Lich, Variant (5e Race)

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"It took me years to achieve immortality, and you thought a mere sword fight could kill me?" -Skez'qos, returning to an adventurer after reviving

Physical Description

Liches have rotting, undead, humanoid bodies. Years of decay usually leave large areas of exposed bone. They are often covered in robes, lacking any armor.


Liches are one of the few undead that retain both their bodies and intelligence. They do this by concealing their souls in a phylactery. A phylactery can be anything with an enclosed surface, whether it be a book of powerful spells, an amulet gifted to them by a loved one, or even, if they're daring enough, a live beast. Once their phylactery is destroyed, they die permanently. However, liches can be killed temporarily, being revived after 1-10 days by their phylactery.

Liches usually lose their sense of humanity over time. This is because they often remove themselves from society, hiding in elaborate castles made to protect their phylactery. Some, however, remain close to humans, living life as if they never became an undead.


Liches don't have a society, usually living by themselves in their lairs. Occasionally, they'll raise an undead army or have a passing acquaintance, but they rarely speak with anyone.

Lich Names

Liches typically change their names after undeath, favoring a much more awe-inspiring one. On rare occasion, a lich will keep their old name.

Names: Hegnadh, Khuq'zia, Dhaca, Bhuzcial

Lich Traits

Liches are undead humanoids that used powerful magic to achieve immortality
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
Age. Liches typically became undead after they reached maturity. They can live theoretically forever.
Alignment. Due to the nature of their immortality, liches tend to be evil.
Size. Liches are slightly shorter and immensely lighter than their original race. Your size category is the same as your original race.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Phylactery. You have a phylactery that holds your soul. It can be anything with an enclosed surface. Once your phylactery is destroyed, you die. Before then, if you would die, you revive within 5 feet of your phylactery after 1d10 days. This trait doesn't revive you if you die from exhaustion.
Soul Gorge. As an action, you can touch a creature that died within the last minute. When you do so, you consume that creature's soul. This creature cannot be revived, but it can be raised as an undead. This trait has no effect against undead or constructs.
Soul Reliant. You must consume souls to maintain the connection with your own soul. Every dawn, you have a number of soul points equal to your level. Every time you consume a soul with the Soul Gorge trait, you lose 1 soul point. At the next dawn, if your soul points are higher than 0, you gain that many levels of exhaustion. If your soul points are less than 0, you lose that many levels of exhaustion.
Undeath. You are both an undead and a humanoid. You don't need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. Additionally, you are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two other languages of your choice.
Subrace. Liches gain immortality by two means: a greater power or their own power. Learning from a greater power requires obedience to that power, while using your own power has the side effect of losing all of your memories.

Greater Power

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Greater Knowledge. Your patron gifts you with knowledge and insight. You have proficiency with Insight and History checks.
Greater Sacrifice. Whenever you intentionally disobey your patron, you gain 3 soul points. What classifies as disobedience is up to your DM.
Greater Magic. At 5th level, your patron gifts you with magic power. You can choose three cantrips of your choice from either the Warlock or Cleric spell list, depending on the nature of your patron.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. As usual, you can't increase an ability score over 20 with this trait.
Lost Memories. You don't know events from before your undeath until you are told about them.
Old Spells. You left yourself an old spellbook that you slowly learn from over time. At first level, choose a wizard cantrip. Additionally, you learn spells of increasing level every other level, starting with a 1st level spell at 3rd level and ending with a 9th level spell at 19th level. All spells learned by this trait must be from the wizard spell list and don't count against spells you can know. As an additional cost to cast these spells, gain a number of soul points equal to the spell's level, with the cantrip giving you one soul point.

Random Height and Weight

5′ 0'' +1d12 25 lb. × (1d4+3) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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