Domain of the Outer Ones (5e Subclass)

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Domain of the Outer Ones

Just as a demigod is compared to a god so too are the Great Old Ones are compared to the Outer Ones. Unbound by the paltry concepts of time, space, reality, and even fate cannot bind them, they traverse throughout the realm bringing their unfathomable tidings of ill-omen. Just as they are like and even beyond gods so too they must bring to bear messengers of their coming. To let the ignorant and the weak-willed know what their future will be and that their lives shall be forever changed irrevocably.

Domain of the Outer Ones Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Hex, Dissonant Whispers
3rd blur, Phantasmal Force
5th fear, Hunger of Hadar
7th black tentacles, phantasmal killer
9th telekinesis, wall of force
Bonus Cantrip

You learn the cantrip Viktor's Soul Rend. If you already know it, choose another cantrip. If the DM does not allow this choose Eldritch Blast instead of Viktor's Soul Rend.

Forbidden Knowledge

When you choose this domain at 1st level, choose two proficiencies from these skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, and Religion; double your proficiency bonus when using the skills chosen. You are resistant to psychic damage.

The Outer One's Boon

As a bonus action at level 2, you may instill short-term Madness on a target if they fail a wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting DC. You have advantage against madness effects and saves. When you reach level 11, this becomes long-term madness and you become immune to madness effects and saves.

Portent of Doom

Your brand of madness is so dangerous when you notice a being vulnerable you cannot help but destroy it. When you reach level 6, you double the proficiency bonus your spell DC. When you damage a creature affected by a condition with a spell, add extra damage dice equal to half the original damage die rolled rounded down to the damage rolls. At level 17, double the original number of damage dice instead. For example, you attack a prone creature when you are level 12 with Contagion at 6th level, they take 5d10 plus an extra 2d10 due to this feature.

Fanatical Belief

Your worship of your Deity is so strong you bend laws of time, space, and causality at the price of your sanity. At level 8, when you cast a spell you may roll the maximum number. After you cast a spell using this feature, you must make a make a wisdom saving throw against a DC equal 12 + Spell level. Cantrips count as 0 in terms of spell level. If you fail, you are considered to be under the effects of short-term madness. Each turn, you may use your action to try and break free. You do not become immune to this feature by using the Outer One's Boon.

The Herald's Call

You have grown into your position as a Herald and now bestow upon your ignorant lessers the blessings and favors of your Deity. Once per week as an action, at 17th level, you can enter an unbreakable trance that only you can end to call upon your connection to your Outer God(s) for 1 minute to bestow through you to all allies within a hundred feet:

  • Your allies have advantage on attacks, checks, and saves.
  • Your allies gain resistance to psychic damage and are immune to the Fear and Charmed Conditions.
  • Your allies AC is increased by 2 and gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom Modifier x 5. The temporary hitpoints refresh every round.
  • Your allies are treated as Aberrations for their creature types while under the effect of this feature. If they drop down to 0 hitpoints, they do not drop unconscious and make their death saves at the end of their turn.
  • Your allies lose 2 of their hit die and roll them for self-damage ignoring their temporary hitpoints at the beginning of each round.

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