Wind God's Shield (5e Equipment)

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Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement)

This ancient shield was said to belong to a paladin of a long forgotten wind god. The shield has the remarkable ability to absorb any electricity that connects with it and covert it into magical energy. This shield has 12 charges and regains 1d10 + 2 charges every day at dawn.

Lightning Absorption. When you take lightning damage, you can use your reaction to make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a success, the damage you would take is stored in the shield. You can then add this damage to any melee attack you make within an hour. The shield may only store one instance of damage at a time, and if you attempt to absorb another, any damage already stored in the shield is lost.

Shield Bash. You may use this magical shield as a melee weapon which deals 1d8 bludgeoning and 1d8 lightning damage. If you are proficient with shields or simple melee weapons, you are proficient with attacks made with this shield.

Charge. When you hit a creature with the shield bash attack, you may expend 1 of the shield's charges to add 1d8 lightning damage and 1d8 thunder damage to the damage roll of the attack.

Lightning Field. As an action, you can expend 3 charges to create a field of electricity in a 15-foot radius around yourself for 1 minute. Each creature that starts its turn in this field takes 1d12 lightning damage and if it is Medium or smaller, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone.

Lightning Throw. As an action, you can expend 3 charges to cast the lightning bolt spell with a spell save DC of 17.

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