Colossus Shield (5e Equipment)

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Armor (Shield), Rare (Require Attunement)

The shield was forged with the blood and bones of a mighty colossus. The user acquire its power, strength and fighting versatility. When worn, the user is under permanent overpowered thaumaturgy spell: The voice of the user gets very low pitched and superturally strident. An effort has to be made to whisper , otherwise is heard up to 15 feet in a radius from the user as a low pitched indistinguishable sourrounding hum. The user has the screaming action as a bonus action only during a spell casting with verbal component, can use the shield power at will to scream like a colossus: Creatures around a 10 feet radius has to make a saving throw DC 13 or take 1d4 sonic damage and temporary deafened for two turns. Glass objects breaks in a 7 feet radius, and the sound is heard up to 80 feet around. After 5 screams without a short rest, the user get 3 levels of exhaustion. The attunement is achieved by wearing it two hours.

Strength The user add +5 to its base strength as long as the shield is worn.

Versatility The shield, its a forearm shield leaving the hands free. And grants to the user a +1 to base AC of the shield, as a bonus while worn.

Power The user can use the only charge of the shield and cast lvl 6 disintegrate as an action, after that the shield has to be exposed 24 hours to sunlight under a clear day (without clouds) or similar magical light under DM judge. The light charge is accumulative.

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