Centifolk (5e Race)

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Physical Description

Centipeople have the appearance of a humanoid centipede. All thirty of their legs can be used as either hands or feet, usually using their front legs as arms most of the time. A Centiperson has very poor eyesight and will typically view things with their antennae.


Not only are The Centipeople solitary, they are also very territorial and will fight any of their kind that come near. Being carnivorous, they have to compete for resources and don't see themselves as suited for a hive society. Centipeople will commit cannibalism without question.

Centiperson Names

Like most insect or arachnid creatures, Centipeople have trouble forming common words. As such, most creatures have trouble pronouncing Centipeople names.

Male: Ktsh, Vrkc, Qhtt

Female: Xrch, Shxsh, Chk

Centiperson Traits

Human Centipede
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. 500-600 years
Alignment. Chaotic Neutral
Size. Medium
Speed. 30 ft, climbing 30 ft
Appendages. You can use your arms to make two bonus actions on your turn. These could include moving, interacting with an object, or making an attack.
Wall Crawl. You can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings while leaving your hands free. Also, difficult terrain doesn't affect you.
Mandibles. If a creature is within 5 ft of you, you can use your action to bite them, causing 1d6 piercing damage
Frightening Appearance. You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks, except for intimidation (which you are proficient in)
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Thri-Kreen, as well as understand common.


Ability Score Increase. Drop the Dexterity improvement for an additional Constitution point

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a Centiperson, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I have gorged my fill on human flesh and now seek new delicacies
2 A mandibular deformity gives my gestures an unusual tone
3 I feel some guilt whenever I kill a creature I cannot eat immediately
4 My dangerous life means my plans don’t extend past the next month at most
5 I experience bursts of strong emotion in the presence of music that sounds like clicking
6 I adapt whatever clothes, jewelry, and armor made for other races I can find to my form
7 When I meet sentients that my ancestors knew, clutch-memory goes into full effect
8 I treat vicious carnivores as inherently superior to those without
d6 Ideal
1 Competition. Sentients must be ranked according to physical and mental ability. (Lawful)
2 Power. I must challenge anyone who would command me. I obey only the strong. (Chaotic)
3 Specialization. Gaining new skills guarantees my usefulness. (Good)
4 Survival. My survival is more important than others life. (Neutral)
5 Self-Sacrifice. I have survived far too long. (Neutral)
6 Power. Life is short, and I will grab all I can in that time. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 There is only myself and my prey.
2 I need to find a breeding partner and complete the appropriate ceremonial displays.
3 I am interested in experiencing the religious zeal that other sentients undergo. I hope their gods understand mandibular clicks.
4 I inherited enigmatic clutch memories that I must investigate and comprehend.
5 I wish to seek the parents who abandoned me.
6 I see all creatures as creatures, not just food.
d6 Flaw
1 Do not prevent me from eating at least a piece of any edible creature I kill. You will regret it.
2 Concepts like the difference between “always” and “sometimes” baffle me. Other races are so inconsistent!
3 I cheat in any kind of contest, as I always put both strength and mental prowess to their fullest use.
4 I am uncomfortable staying in the same permanent shelter for more than a week. I am meant to wander.
5 Clutch-memory haunts me with the ghosts of my forebears and all that they suffered.
6 I treat one common race as if they are not sentients, based on one unfortunate encounter.
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