Rust Eater (5e Subclass)

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Horizon Walker

The horizon walker is a ranger subclass. This is a 5e conversion of the 3rd edition horizon walker prestige class, also informed by the Paizo version.

Horizon walkers are those who are compelled to travel beyond the trodden path, embodying the adage of "the journey is more important than the destination". They seek to master traversing every type of terrain the world can offer, and beyond: even the infinite stretches of the inner and outer planes.

Far Explorer

At 3rd level, you choose an additional favored terrain for your natural explorer class feature. In addition to the terrain types listed for that feature, you can also choose from the following terrains: Astral Plain, Ethereal Plain, Plane of Air, Plain of Earth, Plain of Fire, Plain of Water, aligned plain, or urban.

If you choose aligned plain, you also choose Chaos, Evil, Good or Law.

Terrain Mastery

Also at 3rd level, choose one of your favoured terrains to become a mastered terrain.

While within one of your mastered terrains, you can use a bonus action to grant you and allies within 30 feet of you advantage on Athletics, Stealth, Perception and Survival checks for 10 minutes. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.

You also gain an additional benefit which applies to you at all times. The benefit depends on which terrain you mastered.

  • Aligned Plain. You can cast detect evil and good once. You can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
  • Arctic. You gain resistance to cold damage.
  • Astral Plain. You can plains shift for 30 mins at which time you can see and hear the normal plain but not interact, nobody can see you
  • Coast.When you make a Strength (Athletics) check to swim, you are considered proficient with the athletics skill and add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Desert. When you gain a level of exhaustion, roll a d20. On a 10 or better, you do not gain that level of exhaustion.
  • Ethereal Plane. You do not suffer penalties as result of areas lightly or heavily obscured by mist or fog.
  • Forest. When you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to move quietly, you are considered proficient with the stealth skill and add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Grassland. Your carrying capacity is calculated as though your Strength was 20.
  • Plain of Air. you can walk in the air as if you are stepping on land but only when you want, this is not count as flying
  • Plain of Earth.
  • Plain of Fire. You gain resistance to fire damage.
  • Plain of Water. You can breathe in water.
  • Mountain. When you make a Strength (Athletics) check to climb, you are considered proficient with the athletics skill and add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Swamp. When you make a Wisdom (Perception) check to notice a hidden creature, you are considered proficient with the perception skill and add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
  • Underdark. You do not suffer disadvantage to hit creatures that you cannot see.
  • Urban. When you make a Charisma (Pursuasion) check when dealing with authority, you are considered proficient with the diplomacy skill and add double your proficiency bonus instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Terrain Dominance

At 7th level, choose another of your favoured terrains to become a mastered terrain.

Also at 7th level, and again at 11th level, choose one of your mastered terrains. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made against creatures native to that terrain. You also gain an additional benefit which depends on the terrain type you chose:

  • Aligned Plain.
  • Arctic. You become immune to cold damage.
  • Astral Plain. You can cast dimension door once. You can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
  • Coast. You gain a swim speed of 30 feet.
  • Desert. You cannot become exhausted by your environment.
  • Ethereal Plane.
  • Forest. You can cast hallucinatory terrain to create an illusory forest only, once. You can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
  • Grassland. Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • Plain of Air. You can cast fly as a 4th-level spell, once. You can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.
  • Plain of Earth. You gain tremorsense to a distance of 30 feet.
  • Plain of Fire. You become immune to fire damage.
  • Plain of Water. Being underwater imposes no penalties on your movement or attacks.
  • Mountain. You have resistance to falling damage.
  • Swamp.
  • Underdark. You gain darkvision to a distance of 120 feet.
  • Urban. You can cast charm person as a 4th-level spell, once. You can use this feature again when you finish a long rest.

Master of All Lands

From 15th level onwards, you treat all types of terrain as favored terrain.

In addition, you automatically succeed on saving throws made to resist extremes of weather or temperature, and allies within 60 feet of you have advantage on such saving throws.

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