Cleric Domains, for non-Clerics (5e Variant Rule)

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What Is A Divine Domain?


When Considering Quasi-Clergy

A character which gains a Channel Divinity feature, from any source, may Channel Divinity up to once per short rest. Unless otherwise noted, they do not gain additional uses as they progress.

Individual Class Descriptions


Receives level 2 feature at level 3.

Receives level 1 features at level 6.

Receives level 6 feature at level 10. Receives level 8 feature at level 14.

At level 3, the Barbarians may Channel Divinity 1/short rest. At level 6 they may do so 2/short rest.


Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 features at level 6.

Receives level 8 features at level 14.

Additionally, at levels 3, 6, 10 and 14 the bard learns a single spell, either from the Cleric class list or from the Domain list of the cleric domain they chose. These are treated as Bard spells, but do not count against the number of bard spells known.


Receives Cleric Domain Spells, starting at level 2, and each indicated level thereafter.

Receives level 2 feature at level 2.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 8 Feature at level 10.

Receives level 17 features at level 14.

Additionally, starting at level 2, druids can expend 2 uses of their Wild Shape to use a Channel Divinity. Starting at level 10, they only need to expend 1 use.


Receives level 2 feature at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 7.

At level 10, the Fighter selects a second Domain and receives the level 2 feature for that domain.

At level 15, the Fighter may choose between gaining the level 8 feature of their first Domain, or these level 6 feature of their second domain.

At level 18 the Fighter gains the ability they did not select at level 15.

At level 3, the Fighter may Channel Divinity once per short rest. At level 10 and higher, they may do so twice per short rest.

Additionally, the Fighter gains Spellcasting, as per the Eldritch Knight subclass, and you can know and prepare a number of spells (and cantrips) as if you were an Eldritch Knight, though without any of its regular restrictions. Wisdom is your Spellcasting modifier for this. Spells known must be chosen from your Domain list first, and from the Cleric list once all available domain spells are known.
At level 10, your spell list expands to include a second Domain. These additional spells may be learned as though they were cleric spells, but are not required.


Receives 2nd level Channel Divinity option at level 3. The monk may Channel Divinity once per short rest.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 8 feature at level 11.

Receives level 17 feature at level 17.

Additionally, at levels 3, 6, 10 and 14 the monk learns a single spell from the Domain spell list of the cleric domain they chose or a cantrip from the Cleric Spell List. These spells can be cast using a number of ki points equivalent to their spell level. Wisdom is your Spellcasting modifier for these spells.

  • There is an exception to the above list. In the case of the some domains, the level 8 cleric feature allows clerics to add their Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt with their cleric cantrips (For example, the Light Domain's Potent Spellcasting). As monks do not normally learn cantrips, they instead add their Wisdom modifier to any spells or cantrips learned from their chosen Domain.


Receives Domain Spells, as a Cleric would.

Receives 2nd level Channel Divinity option at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 7.

Receives level 8 feature at level 15.

Receives level 17 feature at level 20.

Additionally, at level 15, the Paladin learns 2 Cleric spells of their choice. These are treated as Paladin spells.

  • There is an exception to the above list. In the case of the some domains, the level 8 cleric feature allows clerics to add their Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt with their cleric cantrips (For example, the Light Domain's Potent Spellcasting). As paladins do not normally learn cantrips, they instead add their Charisma modifier to any spells or cantrips learned from their chosen Domain.


Receives Domain Spells, as a Cleric would.

Receives level 1 features at level 3.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 2 feature at level 11.

Receives level 8 feature at level 15.

Additionally, at level 15, the Ranger learns 2 Cleric spells of their choice. These are treated as Ranger spells.

  • There is an exception to the above list. In the case of the War Domain, the level 6 feature is a direct augmentation on the level 2 feature. In this case, and any other similar cases, the level 2 feature should instead be learned at level 6, and the level 6 feature delayed until level 11.
  • There is another exception to the above list. In the case of the some domains, the level 8 cleric feature allows the cleric to add their Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt with their cleric cantrips (For example, the Light Domain's Potent Spellcasting). As rangers do not normally learn cantrips, they instead add their Charisma modifier to any spells or cantrips learned from their Domain.


Receives level 1 feature at level 3.

Receives level 8 feature at level 8.

Receives level 2 and level 6 features at level 13.

Receives level 17 feature at level 17.

Additionally, the Rogue gains Spellcasting, as per the Arcane Trickster subclass, and you can know and prepare a number of spells (and cantrips) as if you were an Arcane Trickster, though without any of its regular restrictions. Wisdom is your Spellcasting modifier for this. Spells known must be chosen from your Domain list first, and from the Cleric list once all available domain spells are known.


Receives level 1 feature at level 1.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

Receives level 17 feature at level 17.

The Sorcerer may learn Domain spells as Sorcerer spells.

Finally, at level 14, the Sorcerer gains the Cleric's Divine Intervention feature. This feature does not receive its improvement to automatic success at level 20.


Receives Domain Spells, as a Cleric would.

Receives level 2 Channel Divinity option at level 1.

Receives level 6 feature at level 6.

At level 10, the Warlock receives their choice of the Cleric's level 1 features, or the Cleric's level 8 feature.

At level 15, the Warlock learns the level 2 Channel Divinity option from a second Domain, and may Channel Divinity twice per short rest.


Receives Domain Spells, as a Cleric would.

At level 2, the Wizard receives the level 1 Domain abilities of a Cleric. If these features would include proficiency in any type of armor, that proficiency is not gained.

Receives level 2 Channel Divinity option at level 6.

Receives level 6 feature at level 10.

Receives level 8 feature at level 14.

At level 14, the Wizard also learns one Cleric spell.

Is there a reason I should not be doing this?

Ask God. If he doesn't answer, you're not a Cleric.

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