Adamas (3.5e Equipment)

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Adamas is a silvery celestial metal that is extremely effective against all kinds of outsiders.

This unique metal is usually used only for weapons, whether melee ones, long-rang ones or even arrows or bullets. While armors and shields can in principle be fashioned from Adamas, it rarely happens, as Adamas is extremely effective when used in weapons, particularly if those are intended to be used against outsiders. As such, most people prefer to use it mainly for offensive rather than defensive purposes. Weapons fashioned from Adamas ignore hardness below 30. Adamas has damage reduction 10/-, fire resistance 20 and spell resistance 30. Thus, handling Adamas is extremely difficult; only very high temperatures, or powerful magic, can handle Adamas. Also, unrefined Adamas is very rare on the Material Plane, and is known to few - weapons made of Adamas are rarely forged on the Material Plane. Because of that fact, weapons made of Adamas are generally priceless in earthly markets (unless said market, or perhaps the entire Campaign world, is closely connected to other planes of existence), while costs 8 times its regular price in markets placed on the outer planes. Adamas is also immune to acid damage and all corrosive effects.

Weapons normally made of steel that are made of Adamas have twice as much hit points as normal. Adamas has 80 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 30.

Weapons made out of Adamas are always magical, overcome any damage reduction (except RD/-), deal twice the usual damage for weapons of their kind/size and deal fourfold the damage they usually deal to outsiders, including native ones.

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