College of Lullabies (5e Subclass)

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College of Lullabies

Bards of the College of Lullabies tend to take a less head-on approach to most things. To them it both makes sense and is easier to handle people while they are asleep. Whether putting their allies to sleep to save and heal them using a restful song or putting their enemies to sleep to make a quick getaway or dare I say... dispatch them with haste.

These Bards are the sleepy, day-dreamy type. They are almost whimsical, not only are they excellent at telling bedtime stories but they also tend to be great companions. They have a calming air about them that puts people at ease, so it's hard to suspect that they could be in any way dangerous. Though Bards of the College of Lullabies could be prolific assassins, they would choose not to be due to their naturally friendly demeanor. They are after all, not from the College of Whispers. Most other bards are fond of bards from the College of Lullabies, especially bards with sleeping problems. They are always there with a cup of warm milk and a lullaby just for you.

Mantle of Serenity

Lullabies are songs typically passed down from parent to child, a soothing song to help them fall asleep and protect them from evil spirits.

Upon joining the College of Lullabies at third level you take on a calming demeanor, as such you are able to put others at ease even in the heat of battle, with an encouraging word and a serene voice you help your allies.

As a bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to assist your allies in relaxing mid battle. When you do so, choose any number of allied creatures equal to your charisma modifier within 60 feet of you, and have them gain 1d4 + your charisma modifier in hit points. If you do not have it already you may also add the sleep spell to your spell list, this does not affect your amount of spells known.

Lavender Lullaby

The scent of lavender is said to help people sleep, it is an aromatic plant of the mint family associated with calmness and peace.

At 3rd level you are able to ease your allies of their exhaustion. During a short rest you may rid an ally of the first level of exhaustion and cure them of any disease or poison afflicting them. To regain use of this ability you must complete a long rest.

Restless Slumber

Insomnia is a sleep disorder classified by an inability to fall asleep and stay asleep over a prolonged period of time.

At 6th level you gain the ability to subject a foe to a fit of restless sleep by playing a soothing, yet unsettling song. Choose a target creature within 30 feet of you and have them roll a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to your spell save DC. On a failed save they fall asleep and stay asleep until a minute has passed or until they are dealt damage. Upon waking they suffer disadvantage on saving throws and must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell save DC at the beginning of each of their turns. On a failed DC they waste their turn, should they pass they no longer have disadvantage on saving throws. Creatures affected by this feature are unresponsive to anything that requires them to use their senses (such as sight and hearing). You may use this ability as many times as 1 + your charisma modifier. You regain the use of this ability upon completing a long rest.

Visions of Terror

The nightmare: a horror familiar to most, experienced during sleep. It is an experience that leaves us shaken until our parents can calm us.

At 6th level as a bonus action on your turn, you may target a creature under the effects of Restless Slumber or are otherwise in a magic induced slumber and torment their minds with nightmares that hide in the darkest depths. If you do so they are dealt psychic damage equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell save DC or remain asleep until awoken through other means when dealt damage this way.


Do you know that feeling when it’s difficult to get out of bed in the morning? It has a name.

At 14th level you have mastered the art of inducing sleep and relaxation. For your allies this means a more fulfilling slumber which leaves them feeling well rested no matter how tired, for those unfortunate enough for you to call foe it means another thing entirely.

During a short rest you can remove one level of exhaustion from an ally, no matter how exhausted. You can also spend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to take the time during a short rest to play a lullaby for your party members and allow them to gain the maximum number of hit points for each hit die they spend. In addition, while in battle those who you have urged to sleep find it much more difficult to wake. Creatures affected by Restless Slumber no longer immediately wake up upon taking damage, and instead must succeed on a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to your spell save DC, furthermore you may add your Wisdom modifier to the DC to wake from Visions of Terror.

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