Phantom (4e Race)

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Lost souls that have been denied rest.

Racial Traits
Average Height: Varies
Average Weight: 10-50 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence or Charisma, +2 from Past Life
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, one from past life
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Stealth
Past Life: Select a race that lacks the Undead keyword. You are considered a member of that race for the purpose of meeting prerequisites, such as feat or paragon path prerequisites. You also select one ability score bonus open to your past life and gain it (example: past life is a Goliath, so you can choose to get +2 to Strength or to Constitution).
Chill of the Grave: You have resistance to cold damage equal to 5+1/2 your level.
Undead Keyword: Being an undead grants you the following traits:
You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe (although this fact grants you no resistances or immunities).
You need only 4 hours to benefit from an extended rest.
When you roll a death saving throw you can take the better of your die roll or 10 as the result. You still die when your hit points are dropped to their bloodied value expressed as a negative number.
Undead Resistances: You are immune to disease and have resistance to poison and necrotic damage equal to 1/2 your level.
Ethereality: You get a +1 racial bonus to your fortitude defense.
Ghostwalk: You can use the Ghostwalk racial power.

Ghostwalk Phantom Racial Power
You fade from sight and from tangibility.
Standard Action Personal
Requirement: You must be hidden, invisible, insubstantial, or phasing.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn or until you hit with an attack, your speed becomes 5, you become invisible, phasing, insubstantial, and weakened. You cannot walk through magical defenses with this power.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists and you take 10 damage that cannot be reduced in any way.

<!- Fluff. ->

Play a Phantom if you want...

  • To be an undead being trying to find rest.
  • To be able to walk through walls.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Psion, Rogue and Warlock classes.

Physical Qualities

Phantoms visually and mentally resemble whatever they used to be, but their bodies are gone. They are mostly solid, but are translucent, and give off a slight aura of cold. Very few remember how they died, and most have sizable gaps in their memories. Of the few who do remember their own deaths, most go insane very quickly. Due to their lack of body heat or need to breathe, and their close connection to death, they are uncannily good at remaining unseen, and psychic powers are more common among them. Some few phantoms don't remember what they were, and due to this lack of knowledge take a form of their choosing.

Playing a Phantom

Phantoms usually do in death what they do in life, sometimes oblivious to even their own undeath. Those that don't follow this path often find themselves trying to complete what they regret not finishing, or trying to find their graves. Those that remember how they died commonly try to cope with it, though few succeed in this endeavor. Those that fail, almost without exception, go insane. Those that do come to terms generally go on to do what their whims tell them. Most invariably go by what they were originally known as, though they may take an alias, for varied reasons.

Phantom Characteristics: Bitter, Cold, Collected, Dead, Obsessive, Serious

Names: Anguish, Calm, Chaos, Chill, Coranti, Fury, Ghost, Justice, Kylar, Lost, Mercy, Regret, Retibution, Silence, Trauma, Truth, Vengeance

Phantom Adventurers

Three sample Phantom adventurers are described below.

Anguish is a Phantom warlock, who used to be a human by the name of Alan. He doesn't remember how he died, but he knows who killed him, and he's out to exact his revenge, having joined an adventuring group to aid in this task.

Coranti is a Phantom rogue. He doesn't remember what he was, but this hasn't stopped him from enjoying his undeath. He went on a crime spree and got arrested, only to discover that he couldn't walk through the wall. He is now with an adventuring group on parole, and is hating every minute of it.

Silence is a Phantom psion who used to be an Eladrin. In life, she was notorious as a swordswoman, however, she was poisoned in a duel, and had to way to cure herself. She now seeks to bring an end to the dishonorable genasi responsible for her death, seeking him with an unhealthy fervor.

Racial Options

Paragon Paths: Dead Walker, Vengeful Soul

Paragon Tier Feats: Poltergeist, Fast Walk

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