Dungeoneer and Dragon Killer (5e Subclass)

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Dungeoneer and Dragon Killer

Fighter Subclass

Adventurers come in all shapes and sizes, with all sorts of abilities and powers. But few return to their roots, dungeon clearing and dragon hunting. These brave warriors fight all that lie in diabolical dungeons, avoid and detect traps, slaughter mobs of enemies and singular foes alike.

Master Dungeoneer

At 3rd level you are a seasoned veteran of exploring cavernous expanses. You can seamlessly draw maps of dungeons and you have developed a knack for learning traps and other such things. You gain advantage on sensing traps and avoiding traps. In addition, you gain a +5 to saving throws and to detecting traps you’ve encountered before.

In addition, you gain access to the mage hand cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Dragon Slayer

By 7th level you have discovered your niche, to destroy dragons and other creatures that lie within dungeons. You have advantage on tracking and locating creatures you have previously found in dungeons, as well as dragons. You have advantage on Intelligence (History) checks to learn or remember information about them. You also learn how speak, write and read in draconic.

When rolling a saving throw throw to avoid area of attack abilities and spells from a draconic foe, you take no damage on a successful save, and half damage on a failed save.

Room Clearer

When you reach the 10th level, you’ve fought in the worst odds and always come out on top. When you roll initiative and your party is outnumbered, you gain advantage on your initiative roll. Also, whenever you are outnumbered you can make one additional attack when you take the Attack action.

Additionally, you have a +1 to all combat related rolls.

Boss Destroyer

Starting at 15th level, you can avoid every trap, slaughter every minion, face down any magical threat, but they are paltry compared to the boss at the end, the true evil you must destroy.

When you roll initiative, you may choose to focus down a creature. When a creature is focused, you learn its vulnerabilities, resistances, immunities, any languages, any ways of movement, if their hit points are higher than yours, and if their ac is higher than yours. In addition, you have advantage on attacks against them, and +5 on saves against them. You roll an additional die of damage on damage rolls.

The Master of Dungeons and Dragons

When you reach the 18th level, through battle and bloodshed you have mastered the defeating of foes and maneuvering their sinister lairs. You yourself have become part dungeon and part dragon. Whenever you enter a dungeon you may attempt to connect with it. You must roll an Charisma saving throw against the spirit of the dungeon, the older and more powerful the dungeon the higher the DC will be. On a success you control part of the dungeon, you may find yourself ushered towards where you want to go, creatures in it may choose to side with you or be non hostile, traps may not go off or set themselves off at enemies.

Dragons can feel your presence resonating within you, they see you as a kindred spirit of sorts. You have advantage on Charisma checks when speaking to them, and can even subjugate them to your will with proper Charisma (Intimidation) checks.

In addition, you gain +1 AC from pseudo scales, and can use a young adult dragon's breath attack. Once you use this breath attack, you can't do it again until you finish a short or a long rest.

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