Vampire (4e Race)

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Classic Vampire

A vampire race based on older legends about vampires, with a few twists to make them fit in D&D

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'6" - 6'1"
Average Weight: 90 - 135 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Strength or Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Darkvision
Languages: Common
Skill Bonuses: +2 History, +2 Stealth
Undead: You are considered undead for the purposes of creature origin. This means that you do not need to eat or breath, and you are immune to both disease and poison. Also whenever you would be healed by a healing power, you instead take damage equal to the healing amount. However, unlike other undead creatures you still must sleep and you may gain the benefits of rests.
Radiant weakness: You take a -2 penalty to all defenses against attacks with the radiant or divine keywords, and you take double damage from radiant damage sources.
Necrotic immunity: You are immune to all necrotic damage, but you are still be affected by any non damaging effects from necrotic powers.
Nocturnal: Vampires are innately nocturnal beings, so you usually sleep during the day and are awake all night. You take a -2 penalty to all checks during the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Blood Dependancy: You must consume at least two cups of blood every two weeks otherwise you start to starve (exact specifications of what starving does determined by the DM), however you cannot die this way.
Immortality: Once a vampire reaches the age of 25, they stop aging forever. If you are reduced to zero HP by a wooden stake through the heart, decapitation, burned to ash, silvered weapon, radiant damage, or another divine method, then you turn to dust and are finally dead for good. If you are reduced to zero HP by any other method, you do not die and instead may continue to make saving throws until you get healed or roll a natural twenty. In other words, you cannot die by death saving throw failures or being reduced below your negative bloodied value.
Vampiric Bite: You may use your teeth as an unarmed attack that deals 1d8 damage, but has a proficiency bonus of +0. If you successfully bite someone and deal damage, you may drain up to half a cup of their blood as a minor action. If you do so, they contract minor vamprism, and if they are still alive and have yet to find a cure after two weeks with the disease, they become a vampire fledgling, and must either replace one feat with the Vampiric Heeritage [Vampire bloodline] or Vamprism [Multiclass Vampire] feat, OR change their race to the classic vampire (DM's discretion).

Infernal Power Mode Classic Vampire Racial Power
You channel ancient powers to enhance yourself to extreme levels.
Daily Star.gif Necrotic
Minor Action Self
Target: Self
Effect: You gain +1 to speed, +2 to Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, and Perception checks, and Regen 1 until the end of the encounter.
Special: If you take radiant damage or come into contact with silver, garlic, holy water, or holy fire, this power ends early.

<!-History. What unique aspects make the race what it is? What are the race's origins? How has the race developed through history? What special traits does the race acquire from its history?->

Physical Qualities

<!-Description. Why does the race look like it does? Does the race look similar to another race, and why? How does the race dress in their day-to-day lives and in their adventuring? Is there a trait that people everywhere can relate to the race?->

Attitudes and Beliefs

<!-Description. What are the race's individual attitudes and beliefs? What are the race's social attitudes and beliefs?->

<!-Race Name-> Communities

<!-Description. What are the race's communities like? What are the race's community hierarchy and social divisions like? How is the race treated during adventuring?->

Roleplaying a <!-Race Name->

When creating a <!-race name-> adventurer, here are a few points to consider.

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Lead text.-> <!-Description. Why does this roleplaying point relate to the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for characters of the race? What does this roleplaying point mean for the party?->

<!-Race name-> Characteristics:

<!-Race name-> Male Names:

<!-Race name-> Female Names:

<!-Your race-> Racial Options

Vampire Utility Powers

When your classic vampire character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead you gain a Vryloka (Heroes of Shadow page 126) utility power of the same level or lower.

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