Bloom and Doom Plant (5e Race)

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Bloom and Doom Plant

Physical Description

A small group of Bloom and Doom plants finishing a fight with a zombie grunt.


A long time ago, a druid named Dave needed an army to vanquish the annoying undead that plagued him and his life of solitude. He formulated a plan to create Zombie-fighting sylvans. One type, the Sunflower, was able to heal their allies while incinerating their enemies. Then there was the Peashooter, a swift plant able to fire potent seeds that burst on impact. Another was the Chomper, who was able to devour its enemies in digestive fluids. Next, the Cactus, who used their keen eyes and sharp spines to pierce their enemies from afar. Another type, known as the Kernel Corn, fired corn kernels at high speed to mow down the undead. The Rose used arcane energy embedded in their thorns to unleash powerful magic. Finally, the Citron, a kind of cyborg orange, fired super-heated lasers to melt these abominations.


Bloom and Doom Plants live anywhere where their is plenty of sunlight, rain and fertile soil

B&D Plant Names

Bloom and Doom plants are typically named after their kind. Some however, name themselves with silly nicknames or puns that typically relate to their kind, and are derived from Common(And will be noted in parentheses). It should be noted that a Bloom and Doom Plant's biological sex is determined by their race.

Male: Peashooter(Peas-accord), Chomper(Snappy, Flytrap), Kernel Corn(Aw Shucks, Private Poppers), Citron(Orange Cool, Vitamin C-U-Later)

Female: Sunflower(Miss Sunshine, Bright Smile), Rose(Wands and Roses), Cactus(Mrs. Prickers, Madam Ouch)

Bloom and Doom plant Traits

Plants that move like men, and fire their seeds or other parts.
Ability Score Increase. Depends on the subrace you choose.
Age. Most Bloom and Doom plants reach maturity within ten days, and can remain alive as long as sufficient water and light are given.
Alignment. Bloom and Doom plants follow Dave's example, and as such, are Neutral Good.
Size. Bloom and Doom plants typically stand at or around five feet tall, no matter the type. your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Plant Matter. You take an extra 1d6 of slashing damage whenever struck with a weapon that does slashing damage
Handless. Your "hands" are incapable of holding anything that requires firm grip, like a weapon. The only exception here is the Rose sub-species, who holds a staff or wand.
No Armor. You are unable to wear armor, but your armor class is 14+your dexterity modifier
Evolution. At 5th level, a Bloom and Doom plant may Pick an element to imbue their natural weapons with. (Fire, Cold, Lightning, Poison, Necrotic, Radiant) Their natural weapons may now deal either that type of damage, or their original type(Player's choice). They gain damage resistance from the chosen element, which changes to an Immunity at 10th level
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan, and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Sunflower, Peashooter, Kernel Corn, Cactus, Chomper, Rose, Citron


Ability Score Increase. +2 wisdom +1 charisma
Sun Pulse. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 1d6+dexterity piercing damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter.(Crit details: 20/x2)
Healing Beam. Once per round, you may restore 1d6+yourwisdom score of hit points to a target ally
Solar Flare Ray. Once per day, you may channel your solar energy into a big blast that deals 2d10 points of Piercing damage. This requires 2 rounds of concentration before any energy is released. The Target must make a reflex saving throw (DC=10+your highest class level+wisdom
Potted Sunflower. You place a tiny potted sunflower on the ground. It releases 3 tiny suns at the end of all the creature's turns. These tiny suns heal allies within 5 feet, 1d6. The flower disspears after 5 turns, in 10 minutes or after it receives damage.


Ability Score Increase. +2 dexterity + 1 intelligence
Spike Shot. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 50 feet which deals 1d6+dexterity piercing damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter. (Crit details: 20/x3)
Garlic Drone. Once per day, a Cactus may deploy a Size small flying garlic clove that has a flight speed of 30 feet, and can use your Spike Shot. While this Drone is active, you may not take a move action and any damage taken by the Cactus will instantly destroy the drone, and a long rest must be completed before you're able to deploy a new one. While piloting this drone, you are considered prone.
Potato Mines. Up to three times a day, a Cactus may drop potatoes into the ground that wait for some unlucky foe to draw near. This potato has 1 hit point and explodes when slain. If an enemy is within 5 feet of this potato, the potato takes 1 point of psychic damage, and all creatures within 10 feet of it at the time take 1d10 points of damage, with a reflex save of 10+your level+your dexterity for half damage.
Tall Nut Battlement. You put down a wall 10ft long and 5 ft high. This wall can receive 20 damage before collapsing..


Ability Score Increase. +2 constitution and + 1 intelligence
Orange Beam. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 1d6+intelligence force damage. Roll to see to hit, and add PB + IntM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter.(Crit details: 20/x4)
Orange Ball. True to your citric roots, you may convert into a spherical form. This form grants you 10 more feet of movement. In this form, you lose access to your racial traits but gain a dash attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage to all enemies who you pass with the dash.
E.M.Peach. Once per combat, you may fire an E.M.P blast that disables all mechanical devices temporarily within a 50 foot radius. This attack does leaves the
Peel Shield. You create a 4ft by 3ft shield that covers the upper front half of your body. This shield moves around with you and can block 8 damage, and does not take up your hands. You can use this once per short rest. Once it takes 8 damage it breaks and the remaining damage is nulled so long as it is not piercing damage. Upon piercing damage when the shield breaks the remainder of the damage gets sent to the caster of the peel shield. Citron will still take damage with the peed shield up if the enemy hits Citron where it is not protected by the shield..

Kernel Corn

Ability Score Increase. +2 dexterity+ 1 constitution
Cob Busters. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 1d6+dexterity piercing damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter.(Crit details: 20/x2)
Butter Barrage. You pick a spot within 20 ft and drop an explosive butter on a target. That butter deals 1d10 + Proficiency bonus +character level bludgeoning damage. This attack explodes and damages targets within a radius of 10 ft. A target may roll a dexterity saving throw. In order for it to succeed it needs to be higher than (10 + your level + Dexterity Modifier). Upon a successful throw, targets within the radius dodge the attack, otherwise, on a fail, they take full damage. If the target fails by more than a margin of 3 they are knocked prone. This attack may only be used once per long rest.
Husk Hop. You fly in the air for a speed of 10 ft. All the enemies you fly over deal 2 X your cob buster damage. Your attack to hit has an advantage. This can be used once per battle.
Shuck Shot. You shoot two giant corns at a target that explode. They deal 1d6 Bludgeoning damage each, and damage targets within a 5ft radius for the same damage. A target may roll a dexterity saving throw. In order for it to succeed it needs to be higher than (10 + your level + Dexterity Modifier). Upon a successful throw, targets within the radius dodge the attack, otherwise, on a fail they take full damage. Both shucks must be aimed at a single target. This can only be used once a battle.


Ability Score Increase. +1 dexterity, +2 constitution
Pea Cannon. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 20 feet which deals 1d8dexterity bludgeoning damage. This increases to 2d8 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d8 every three levels thereafter. In addition, any creature within 5 feet of target takes the same amount of damage, unless they successfully make a DC= 10+Primary Class level+dexterity modifier reflex saving throw.(Crit details: 20/x2)
Chili-Bean Bomb. Once per fight, you can deploy a bomb with a radius of 35 feet. It does no damage to Bloom and Doom plants, but all other races will take 1d10 points of fire damage, with a reflex save of 10+your level+your dexterity for half damage.
Hyper. Up to twice per day, you can increase your speed to 40 feet per second for 2 of your turns.
Gatling Pea. The Pea Shooter plants itself into the ground. It can not move. It has a disadvantage against attack rolls made against it. You may use this attack to fire a Gatling of peas at a target. It deals 2d8 points of piercing damage. This requires 2 rounds of concentration before you can attack. The target must make a dexterity saving throw (DC=10+ yourlevel+dexterity), or get hit by the attack.


Ability Score Increase. +2 strength+ 1 constitution
Goop. As a natural weapon, a Chomper may splash his digestive juices out of his mouth, damaging those around him. This deals 1d4+strength modifier acid damage, and target must make a dc 10+strength modifier+class level reflex save for half damage. No to-hit roll is required. If a target gets hit by this they have a movement speed of 5ft on their next turn and can not cast spells or abilities. The effect wears off after the targets next turn.
Burrower. Chompers have a digging speed of 20 feet. You may perform a swallow action without grappling a creature if you have 5 spd left from dig and if you are in the same space as them.
Swallow. A Chomper may attempt to swallow an enemy. This requires a grapple attack to be made successfully, and you can't swallow any creature that is at least one size category larger than you. Once a target is swallowed you can not perform an attack or anything with your mouth for 2 turns.
Spike Weed. 3 times per long rest, you may set a trap over a space you walked over. The trap is made up of spiky weed. A creature that is non-friendly that walks over this trap becomes incapacitated for a turn and takes 25% of their maximum health damage. Some creatures may be immune to this effect. Creature of huge or gigantic size are immune to this trap.
Bite. You may perform a bite attack. It does your proficiency bonus + Strength modifier to hit and deals (2d4 + Strength Modifier + Proficiency bonus piercing damage.) Additionally, you may roll to see if you grapple onto the target. Roll a Strength DC = to the enemies' dexterity ability score or higher and you grapple the target. If a target is bitten in the back, surprised, or weakened you have an advantage with your likelihood to grapple.


Ability Score Increase. +2 intelligence + 1 wisdom
Magic Thistles. Up to three times per day, you can cast the spell magic missile as a spell-like Ability (Use class level as if it were a Wizard level). This amount increases as the amount of first level spells per day you have increases. For all intents and purposes, this is considered a natural weapon, and the evolution trait does change the type of damage dealt.
Arcane Enigma,. You become immune to physical damage until your next turn. You can only perform the move action with an additional 10 spd, and the arcane enigma burst. As a bonus attack, you can use Arcane enigma burst, this does 1d6 + Spell Casting Modifier. All targets within a radius of 10ft are hit. They may perform a wisdom saving throw, in order to succeed they need to roll a wisdom saving throw equal to the roses spell save. On a successful roll, they take half damage. Using Arcane burst ends your enigma.
Time Snare. You cast a spell whose range is 15ft. All nonally creatures within a 10ft radius get slowed and cast their abilities or spells for until after their next turn.. Goatify. For one turn you turn a single target to a goat. Roll to see if your spell hits, by usual means to hit means.
Magic Thistles (Cantrip). You create 1 glowing dart of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. To hit you add your proficiency bonus and spell casting modifier. A dart deals 1d4 + Spell Casting Modifier piercing damage to its target. The range of this cantrip is 15ft. Roll to see if you hit.



Ability Score Increase. +3 constitution and + 2 armor class, (you use your constitution instead of dexterity to calculate your armor class.)
Magic Macadamia.. You wield a magic macadamia in your shield hand. It is a special macadamia nut that emits blue magic in the form of a ward, it uses your constitution energy to create the ward. It adds + 2 to your armor class. It allows you to make a counter-attacks by bashing your ward against an attacking creature. When an enemy makes an attack at you with a melee weapon or within 5 ft, and if it does not hit, you can bash them with the ward for (1d4 + Constitution Modifier + proficiency bonus) Bludgeoning damage. Roll to see if you hit, and add (proficiency bonus + constitution modifier) This uses a reaction. You make spend your action or bonus action to prepare an additional reaction. You can stack up to 2 reactions.
Grave Buster. You attach a Grave Buster onto a stone object or a creature. If it is a stone object it devours the stone. It can eat 10 ft worth of stone. Otherwise, you can attach it to a creature, and the Grave buster will eat its armor, usually one whole piece. Roll to see if you hit and add (Proficiency Bonus + 1d4) to your to hit. This attack can be thrown for 5 ft but lose your proficiency bonus to hit then. Can not eat leather armor. This attack can be used 2 times per short rest. Can be used to eat metal or stone creatures for damage. Dealing 1d6 damage for every ft it eats. It can not be used more than once per battle or once every 10 minutes outside of battle.
Explosive Nut. Once per fight, you can turn into an explosive nut. When you get you to release a burst of energy as if you exploded. It does no damage to Bloom and Doom plants, but all other races will take 1d10 points of bludgeoning damage, with a reflex save of 10+your level+your dexterity modifier for half damage.
Nut Bowl. You roll yourself as if you are a bowling ball. Roll to see if you hit the enemy. You can roll 30ft like this. If you hit the enemy you bounce of them diagonally left or right. You can then roll 10ft after hitting an enemy. If another enemy is within 10 ft diagonally from you, you roll to see if you hit them as well. Repeat this process until miss. If you miss you still roll 10 ft diagonally. Each hit deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You gain an additional 1d4 + Dexterity modifier to hit. This move can be used once per battle


Ability Score Increase. +2 dexterity and intelligence,
Your Character is only within 2.5 - 4ft tall..
Spore Strike.. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 1d6+dexterity Slash damage. To hit add ((PB + (2 X DexM)), This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter.(Crit details: 20/x2)
Casting Shadows. You throw a shadow bomb within a range of 15ft. Casting Shadows has a radius of 10 feet. Allied creatures within Casting Shadows are invisible. Nonallied creatures are stuck inside the radius of the ability, and can not see outside of the bubble. Attacks made against nonallied creatures within this ability have an advantage. An enemy can make a dexterity saving throw when they would be hit by this ability and on their turn, if it is equal or higher to the caster's spell save they succeed, if not they fail, this takes up a turn for the enemy. If they succeed they dodge out of Casting Shadows. If they fail they suffer the effects of the ability. This ability lasts for 1 whole turn.
Fung Fu.. Within a radius of 10 ft you deal (1d10 + DexM + PB) to nonallied creatures. The creature must make a Dexterity Saving throw = to or higher than the caster's dexterity ability score. An enemy can make a dexterity saving throw when they would be hit by this ability, if it is equal or higher to the caster's dexterity ability score they succeed, if not they fail.
Shadow Sneak. You turn invisible and silent for 1 turn. You may move an additional 10ft while in this form. You may not perform any action other than moving while in this form. You leave brief purple puff footsteps as you move in this form. An enemy may perform a perception check then roll to see if they take an opportunity attack if you pass within their range. Their perception needs to be higher than the dexterity ability score for them to succeed. Attacks made against you in this form has disadvantage.

Snap Dragon

Ability Score Increase. +2 wisdom and + 1 constitution
Flame Blower. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 20 feet which deals 1d6+wisdom fire damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter. If the target get hit over their Armor Class by a margin of 5 or over they are burned.
Blazing Trail. You shoot a fireball that leaves a blazing trail, in a line, 15 ft in any direction. This creates a wall of fire 5 ft high and that lasts for a turn. Any creature that gets hit when the ability is cast takes 1d6 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus fire damage. A creature may perform a Dexterity saving throw, if it is higher or equal to the casters' spell save they succeed and take no damage. If they fail they take full damage and if they fail by a margin of 3 or more they get burned. For every creature's turn, if a nonallied creature is in the fire wall created by blazing trail they take 1d6 fire damage. If they are damaged by this ability three times they become burned. This can only be used once per short rest.
Swoop Slam. You fly in the air for a speed of 10 ft. Then you crash into a location of your choice. You create a fiery explosion with a radius of 10ft. All nonallied creatures within the radius can perform a dexterity saving throw to dodge. The throw has a DC of 16. On a successful save they dodge this attack on a failed save they take 1d8 + Dexterity Modifier + Wisdom modifier + Proficiency bonus fire damage. This can be used once per battle.
Blue Blaze. You shoot a giant homing blue fireball. It deals with 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus fire damage. A target may roll a wisdom saving throw, if they succeed they take half damage. In order for it to succeed it needs to be higher than (10 + your level + your Wisdom Modifier). On a fail, they take full damage, if they fail by more than a margin of 3 they get burned and by a margin of 6 they become blazed. If a target hides behind cover the caster needs to roll to see if it hits, this roll has disadvantage. This can be used only once per battle.

Acorn & Oak

Ability Score Increase. +2 constitution and + 1 dexterity
Shell Shot. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 1d6+dexterity piercing damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d6 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter.
Sap Trap. You pick a spot within 10 ft and drop an explosive Sap trap on a location. That sap trap deals 1d6 + Proficiency bonus + Dexterity Modifier bludgeoning damage. This attack explodes and damages targets within a radius of 5 ft. A target may roll a dexterity saving throw. In order for it to succeed it needs to be higher than (10 + Profenciency Bonus + Dexterity Modifier). Upon a successful throw, targets within the radius dodges the attack, otherwise, on a fail, they take full damage and are knocked back 5 ft. When you shoot this attack it does not deal damage until you choose to detonate it. You can use your bonus action or reaction to detonate this attack at any time, so long as you are capable. If cast while in Oak form, the damage is die is 1d12 and the knockback is 10 ft. This attack may only be used once per battle.
Acorn Dash. You dash for a speed of 5 ft. You can use this as a bonus action to move. Or as a reaction to increase your AC by your Dexterity modifier. This can be used once only while in acorn form and once every other turn.
Transform into Oak. This takes 2 turns or 5 minutes to activate, upon the end of the 2nd turn you transform. You are incapacitated while you are casting this ability, but you can use your action to cancel the cast but this ends your turn. This ability uses your concentration. If the cast is successful you turn into a 10 by 10ft Oak. Attacks made against you have advantage, and your speed drops to 20. While in the form your health points are quadrupled. you can cast treeject as a bonus action or action to leap 5ft in any direction and transform back into an acorn.
Wood Grief. You have a natural weapon with a range increment of 20 feet which deals 1d8+dexterity Bludgeoning damage. To hit add PB + DexM. This increases to 2d8 at 4th level, and adds an additional 1d8 every three levels thereafter.
Roll for damage. You launch a 10 ft log for 30ft. It damages all the enemies in its path. They may roll a dexterity saving throw, if it is equal to or greater than the casters dexterity ability score + proficiency bonus than the throw is successful and take no damage. On an unsuccessful throw, a creature nonally takes 1d10 + Dexterity modifier + Proficiency bonus Bludgeoning damage. This can only be used by oak, once per short rest.


Ability Score Increase. +2 strength and + 1 charisma, (you use your strength instead of dexterity to calculate your armor class.)
Berry Blade. You wield a Berry Blade in your dominant nonexistent hand. Roll to hit + (Strength Modifier and Proficiency bonus). It deals 1d8 + Strength Modifier Slash Damage. Throw for 10 ft, and you may use your bonus action to levitate it back to you.
Strawberrian Bolt. You call lightning down onto your blade and enchant it with lightning. It adds 1d4 lightning damage to all of your attacks. If you hit an enemy over their AC by a margin of 4 the target becomes magnetized. Every additional point over the margin of 4 prolongs the effect of the magnetism by 1 turn. A creature is magnetized for a minimum of 3 turns.
Berry Blast. Once per fight, you cause berries to explode anywhere in a range of 100ft. This move can not be dodged or avoided. It does 1d12 + Charisma Modifier. A strength saves for 15 or higher to take half damage.
StrawBerrian Slam. After slashing a target with your sword, you release berry energy. Any enemy within a 5ft radius takes 1d4 slash damage. You can use this attack 3 times per short rest. They can perform a dexterity saving throw, it needs to be higher or equal to your Strength ability score.


Ability Score Increase. +2 constitution and + 1 strength, (you use your strength instead of dexterity to calculate your armor class. you gain an additional 2 points to your armor class because of the walnut shield.)
Sportacus Lance. You wield Sportacus's Lance in your dominant nonexistent hand. Roll to hit + (Strength Modifier and Proficiency bonus). It deals 1d8 + Strength Modifier Pierce Damage. If an enemy uses a spell or ranged Sportacus can damage them for 1d4 slash damage after the attack is finished as an opportunity attack. This slash has a range of 15ft. This uses a reaction. Roll to see if the attack hits adding your strength modifier and proficiency bonus.
Joust Dash. You dash a speed of 15ft. Any enemies you walk by can not perform an opportunity attack. You may attack a creature within 5ft during your dash. If you attack an enemy roll while using this ability, roll to hit, 1d20 + Strength Modifier + Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus. It deals 1d12 + Strength Modifier + Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage to a target. If the target gets hit by this ability it is knocked prone. This can be used once per short rest.
Doomshroom. Once per battle, you can deploy a devastating explosive mushroom. It explodes with a radius of 15 feet. It deals with 1d10 + Proficiency Bonus + Character level Necrotic damage to all creatures in range. It leaves a crater within its radius. A creature can perform a saving throw of with a dexterity save of 10 + your Proficiency + your dexterity modifier. A successful throw deals half damage.
Spore Shield. If a target misses sportacus while within 5 ft, Sportacus may release a spray of spores at them. This uses a reaction, and deals 1d6 poison damage to the target creature. This attack may only be used 3 times a short rest.

Random Height and Weight

3′ 6'' ++1d10 30 lbs. lb. × (Multiply by height) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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