Possesion Doll (5e Race)

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Possesion Doll

Physical Description

A possession doll looks exactly like a normal doll (you choose). All possession dolls have sinister looking eyes, their eyes do not inspire confidence, in fact it can be creepy for some people. Possession dolls tend to be short sized (you know, they are all dolls). With small limbs that prevent them from walking on their own without difficulty


The origins of a possession doll are certainly unknown, it is not known where they come from, but its history if known, possession dolls are dedicated to taking the body of other beings, few people have seen them or suffered one of their sinister possessions, but those who talk about it do not count it as a pleasant experience. There are also stories that tell how from one day to another a possession doll became a normal doll without any explanation.


The possession doll society doesn' exist, they live and act on their own to obtain their goals, they rarely see each other, but if it happens they probably would not interact with each other if their life goals do not demand it.

Possesion Doll Names

Male: Bobby, Marty, Chucky, Billy, Buddy... (always ends with a "y")

Female: Sally, Molly, Carry, Belly, Mary... (always ends with a "y")

Possesion Doll Traits

Smart and clever dolls looking to take a body to achieve their goal
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Possession dolls can live from one day to thousands of years, it all depends on when they achieve their life goals
Alignment. Possession dolls tend to be chaotic neutrals, they can be good or evil, but they are never legal.
Size. Possession dolls have a maximum size of 3 feet. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 15 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Friend of darkness. You develop better in dark places than in daylight, during the day the enemies will have an advantage in attacks to attack you, at night or in dark places you have an advantage in Stealth rolls.
Cursed Eyes. Your cursed eyes have 5 charges, you recover 1 charges in a short rest, you recover all your charges in a long rest, this allows you to sleep and control other living things.
Sleep. As an action choose 1 creature you can see, the creature must make a DC 10 + your Intelligence modifier of wisdom. In a failed save the target falls asleep and you consume 1 charge of cursed eyes. The creature is asleep magically, it can only wake up by repeating the previous Wisdom roll at the beginning of each of its turns. If it succeed at any time the Wisdom roll will not be affected by the dream of this ability until one day has elapsed.
Possession. As an action, choose 1 creature you can see, the creature must make a DC 8 + your Wisdom Intelligence modifier. In a failed save, the objective can be controlled and you can use their body instead of yours, with their identical stats (except the Intelligence and Wisdom that will be yours), you also consume 2 charges of cursed eyes for using this successfully. The target creature must have a CR below your character level for possession to take effect. Possession remains one day or until the possessed creature receives damage, once the possession is over, the creature will have no memories of what you have controlled and what you have done to it while it was under the effects of possession. You cannot control the same objective a second time anymore, you cannot control two objectives at the same time.
Languages. You can read and write Common, but you can only telepathically speak to creatures at 15 while you are with your doll body. In another possessed body you can speak normally.

Random Height and Weight

1′ 0'' +2d10 1 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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