Way of the Four Elements, Variant (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Four Elements

Monk Subclass

While the style of the Four Elements is infamous for its simple and none to interesting style, there exists a style, similar in name but different in technique and practice. One that allows its practitioners to truly harness the power of the elements

Elemental Affinity

At 3rd level, you select your elemental affinity, this is the element you believe you are most in tune with. Your selected element grants you certain features starting at 3rd level, you may choose to pursue the same element at later levels or select features of studying a different element.

  • Wind: You gain the ability to channel your ki into your movement, allowing you to move without difficulty. By spending a ki point and a bonus action, you may move through difficult terrain as normal terrain, for a minute.
  • Water: You gain the ability to channel your ki and make yourself difficult to contain, you gain advantage on strength checks made to escape a grapple and may spend a ki point to instantly succeed a grapple check to escape. Along with spending this ki point, you may make an unarmed strike as a reaction on the creature you were being grappled by.
  • Earth: Your body and style is more sturdy, you gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws made to avoid being knocked prone or moved from your current position. You may spend a ki point to instantly succeed the save.
  • Fire: Some would say your style is too hot to handle. You may spend a ki point to imbue your unarmed strikes with the power of fire. For a minute, your unarmed strikes deal bonus fire damage equal to 1d4 + your proficiency bonus. You may spend a ki point and a bonus action to double this damage for the duration.
Elemental Surge

At 6th level, you study more of the power of the four elements. These elemental powers can be the same element as your Elemental Affinity but they may be of a different element as well.

  • Wind: When you use your action to dash, you may make an unarmed strike for free. When you attack in this manner, you gain a +5 bonus to the damage roll. You may spend a ki point to do one of the following things:

-Gain a hover speed of 15 feet for a minute -Cause a melee weapon attack to miss hitting you, spends 2 ki points

  • Water: You gain the ability to bend water. As an action on your turn, you may spend a bend the water in a Medium or larger body of water that is within 40 feet of you. From the water, you roll 4d6+4, and may attack a creature with this water, that is within 20 feet of the water. The water must stay within 40 feet of you, other wise it is dropped and you lose control of it. Your attack bonus with this water equals 2 + Wisdom modifier and you may expend any number of the water's damage into a target. Once you have used all of the rolled damage from the water, it is dropped and you lose control of it, you may also drop the water using no action.
  • Earth: When you are hit by a spell or attack you may, as a reaction, spend a ki point to gain resistance to the attack, halving the damage taken. Also, you learn to control the earth and may use up to a 5-foot cube of dirt or stone to replace your AC with 15 using a bonus action or 17 if using a ki point. You may also attack a creature within 15 feet of the dirt or stone, adding your constitution modifier and proficiency bonus to the attack to deal 3d8 bludgeoning damage to that creature and add 1d8 for each ki point. You must be touching the earth to control it.
  • Fire: You may forgo an attack or unarmed strike to launch a ball of fire as a ranged attack up to 60 feet. This fireball deals fire damage equal to your unarmed strike damage die + your strength modifier.
Elemental Mastery

At 11th level, your mastery of the elemental arts is evident in your technique and power, you gain access to new abilities that grant you new ways to turn the tide of battle with the power of your Elemental Masteries. You select a new elemental feature that can be from any of the elements.

  • Wind: You harness the power of the winds to your beck and call. You may spend 2 ki points to control the winds and grant you a pseudo-flight you gain a flight speed equal to your walking speed for 10 minutes.
  • Water: When an enemy strikes you with a critical hit, you may spend 2 ki points to redirect the power of the crit. You negate the critical effect of the enemies strike and turn it into a regular hit. Your next attack is then considered an automatic critical if it hits. You may use this feature once per round.
  • Earth: You may spend 2 ki points to turn the surrounding area into a trial for enemy creatures. The area within a 25-foot radius around you becomes difficult terrain for enemy creatures. And moving through the terrain deals bludgeoning damage = your wisdom modifier for every 5 feet the creature moves through the terrain.
  • Fire: You may, as a bonus action, spend 2 ki points to set your body on fire for one minute. When a creature strikes you with a melee attack, they take 1d10 fire damage. Additionally, if you chose fire as your elemental surge, you may control that fire, using it to make attacks. The bonus to attack with this fire is equal to your strength modifier + your proficiency bonus and the fire deals 2d6 fire damage for every ki point you spend as a bonus action on this feature. The fire has a range of 30 feet. The damage increases to 3d6 if you chose fire as your elemental affinity.
Primordial Wrath

At 17th level, you channel the power of the primordials into your body and act as an avatar of their power. Choose an elemental feature and gain an impressive technique used since the dawn of the material plane.

  • Wind: By spending 3 ki points, as an action, you summon a massive tornado within a 120-foot range, the tornado has a range of 60 feet and moving away from the tornado is considered rough terrain. Enemy creatures in its 60-foot range must make a Strength saving throw vs your save DC or be pulled into the tornado, flying creatures make this save with disadvantage. On a success they remain where they are, on a failure, they are pulled into the tornado and flung in the direction of the DMs choosing 60 feet, if this launches them into a wall or solid object, the creature takes 12d8 bludgeoning damage. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Water: By spending 3 ki points, as an action, you channel the surrounding water in the area and freeze it into a large, glacial mass and hurl it in a direction of your choice. The glacial mass has the properties of a 20 foot by 20-foot cube and maybe flung in a 60-foot line. Creatures in this line must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 10d8 Bludgeoning Damage and 10d8 Cold Damage or half on a success. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Earth: By spending 3 ki points, as an action, you take a stance that shakes the earth beneath your feet. A fissure splits the ground in a 60 foot by 10-foot line. All creatures in this line must make a Strength saving throw or take 12d12 bludgeoning damage and fall prone. On a success, take half damage and remain standing. Once you use this feature you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Fire: By spending 3 ki points, as an action, you summon a firestorm with a radius of 30 feet surrounded on your person. Enemies within the firestorm take 6d6 fire damage at the end of each of their turns if they remain in range.

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