The Mace of Many Faces (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (morningstar), Artifact (requires attunement by a character with an intelligence of 15 or more.)

The Mace of Many Faces is an ancient morning star created by an ancient god of madness, and placed in the world, driving many warriors mad and making more dead. It is a large mace that is made of solid gold, though dull with scratches up along the handle and on the head, the grip is a small rigged part of the long handle with a small face on the bottom. The rest of the handle is covered in engravings of warriors fighting and being driven insane, some say it is those who failed to wield the mace. The head is large and heavy with 4 distinct faces carved on each side of the head, one appearing enraged, the second screaming in terror, the third overcome with joy, and the fourth smitten with love.

Mind Shatter When you hit an enemy with this weapon they take 1d10 psychic damage and you have the choice to make them, and who ever is attuned to it, make a wisdom saving throw (dc 17) If the creature taking the check passes it then the only take 1d6 psychic damage, if they fail they are considered frightened. This can only be used once and resets after a long rest. If the attuned wielder passes the check nothing happens, if the attuned fails they take 1d10 psychic damage and are frightened.

Scourge of Wisdom When you score a critical hit with this weapon then the target must roll a d4 if they roll a 1 they are afflicted with indefinite madness, a 2 makes long term madness, a 3 makes short term madness, and a 4 will result in them suffering no effect. This effect can only be used once and resets after a long rest. To learn more about madness see the 5e SRD:Madness page.

Whisper of the 1st Voice You can use this feature on any creature within 60 feet of you. They must pass a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become enraged and attack whatever creature, friend or foe, is closest to them, but cannot use any kind of magic or ranged weapons, they may only attack with a melee weapon or throw a weapon with the thrown property.They are considered to have advantage on attack rolls and deal an additional d6 damage for their physical weapon.(I.E. if an orc wielding a greataxe was enraged they would deal 1d12+1d6 bonus slashing instead of the normal 1d12 slashing.) This effect lasts 1 turn.

Whisper of the 2nd Voice You can use this feature on any creature within 60 feet of you. They must pass an DC 18 intelligence saving throw or become frightened of everything around them, the trees, the birds, their friends, and their enemies. They can no longer make attacks and can only run away from all creatures around them, if they are surrounded then they immediately fall prone and cannot move. This effect lasts for 3 turns, or until the creature passes an intelligence 16 saving throw.

Whisper of the 3rd Voice You can use this feature on any creature within 60 feet of you. They must pass a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become incredibly happy, so happy that nothing could go wrong at all, they have disadvantage on deception checks, attack rolls, and give advantage to all attacks against them. They cannot move away from the user of the mace or cast spells. This effect lasts 6 turns or when the enemy passes a DC 18 Charisma Saving throw.

Whisper of the 4th Voice You can use this feature on any creature within 60 feet of you. They must pass a DC 18 Wisdom Saving Throw or fall in love with someone or something of the wielders choice. They cannot attack this creature and are required to move towards it until they are adjacent to it, at that point any and all successful attacks against what they are in love with will be taken by the creature under the effect of the Whisper of the 4th Voice instead and will use their turn to attack any creature who attempts to make an attack against the item or creature the wielder of the mace chose. This effect lasts 4 turns or when the enemy passes a DC 18 Wisdom Saving Throw.

Law of the Voices Each voice can only be used once safely and resets at dawn, the user can use one voice twice within a day but will trigger the Corruption of the Mind feature. If the target succeeds the saving throw, then the who ever is attuned must pass the check. You are considered vulnerable to psychic damage when attuned to this weapon

Corruption of the Mind When you take a Critical Hit you must pass a DC 18 intelligence saving throw or you must roll a d4 if you roll a 1 you are afflicted with indefinite madness, a 2 makes long term madness, a 3 makes short term madness, and a 4 will result in you suffering no effect. This effect can only be triggered once and resets at dawn. To learn more about madness see the 5e SRD:Madness page. If you sustain all types of indefinite madness you become an incompetent and chattering mess beyond any type of rescue, insane to the point that you become incapable of basic thought and function. This effect also triggers anytime you use one of the voices more than once a day, or two in the same encounter.
Sentience. The Mace of Many Faces is a Chaotic Neutral weapon, with Darkvision, hearing, and smell out to 60 feet. It communicates telepathically with whoever wields it by the form of 4 erratic and panicked voices, one for each head, expressing the emotion the voice depicts, Intelligence 8 Wisdom 15 Charisma 18
Personality. The Mace of Many Faces is a heavily emotional item, primarily because instead of one sentience it is inhabited by the soul embodiments of 4 emotions, love, rage, terror, and joy. Each one has opinions and preferences, the Rage Mind likes it when the wielder takes out its anger such as hitting things, the Fear Mind likes it when the wielder shows or makes someone else show fear, or just passes an intimidation check, the Joy Mind likes it when the wielder appreciates the niceness and gentleness of life a relaxing bath, laying in a peaceful meadow and admiring the sky or just having a nice day at the tavern with friends, the last face the Mind of Love enjoys it when the wielder expresses appreciation, compassion, or similar emotions for others. If the wielder does not satisfy at least 2 of the Minds in one week then a conflict will occur the following morning.

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