Dracochampion (5e Feat)

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Revision as of 02:45, 29 October 2020 by King Kawaii Kun (talk | contribs)
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Prerequisites: Dragonborn Race, 5th level or higher
Increase your Strength, Constitution, or Charisma by 1, up to maximum of 20.

You can use your fearsome draconic ancestry to dominate the battlefield, either by using ancestral damage to destroy opponents, or just simply cause them to run in fear from your dragonic power.

  • The first ability is to use a bonus action to add a damage die to your attack's damage. The damage type is the same as your ancestry. (E.G. Black is Acid, Red is Fire, etc.). Alternatively, you may spend a use of your breath weapon to add its damage to the attack rather than the die roll. The die used is scaled with level: 1d4 at 1st, 1d6 at 11th.
  • The second ability is to use Frightening Presence after you kill or make an enemy fall unconscious. This ability is used as a free action. Up to three enemies within 60 feet that can see or hear you must make a Wisdom Save (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Strength or Charisma, your choice) or be frightened. They may make an additional save to end the effect at the end of their turn, and if they succeed, they are no longer frightened, and they are immune to this ability for 24 hours.

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