Fennak (5e Race)

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What creatures have fur in the desert even...?

Physical Description[edit]

Fennak are fox-like humanoids that are known to roam the more arid parts of the world. They have a thin layer of fur covering their bodies, with the furriest being a bushy tail at their backside. This pelt is known to be light so it does not absorb too much heat from the sun. Fennaks have faces like that of a fennec fox, with a smaller snout and closer features than a normal fox. Fennak also have larger ears than your typical fox humanoid like the vulpimaster. These ears not only enhance their senses, they also help the body put off excess heat.

Fennak typically wear almost no clothing. Tribal jewelry with scraps to cover their essentials is usually what is common among their tribes in the arid deserts of the world. However, some have been known to populate the mountainous regions just outside the reaches of these deserts as well. There, they usually wear more clothing, as temperatures can reach below freezing (-16°C). Their clothing is usually not very colorful, consisting of tanned skins and some natural dyes and feathers.


The fennak are peoples who originally migrated downwards from the Spine of the World. Their origin is murky, but it is said that when the Feywild first opened, there were minor vortices present in their location of ancestry. These vortices allowed some animal-shapeshifting fey through. The planeswalkers were initially trapped in this realm due to the closing of vortices, particularly the unstable ones. Thus, some survived through their wit whilst others perished. Fennak are believed to be descendants of the ones who survived in that location. They have since relocated to the warmer parts of the world, though some choose to remain in the climate of their origin.


A typical fennak tribe lives within nomadic structures that move about the desert. They usually follow the patterns of the area, looking for oases, trading posts, and movements of herds and predatory creatures of the sands like the tlincalli. Fennak tepees are very mobile. Most families reside in one, but the chief fennak has a yurt. The chief is a highly decorated fennak in both battle and wits, and they usually appoint the guards in the tribe, and appropriation of other tasks. Guards are a very broad term for the strongarm of fennak society, and they are a respected position. Fennak guards who show distinction may be viable to become chiefs.

Fennak young are called pups, and they become able to join the guards around the age of thirteen. There is preference for male young versus female offspring, since there is a common superstition of males making better guards. However, in their history, there have been plenty of wise female chiefs. As the test to appoint a new chief relies not only on brute strength but also the strategy to fake out an opponent, there is no clear limitation of chiefdom for either of the sexes.

Fennak Names[edit]

Names in a tribe are distinguished by family, which precedes the child's given name. Upon reaching adolescence, the tribe collectively assigns the young adult a third portion to their name as a mark of maturity. These names are not classified by gender.

Family Name: Aldr, Fath, York, Ilth

Given Name: Gasha, Ko, Pikel, Nehm

Maturity Name: Darash, Gaba, Thoth, Eban

Fennak Traits[edit]

Big-eared fox people
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Constitution increases by 2.
Age. A pup matures at 13. They can live for about 40 years until they are elderly. The oldest fennak lived for about 60 years.
Alignment. Fennak are faithful to their tribe and respect the laws usually. But some are neutral about outsiders.
Size. The usual size for a fennak is around 5 to 6 feet and rarely much taller. They appear thin but are actually quite well built. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Sensitive Ears. Your big ears are satellite dishes for sound. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks using your hearing.
Adaptive. You can adapt to cold or hot temperatures based on your ancestry. Choose either the snow coat or ear-conditioned trait.
Snow Coat. You are unaffected by difficult terrain that is caused by snow, ice and similar phenomena. Additionally, you are immune to the effects of Extreme Cold, as detailed on page 110 of the DMG.
Ear-Conditioned. You are unaffected by difficult terrain caused by sand and similar loose materials. Additionally, you are immune to the effects of Extreme Heat, as detailed on page 110 of the DMG.
Preservative Metabolism. Living in such harsh conditions has strengthened your ability to go without food. You require half as much food and water per day as a normal creature your size.
Guard Training. Fennak are trained from young ages to have prowess with some weapons. You are proficient with quarterstaffs and scimitars.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 0'' +1d12 120 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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