Death from the Heavens (5e Spell)

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High Ancient Strike
9th-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

With an ancient spell you unleash the whole power of the elements.

The High Ancient Strike is a Magister Magi spell that uses the class's Elemental Mage feature to decide the type of damage the Ancient Strike causes. The caster recites an ancient spell bringing out the true power of one of the elements they choose. This ancient spell can be molded into an area or be directed to a creature. The caster aims the spell at another creature, which must make a Dexterity (Constitution against cold, thunder, radiant, necrotic, and poison) saving throw, taking 15d12 of damage of the type of energy the caster chooses when casting the spell (out of the two choices from the Elemental Mage feature) on a failed saving throw, and half damage on a success.

If you make the spell into an area, the area is a circle of 100 ft diameters. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity (Constitution against cold, thunder, radiant, necrotic, and poison) saving throw, suffering 15d6 of damage of the type of energy the caster chooses when casting the spell (out of the two choices from the Elemental Mage feature) on a failure, and half that damage on a success.

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