Diamond Embedded Shield (5e Equipment)

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Armor (Shield), rare (requires attunement)

This is a shield embedded with large segments of diamonds covering the front of the shield. This shield would give +1 to AC on top of its normal bonus.

When you take the attack action, you can take the shield bash as an attack option. While attuned to the shield, and proficient in weilding a shield, you can add your proficient in the attack. This attack deals d6 plus your strength modifier bludgeoning damage. If you hit a creature, the creature would need a Strength Saving Throw (DC equal 8+proficiency+strength mod or your spell saving DC) or be knocked prone.

This is a part of set of magical items. When you gain benefits. There are 2 other items in this set of magical items, Diamond Plated Armor (5e Equipment) and Sword of Diamond (5e Equipment). The benefits are listed below and they both when you have all three.

When you have 2 of the items, you can add your strength modifier to your initiative modifier.

When you hav all 3 items, you get the previous bonus and you can use your bonus action to move additional feet equal to your strength modifier, to the closest multiple of 5.

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