Arcosians (DBZ Series) (3.5e Race)

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Confident to the point of over arrogance, Mostly ruling class of the universe

Physical Description

Average height is around 4'3", and they weigh around 180 pounds, their skin is purple with white bio-armor, their eyes are white with red pupils, they have a prehensile tail.


No relations, because nobody can stand their arrogance for longer than 3 seconds. Rarely seen in groups due to their kind getting into fights over who is the strongest.


Tendancy towards Chaotic alignments.


They live on spaceships do to their home world being taken over by a stronger race


They believe themselves to be gods


They speak common.

Racial Traits

Cold Clan

  • +2 Strength, +4 wisdom, +2 intelligence, +4 dexterity, -2 charisma Arcosians are strong and fast.
  • Humanoid(Alien)
  • Hit Dice is changed to 1d8
  • Medium: No special size related bonuses
  • Arcosians base land speed is 40ft, 80ft fly speed average
  • Natural Armor +2
  • Telekentic: able to move objects with their minds as long as they are physically capable of moving said object.
  • When you acquire the class features Transformation use this list:

First Form: Arcosians have ability to transform into a form that looks like a full grown form of their base form. This Form is capable of greater feats of strength. As a Full round action, the character can transform. The character gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to their Str modifier. All their Ki powers that deal direct damage are empowered (as the Empower Spell Metamagic Feat). They also gain a temporary boost to ability scores equal to their Dex Modifier. This power costs 15 Ki points to engage and 5 per round to continue the form.

Second Form:As 2 full round action from base or full round action from 1st form. This Form is capable of greater feats of speed than the other forms. The character gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to their Dex modifier. All their Ki powers that deal direct damage are Maximized(as the Maximize Spell Metamagic Feat) as well as empowered. He also gain a temporary boost to ability boost to scores equal to his Dex Modifier times 2. He gains his Wisdom modifier to his AC. This power costs 25 Ki points to engage and 10 per round to continue the form.

Third Form:As 3 full round action from base, or 2 full round actions from 1st form, or full round action from 2nd form. This form is this races strongest form do to the combining of the strength and speed to make use of deathly combinations. The character gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to their Wisdom modifier. All their Ki powers that deal direct damage are Intensified(as the Intensify Spell Metamagic Feat) as well as the empowered and maximized. He also gains permanent boost to ability scores equal to his Wisdom Modifier times 3. He gains his Wisdom modifier to his AC. This power costs 35 Ki points to engage and 15 per round to continue the form.

Final Form:As 5 full round action from base, or 4 full round actions from 1st form, or 3 full round action from 2nd form, or 2 full round action 3rd form, the character breaks all limits. The character gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to their Wisdom modifier times 2. All their Ki powers that deal direct damage are Super(as the Super Spell Metamagic Feat) as well as the empowered, maximized and intensified. He also gains permanent boost to ability scores to his Wis Modifier times 4. Gain Natural armor equal to the their Con Mod. This power costs 45 Ki points to engage and 20 per round to continue the form.

  • When you acquire the class feature Full Power use this:

Turn Golden:As a full round action, the character pushes their power to the fullest. The character gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to their Wisdom modifier times 4. All their Ki powers that deal direct damage are Super(as the Super Spell Metamagic Feat) as well as the empowered, maximized and intensified. He also gains temporary boost to ability boost to scores equal to his Wis Modifier times 10. This power costs 65 Ki points to engage and 40 per round to continue the form. Any person using this ability sheds light as if under a 20th level light spell, this effect can be negated at will. He gains 2 times his Wisdom modifier to his AC. All Ki attacks will deal double damage for the same amount of ki as its base.

Sol Clan

During character creation, if your scores in Wis, Str, and Dex are 22+ you are considered a Descendant of the Sol and start with the Sol Clan feat and flaw set.

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