Transmutation Alchemist, 4th Variant (5e Class)

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Transmutation Alchemist

The elf draws a quick symbol on the ground as she dodges a bandits cut. She slaps the palm of her hand on the circle she drew and draws a newly made sword from where the symbol lay. She strikes down foe after foe until the rest flee. Drawing another symbol on the sword blade, she transforms it into 3 daggers, which she hurls into the backs of those running. When the killing is over, she draws one last circle and returns the daggers to the earth.

A Human snaps his fingers as fire springs forth from thin air, bathing the zombies in flame. He makes a chopping motion with his hands as a whip of water appears in the air between him and a group skeletons. Finally, he draws a symbol on the ground and shackles of earth bind the necromancer forevermore in the dark cave where he held court.

A dragonborn kneels over the body of his fallen comrade, weeping tears of blood and drawing multitudes of symbols on the floor around him. Out of the ground a suit of armor rises, and the dragonborn is suffused with black energy. Wiping away the tears he paints symbols in the armor with his own blood, calling his friends soul back from the afterlife. The suit of armor sits up, and with a hollow voice, thanks the dragonborn.

Transmutation alchemists are those who utilize the art of alchemy to alter their surroundings. Alchemy requires an extensive knowledge of chemistry, physics, and ancient alchemical theory and magic. Although most can preform alchemy, only a few are trained and only a handful become great.

Creating a Transmutation alchemist

When creating a Transmutation alchemist, one should ask himself these questions. Who trained you? How did you unlock your power? Do you shape stone and earth to suit your needs? Or merely use powerful blasts of elemental force to destroy your enemies?

Quick Build

You can make a Transmutation alchemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by constitution. Second, choose the Dog of the military background.

Class Features

As a Transmutation Alchemist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Transmutation Alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Transmutation Alchemist level after 1st


Armor: Medium Armor & Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Alchemist's Supplies
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose four skills from Arcana, Medicine, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, Nature, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) hide Armor or (b) Any Weapon
  • (a) A Wooden Shield or (b) any Simple Weapon
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Scholar's Pack

Table: The Transmutation Alchemist

Level Proficiency
Features Alchemic
1st +2 Transmutation Circles, Alchemical Origin 12
2nd +2 Alchemical Study 14
3rd +2 Combat Alchemy 16
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Alchemic Recovery, Transmutation Tattoo 18
5th +3 Alchemical Study 20
6th +3 Transmutation Modification 22
7th +3 Philospher's Stone 24
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Alchemical Study, Transmutation modification 26
9th +4 Soul Bonding 28
10th +4 Alchemic Meditation, Transmutation modification 30
11th +4 Chimera, Alchemical Study 32
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Transmutation modification 34
13th +5 Bio-Alchemy 36
14th +5 Alchemical Study, Transmutation modification 38
15th +5 Homunculus 40
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Transmutation modification 42
17th +6 Alchemical Study 44
18th +6 Human Transmutation, Transmutation modification 46
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Alchemical rejuvenation 48
20th +6 Alchemical Study, Father, Transmutation modification 50


Transmutation ability

Transmutation Save DC 8 + Int mod + Proficiency
Transmutation Attack Modifier Int mod + Proficiency
Alchemic Stamina You use Alchemic Stamina to Fuel your transmutation circles. You must have the specified amount of Alchemic Stamina left to activate a Transmutation Circle. You regain your Alchemic Stamina after a short rest.

Transmutation Circle

Alchemist manifest their powers through the use of transmutation circles.To make a Circle of a specific element requires the presence of the element within 60ft of the Circle. Using a circle is an Action. Some circles can be further empowered by overloading it with extra Alchemical Stamina. Circles come in varying sizes. The Size of the Circle determines its Base Cost as well as its time to Use.

Size Base Cost Action to Use
Small 2 Bonus Action
Medium 4 Action
Large 6 Action + Bonus Action

Equivalent Exchange

In order for a transmutation to succeed, an equal or greater amount of the source material must be present to fuel the reaction. If enough of the source material is not present, however, the reaction fails. You can only manipulate (10 X Alchemist LV X Proficency X int mod) pounds.

Alchemical Study

You gain Affinity of 1, 2, or 3 of the Following: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Electricity, Metal, or Organic(Plants)

  • Affinity Level You can pick the same Study more than once, this gives you a new bonus for each rank reached. When first chosen the Affinity starts at Minor and increases with each time chosen. You gain this feature again every 3 LVs. If you choose 2 affinity instead of 3 each time you get this feature you get 2 studies instead. If you choose 1 affinity instead of 2 or 3 then each time you get this feature you get 3 studies instead.
  • Minor - Add Your Transmutation Attack Modifier to the Attack Roll
  • Major - Add half Your Transmutation Attack Modifier to your AC
  • Lesser - Increase the Base Range by 50%
  • Moderate - Increase the Base Duration by 50%
  • Greater - Half the Amount of Alchemic Stamina needed for the Base Transmutation Circle Cost Rounded Down
  • Perfect - Half the amount of Alchemic Stamina needed to Overload it rounded down

Combat Alchemy

Starting at 3rd level, when you use an Action other than to activate a Circle, you may activate a Circle up to Medium size as a bonus action. You can use your turn to activate a circle and activate another one or attack with a weapon or you may make 2 weapon attacks.You get two attacks/circles per turn

Alchemic recovery

Once per short rest you may regain 1/2 your max alchemical Stamina.

Transmutation Tattoo

At Every 4th level you may etch a transmutation circle permanently anywhere on your body, then taking 2d6 necrotic damage. The Circle may be used a number of times (alchemist’s LV + int mod + proficiency) a day

Transmutation Modification

Every 2 levels, starting at the 6th level, you gain the ability to enhance the use of a Transmutation Circle in ways other than overloading it. The Additional cost is determined after any overloading. You may use it like a overload, doubling the amount needed to double the effect. Gain the effect of one of the following:

Modification Additional Cost of Use Effect
Rapid Transmutation 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost The time required to activate a Circle is halved (Action -> Bonus Action, Bonus Action -> Free Action)
Alchemic Recycling 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost You can reuse the same Transmutation Circle again as a Bonus Action
Empowered Transmutation 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost You double the range or duration of the circle
Deadly Transmutation The Transmutation Circles Cost You deal 2x the normal amount of damage dealt by the circle.
Transmutation Trap 1 Point Per Turn The Circle is not activated until a creature moves onto a designated space within 30ft
Planned Transmutation 2 Points Chose a number of creatures in the effects of you Transmutation Circle. Those creatures automatically pass their Saves and take no damage
Brutal Transmutation 3 Points Reroll an amount of damage dice equal to your Intelligence Modifier that come up as a 1

Philosopher's Stone

Beginning at 7th level, over 12 hours you may create an object of immense alchemical power called a philosopher's stone. In order to create a philosopher's stone, you must perform a transmutation in the presence of 1 or more dead humanoids killed within 2 hours of the reaction. During the reaction, the souls of the present corpses are gathered together and solidified into an amber colored stone of a size of your choosing and souls contained or captured in your philosophers stone cannot be magically revived except for the 'Wish' spell. You can add additional souls into your stone without an 8 hour ritual, rather, you simply need to place the corpse in a transmutation circle with the stone in the middle for 1 minute. Even if you have more than 1 stone, the effects of the stones do not stack. You may affix this stone to a necklace, earring, ring, or bracelet. you gain access to the more souls after each level, once you reach level 10 you gain access to all the soul abilities, example at level 7 you only get to use the ability of one soul no matter how many you have.

1 soul

You may ignore Equivalent Exchange when performing Alchemy.

2 souls

Add 1 point per 2 souls to your Alchemy attack modifier, Save DC, or AC per turn with a maximum of 5 points. This effect lasts until your next turn.

3 souls

You may add your Alchemy attack modifier twice when determining damage.

4 souls

Performing alchemy only costs a bonus action, and your transmutation tattoo is reduced to a free action.

5 souls

As an action, heal 10 + Alchemist Level + int mod + Proficiency + souls = hit points. This ability consumes the souls you use. A minimum of one soul is used per use with a maximum of 5.

6 souls

As an bonus action per turn you can gain advantage for the entire turn at the cost of consuming 5 souls.

7 souls

Gain expertise in all skills you know.

8 souls

Succeed any saving throw at the cost of 10 souls.

9 souls

As a reaction to an attack you may create a wall to block the attack within 120ft at the cost of consuming 1 soul.


Once per day as an action on your turn, you may chose a point within a 120ft range. Within a 20ft radius from that point, creatures lose any negative conditions affecting them (poisoned, stunned, frightened etc)

Soul Bonding

Beginning at 9th level, upon the death of any humanoid you may perform a transmutation to bond their soul to a set of armor. The suit of armor may be pre-existing or alchemically created during the reaction. The creature retains all languages it knew in its previous life and retains any proficiencies it had, along with any proficiencies that you have and choose to give it. You may force the creature to make a DC 18 intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed by you and follows your orders for (level)d6 hours. On a successful save the creature retains its free will but takes 2d10s of psychic damage. During this transmutation, you take 5d10s of necrotic damage, then multiply your hit points by two to find the construct's total hit points. The created construct does not need to eat, breathe, or sleep, has a natural armor of 18, and cannot wear additional armor. It has immunity to poison and psychic damage, and resistance to fire and physical attacks. It regains all hit points at midnight of each day, and if sufficient material is nearby, the creator can use the mend circle to restore hit points to the construct. If you hold a philosopher's stone, the creature is permanently charmed by you and will follow you orders.

Alchemic Meditation

At 10th Level you can spend your standard action meditating. This lets you regain Alchemical Stamina equal to half your level. You regain use of this feature after a long rest. At 20th Level gain a second use of this ability each long rest.


Starting at 11th level, You may attempt to make your own chimera. The chimera appearance is determined by the DM and the Alchemist. The stats of the animal are both stats combined divided by 2. The animals CR cannot be higher than half your Alchemist Level. The amount of time required to create a Chimera is equal to the final CR of the animal.

It is charmed by you and follows your orders. It rolls its own initiative in combat. You can only have at most 2, and when you try to form the third, the oldest one is destroyed. The chimera gains all the natural weapons of its component parts. Its hit points are equal the sum of its component parts. The resulting creature is one size larger than the largest component creature. You cannot use a chimera's corpse as one of the composite corpses. If you are wielding a philosopher's stone, you may substitute one of the component beasts with a humanoid's corpse.


As you reach level 13, you have begun your studies in the field of Human Transmutation and may bolster a humanoids' strength, dexterity or constitution score. To do so, you may perform a ritual that drains the strength, dexterity, or constitution of one target humanoid and bestowing it on another (Max 20). You may use yourself as either target. This ritual takes 1 hour per every 2 points drained. This change is unnatural however, and for every 2 points added every hour you take 1d6 necrotic damage. This change is reversed after you take a long rest. You may use a philosopher stone to make the change permanent, but for a maximum of 2 points. The philosopher stone is consumed and you may only do this to a person once. You may also now use Alchemy to deconstruct or reconstruct sentient beings. When attempting to deconstruct someone, the target may make a dexterity saving throw, the target takes (1/2*Alchemist Level)d6 damage on a failed save, or none on a successful save, this damage can be targeted at a specific limb. When using Reconstruction, it heals the target for the damage it would have done instead, and can repair one limb at a time. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier, all uses of this ability are refreshed after a long rest.

Transmuting without a matrix

From 15th level on, you no longer need a transmutation circle in order to perform your alchemy.

Human Transmutation

From level 18 on, you may use a special form of alchemy called human transmutation. With this comes 3 very advanced transmutations. You may also use your own alchemic power to activitie one of the following transmutions as an action instead of the normal transmutation time at the cost of you losing your ability to use alchemy/magic after the transmutation is complete you lose all your alchemic/magical talents and can never use magic/alchemy ever again.

Resurrective Alchemy

While wielding a 25 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation that returns the soul of a dead humanoid to its body. The body is restored as well. This transmutation takes 1 hours to perform and may be done over a long rest but you cannot use this feature on a person that has been dead for more than 2 hours. Your philosopher's stone is consumed in the transmutation during this reaction.

Restorative Alchemy

While wielding a 20 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation to return a soul bonded creature to its original body. The creature now ages and can die of old age. It needs to eat, sleep, and breathe as well. This transmutation takes 1 hours to perform. Your philosopher's stone is consumed during this reaction.

Creative Alchemy

While wielding a 30 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation to create a brand new humanoid. You must use a separate humanoid as a blueprint. You may not use yourself as this blueprint. The humanoid is an exact copy of the blueprint creature including class features, hit points, speed, abilities, and skills. It needs to roll Intel check of DC 18 or it is charmed by you and follows your commands. Your philosopher's stone is consumed during this reaction. You can command only up to 2 of this creation.

Alchemical rejuvenation

At 19th level during a short rest or long rest regain alchemical Stamina equal to your max & if you gain more alchemical Stamina more then your max you gain the rest as temporary alchemical Stamina. Temporary alchemical Stamina go away if you take a short or long rest this feature can only once per day.

The Truth

At 20th level, your portal of truth is full and you are able to transmute at will. You no longer need your transmutation tattoos but you can use them to increase the potency of your transmutations, adding 2 die to the specified damage die (ex: 2d6 becomes 4d6, 4d8 becomes 6d8 and so on) You are able to spend A FULL TURN to enter your portal of truth and meditate with -The Truth- regaining all of your alchemical stamina plus 1d12.

Alchemical Origin

All Alchemists draw the energy from a specific source, At level 1 pick which source you draw your alchemy from

Living Puppet Alchemy

Creating A Construct You can create a construct which has the challenge rating of your Transmutation Alchemist Level or lower. you may only have 6 constructs depending on level which you are at the time of creating a construct, if you create another one while you have more constructs than you can control the oldest one you have created will die. when you create a construct you must ask the dm how much each construct is worth and once you have created a construct you lose the same amount of hit points as the construct has. It takes an action to command all your constructs or a bonus action to command a single construct.
Additional Modifications Modifications only available for Living Puppet Alchemists

Modification Additional Cost of Use Effect
Marking Transmutation. 1 Destroy a Construct with the CR of your level or lower

Blood Constructs At 3rd Level, You gain the ability to create constructs. You may have 2 constructs you can create, in one plane. Additionally, you may also substitute your blood for ingredients, but you will take damage equal to your Alchemist level if you create this way.
Construct Melding. At 5th level, you can hide in one of your constructs, until it dies. you may have 4 constructs in one plane.
Monsterous Alchemy. At 10th Level You can create Monstrositys at the cost of 2 constructs and the Dm will decided what ingredients they will need. also you can have 6 constructs in one plane. the same rules apply to monstrositys and constructs

Tectonic Alchemy

Earth's Power The use of the energy from the tectonic shifts and geothermal currents to control your Alchemy.
Additional Modifications Modifications only available for Tectonic Alchemists

Modification Additional Cost of Use Effect
Marking Transmutation. 1 Choose one creature targeted by the transmutation, You gain advantage to that creature on your next transmutation attack

Transmutation Strike At 3rd Level, after spending the needed time to use a Transmutation Circle instead of activating it you may Concentrate it into your weapon releasing it in the next melee attack. Your type of damage changes to the type of Transmutation Circle used, you also deal an extra 1d4 points of damage for every point of Alchemical Stamina put into the Transmutation Circle.
Dedicated Study. At 5th level, double all instances of alchemical Study.
Practiced Alchemist. At 10th Level, when you use your standard action to activate a Transmutation Circle you may activate one additional Transmutation Circle for a total of 2 per action. This increases to 3 at 15th Level. This increases to 4 at 20th Level.

Xing Alkahestry

Fluid Alkahestry. The use of the flow of energy inside the planet and the tides to power your alchemy.
Transmutation Transistor At 3rd Level you can turn one weapon or ammunition of your choice to a Transistor. To create a transistor you must spend a short rest allowing your energy to flow through it connecting your energy with it. The number of transistors you can make increases by 1 every 3 levels after.
Transmutation Transition At 3rd Level you can plant one Transistor and cause the effect of a Transmutation Circle to occur at the location of your transistor instead. This increases by 1 every 3 levels after.
Alchemic Touch At 5th level gain the ability to boost a creatures energy by expending Alchemy Points, They gain 1d6 temporary Hit points Per Alchemy Point Used, Increases to 1d8 Per Alchemy Point Used at 10th level, Increases to 1d10 Per Alchemy Point Used at 15th level, Increases to 1d12 Per Alchemy Point Used at 20th level.
Additional Modifications Modifications only available with Xingese Alkahestry

Modification Additional Cost of Use Effect
Resonance. 1/2 The Transmutation Circles Cost per Transistor Activate a circle at multiple transistors

Transition Gate At 7th level, gain the ability to transport a creature or object of up to Medium size between you and one of your transistors as an Action, this increases to Large at 15th Level, this increases to Huge at 20th Level.

Transmutation Circles

Transmutation Circles All Damage types unless otherwise stated for each element:

  • Water: Cold (Water, Snow)
  • Earth: Bludgeoning (Rocks)
  • Fire: Fire (Flames)
  • Air: Slashing (Wind)
  • Electricity: Lightning (Lightning)
  • Metal: Piercing (Metal Shards)
  • Organic: Poison (Vines, Wood)

Small Circles

Alchemist Weapon
Metal, Earth Elements
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
An Alchemist is never without a Weapon as long as he has his mind
You create a weapon out of a chosen element that changes into one of any weapon and you become proficient with it. You use your intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity for attacks. Add an additional 1d6 to the base weapon damage.
Overload: Add an additional 1d6 to the base damage of the weapon for every 10 extra alchemical stamina.

Manipulate Element
'Any element
Range: within a 15ft cube of self
Base Stamina Cost: 2
'You use transmutation to manipulate the shape or the form of elements
you can create walls, objects, etc
Overload: You may increase the range affected by 5 feet for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You use your alchemic knowledge to do large repairs on an object.
You repair any big holes,cracks,blemishes, etc. on an object. You can restore magic to an item and only repair it form. You must use an appropriate element us as metal or fire for weapon or even organic for wooden shield. You can also make someone stable with this but will need flesh from some ceature, and can also heal broken bones but will need bone.
Overload: Increase the Distance by an extra 5ft for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Water, Air, Organic Element
Range: Self(15ft Line)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You shoot a whip out of your hand wrapping your target in it
You may attempt a grapple against a creature within Range. Each Turn the creature is pulled 5ft towards you
Overload: Increase the Distance by an extra 5ft for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Metal, Earth Element
Range: 30ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You cause the very ground underneath a creature to shoot up to 15ft
Any Creature in the space affected must make a dexterity save or receive 1d10 damage and be push 5ft away. If the creature is flying it is knocked prone instead.
Overload: You may increase the damage in 1d8 for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Any Element
Range: 5ft space within 30ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You manipulate an element to move to a specified space
You cause an element to move from one space to another. Any creature completely on top of or inside of the element moved is moved with it. The creature must make a Dexterity Saving throw or be knocked prone.
Overload: You may increase the area affected by 5ft for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 10 Minutes
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You create a bubble of air
The creature affected can breathe where normally they wold not be able to
Overload: Increase the amount of creatures affected by 1 for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Alchemical Ward
Any Element
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 2
Natures Fury means nothing to you
The damage dealt to you by an element chosen is reduced by 2d6, this increases by 1d6 every 5th Lv.
Overload: Increase the damage reduced by 1d6 for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Imitate Spell
Any Element
Range: As Spell
Duration As Spell
Base Stamina Cost: Same as spell level
You can cast arcane spells from the transmutation, illusion, or evocation type. Gain the ability to cast higher level spells at the same rate as Full Casters.
Overload: if the spell has at at higher levels then you may use the appropriate amount of alchemic stamina instead. +1/2 cost = 150% total damage.

Infuse Magic
Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Base Stamina: Cost Special
You gain access to this transmutation at 3rd level. The Alchemical Stamina cost of this ability is doubled that of the spell effect you are trying to add to an object. Using this ability allows you to infuse spell effects from the spells you can cast into an item. You can only add one spell effect to an item at a time, adding a new spell effect to an item that already has one will remove the previous one that was effecting the item by this ability first. You can only add one spell effect to an item at a time, adding a new spell effect to an item that already has one will remove the previous one that was effecting the item by this ability first permanently
Overload: add an additional spell effect every 5 levels (transmutation cost + number of spell effects).

Anything non-sentient
Range: Touch 5ft cube from self
Duration: permanent
Base stamina: 2
You Turn anything non-sentient into base elements. It causes a small blast that may knock a small creature prone. Can be used to give a creature disadvantage on the rest of its attacks until it gets healed.
Overload: add an additional 5ft per 1 stamina points added.

Organic, Earth, Metal
Range: Touch 5ft cube
Duration: permanent
Base stamina: 2
Alter physical properties of a non magical substance, by changing it into another substance of same mass. You can not turn a substance from inorganic to organic. examples, You could turn dirt to steel, hardwood into vines, and water into hydrogen gas. With a philosopher stone you can turn organic into non-organic and the other way around. If used on a living creature it must make a check equal to your Transmutation Save DC to not be transmutated.
Overload: add an additional 5ft per point added or make the DC higher by one point per 10 points

Any elemental damage type
Range: 60ft line
Duration: instant
Base stamina:2
You cause a ray of energy to shoot from your hand. Creatures hit with this ray take 1d10 of the elemental damage chosen. You have high amount of accuracy with this attack gaining advantage when you use this transmutation. You may use this to ignite something, you may use this after another transmutation using the same circle without using a turn to ignite the object made, but can not deal damage, the ignited item can cause damage but not the circle.
Overload: Increase damage by 1d10 per 4 points or increase the range by 30 per point of stamina you invest.

Medium Circles

Elemental Burst
Fire, Water, Electricity Element
Range: Self(5ft Cube)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You shoot energy all around you
Every creature in the area must make a Dexterity Saving throw or receive 1d8 damage. A creature that passes its saving throw receives only half damage
Overload: Increase the damage dealt by 1d8 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Body mods
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You can add parts to people
At level 5 you can infuse parts of a dead animal to a living creature that is willing. The receiver will take 3d6 necrotic damage per part added.
This is all up to your DM if this allowed.
Overload: you may pay 2 extra alchemical stamina reduce the damage by one-dice.

Large Circles

Air Walk
Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 6
You cause the creature to feel lighter than air
Increase the Speed of the creature by 10ft
Overload: Increase the Speed by an extra 5ft for every 3 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Organic Element
Range: Self(30ft Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 6
Vines Sprout up instantly tangling the creatures
Every creature in the area must make a Constitution Saving throw or be restrained. On a successful save the creature is only Poisoned.Each turn at the end of the affected creatures turn they can attempt to escape just as escaping a grapple.
Overload: you may spend 3 extra alchemical stamina points to gain 1 of the following effects for each 3 points spend: remove concentration, increases duration to 1 minute, on a failed save the creature is poisoned & restrained.

Crumble Terrain
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self(30ft Cone)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 6
You break the ground in front of you
You make the area become difficult trrain
Overload: Increase the area affected by an extra 10ft for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self(30ft Line)
Duration: Instantaneous.
Base Stamina Cost: 6
You cause the ground to encapsulate a creature
Every creature in the area must make a Constitution Saving throw or be restrained. On a successful save the creature is only Prone. At the end of the affected creatures turn they can attempt to escape just as escaping a grapple.
Overload: you may spend 3 extra alchemical stamina points to gain 1 of the following effects for each 3 points spend: Add disadvantage to creature's saving throw; Add 10ft to the base range;

Wind Press
Air Element
Range: Self(5ft Cube)
Duration: Concentration up to 5 minutes
Base Stamina Cost: 20
You force air flow to shoot downwards all around you
Each creature in the affected area cannot breath and are suffocating/prone. After 2 minutes the creatures of medium size pass out, small is 1 minute, and large size is 3 minutes all creatures must take a DC constitution of 20 to avoid passing out. Creatures that are passed out must make a DC Constitution save of 20 with disadvantage to wake up at the beginning of their turn while the transmutation is still in effect however when the transmutation is over the DC save is changed to 18 with advantage. Creatures that move into the range of the transmutation must also make a DC save.
Overload: Increase the Distance by an extra 5ft for every 4 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

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