Talk:Blood Assassin (5e Class)

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Revision as of 15:05, 10 July 2020 by Someone404 (talk | contribs)
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My Recent Changes[edit]

Classes in 5e only get 2 saving throw proficiencies, not 3, and only one of them should be a common saving throw (dex, con, cha). Monster hunter's kit is not an item in 5e to my knowledge. "You will not have to preform any skill checks to drink blood" doesn't make much sense since such checks are entirely up to the DM and your character's personality. +5 movement speed kinda comes out of nowhere and doesn't make very much sense to me. 5e doesn't have bleeding rules, and if it did it wouldn't be restricted by class. Only fighters can increase their critical range, and that's at 15th level for a specific archetype, so making this one part of a 1st level feature is not balanced. Blood Transfusion and Vampire by Nature generally covered the same content, so they were combined into a single feature.

The rest of my edits have been general wording/formatting fixes to make it fit in with the rest of the wiki and 5e.

I would also suggest taking a look at the other My Hero-based classes, particularly Half-Cold Half-Hot (5e Class) and Explosion (5e Class), to inform yourself on spreading a quirk's strength across multiple levels. You can find more through the My Hero Academia franchise link at the bottom of this class's main page. I hope this helps, I look forward to seeing this class be complete, and I'll try to help in any way that I can. --Ref3rence (talk) 11:46, 24 June 2020 (MDT)

Just a minor comment on this page's current wording and formatting, D&D 5e uses "At 1st level", not "At level 1", and laying things out vertically is a lot worse to read than having a feature just be a paragraph or two. --Ref3rence (talk) 15:11, 24 June 2020 (MDT)

My 2 Cents[edit]

As much as I love this concept, there is many a problem with it

Odd Starting Equipment[edit]

You get clothes as part of your background, and I'd recommend giving a choice of either leather armor or scale mail.

Flat Movement speed increase[edit]

Monks get +10 walk speed at level 2 so long as they're not wearing armor or a shield. +10 at level 1 no questions asked is powerful as fuck.

Serrated Blades[edit]

Where do I even begin.

  • It should be split up into multiple features.
  • Getting a +1 attack bonus with daggers at level 1 is kinda powerful. Not even gonna mention the other bonuses at levels 4 and 9.
  • Advantage against wounded opponents at level 4. Need I say more?

Extra Attacks[edit]

Should be second one at 11th level, not 10th. Also only Fighters, the most bare-bones warriors, get 3 extra attacks.

Overly Situational[edit]

This should speak for itself.

Generally Shitty Wording and Formatting[edit]

Should also speak for itself.

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