Abandoned (5e Background)

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Not everyone will have someone with them their entire life. Even if there is a crowd of potential relationships waiting to happen, they will tend to not want to forge a relationship, so as to not be abandoned again. These individuals tend to shy away from very large crowds, acting as an observer of sorts (like an outsider observing the in crowd, etc.). A person who is abandoned also has a unique viewpoint as they interpret events drastically from other party members.

Think for a moment. Who abandoned you? Are you holding a grudge against them, Or are you willing to forgive them? For how long it's been, too. These are questions you would want to ask yourself, and answer in the shoes of your character. You could've been abandoned by a ragtag group of adventurers, after you discussed that you wanted to leave the group behind! Or perhaps, you were abandoned by your family, left to starve in the alleyways of a run down village.

Skill Proficiencies: You are proficient in your choice between the following skills: Deception, Persuasion or Intimidation. After all, you've seen and adapted to the hostility of some travelers in the world.

Tool Proficiencies: One Artisans Tool of choice.

Languages: If you do not have common, gain Common. One extra language of your choice.

Equipment: You start with Dark Common Clothes, A few (1d4x2) Pieces of Gold. if your DM will allow it, ONE magical item with Uncommon rarity or lower.

Feature: Sorrowful

You prefer the term “Realist”, But you’re always in a despaired state, wondering if this new group will abandon you just like the others. You tend to sulk and blend in with your party members and crowds, making you hard to notice. Gain expertise in Stealth.

Alternate Feature: Hopeful

You are full of hope and energy! You just know you’ll find a home, or even some friends! Maybe even with this group of adventurers that let you join them! You tend to be enthusiastic and stand out from your party members and crowds, making you easier to notice. Gain expertise in Performance.

Suggested Characteristics

These are simple, but fleshed out characteristics that might help you build a bridge for your Abandoned!

d4 Personality Traits (Sorrowful)
1 I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life anymore…
2 People always tell me to look on the bright side..what one, though?
3 I worry that even if I help complete some sort of magical quest, I’ll be forgotten.
4 I don’t even like to help...I just do it for a second chance.
d4 Personality Traits (Hopeful)
1 Everybody deserves a second chance!
2 I'll never give up on the people I care about!
3 Everything is gonna turn out a-O.K!
4 Come on there's always a bright side!
d6 Ideals
1 Chaos. I'm just here to cause chaos! no wrong, no right! (Chaotic)
2 Self-Improvement. I must go on a journey of self-improvement, or else, what's the point of this all? (Neutral)
3 Guidance. I feel that I've broken something, and must been guided by some type of kind deity or system! (Lawful)
4 Vengeance. I will find the one that has abandoned me first, and I will have revenge. (Evil)
5 The World. The World needs to hear the story of someone like me, someone who's broken boundaries of life. (Any)
6 Friendship. I'll go from being abandoned, to having made wondrous friends. (Good)
d6 Bond
1 The inn owner that took me in was quite kind...I owe them thanks, still.
2 A small group of adventurers guided me to this place...I should thank them if I see them again.
3 Whenever I see someone in a similar situation as me, I simply must help them.
4 Seeing even little animals get along makes me smile, I can't stand to see one hurt.
5 Sometimes I think there's someone out there for me, and that makes all the worries go away.
6 Thinking of the people I can call my friends...that makes me smile.
d6 Flaw
1 I get paranoid and anxious easily.
2 If it's to protect my new friends... I will never stand down; no matter how strong the foe.
3 I think of myself as some sort of "Tough Guy", having gone through what I have.
4 I get angry at the little things in life...It's kind of stupid.
5 I get kind of frantic from small ticks.
6 The little things are sometimes the scariest to me.

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