Way of the Tiger Vessel (5e Subclass)

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Way of the tiger vessel

A Single young man stands, faced by a large opponent, a goliath easily twice his size, wielding a massive battle axe, who is scarred and grizzled from numerous fights, a dangerous warrior, no doubt. And yet the young man shows no fear, he simply gives the goliath a cocky smile, and the goliath, pissed off, makes a swing at him, yet growls in confusion and frustration when the blade misses, despite the young man having not moved a single step. angrily, he makes a second swing at the man, aiming to cleave him in half, but the man simply raises a hand, redirecting the attack upwards by striking the flat of the axe, the goliath, surprised, falls over, and yells as the monk aims a single jumping knee in the back of his head, knocking him out as it strikes with an almost superhuman Impact.

Tokita Ohma.jpg

The tiger vessel style, also known as the Niko style, is a powerful style based on the Niko style from Kengan asura, its combat style is centered around having numerous specific abilities for different circumstances, allowing you to almost always have an option when attacked, this fighting style relishes in the one on one confrontations, with its utilizations of reactions, but can burn through ki quite fast.

The tiger vessel Subclass has 4 levels: Initiate Of the Tiger- Upon chosing this subclass you gain access to the first tier of all four Katas. You gain access to the remaining tiers at 6th 11th and 17th levels

Journeymen of the Tiger- Upon reaching 6th level you Gain access to the nil kata technique Void

Adept of the Tiger- Upon reaching 11th level you can replace one unarmed attack with one technique when you use Flurry of Blows

Master of the Tiger- Upon reaching 17th level you gain access to the secret kata technique Demonbreaker

3rd level: Initiate katas

Upon choosing this subclass you gain access to the first tier of all four Katas. You gain access to the remaining tiers at 6th 11th and 17th levels

Adamantine Kata

Indestructible-As a reaction you can spend 2 Ki points to gain resistance to bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Cold, and fiire damage until the start of your next turn

Flame Kata

Flashfire- As a bonus action when you are targeted for an attack you can spend 2 ki points to give all attacks against you from the targeting enemy disadvantage. In addition you can move to an adjacent square to an enemy within 10 feet of you

Redirection Kata

Weeping Willow- When you are targeted for an attack, as a reaction you can spend 2 ki points, The target must succeed on a DEX save or be knocked prone, and their attack is negated (DC= 8+prof+WIS)

Water Kata

Bind of Pisces- When you take the grapple action, you can spend 1 ki point. The target makes the check with disadvantage

6th level: Journeyman katas

Upon reaching 6th level you access to the nil kata technique Void

Adamantine Kata

Ironbreaker- When you attack, you can spend 1 ki point after you attack, but before you roll damage, and If it hits you can add 2d8 bludgeoning damage to the attack.

Flame Kata

Phantom Pace- When you are target for an attack as a reaction you can spend 1 ki point to move 5 feet away from the attacking creature without evoking an attack of opportunity.

Redirection Kata

Change of Scenery- When you are targeted for an attack you can spend 1 ki point, The target must succeed on a STR save or be pushed back 10 ft (DC=8+Wis+Prof)

Water Kata

Guillotine- When you grapple a creature you can spend 1 ki point as part of the action do 2d8+Dex Bludgeoning damage

Nil Kata

Void- Once per Long rest you can spend 10 minutes meditating to gain ki points equal to your proficiency Modifier.

11th level: Adept katas

Upon reaching 11th level you can replace one unarmed attack with one technique when you use Flurry of Blows

Adamantine Kata

Iron Fingers- When you make an unarmed attack you can chose to change the damage to piercing damage instead

Flame Kata

Raging Fire- When you take the dash action you can spend 1 ki point to add 20 ft to your movement speed until the end of your turn. In addition you can add 1d4 damage per 20 ft moved to 1 attack. You can spend multiple ki points to increase your movement speed.

Redirection Kata

Entanglement- When you Take damage from a melee attack you can spend 4 ki points, the target must make a DEX save or their attack will be negated, they will be knocked prone and Both you and the target will be restrained (DC=8+prof+WIS)

Water Kata

Swimming Swallow- As an action, you can spend any amount of ki points to make that many amounts of unarmed attacks against that opponent

17th level: Master katas

Upon reaching 17th level you gain access to the secret kata technique Demonbreaker

Adamantine Kata

Bone Binding- As a Bonus action you can spend 2 ki points to heal yourself for 1d6+ your monk level. In addition you can spend 1 or more ki points to heal yourself for another d6 per ki point spent. This also temporarily fixes broken bones.

Flame Kata

Earth-Shrinking- On your turn, you can spend 4 ki points to force everyone who can see you to make a perception check (save dc= 8+dex+proficiency) you are considered Hidden From any creatures who fail the check until the end of your turn or until you make an attack action against them.

Redirection Kata

Marionette- When you would be dropped to 0 hit points you instead can spend 3 ki points to drop to 1 hit point instead, this feature can be used once per short rest.

Water Kata

Water Mirror- While you are grappled or otherwise restrained you can spend 3 ki points and instantly break out of the grapple and make a grapple attack against the same opponent as you are freed

Secret Kata The Ultimate technique that the Niko style has, utilising every single kata into a singular strike. Demon’s Bane- When you would take damage from a melee attack you can spend 6 ki points to make an attack roll against the attacking creature with advantage, if it hits, the enemy takes your unarmed strike damage, the damage that would have been done to you, 5d8 additionall unarmed damage and are knocked back 10 ft. Only large and smaller creatures can be knocked back.

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