Way of the Silent Step (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Silent Step

A Monk Subclass For 5th Edition

The Silent Step Monk

The Silent Step Monks were considered the masters of weightless movement and precision balance, a gracefulness of agility and of extreme speed. Forged from multiple warrior clans, Ronin and outlaws, the clan grew from the wisdom of its founder and Master, Lao Wushin. Master Lao taught that all mastery of skill is founded in a single feather which, when taken flight- will gain speed! Or, when still- will be able to float on air in peaceful serenity! Thus is how the Silent Step Monk is to be.

At 3rd Level

leap of the clouds. You can spend 1 ki point to cast jump. This does not require any verbal, somatic or material components to use.

trackless step. You leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked.

light step. Also at 3rd Level, gain Stealth and Acrobatics skills with Expertise.

At 6th Level

feather step. You can spend 2 ki points to cast either misty step, silence, spider climb or water walk without requiring any concentration nor any verbal, somatic or material components. Water walk and spider climb change to pass without a trace and scatter at level 9 and misty step and silence turn into far step and Greater Invisibility at level 11

gust of wind. You can use dash as an action without provoking attacks of opportunity.

At 11th Level

lightning flash. You can cast haste without requiring concentration nor any verbal, somatic or material components, once per short/long rest.

You have attuned your skills to an acute precision that you can manipulate the currents of air around you. You can create and control small currents of wind to perform minor effects around you in a 30ft. radius such as flickering and snuffing out candle flames, shifting smoke and rain drops, create a breeze effect on your clothes and hair, etc. You cannot snuff out a torch, stir up blinding sandstorms or stop any ranged attacks.

At 17th Level

ride the wind. You can spend 6 ki points to cast fly, without requiring concentration nor verbal, somatic or material components, with a duration of 1 hour and a distance of 90ft. per turn.

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