Book Dragon (5e Race)

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Book Dragon

These small dragons have amazing abilities throughout my years of studying them, and talking to them. They are in fact able to manipulate magic to cast powerful spells, and they have the ability to change their size from a creature that is the size of a book, to a large majestic beast standing ten feet tall, and they can become someone’s familiar. its truly fascinating these little dragons, but two questions evades me; What is their original names, and who made them. These questions eludes me, but they apparently like the name book dragon for some reason, maybe it has some correlation to whom created them, but my time in the feywild is coming to an end, and soon I’ll have to leave, and head back home. I will back to see you all again.
—Journal entry 37# - Baxter The IV.

Physical Description

Appearance. Book dragons can take on the looks of many appearances held by other dragons with alterations of its own, but their small form is usually around the size of 2ft, and weighing around 30lbs. While in big form they can range from 8ft-12ft in size and weigh roughly 900lbs.


They originally are from the feywild they managed to get into the material plane through a planarian portal, but they can make great pets, friends, or familiars. They are usually hard to find, mostly only being run across by magic users themselves. They have two sizes they can change in and out of... though they mostly prefer small form. They are natural spell casters.


Book Dragon Names



Book Dragon Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your ability score can increase in any combination, using up to three points.
Age. They reach the ability to have mental conversations, and able to think about what's going on in the world around them after 7 days of being born. Reaches physical maturity at 80 years and live around 500.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 5ft, and you have a flying speed of 10ft in small form. In big form you have a base walking speed of 30ft, and your flying speed is 60ft.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen senses. You have advantage on Perception (checks) that requires hearing or smelling.
Telepathic communication. You can't speak any language. Instead you can telepathically communicate with anything that knows at least one language, and you can communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. so long as it can understand a language. but you can understand languages you do know and can read languages you know.
Claw attack. This attack can be use to make a claw attack on something no greater then 5ft away. At level 1 in small form this attack does 1+ Dexterity Mod + proficiency bonus. You add 1 more damage to the attack when you reach 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. At level 1 In big form this attack does 1d6+ Strength Mod + proficiency bonus. You add an extra d6 to the damage roll when you reach 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. This attack costs 1 action.
Tail Attack. This attack can reach up to 10ft away but only in Big form. At level 1 in small form this attack does 1+ Dexterity Mod + proficiency bonus. You add 1 more damage to the attack when you reach 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. At level 1 In big form this attack does 1d4 + Strength Mod + proficiency bonus. You add an extra d4 to the damage roll when you reach 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. This attack costs 1 Action.
Multiattack. You have the multiattack ability, you can make two Claw attacks, a Claw attack and a Tail attack, or two Tail attacks. This costs 1 Action.
Damage Resistance. You have resistance to the damage type of your Draconic ancestry.
Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your Draconic ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage of the exhalation. When you use your breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + Your constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, 5d6 at 16th level, and 6d6 at 20th level. (In small form the breath attack damage becomes halved when failed, and quarter when successful)
Forms. The book Dragon can take two sizes each size provides their bonuses and weakness. It takes an action to change size.

Big form. You change to a size of a large creature. In this form your able to carry two people on your back in this form. You have disadvantage on all stealth checks. And you can't naturally fit through spaces that only a creature of medium size or smaller can go through. You can also only change this size if the area is big enough for a large creature to fit in, and you can change into this form at any time as long as you're not restrained, grappled, or have something preventing you from doing some form of movement like having cuffs on, or having armor on in small form. As well, your natural AC in this form is 10 + strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Small form. Your size is small in this form. You can fit into spaces that allow creatures small or bigger to fit in/through. You have disadvantage on all strength checks and saving throws in this form. You can change into this form at any time as long as your not restrained, grappled, or have something preventing you from doing some form of movement like having cuffs on, or having armor on in big form. Your natural AC in this form is 10 + Dexterity Modifier + proficiency bonus.
Unique. Due to you not being a humanoid and unable to wield weapons properly. You can't use normal weapons and armor, or gear such as a backpack.
Languages. You can read and understand Draconic, Common, and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Black, blue, brass, bronze, copper, gold, green, red, silver, white, and purple.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 5 by 30 foot area, dealing acid damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing acid damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 5 by 30 foot area dealing lightning damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing lightning damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 5 by 30 foot area, dealing fire damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing fire damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 5 by 30 foot area, dealing lightning damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing lightning damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 5 by 30 foot area, dealing acid damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing acid damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing fire damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing fire damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing poison damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing poison damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing fire damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing fire damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing cold damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing cold damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing cold damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 5 by 5 area, dealing cold damage.


Large Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your large form. You spit in a 15 foot cone, dealing psychic damage.
Small Breath. This is only able to be used when you are in your small form. You spit in a 10 foot cone dealing psychic damage.
Mental attack.. The DC for the Psychic damage is 8 + Wisdom modifier + proficiency bonus; And the saving throw becomes Wisdom.

Random Height and Weight

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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