Duelist, Yugioh (5e Class)

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Keep in mind most of these things are still being ironed out, but you should be able to use your actual deck irl (if you have one) without link monsters since those would overly complicate things. When using a deck, you have your main deck and extra deck.

Power Within

Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, ancient Egyptian kings played games of great and terrible power. But these Shadow Games caused a war which threatened to destroy the entire world, until a brave young Pharaoh sealed the magic away within the seven mystical Millennium Items.

Creating a Duelist

Quick Build

You can make a Duelist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the Chaotic alignment. Duelists rarely stick to one standard, excluding the main characters in each of the shows. They need to ensure their game is performing at its peak.

Class Features

As a Duelist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Duelist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Duelist level after 1st


Armor: Light and Medium
Weapons: Simple
Tools: Gaming Sets, Tinkerer's Tools
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Dexterity
Skills: Pick Two: Arcana, Sleight of Hand, Intimidation, Performance, Survival, Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Duel Disk (required to summon monsters)
  • Duel Deck (required to use the class)
  • (a) Explorer's pack or (b) Dungeoneer's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d100 in funds.

Table: The Duelist

Level Proficiency
Life Points (LP) Features Spell/Trap Zones Monster Zones
1st +2 400 It's Time to Duel 3 3
2nd +2 800 Special Summoning Technique 3 3
3rd +2 1200 Heightened Summoning Prowess 3 3
4th +2 1600 Ability Score Improvement, Dueling Playstyle Manifestation 3 3
5th +3 2000 Battlefield Terraforming 3 3
6th +3 2400 Duelist Skill 3 3
7th +3 2800 Spell/Trap Protection 4 4
8th +3 3200 Ability Score Improvement, Evolved Extra Deck 4 4
9th +4 3600 Deck Master 4 4
10th +4 4000 Additional Deck,Extra Attack 4 4
11th +4 4400 Destiny Draw 4 4
12th +4 4800 Ability Score Improvement, Hologram Manipulation 4 4
13th +5 5200 Competitive Flare 4 4
14th +5 5600 Ancient Roots 4 4
15th +5 6000 Match Dueling 5 5
16th +5 6400 Ability Score Improvement, Sharpened Playstyle 5 5
17th +6 6800 Greater Monster Coordination 5 5
18th +6 7200 Summoning Mastery 5 5
19th +6 7600 Ability Score Improvement, Precision Dueling 5 5
20th +6 8000 King of Games 5 5

It's Time to Duel

Starting at 1st level, anything involving battle will have you use your Duel Disk and Duel Deck. You are considered proficient when using these items. Note that you cannot change your first deck's cards unless you get new cards during the campaign.

When entering a battle, you go into your Duel Mode. You draw your starting hand (5 cards from your Main Deck. However, having more than 6 cards in hand at the end of your turn will require you to discard cards of your choice until you have 6 cards in hand.) and can Normal Summon 1 Level 1-4 monster without tribute per turn as a bonus action. Every start of your turn, as a free action, you must draw 1 card. Additionally, you can only use 3 spells and trap zones per entire battle regardless of card effects. You can only Normal Summon 1 monster per turn (unless by using a spell or trap card that says otherwise.) and can control said monster at will without concentration. When you would Summon a monster, treat it as a friendly NPC with the following:

1. Lv/Rank 1-4 monsters have an AC of 10.

2. Lv/Rank 5-6 monsters have an AC of 15.

3. Lv/Rank 7 and above monsters have an AC of 20 unless stated otherwise.

The following effects are put into place while you are in Duel Mode:

1. Your Monsters will occupy the "zones" by being placed 5 ft apart from each other in a row that is also 5 ft away from you. They cannot move out of a 30 ft cube around the "zone" they occupy, and will automatically return to their original "zone" at the end of your turn.

2. Your Monsters do not stay out while you are moving, and will re-emerge when you stop moving. Keep in mind that this means that you are susceptible to Opportunity Attacks while moving.

You can choose to Normal Summon/Set a monster in Attack/Defense position (You cannot Set a monster in face-down Attack Position, or Normal Summon a monster in face-up Defense Position unless the card states otherwise.) on your turn. As a bonus action, you can switch your monster's battle position as long as you did not already change its Position or Normal Summon that monster this turn. As for any monster, spell, or trap effects, you activate those as normal and follow their effects, however, they cannot affect your teammates until 11th level. Commanding your monster to attack will be your attack action. If a creature is to target you for attacks, your monster will instead take the attack for you. If a monster is attacked and the attacking creature is not strong enough to destroy your monster, your monster instead initiates a counter-attack with Disadvantage.

The DEF of the monster become their HP without the thousands or hundreds-place. The same goes for their ATK. (Ex: "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" has 3000 attack points and 2500 defense points, so its HP would be 25 and it would do 30 points of damage. "Dark Magician" has 2500 attack points and 2100 defense points, so its attack would deal 25 points of damage while its HP would be 21) Your opponent MUST destroy your monster(s) before attacking you. If an opposing creature does any piercing damage (magical or otherwise) The difference is dealt to your Life Points (LP). Likewise, any effect that would deal damage to any opposing creature is also cut down to scale (Ex: If an effect would deal 2000 damage, it instead does 20).

If there is an effect that would raise a monster's ATK or DEF, add it accordingly. And as for any negate effect from a monster, spell, or trap card, use it as if you were casting Counter Spell. Additionally, if you are to activate a spell or trap card and an opponent uses Counter Spell that spell card is negated and destroyed. For a card that would outright destroy a monster (unless it is your own monster), they turn into a fiend with Fright. Lastly, for any banishment cards and effects, the monster (unless it is your own monsters that are banished) is sent away. However, if you run out of life points or if the battle ended and they were banished, they come back to the same space and condition they were in upon banishment.

Tribute Summoning level 5 and higher monsters require you to send your already summoned monsters to the graveyard to summon (this is treated as a Normal Summon). If a monster can only be Special Summoned from the hand with a specific requirement, the summon is treated as a Free Action. At this level, you cannot Special Summon from the Main Deck. Only from the hand and GY with/in regards to effects.

If your monster is destroyed by battle and sent to your graveyard instead, you lose Life Points (LP). When your life points run out, you cannot draw cards at the start of your turn, or if you are knocked out, you cannot summon monsters for the duration of the battle. Your Life points subtract by 250 for each monster destroyed by battle and any direct attack made on you while in duel mode subtracts from your HP and not from your life points. You cannot special summon at this level.

At the end of a battle, your deck is reset back to normal and all your monsters, spells, and traps are returned to your Duel Deck.

Any instant win conditions that are met must be held for 5 turns without taking damage or the instant win will fail to resolve. (Ex: Having all 5 pieces of Exodia must be held for at least 5 turns. Upon taking damage, the entire win is nullified and the instant win cannot be retried for the rest of the battle.)

Special Summoning Technique

The inner machinations of your deck have come to new light. You can now special summon monsters from your Main Deck when any effects would apply that would Special Summon from the Main Deck starting at 2nd Level.

Heightened Summoning Prowess

Greater power within your deck has been awakened. You can now utilize an Extra Deck of 15 cards that remain outside of your Main Deck. You are now allowed to Fusion Summon monsters (by using appropriate materials and a proper "Fusion" or "Polymerization" card, or by using the monsters on the field for a Contact Fusion, in which you don't use "Polymerization"), and you may select a secondary form of Extra Deck Summoning to apply in duels:

XYZ Summon

With this Summon, you can overlay 2 monsters (or more depending on the XYZ card) that you control and that are the same level to activate the overlay network (Ex: Number 39 Utopia is a rank 4 monster, so to XYZ summon him, the 2 monsters that are used have to be level 4). When doing this, the sky opens up a dimensional one-way door where your monster will enter from. You can only control 1 XYZ monster at a time. If you are able to XYZ summon a monster using another XYZ monster as material for the summon, the previous monster disappears as the new one is summoned (Ex: Number C39 Utopia can be summoned by overlaying it on a rank 4 Utopia monster). The old monster and its materials become materials of the new monster. If your XYZ monster is destroyed but is Summoned back by a card effect, (Ex: Monster reborn) it doesn't regain the materials that it lost.

Synchro Summon

With this Summon, you can use a Tuner monster (required depending on the monster's summoning condition) to tune up your monster and synchro summon. To synchro summon, the levels of your tributed monsters must equal the level of your synchro monster EXACTLY. (Ex: Stardust Dragon is a level 8 Synchro monster, so you would need a Tuner and non-Tuner monster whose levels added together would equal 8 exactly. No more, no less.) When you would synchro summon, both monsters used as material for the Summon are sent to your graveyard while a beam of light brings your monster into existence.

Pendulum Summon

With this Summon, you can use your monsters and place them in separate zones to create a pendulum scale. Pendulum zones are not on the field which means these monsters cannot attack or be attacked. However, since they are treated as spell cards, Counter Spell can negate when they would pendulum summon a monster. To pendulum summon, you need to have 2 pendulum monsters in their respective pendulum zones to set up a pendulum scale. When you would pendulum summon, the level of the monster has to be between the 2 numbers that make up the scale (Ex: if my pendulum scale is 1 and 10, then you can only Pendulum Summon monsters whose levels are 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Link Summon

(NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NORMAL GAMEPLAY: USE AT OWN DISCRETION.) With this Summon, you can use any 2 monsters, send them to the GY, and Link Summon a monster into an Extra Deck Zone, which you have access to 1 ED Zone. Using the Arrows on Link Monsters, you can link them up for further plays or even co-link them by making their arrows point at each other.

These Extra Deck monsters still take up your monster zones.

Dueling Playstyle Manifestation

You've picked up a certain feel for what you want in your experience with Duel Monsters. starting at 3rd Level, you now have access to a Dueling Playstyle Subclass to set up and manifest. Choose one from the list below. It can be switched at any time.

Tempo Style: You enjoy keeping up with your opponent and playing for the long game. When the round count is above 5, all monsters you control gain 1000 ATK/DEF. You can also gain 500 LP up to three times when a monster you control is destroyed. Replenishes after a Short Rest.

Speed Style: You see it necessary to eliminate the opponent ASAP. While the round count is below 5, all monsters you control gain 1000 ATK/DEF. You can also pay 1000 LP to either; Turn 1 monster you control into a Tuner monster, change the Level of a monster to match another monster's Level in your hand or on your field, or set the lower end of your Pendulum Scale to 0, all of which last until the end of the turn and cannot be used until your next Short Rest.

Beatdown Style: You seek to crush your foes with sheer power alone. Gain +2 Constitution and replace your Proficiency in Dexterity with Proficiency in Constitution. Once per turn, you can also target 1 enemy creature, pay 500 LP, and if you do; that creature is Frightened until the end of combat. Your monsters gain 1500 ATK when they battle a Frightened creature.

Sacrificial Style: You don't care how many resources you expend to get the job done, as long as the job gets done. If you have 3 or more cards in your hand: You may take 1d6 HP damage to discard 1 of those cards up to twice per battle (this is treated as a card effect). If you do not have any cards in your hand or 10 cards in your GY or Banished Zone; Your monsters gain 500 ATK/DEF.

Control Style: You want to make sure the opponent cannot do anything about your plays, and also keep them from making theirs. You start off with 1000 more LP each battle. Once per turn, if an opponent would cast a spell that would result in your card getting negated; you can pay 1000 LP to negate that spell instead. Whenever you negate another spell or attack; gain 500 LP and give your monsters 500 ATK/DEF for the duration of the battle.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Battlefield Terraforming

Your dueling skills are strong enough to manipulate the very world around you. Starting at 4th Level, you can activate field spells from your hand and shift the terrain around you. It surrounds the current battling area for the duration of the battle (unless destroyed by a spell or if life points run out). This will also set the terrain to be leveled-out and perfectly flat, removing Difficult Terrain for all entities.

Duelist Skill

At level 5, your cards aren't the only things with magical power. Choose one skill from the choices below. You may change these as you like outside of combat and during Rests:

LP Boost Alpha- Before the battle begins, you gain 1000 extra LP.

Attack Boost Beta- Before the battle begins, your monsters gain an additional 1000 ATK.

Defense Boost Omega- Before the battle begins, your monsters gain an additional 1000 DEF.

As you continue, you get 1 new skill option for each Duelist Level past 5, up to Level 13.

6. Attack Charge: Once per Battle, give 1 monster ATK equal to the turn count x 200..

7. Life Charge: Once per Battle, gain LP equal to the turn count x 200.

8. Extra Burn: Whenever you inflict damage with a card effect, deal an extra 1d10 damage.

9. Slow Burn: at the start of your turn, deal 1d10 damage to an enemy creature.

10. Unison: Once per turn, give all of your monsters 100 ATK x the number of monsters you control.

11. Endless Trap Hell: Every trap card you activate deals 2 damage to all enemy creatures, and you can use an infinite amount of trap effects.

12. Early Grave: Choose 1 monster in your deck at the start of your first turn; send it to the GY as long as all other monsters in your Main/Extra/Side deck are all the same attribute.

13. Dimension Travel: Choose 1 monster in your deck at the start of your first turn; banish it as long as all other monsters in your Main/Extra/Side deck are all the same attribute.

Spell/Trap Protection

You have brought yourself to the level of being able to prevent your backrow from destruction. Starting at 6th level, you can now pay 500 life points to stop a spell/trap card you control from being destroyed (but not negated). You can only do this 5 times per long rest, half rounded down on a Short Rest.

Evolved Extra Deck

Your power has grown once more. At 7th level, you may choose another Extra Deck Summoning Technique (listed at 3rd level). You can also control up to 2 Extra Deck Monsters on your field.

Deck Master

At 8th level, your bond is strong with your cards as a whole, but one of those cards is closer to you than anyone could comprehend. Choose one monster in your main deck, this monster becomes your deck master. You can summon your deck master at any time during your turn as a bonus action. If your deck master is destroyed by any means, at any time, you lose all your life points and your duel disk deactivates.

Additional Deck

Is your deck not as good as you hoped? Well at 9th level, you can now add an entirely different deck to your arsenal. With this new deck, you choose a new deck master for this one too. Any cards that you would want for this deck do not have to be previously in your character's possession.

Extra Attack

At 10th level, one other monster can attack as a part of your action.

Destiny Draw

At 11th Level, even your deck can hear your desire to win. During battle, once per long rest, IF your HP and/or LP are below 50% of their maximum amount; You can choose any card to draw on your next turn instead of your normal draw as a free action.

Hologram Manipulation

Your savvy-ness with your Duel Disk has allowed you to work around the hologram's coding. At 12th level, you can use spell, trap, and monster effects on your allies, both in-and-out of combat.

Competitive Flare

Your kindling flame keeps you moving forward into the big leagues. Starting at 13th level, During the start of your turn, you can get a new ability depending on your Dueling Playstyle.

Tempo Style: Once per long rest, you can set your initiative to match one of your other allies. Your starting hand becomes 4 for this battle.

Speed Style: Gain +2 to your initiative while this is selected as your Playstyle.

Beatdown Style: You become resistant to Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning damage.

Sacrificial Style: During your turn, if you have 10 or more cards in your GY, you can roll 3d6 and add the result to your HP as Temporary Hit Points for the rest of the battle.

Control Style: Once per battle, the first casted spell or spell card activated by an enemy creature is negated if that creature fails a DC 15 Intelligence save.

Ancient Roots

At 14th level, your connection to ancient energy has flourished. You can set your HP to 0 to Summon your Deck Master whenever you want, whether or not your duel disk is active. As long as your Deck Master is out, you cannot die until the Deck Master is destroyed. If your Deck Master is destroyed, immediately begin Death Saving Throws as normal. Upon your next Short or Long Rest, your Deck Master will return to your deck, and your HP will be set to 20 + your Duelist Class Level (add any bonuses upon taking a rest as accordingly).

Match Dueling

The game has been set to go 2-out-of-3. Starting at 15th level, If your Duel Disk is deactivated, instead, spend 1 whole turn reactivating the Duel Disk. You also gain access to a 15-card Side Deck, which can be edited at any time, and both it and the cards in your Main Deck/Extra Deck can be swapped out at any time before or after combat, or during the turn you spent to reactivate the Duel Disk.

Sharpened Playstyle

Your playstyle has gotten much more refined over your time dueling. starting at 16th level, you now get a new bonus depending on your Dueling Playstyle.

Greater Monster Coordination

Starting at 17th level, your grip over your monsters' will has become greatly enhanced. Now all monsters you control can attack, once each.

Summmoning Mastery

At 18th level, you can now control more Extra Deck Monsters, going up from 2 to 3 out at a time.

Precision Dueling

Your dueling sense and competitive eyes have opened a segway to greatness. Once per turn and thrice per battle, a monster you control can inflict double damage to an enemy creature. You must go on a long rest to replenish this.

King of Games

Your dueling skill has brought you to the status of "King of Games". You can now control 5 Extra Deck Monsters, access the Extra Monster Zone, which is a zone that can house Extra Deck Monsters, Add "Pot of Greed" at 1 to your deck, and you can activate an unlimited amount of effects per turn. On top of that, all citizens of any civilization, whether it be a kingdom, an insane ghost town, or anywhere in-between, are immediately friendly to you and would be more than happy to assist you in any way they can.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Duelist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Have acquired a duel disk and duel deck: 14 Wisdom and 15 Charisma or Wisdom

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Duelist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Gaming sets

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