protected by bone from the front and the back (all attempts to stake the vampire from the front or back will be very difficult without tremendous force). Creatures with less than 30 Strength suffer a -4 penalty to penalty to attack rolls made to stake the vampire from the front or back and must deal an additional 3 damage to be successful
- Bite may be used to inject a venom which will paralyze the victim for 1d4 rounds. (Fortitude save for half. If the save is successful and the number of rounds is 1 then the victim will not be paralyzed. If the vampire pins the victim and continues to drain blood the rounds the vampire spends doing this do not count against the time the paralysis lasts. Venom can only be injected if the jaw and tongue are opened up as described above)
- Regeneration is twice as powerful
- Must feed twice as often
- When a close range physical attack is made there will be a +5 bonus to damage
- Claw attack deals damage as if the vampire were one size category higher (5% chance of delivering the same venom as described above)
- Category B Vampires:
- +5 to Str (if Str is less than 25 after bonus is applied then Str is set to 25)
- -5 to Cha
- +4 to Natural AC
- +25 total hp
- +6 racial bonus to Bluff and Intimidate
- Gain +6 hp per HD
- The vampire may open up their jaw as described above to rapidly drain blood from a victim. If the vampire uses their blood drain attack in this way, they are treated as having dealt 2 blood drains on a successful blood drain attack
- HD are rolled as if a fighter of the same level, if already a fighter then all HD rolls will be maxed
- Animal blood is twice as nutritious
- Blood Drain heals twice as many hp
- Gain the feats: Deformity (face), Endurance, Improved Grapple, and Willing Deformity
- Continually emits Aura of Fear as a supernatural ability (living creatures with fewer HD than the vampire’s within a 30ft radius must make a will save at a –4 penalty or be or be affected as though by a fear spell cast by a wizard with a caster level equal to the vampire’s. After the effects wear off the creature must make another save to resist the aura. A successful save means the creature is immune to this aura for 24hrs. If more than one aura of fear is present the creature must make a save for each aura.)
- Heart is protected by bone from the front and the back (all attempts to stake the vampire from the front or back will be very difficult without tremendous force). Creatures with less than 30 Strength suffer a -6 penalty to penalty to attack rolls made to stake the vampire from the front or back and must deal an additional 5 damage to be successful
- Bite may be used to inject a venom which will paralyze the victim for 1d6+1 rounds and cause 1d4 points of poison damage. (Fortitude save at a –2 penalty for half damage and duration. If the vampire pins the victim and continues to drain blood the rounds the vampire spends doing this do not count against the time the paralysis lasts. Venom can only be injected if the jaw and tongue are opened up as described above)
- Regeneration is twice as powerful
- Must feed twice as often
- When a close range physical attack is made there will be a +8 bonus to damage
- Claw attack deals damage as if the vampire were one size category higher (10% chance of delivering the same venom as described above)
- Category A Vampires:
- +10 racial bonus to Intimidate
- Gain +10 hp per HD
- The vampire may open up their jaw as described above to rapidly drain blood from a victim. If the vampire uses their blood drain attack in this way, they are treated as having dealt 2 blood drains on a successful blood drain attack
- Animal blood is twice as nutritious
- Blood Drain heals twice as many hp
- Gain the feats: Endurance, Epic Endurance, Improved Grapple, Improved Ki Strike, Thunderclap
- Aura of Fear Toggable as a supernatural ability (living creatures with fewer HD than the vampire’s highest class level within a 60ft radius must make a will save at a –6 penalty or be affected as though by a fear spell cast by a wizard with a caster level equal to the vampire’s. After the effects wear off the creature must make another save to resist the aura. A successful save means the creature is immune to this aura for 24hrs. If more than one aura of fear is present the creature must make a save for each aura)
- Bite may be used to inject a venom that will paralyze the victim for 2d6+2 rounds and cause 2 points of poison damage per round. (Fortitude save at a –4 penalty for half damage and duration. If the vampire pins the victim and continues to drain blood the rounds the vampire spends doing this do not count against the time the paralysis lasts)
- When a close range physical attack is made there will be a +12 bonus to damage
- Heart is encased in bone (all attempts to stake the vampire will be nearly impossible without tremendous force. Blood is transferred directly through the bone). Creatures with less than 40 Strength suffer a -12 penalty to attack rolls made to stake the vampire from the front or back and must deal an additional 10 damage to be successful
- Claw attack deals damage as if the vampire were two size categories higher (25% chance of delivering the same venom as described above)
A Dhampir is the result of the union of a living being and a vampire who is less than 60% vampiric. Dhampirs are 1-29% vampiric but they are not true vampires. If a pregnant Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid is turned into a vampire, the unborn child will be born a Dhampir. Their features have a hint of feralness, their canines are overdeveloped (but not nearly as much as a vampire’s), and their skin is pale, sometimes ashen, in color. Dhampirs are often physically attractive.
---Traits Shared by all Bloodlines---
The Dhampir template is an inherent template only. They are not undead, they are not affected by spells that affect undead, but are still affected by spells that specifically affect vampires (anti-vampire magic); however, they suffer only half damage regardless of rolls (if an anti-vampire spell allows a save for half damage, cut the damage in half again (1/4 damage) on a successful save).
- Sterility: Cannot have children.
- Enhanced Longevity: Lifespan same as base race x4, do not suffer penalties from aging but still gain bonuses
- Advanced Immune System: Resistance to disease 50, Resistance to poison 25
- Alignment: Any but tend towards neutrality on the good/evil axis
- Vampiric: Starting at the Dhampir’s adolescent years, once a month, they must feed on living blood and are burned by sunlight in the same manner of a vampire. Gain Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 30ft (if base race already has Darkvision, increase range by 10ft)
- Resistance to Vampires: Cannot be turned into a vampire (as they are technically already a vampire), +4 racial bonus on saves vs vampire spell-like and supernatural abilities derived from their vampiric powers but not from class powers. The Pureblood’s Geass power acts as a charm spell instead of total control, gain an additional +4 racial bonus on saves vs this power.
- Slam Attack: A Dhampir gains a slam attack as if it were a Category C Vampire
- Fast Healing (Ex): A Dhampir gains Fast Healing 1
- Blood Drain (Ex): During the time a Dhampir must feed on blood, its canines elongate in the same manner as a vampire. The Dhampir gains a Blood Drain attack as if it were a vampire. The Dhampir must use this blood drain to feed.
- Character Level
- 1st---+2 on Climb checks
- 2nd///Stealthy
- 3rd---Strength +1
- 4th///Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
- 5th---Vampire Affinity +2
- 6th///+1 to natural armor
- 7th---+2 on Search checks
- 8th///Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
- 9th---Charisma +1
- 10th///Lightning Reflexes
- 11th---Vampire affinity +4
- 12th///Alertness
- 13th---+2 on Sense Motive checks
- 14th///Improved Initiative
- 15th---Dexterity +1
- 16th///Charm as a Gaze Attack/1 day (Su)
- 17th---Vampire affinity +6
- 18th///+1 to natural armor
- 19th---+2 on Bluff checks
- 20th///Damage Reduction 5/silver
- Vampire Affinity: You gain a bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with Vampires
---Bloodline Traits---
Anthotis (incomplete):
- +2 bonus to Int
- Experience required to gain levels in the Psion class is reduced by 5%
- +2 bonus to Int
- +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks
- Experience required to gain levels in the Wizard or Sorcerer classes is reduced by 5%
- Tend to be slightly emotional
- +2 bonus to Dex
- +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks
- Experience required to gain levels in the Rouge class is reduced by 5%
- +2 racial bonus to saves vs illusions and enchantments
- May use Invisibility as a spell-like ability once per day at a caster level equal to the Dhampir’s highest class level but may only cast it on itself.
- +2 bonus to Constitution
- May use Rusting Grasp as a spell-like ability once per day with a caster level equal to the Dhampir’s highest class level
- Experience required to gain levels in the Monk class is reduced by 5%
- +2 bonus to Wis
- +2 racial bonus to Turn/Rebuke rolls
- Experience required to gain levels in the Cleric or Necromancer Specialist class is reduced by 5%
- +2 bonus to Cha
- +2 racial bonus to Perform checks
- Experience required to gain levels in the Bard class is reduced by 5%
Keerilth (incomplete):
- +1 bonus to Int and Wis
- +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks when dealing with outsiders of any-evil alignment
- Experience required to level up the conjurer specialist class is reduced by 5%
- +2 to Int
- May see through the shadowy illumination caused by spells with the darkness descriptor
- Experience required to gain levels in the Shadowcaster class is reduced by 5%
- +1 bonus to Str and Dex
- +1 racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks
- May use Dimension Door as if they were a 5th level wizard as a spell-like ability once per day
- +1 bonus to Str and Dex
- +2 racial bonus to attack rolls
- Experience required to gain levels in the Fighter class is reduced by 5%
- +2 bonus to Cha
- +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks
- Gain the Leadership feat regardless of whether or not prerequisites are met
- +1 bonus to Str and Wis
- +2 racial bonus to will saves
- Magic Resistance 5
- +1 bonus to Str and Dex
- +2 racial bonus to Disguise checks
- +2 bonus to rolls made to see through disguises
Thrafey (incomplete):
Varseth (incomplete):
- +2 bonus to Str
- +2 racial bonus to saves vs spells with the Cold descriptor
- Cold Resistance 10 (this stacks with the Cold Resistance 5 gained by a 4th level Dhampir, adding up to Cold Resistance 15 once 4th level is attained)
- +2 bonus to Dex
- +1 racial bonus to Natural Armor Class
- Experience required to gain levels in the Ranger class is reduced by 5%
- +2 bonus to Str
- +2 racial bonus to damage rolls from physical attacks
- Experience required to gain levels in the Monk class is reduced by 5%
- Will have at least some kind of deformity, causing the Dhampir to gain the Willing Deformity feat regardless whether or not they meet the prerequisites
Anti-Vampire Magic
This section includes what little I have done as far as anti-vampire magic goes. I'll be working on defining what is required to create the various enchantments and I'll be finishing the spells sooner or later. Maybe I'll make a vampire hunter class in the near future.
Arkay taught this form of magic to The Hunters Association long ago during the time of Lamae Bal. While there are some spells that can be cast directly at a vampire, this magic mainly consists of enchantments and barriers used to fight and protect against vampires.
Notes: all enchantments assume that the enchanted weapon successfully struck a vampire or a vampire successfully performed a physical attack on a being with an enchanted armor piece.
---Anti-Vampire +1-6---
- This enchantment enhances a weapon or armor with a +1-6 enchantment vs vampires (a longsword with a Anti-Vampire +2 enchantment will act as a longsword +2 vs vampires) The damage dealt by weapons with this enchantment count as Anti-Vampire Magic Damage.
- This spell combines two anti-vampire enchantments into one, allowing one object to hold two enchantments.
- This enchantment causes the vampire to lose 50% of their current PSP points.
- This enchantment is similar to the Repel Uninvited Guests enchantment but only works against vampires. (for those of you who don't remember spells from AD&D. Repel Uninvited Guests forbids uninvited beings from accessing a building unless they are invited in. Of course, if the being in question is a resident of the building they are unaffected)
---Breach Immortality---
- This enchantment causes a weapon to have a 10% chance to stop a Pureblood’s regenerative ability for 1d4 rounds, a 25% chance to stop a Category B Vampire’s regeneration for 2d4 rounds, and a 50% chance to stop a Category C Vampire’s regeneration for 3d4 rounds upon striking the vampire. Weapons with this enchantment may harm vampires in gaseous form. The weapon will deal 1 point of damage to a vampire in gaseous form for every successful strike. The hps of a vampire in gaseous form will be considered to be 1hp for every level or HD. If the vampire is killed while in gaseous form then they die the true death and the gas dissipates. A weapon with this enchantment can kill a pureblood.
---Cauterized Strike---
- This enchantment causes a vampire to suffer 1d6 points of fire damage per round for 3 rounds. Damage dealt by weapons with this enchantment count as Anti-Vampire Magic Damage.
---Pulsation level 1-10---
- This enchantment causes a vampire to have a 10% chance per pulsation level to be knocked back 5ft per pulsation level when they attempt a close range physical attack against the user. Pulsation level 8 also deals 1d6 holy damage to the vampire. Pulsation level 9 deals 2d6 holy damage and pulsation level 10 deals 3d6 holy damage. A weapon cannot be enchanted with Pulsation of any level. Pulsation levels 8-10 are difficult and time consuming to create. There are very few, if any armors with the level 8-10 versions enchantment.
- This enchantment causes the weapon to vibrate every time it strikes a vampire. These vibrations affect all vampires within a 30ft radius. The vibrations throw off a vampires senses, causes them to incur a –4 penalty to all attack and damage rolls for 5 rounds.
The following spells are specifically garnered towards fighting vampires. Unless otherwise stated, any damage caused by these spells is anti-vampire damage. Anti-vampire damage is devastating to vampires but is mostly harmful to all other targets. Anti-vampire spells only do 1 point of damage to non-vampires no matter what the damage roll is. Holy damage damages undead targets but heals living targets.
---Riveting Bolt---
- Level: 1
- Components: V, S
- Casting time: 1 standard action
- Range: Medium (100ft +10ft/caster level)
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Saving Throw: Reflex Negates
- Spell Resistance: No
- The caster points their finger at one target within the effective range. A purple blast of energy in the shape of a crossbow bolt will launch from the caster’s finger and strike the target, dealing 2d4 points of anti-vampire damage.
---Inverted Slash---
- Level: 3
- Components: V, S
- Casting time: 1 standard action
- Range: Self
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Saving Throw: Reflex for half
- Spell Resistance: No
- The caster enhances their next attack with anti-vampire magic. The attack must be a close range physical attack; otherwise, the spell will fail. The attack must be made within 10 rounds of casting the spell. If the caster successfully makes a close range physical attack within the allotted time, a secondary attack against the vampire will be made. The spell will cause the caster’s body to attack the vampire again in the exact opposite direction as their last attack (hence the name “inverted slash”). This attack counts as a touch attack and all damage is converted into anti-vampire damage. The amount of damage caused is the same as if the caster had made a successful attack with whatever weapon they attacked with.
---Positive Strike---
- Level: 2
- Components: S, F
- Casting time: 1 standard action
- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Saving Throw: Will for half
- Spell Resistance: No
- The caster points their holy symbol at the target and a blast of positive energy strikes the target, dealing 4d4 points of holy damage. Vampires receive a –2 penalty to their saving throw.
- The Focus for this spell is a good aligned holy symbol.
---Arkay’s Wrath---
- Level: 4
- Components: V, S, M
- Casting time: Ritual
- Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
- Duration: Special
- Saving Throw: None
- Spell Resistance: No
- This is a very powerful spell that calls down the wrath of the overdeity of life and death, Arkay, sworn enemy of all undead. This spell only works outdoors. This spell causes purple energy to rain down from the sky in a 1-mile radius of the targeted location, dealing 1d10+10 points of anti-vampire damage every round to all vampires in the area. In addition, the regeneration of the vampires will be negated for the remainder of the spell. If a vampire leaves the area of effect, they will resume their regeneration and stop suffering damage.
This spell is a 10 minute long ritual that requires four people to cast. More than four people can participate in the ritual. Doing so will increase the duration of the spell. The duration of the spell lasts for 1 minute times the total caster level of the participants.
- The components for this spell are a holy symbol of Arkay, a (?), and an amethyst worth at least 10,000 gold.
Arkay’s Mercy:
Spiteful Existence:
---Echoes of the Past---
- Level: 4
- Components: V, S, M
- Casting time: 1 standard action
- Range: Self
- Duration: 1 minute
- Saving Throw: None
- Spell Resistance: No
- This spell creates a time distortion around the caster lasting for 1 minute. During that time, the caster may choose to unleash the spell to protect themselves from one source of damage. This is an immediate action that must be taken before the damage is rolled. When the spell is used to protect the caster, they still suffer the damage, but time is then reversed for them to the point immediately before they suffered the damage. Once used, the spell is discharged and expires.
- The material component for this spell is an hourglass encrusted with at least 5 gems on the top and bottom for a total of at least 10. Each gem must be worth at least 500 gold.
Bane of Bal:
Ensorcelled Weave:
Ensorcelled Sphere:
---Positive Blast---
- Level: 4
- Components: S, M, F
- Casting time: 4 standard actions
- Range: Medium (100ft +10ft/caster level)
- Duration: Instantaneous
- Saving Throw: Will for half
- Spell Resistance: No
- This spell functions in the same way as Positive Strike but instead of blasting one target, it creates a burst of positive energy in a 15ft radius of the targeted location. Beings caught in the blast suffer 6d8 holy damage and undead are turned as if by a cleric of the same level as the caster. A successful will save will protect the undead from the turning in addition to halving the damage. Vampires receive a –6 penalty to their saving throw.
- The material component for this spell is (?)
With all these new features, bloodlines, and rules, you may be thinking things like, “Where do I begin? How can I make a campaign that supports this? How can I add this to a pre-existing campaign?” Glad you asked! In case you hadn’t realized it by now, I frequently go off on long-winded rants with no perceivable end. I’ll gladly give suggestion, advice, and examples on how to use this overhaul in various ways.
---General Knowledge of Vampires---
This overhaul includes 20 bloodlines (21 if you count the purebloods). That seems like quite a lot for just one land mass doesn’t it? Just because one continent knows about a particular strain of vampire doesn’t mean they know about them all. A desert nation will surely have no knowledge of Volkihar vampires, or at the very least, they will never have encountered them. Perhaps a given region doesn’t know that there are multiple strains of vampirism. Some adventuring party may go prancing about, thinking they know what to expect from fighting a vampire, and encounter a vampire from a bloodline they have never even heard of. Suddenly, the vampire uses powers they didn’t know vampires had and now they are left dumbfounded and no longer know what to expect. Perhaps the would-be party went to a foreign land; perhaps the vampire is the foreigner in the party’s land. Whatever the case, DMs are encouraged to make good use of surprises.
Example encounter:
Mr. Fighter, Mr. Thief, and Mr. Mage know all about Aundae vampires. This party knows that when they encounter a vampire they should expect to be hit with all manner of magicks. Of course, Aundae vampires aren’t so much physically stronger that they are a serious threat in close range combat. Surely the vampire will avoid close range combat all together. This party is traveling in a foreign region and one night, they encounter a vampire. They immediately begin using whatever means they have to protect themselves from magic and prepare to charge the vampire. For some strange reason, the vampire is heavily armored. It turns out this vampire is from the Quarra bloodline. To their surprise, the vampire charges THEM. With great ferocity, the vampire proves Mr. Fighter’s superior in close range combat. Moreover, it is definitely stronger then they thought it should be. Confused, the party is felled by the vampire because they were prepared to fight a mage, not a fighter.
I’m not suggesting you kill off the PCs in such a manner. It is just an example as to why it is important to know what you’re up against. Misinformation is more deadly than none at all. It goes without saying that even if the players know that there are many bloodlines, they won’t necessarily know the strengths and weaknesses of each or be able to tell most of them apart until the vampire attacks.
---Vampires as a Society---
Not all vampires have to be eccentric nobles or nomadic thugs. Vampires are intelligent after all, perhaps they have their own cities? Maybe even a kingdom? I provided an example of such a kingdom in the “Overview” section of this overhaul. Vampires don’t have to control half he world from the shadows. Maybe their kingdom is well known by the living races? Maybe they aren’t but only control as much as their borders allow? Use your imagination. Vampires could be as tribal as ogres or as sophisticated as any other kingdom. Perhaps both? Maybe the various bloodlines are at war with each other? Enemies and allies can be made on all sides. Perhaps certain bloodlines are allies? These same bloodlines would probably have enemy or neutral bloodlines.
---Pre-existing Campaigns---
You already have vampires in your campaign? Cool! But don’t think that you can’t add some more flavor to your campaign just because you already have vampires not included in the overhaul. However the vampires in your campaign work could just be another bloodline and the players have never heard of other bloodlines before. If your vampires are the core rules type then you can even use the Keerlith bloodline to supercede it. Keerlith vampires are the only vampires that can use gaseous form at will. Maybe the players went to some far off land? Maybe they traveled to a different prime material plane? There are any number of ways this can be integrated into a pre-existing campaign. Of course, YOU’RE the DM, you decide how the rules work. If you want all the bloodlines to be able to do this then by all means, change the rules.
---Vampire Hunters---
You KNEW this was coming. What are vampires without vampire hunters? I’ve created a few enchantments specifically to combat vampires. I’ll be creating more enchantments and adding spells as well but I only have so much free time. Don’t expect it to get done in one sitting. Vampire hunters could be dedicated to hunting down all vampires or maybe just the bad ones. There could be an entire guild of hunters and this could be sufficient plot device for how the players learn more about vampires. Maybe I’ll even make a vampire hunter class in the future. There could be one guild or many factions. These factions will, of course, have disagreements. There could even be a war between one or more factions. Maybe the war began because one faction believes that all vampires must be hunted and the other thinks that only the bad ones should be hunted. It’s your world, be creative, be imaginative, and above all else, be sneaky just to keep the players guessing.
Feel free to post any questions or suggestions in the discussion page and we can discuss them as soon as I notice them.
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