Minigun (5e Equipment)

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Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Minigun Rare 4d10 piercing 65 lb. Ammunition (range 40/240), burst fire, heavy, reload (450 shots), two-handed, short burst (3)

A minigun is a six- barreled rotary gun with a disintegrating belt, powered by a battery and with the capacity to fire 100 rounds in a second. Realistically it's supposed to be mounted on a vehicle, but for the purposes of fun we're gonna go ahead and say you can slap some handles on it and tote it around like some dude from an 80's action movie. A minigun actually has a capacity of 4,500 rounds, but due to its very fast rate of fire every "shot" represents 10 bullets.

Special. A Medium creature's movement speed is reduced in half when carrying this gun and Small creatures are unable to wield this gun.

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