Champion of the Blade (5e Class)

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Champion of the Blade

A name is sometimes all it takes to win a battle or even a war. The power a name, a title, a legacy and a living legend have is almost unparalleled, as they inspire the masses to unite and fight under one banner or rally to a cause without fear of losing or death. That is what true power is, the power to inspire and protect for if there is nothing to protect then what is the point of fighting at all, when all it brings about is death and destruction. Those are the values I uphold and why I chose to become what I am. I trust that when I am gone my legacy will inspire the next generation to fight and guard those who cannot be protected. While each person who follows the path I took will be different in size, race and ideals. There is one thing they will all share and that is the heart of a champion, a legend, they will leave behind a legacy like me. As of what that is I cannot be sure but I have to trust that they will know the right path to take to release their full potential.

- Almarus Diraxion The First Champion and Guardian of Alopidos.

Creating a Champion of the Blade

When creating a Champion of the Blade think about what weapon you would like to specialise in whether that would be a long polearm to out wit and out manoeuvre your enemies, a polearm with which you display expert skill and use to punish their every mistake or a warrior with an extraordinary skill with a sword and shield matching them blow for blow and never giving them an opening or an armoured goliath that focuses on protecting their allies and using sheer force to shatter all who would dare challenge them. You should also consider how you want your champion to develop whether that is using their dishonour to further bolster their abilities or become a living legend, either way they are destined for greatness and their legend will live on long after they die as for what that legend is that is down to you.

Class Features

As a Champion of the Blade you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Champion of the Blade level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Champion of the Blade level after 1st


Armor: Light Power Armour/Light Armour, Medium Power Armour/Medium Armour
Weapons: Champion's weapon
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two: Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception or Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Champion's Weapon
  • (a) Medium Power Armour/Scale Mail or (b) Light Power Armour/leather
  • Explorers pack

Table: The Champion of the Blade

Level Proficiency
Features Honour Dishonour
1st +2 Master of the Blade - -
2nd +2 The Blade's Chosen, Honour/Dishonour 60 60
3rd +2 Champions Legacy 60 60
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 60 60
5th +3 Extra Attack 60 60
6th +3 Martial Tactic 60 60
7th +3 Legacy Feature 60 60
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 60 60
9th +4 Master of the Blade Improvement 60 60
10th +4 Martial Tactic(2) 60 60
11th +4 Legacy Feature, A Champion's Heart 60 60
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 60 60
13th +5 Master of the Blade Improvement 60 60
14th +5 Eternal Resolve 60 60
15th +5 Legacy Feature 60 60
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 60 60
17th +6 Master of the Blade Improvement 60 60
18th +6 Martial Tactic(3) 60 60
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 60 60
20th +6 A Champion's Heart Improvement 60 60

Master of the Blade

Beginnning at level 1, you select a Champion's weapon that will define you as a Champion of a Blade you can select one of the following types of weapon's to model your weapon on:

Halberd or Glaive or any weapon with reach but not heavy (Reach class)
Longsword or Battleaxe or any weapon that isn't covered by the other two options.(variety)
Greatsword or any heavy weapon (Heavy class)

Your Champion's weapon's attacks count as magical and have an additional + 1 to hit. Your Champion's weapon counts as finesse if it isn't already. Champion weapons have the same stats as their Player's Handbook equivalents. At level 9 your Champion's weapon deals an extra 1d4 damage and the additional bonus to hit increases to + 2. At levels 13 and 17 the extra damage increases by 1d4 and the bonus to hit increases by 1.


Starting at level 2 you understand the meaning of Honour and Dishonour both start at 0 the values indicated on the table are the maximum amount of each that you can have stored Honour is used to Fuel your abilities. You regain Honour when you slay or help slay a creature. The Honour gained is equal to the CR of the Creature to a minimum of 1. If a creature killed was only dealt damage by you and itself you gain double the honour you would have gained. Additionally at level 10 If you have less than a 15 honour, you have a 25% chance to regain honour until you are at 15 honour when initiating combat. Honour can also be gained or lost when completing objectives/quests or after you carry out certain actions that are deemed honourable by the DM. Recommended Honour gain is 3-6 same for Honour loss. As for ways you could be gifted Honour some examples I can think of would be acting noble and just or by defending NPCs. You could however loose Honour by using underhand tactics in fights or by aiding and abetting those of evil alignment.

When you have 30 or more Honour you gain advantage on persuasion checks and are able to find shelter at a discounted cost in any settlement.

If you would lose Honour from one of the aforementioned ways you gain dishonour equal to that amount. You can spend Honour to remove that many points multiplied by 2 of Dishonour. You can store up to 60 Dishonour at certain dishonour thresholds you gain certain features. At 20 Dishonour you have disadvantage on persuasion checks but gain advantage on intimidation checks. At 40 Dishonour you become feared: once per long rest you can cause all creatures in a 20ft radius to make a wisdom saving throw with DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your wisdom modifier on success they are immune to this feature for 2 hours, on a failed save they are frightened of you for 1 minute, they can repeat the save at the beginning of each of their turns however you disadvantage on wisdom saving throws. At 50 Dishonour all attacks you make that hit will deal their maximum damage however all attacks that hit you deal their maximum damage.

The Blade's chosen

At level 2, you begin to understand and connect with your champion's weapon. You gain the ability to expend 2 honour to imbue your blade with power causing you to deal an additional 1d8 force damage on hit. Alternatively you can spend 2 honour to parry and add + 2 to your ac if the next attack made against you misses you can make an opportunity attack against them

Champion of the Blade Legacy

At level 3, you choose a Legacy:

The Truth of a Name
Warrior of Legend

Each Legacy is outlined further in the class description. You gain Legacy features at levels 7, 11 and 15.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Martial Tactic

Starting at level 6 you gain additional abilities based on starting weapon class you chose.

Offensive Stance:If you chose a Weapon from the Reach class you gain the ability to spend 6 Honour to create an ethereal blade to the other end of your weapon that you can use a bonus action to make a weapon attack with it deals half the damage of the regular attack this does benefit from modifiers. This lasts until you take damage that doesn't come from: A Champions Heart
Shield Breaker: If you chose a weapon from the Variety class you gain the ability to spend 6 Honour to break the shield of an enemy that you are in melee with. If they have no shield their ac is lowered by 2 until your next turn this triggers on hit
Quaking Strike: If you chose Weapon from the Heavy class as an action you can spend 6 Honour to slam your sword into the ground causing each creature in a 15ft radius to make a strength saving throw on a failed save they are knocked prone or have their movement halved on their next turn.

Starting at level 10 you gain additional abilities based on starting weapon class you chose.

Lightning Strike:If you chose a weapon from the Reach class you gain the ability to spend 8 honour and an action to create an arc of energy that has a range of 60ft and damages all enemies in a 60ft cone all creatures must make a dexterity save the dc is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier all enemies that come into contact with it take 3d8 lightning damage.
Deflect:If you chose a weapon from the Variety class you gain the ability to spend 8 honour and your reaction to deflect a ranged weapon or spell attack that targeted you. You can make a Dexterity check DC 20 on a success you can redirect the projectile/projectile based spell/ability to a target of your choice within 60ft. On a failed save you take half damage.
Crashing Charge:If you chose a weapon from the Heavy class you gain the ability to spend 8 honour and a bonus action to make a 20ft dash in a straight line with your blade drawn any creature within 5ft of your path takes your weapon's damage and then an additional 1d6 at the start of their next turn.

Starting at level 18 you gain additional abilities based on starting weapon class you chose.

Perfect Rush:If you chose a weapon from the Reach class you gain the ability to spend 16 honour and your action to charge 30ft in a straight line stopping on the first enemy you come into contact with. You can make a weapon attack to then dig your blade into the enemy and force them to make a strength saving throw DC is 10 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus on a failed save you pin them to the ground as you vault over them using your momentum and weapon to drive them into the ground they take your weapon's damage on the initial contact and again at the start of each of their turns while they are pinned, on a successful saving throw they take your weapons damage and a knocked prone they can make a strength roll against the Champion of the Blade's dexterity to beak free creatures of greater size are not pinned but they still take the damage until the blade is removed. If the creature fails the saving throw you may roll a d20 on a 15 or higher they are killed instantly if they have 100 or less hit points the damage they take on the start of their turn is treated as if it was a critical hit.
Execute:If you chose a weapon from the Variety class you gain the ability to spend 20 honour and your action to teleport to a creature withing 60ft and attempt to deal a fatal blow. You make a weapon attack with advantage if you roll a 17-19 it counts a critical hit. The damage is the multiplied by 4 rather than the normal multiple of 2 damage done this way ignores resistances and immunities are treated as resistances would be normally. If you roll 2-16 the damage is treated a normal critical hit. If the roll is a 20 you hit an execution which causes the damage dealt to be multiplied by 8 instead of 4 or 2.
Behemoth Strike:If you chose a weapon from the Heavy class you gain the ability to spend 16 honour and your action to inflict a catastrophic wound on a creature. You make a weapon attack with a selected body part that you are targeting eg. head, arm, tail, wing, etc.... If you hit you are able to disable all attacks and certain actions the creature has related to that body part for 1 minute you also impose disadvantage on ability checks that rely on that selected body part. Eg if you inflicted a catastrophic wound on a dragon's wings it would not be able to fly or use it's wings for any actions it could take.

A Champion's Heart

Starting at level 11 you begin to understand the true meaning of Honour and it's power. When you are reduced to 0 hit points if you have remaining Honour and that remaining Honour is greater than or equal to half of your maximum Honour then you can spend half of your maximum Honour to fully heal yourself, cure yourself of all status effects affecting you, resets all other features except Honour. At the end of each of your turns you take 1/8 of your maximum hp in force damage. This damage cannot be prevented and ignores temporary hit points and resistances. This feature can only be used once per long rest. Starting at level 20, this feature is upgraded and gains the following effects while active. You can expend your bonus action to grant you advantage on all attacks you make in that turn. Additionally whenever you roll a 20 on an attack you regain honour equal to your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

Eternal Resolve

Starting at level 14 you gain the ability to draw on the power of your Honour to restore your physical condition. You gain the ability to spend 6 honour to expend one of your hit dice and regain hit points equal to 1d10 + half your Champion of the Blade level. You may also spend and additional 6 Honour to have this feature effect one additional creature of your choice within 30ft.

The Truth of a Name

A Champion of the Blade who specialises in using the power of Dishonour to it's full power. Your path is a troubled one, not all will agree with it but it's power is recognisable as you are chosen by Almarus to understand the Truth about what it means to be a Champion and how this journey will be arduous and filled with danger but you will rise stronger than you could have ever thought yourself to become.

Honour the Dishonourable

Beginning at level 3 you gain the ability to channel your dishonour and improve your blade you may spend 4 dishonour to increase your bonus to hit by 3 you may activate this ability once per weapon attack.

Dishonour from Honour

Starting at level 7 you gain the ability to convert your Honour into Dishonour. You can spend Honour to add that many points multiplied by 2 of Dishonour. Additionally you may spend 6 Dishonour and a bonus action to add 1d6 of any for the following types of damage to your weapon for one turn. Fire, Cold, Lightning, Force, Acid, Poison.

In the blink of an eye

Starting at level 11 you may spend 4 dishonour and a bonus action to teleport up to 40ft if you are within range of an enemy you may make one weapon attack. You can teleport a second time if you spend 10 dishonour instead of 4. If you teleport twice a shadowy copy of your Champion weapon appears in your other hand until your next turn, while this shadowy weapon is active you may make a weapon attack with it as a free action it deals half the damage of your regular Champion weapon, it's attacks count as magical and it can be affected by Honour and Dishonour abilities. If your Champion weapon is 2 handed you may wield it with one hand without any penalties while this active. Additionally all martial tactics are copied for this shadowy version of your weapon at no extra cost and deal the full damage rather than half for the copy

Dimensional gate

Starting at level 15 you gain the ability force a creature to make a Wisdom saving throw the DC is 10 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus + a quarter of your Champion of the Blade level on a failed save you transport yourself and the creature to a pocket dimension on a different plane to the one where you are on. When you use this feature if your Dishonour is not at 60 it is set to 60 and all features that require Dishonour instead cost no Dishonour. You also passively gain 4 honour per turn in this dimension. You engage the creature in single combat for 5 turns or until either of you are reduced to 0 hit points. If you are able to use a Champion's heart if you go to 0 hit points it activates and you take 1/12 of your max health instead of the usual 1/8 per turn while in this dimension. The duration of this ability is increased by 10 rounds or until either of you are reduced to 0 hit points. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your half your Wisdom modifier rounded down before a long rest. The exact nature of this dimension is determined by the DM and the Champion of the Blade.

Warrior of Legend

Your path is one of a legend. You will rise to become a symbol that will inspire all those around you and make those who oppose you tremble in fear as you unlock your true potential and . This is your odyssey to write and you have a long way to go...

A Hero's Wit

Starting at level 3 you gain the ability to clear your body and mind. If you have 0 honour you can use this feature roll a 2d4 you gain Honour equal to the amount rolled you must complete a long rest before you use this feature again.

A Legend's Resolve

Starting at level 7 you may select 2 of the following types of damage to become resistant to. You may also spend 8 Honour to add 1d8 of either of the chosen damage type to your weapon for 1 minute. While your weapon is affected by this ability you gain +4 to hit creatures that are weak to the element that your weapon is infused with. The damage type you can choose from are Fire, Cold, Lightning, Force and Acid.

A Legend's Endurance

Starting at level 11 if you are in melee with an enemy you have advantage on all saving throws that you are proficient with and gain a plus +4 modifier to all saving throws. You are also immune to be being frightened.

A Legendary Blade

Starting at level 15 Your Champion's weapon becomes one known throughout the Legends you may roll once on the Major Beneficial Properties for Artefacts in the Dungeon Master's guide. Additionally if you would roll a 1 or a 2 when making a weapon attack you may re roll the attack and must take the new roll.


Prerequisites. To multiclass into a Champion of the Blade you must be of a lawful alignment and have a dexterity and wisdom score of at least 15.

Proficiencies. You gain proficiencies with Champion's weapons and may turn one of your existing melee weapons into a champion weapon

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