Infested (5e Class)

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Work In Progress

A lonesome half-orc shambles into town, clearly injured and frail. Bandits are drawn in by the smell of blood - an easy quarry, and with luck, one that does not even put up a fight. The bandits were wrong. An inhuman roar, a deep bellow combined with a metallic rasp; a flurry of diseased limbs sprouts from the half-orc's barely responsive torso; and several deep slashes later, nought remains of the bandits but mutilated remains and heavily gashed corpses.

A dragonborn stumbles into a tavern with an awkward gait. The room falls silent as the crowd gawks - her scales are a mottled green, some falling apart in places to reveal blackened flesh. They have heard of her and her... unusual tendencies ever since she returned from a spider's den, and would do best to stay well away. Sensing the tension from across the room, she remains at the doorway, forcing her arm to unnaturally extend to the bar's counter to pick up a flagon of ale. And just as silently as she entered, she had disappeared once more.

A retired soldier watches the sun set on a desolate hill. He does not remember the comrades he had fought alongside in the last war, nor the names of the otherworldly creatures that sank their disfigured fangs into his flesh. Some days, amidst the horrible flashbacks he receives, he can feel their own blood pulsing within his veins. His experience tells him it's poison. Unnerved, he sheds some of his blood onto the tip of his spear, imbuing it with a glistening green glow. Those kobolds aren't going to bother him any longer.

The Infested are reclusive wanderers often keeping to themselves, far from civilization in fear of their accursed powers, relying on a combination of their survival instinct and unnatural but varied mutations to keep any threats at bay - be it the townsfolk that shunned them, or the very same entities that inflicted the incurable diseases that plague them to this day.

Diseased and Dangerous

Fennerian Flesh Buds. Advanced-stage scale rot. Ugan'ifthu from the jungles of Lu'Emftha. Ailments that have not been discovered for millenia reawakened and concentrated into a single unfortunate soul, trapped in a limbo between life and death. Infested learn the harsh realities of surviving alone quickly, harnessing their mutated appendages to perform tasks not ordinarily accomplished by other humanoids, or afflicting aggressors with debilitating effects.

Underneath their feral exteriors, a skilled Infested is actually a cunning tactician and acclimated survivalist. Their unusual bodily composition grants them not only a strong resistance against poisons or diseases, but in some instances can delay their eventual demise or severely punish inbound attackers with either brute force or hidden attacks of their own.

Creating an Infested

As you create an Infested, consider the types of horrible afflictions that ultimately led to your character existing in this state. What diseases or afflictions did you suffer along the way, and how did they slowly alter your character's bodily functions? How did you first discover their mutations, and at what cost? And how did you learn to harness your unusual characteristics, seeing them as both a blessing and a curse that can be harnessed to suit your needs?

Quick Build

You can make an Infested quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by either Strength or Dexterity. Second, choose either the Hermit, Outlander or Urchin background.

Class Features

As a Infested you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Infested level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Infested level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Mutations
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength OR Dexterity
Skills: Intimidation, and choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two simple melee weapons of your choice or (b) a simple melee weapon and a shield or (c) a shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows
  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • (a) tinker's tools or (b) thieves' tools or (c) herbalism kit

Table: The Infested

Level Proficiency
Features Mutagen Points Disease Duration Disease Potency
1st +2 Disease Vector, Sudden Mutation - 1h 2
2nd +2 Mutagens 1 1h 2
3rd +2 Specialized Carrier, Adaptive Immunity 1 2h 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 2h 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 2 3h 3
6th +3 Mutation Damage Increase 3 3h 3
7th +3 Inhuman Roar 3 4h 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4h 3
9th +4 Damaging Disease, Terminal Prognosis 4 6h 4
10th +4 Poison Control, Cannibalize 5 6h 4
11th +4 Mutation Damage Increase 5 8h 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Damaging Disease 6 8h 4
13th +5 Secondary Mutation 6 10h 5
14th +5 7 10h 5
15th +5 Suspended Animation 7 12h 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Damaging Disease, Mutation Damage Increase 8 12h 6
17th +6 Unnatural Body 8 16h 6
18th +6 Unyielding Constitution 9 16h 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 24h 6
20th +6 Terminal Illness 10 24h 7

Disease Vector

Starting at the 1st level, an Infested carries with them a unique strain of disease. This Disease can be inflicted upon certain attacks being made towards target creatures, and manifests in only one of the following ways:

  • Ability Score Decrease: You decrease a target creature's ability score by your Disease Potency modifier, shown in the Disease Potency column of the Infested table (see above) for a duration equal to your Disease Duration modifier, shown in the Disease Duration column of the Infested table (see above).
    • Additionally, the creature loses any proficiency on saving throws based on that ability score.
  • Acidic Blood: You decrease a target creature's AC by your Disease Potency modifier for a duration equal to your Disease Duration modifier.
    • Additionally, the creature loses any resistance against acid damage.
  • Blinding: You decrease a target creature's attack rolls by your Disease Potency modifier for a duration equal to your Disease Duration modifier.
    • Additionally, reduce the creature's sight range by half.
  • Weakness: You decrease a target creature's damage rolls for all attacks (except spells) by your Disease Potency modifier for a duration equal to your Disease Duration modifier.
    • Additionally, every time the target creature gains one or more level(s) of exhaustion, roll a d20; if the creature rolls a 1, add another level of exhaustion.

The target creature can only recover from the Disease upon a successful heal along with a Medicine saving throw against your Disease Save DC.

  • Disease Save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier

Additionally, if a target creature attempts to inflict a disease of the same type as yours (e.g. blinding - lowering attack rolls, or lowering ability scores - the particular ability score you have chosen), you gain advantage on all saving throws for that disease.

Sudden Mutation

At 1st level, your symbiotic relationship with the infectious disease you carry allows you to spontaneously mutate one of your limbs to better suit combat purposes or to perform tasks outside of combat. When in combat, you instantly gain one of the following mutations before rolling initiative without using any of your actions. However, mutating your limbs causes certain adverse effects to occur based on the limb mutated:

  • Arm: You lose the ability to carry any item in that particular arm, and you gain a -3 to Athletics.
  • Legs: Your movement is reduced by 5ft per turn; 10ft per turn on difficult terrain, and you gain a -3 to Acrobatics.
  • Torso: You gain vulnerability against slashing or piercing damage.
  • Head: You lose the ability to speak, you gain a -3 to Perception, and if your character has Darkvision, you lose Darkvision.

You need to finish a long rest before you can use this feature again, and finishing a long rest allows you to reset your current mutation.

Additionally, all attacks made with mutated limbs are treated as simple weapon attacks, and are granted proficiency bonus on both the attack and damage rolls.

Arm Mutation: Disease Flail

You morph one of your arms into a large flail with pustules on the end. As an action, you can target a creature up to 10ft away with an unarmed attack dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage. If the attack connects, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease and take an additional 1d8 poison damage.

This attack may be used a number of times equal to your Disease Potency modifier every long rest.

The damage is increased to 2d8 at 6th level, 3d8 at 11th level, and 4d8 at 16th level.

Arm Mutation: Heavy Club

You morph one of your arms into a large, spiked appendage that can be swung as a bonus action after your attacks, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage. You also gain a bonus to your Strength (Athletics) check when shoving a creature, equal to your Disease Potency modifier).

The damage is increased to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.

Arm Mutation: Long Arm

One of your arms gains incredible elasticity, capable of gripping onto objects up to 10ft away, and gain a bonus to your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and Strength (Athletics) check when grappling a creature, equal to your Disease Potency modifier.

Once per short rest, you can also use the arm to hold onto a simple melee weapon and attack at an extended range (with a -3 penalty to your attack roll) for a number of turns equal to your Disease Potency modifier.

The range of the arm increases to 15ft at 6th level, 20ft at 11th level, and 25ft at 16th level.

Leg Mutation: Root System

You entrench your legs firmly to the ground with a series of connective muscle tissue. When you would ordinarily be displaced or knocked prone, you gain a bonus to your saving throw equal to your Disease Potency modifier.

If no such saving throw exists, you make a Constitution saving throw against the Spell Save DC (if the effect is caused by a spell) or a contest against the Strength (Athletics) saving throw (if the effect is caused directly by a creature) of the attacking creature. On a successful saving throw, you are not displaced, and take half damage from any incoming damage from the same attack.

Leg Mutation: Strider

You transform both your legs into highly tensile, but dense, muscle fibers capable of covering extremely long distances. Once per short rest, you can either do one of these on your turn without consuming an action or bonus action (for a number of times equal to your Disease Potency modifier):

  • Increase your long jump distance by a number of feet equal to 10 + (5 x your Disease Potency modifier)
  • Increase your movement speed by (10 x your Disease Potency modifier) ft for a single turn
  • Increase one of your Acrobatics or Athletics saving throws by your Disease Potency modifier
Torso Mutation: Hardened Skin

A large amount of organic matter grows around your armor, allowing you to gain a bonus to their AC equal to the (amount shown in the Disease Potency column of the Infested table -1), to a maximum of 20 AC.

Torso Mutation: Pustules

Copious amounts of pustules sprout around your body. When a melee attack is made against you, the target creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease.

This ability may be used a number of times equal to your Disease Potency modifier, and the uses refresh after finishing a long rest.

Torso Mutation: Spined Limbs

Two additional spiny limbs extend outwards from your back. When making a melee attack, you can use a bonus action to inflict 2 unarmed attacks on the same target creature, dealing 1d4 piercing damage per attack with a -3 to hit.

The damage is increased to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 11th level, and 4d4 at 16th level.

Head Mutation: Disease Breath

A poison gland sprouts where your thyroid gland should be, allowing you to spew out a noxious mist in a 20ft x 5ft line. All creatures afflicted by the mist must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease and take 2d6 poison damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not afflicted with your Disease.

This disease breath attack may be used a number of times equal to your Disease Potency modifier, and the uses refresh after finishing a long rest.

The damage is increased to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level and 5d6 at 16th level.

The range is increased to 25ft at 6th level, 30ft at 11th level, and 40ft at 16th level.

Head Mutation: Flesh Mask

An intricate series of tubes and filters grows around your head, allowing you to survive in the most toxic of environments. You gain resistance to poison damage, and advantage against any saving throws against other diseases.

Head Mutation: Heightened Senses

Enlarges your eyes and ears to allow you to pick up additional stimuli from the surroundings. You gain the Vigilant trait (you cannot be surprised), and increase your Perception score when you first enter combat by your Disease Potency modifier for 1 minute.

All Perception scores in detecting enemies hiding in stealth are also increased by your Disease Potency modifier.


When you reach 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Mutagen Points to add debilitating effects or supplement your own skills. You recover all Mutagen Points upon finishing a long rest. You expend one Mutagen Point doing any of the following:

  • Brace: Channels mutagens into your body to soften an incoming attack as a reaction - reducing incoming damage taken by your Infested level + your Disease Potency modifier.
  • Diseased Strike: As a bonus action, you can infuse your next melee or ranged attack with your own special strain of disease. Upon a successful hit, the target creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease.
  • Rapid Healing: As an action, you can rapidly channel energy into your body at a cellular level to recover hit points equal to your Infested level + your Disease Potency modifier.
  • Skill Improvement: Injects mutagens into your bloodstream to improve any of your skill save rolls by an amount equal to your Disease Potency modifier.
  • Quickened Strike: Enhances your senses in battle to perform a rapid strike that is more difficult to deflect. You gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to your Disease Potency modifier, and if you roll a 1 or 2, you can make a new attack roll once and keep the new attack roll's value.

Specialized Carrier

When you reach 3rd level, your own strain of disease evolves further to grant additional traits and mutations - some beneficial, some harmful, based on your own innate will. Will you become a carrier for the Brutalist which can ravage multiple enemies in quick succession with sheer force, a Hive Mind which hosts tiny creatures to attack and perform tasks at will, or a Sporecloud which transmits your Disease across a wider area through specialized organic bombs?

Being a carrier grants you bonus abilities at the 3rd, 7th, 11th and 16th levels, and are described at the end of this page.

Adaptive Immunity

When you reach 3rd level, you gain a further resistance to one damage type of your choice: piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, acid, cold, fire, or lightning.

Additionally, choose one of your Ability Scores. Any saving throws against negative effects being inflicted on you with that Ability Score gains a +5 bonus to their saving throw.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Mutation Damage Increase

When you reach 6th level, and again at 11th and 16th level, your experience and proficiency in handling your mutated limbs allows you to increase certain mutations' damage outputs, effect and range (detailed in Sudden Mutation, above).

Inhuman Roar

When you reach 7th level, you can either make a feral and inhuman roar at the start of combat or once during each combat encounter as an action, creating a chilling sound in a 60ft sphere of you.

All creatures afflicted that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. Creatures afflicted will also gain a -3 penalty to their saving throws against being inflicted by your Disease for 1 hour.

Terminal Prognosis

When you reach 9th level, your symbiotic relationship with your disease allows it to act autonomously for you even when you are incapacitated. Once per long rest, instead of falling unconscious when you have 0 hit points remaining (but are not dead), you enter a trance where you are unable to communicate or hear communications from other creatures, but can fight somewhat autonomously.

At the start of each of your turns, the DM flips a d2 or coin - on a 1 (or tails), you charge towards and attempt to attack the nearest ally, and on a 2 (or heads), you charge towards and attempt to attack the nearest enemy. At the end of each of your turns, you make your death saving throw as usual - but upon three successful death saving throws you remain in this trance-like state indefinitely.

This effect prematurely ends if you are stabilized, immobilized, killed or you are restored above 0 hit points.

Damaging Disease

When you reach 9th level, your disease has matured to the point of directly damaging a target creature's muscular system.

  • When in combat, at the start of each of it turns, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or take 1d6 poison damage.
  • Out of combat, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC every 1 hour, or take 1d6 poison damage.

The damage per tick increases to 2d6 at 12th level, 3d6 at 16th level, and 4d6 at 20th level.

Poison Control

Starting at 10th level, you gain immunity to poison and immunity to the effects of any one type of poison that you know of and have been afflicted with before.

Additionally, once per turn, where you are afflicted with poison damage, you instead heal for 1d10 + your Disease Potency modifier, and your next melee attack deals a bonus of your Disease Potency modifier in poison damage.


Starting at 10th level, your now heavily-mutated digestive tract is capable of digesting even the most putrid of flesh. As an action, target a corpse of a creature that has some flesh remaining, and you can devour the remains of the creature to regain 1d4 Mutagen Points, 1d4 Hit Dice, and 1d6 + your Infested Level in hit points.

However, as your digestive tract still requires time to digest these remains, you can only do this once per long rest. Note also that this is a particularly evil act, and cannibalizing a humanoid corpse will most certainly skew your alignment heavily towards evil.

Secondary Mutation

Starting at 13th level, you can now induce a second mutation at the start of combat on top of your existing mutation. However, you cannot mutate a limb that is already mutated.

Suspended Animation

Starting at 15th level, you gain advantage against saving throws of two of the following conditions of your choice: blinded, charmed, exhaustion, grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified or stunned.

Additionally, when you are afflicted by any of the above effects, you make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to (8 + half the hit dice of the creature afflicting you). On a successful save, the effect's duration on you is halved. On a critical success (when you roll a 20), the effect on you instantly ends.

Unnatural Body

At 17th level, the disease has fully taken over your nervous system. Your body can no longer age except through magical means, and you no longer need food or water to survive.

Additionally, whenever you take a long rest, you no longer require sleep to gain the benefits of the long rest.

Unyielding Constitution

At 18th level, if your total for a Constitution check is less than your Constitution score, you can use that score in place of the total.

Terminal Illness

At 20th level, your disease vector and you become one of the same - and your nervous system is no longer affected by the failings of your own body.

Once per long rest, instead of falling unconscious when you have 0 hit points remaining (but are not dead), you remain fully conscious and are invulnerable for 1 minute, being able to take actions in combat normally. At the end of the 1 minute, your character falls unconscious, and makes death saving throws normally.

This ability upgrades and replaces Terminal Prognosis, above.



When the disease slowly affects your mind and central nervous system, violent tendencies often emerge. The Brutalizer channels this into their own unique combat style, allowing it to move from one enemy combatant to another in quick succession using its own Brutalist Mutations. With both enhanced survivability and offensive prowess, the Brutalizer is an excellent choice for front-line Infested.

Quick Build: Highest ability score(s): Constitution, followed by Strength or Dexterity.

Tough Exoskeleton

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Brutalist carrier, you gain resistance against one of the following damage types of your choice: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.

You also permanently gain the Torso Mutation: Hardened Skin without using up any of your Mutation slots, and without any of the adverse side effects to your torso.

Brutalist Mutations

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Brutalist carrier, you also gain the following mutations:

Arm Mutation: Brutalist Claws

Mutates your arm to sprout various toughened spines from your bone structure, and grow bone claws that are as tough as steel. You can now make an unarmed attack as an action (dealing a base 1d8 slashing damage) or a bonus action (dealing a base 1d6 slashing damage).

Upon each successful attack, roll a d20. If you roll a 20, the target creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease.

The damage of your mutation increases to 2d8/2d6 at 6th level, 3d8/3d6 at 11th level, and 4d8/4d6 at 16th level.

Leg Mutation: Brutalist Leap

Mutates your legs to thrust you towards danger in complete bloodlust. Once a turn, as an action, you may make both a Long Jump action with a distance of 20ft and a melee attack action towards a target enemy. Doing so increases both your melee attack and damage roll by your Disease Potency modifier, but all attacks against you also gain a bonus to their attack roll equal to your Disease Potency modifier for that turn.

The distance of the long jump increases to 25ft at 6th level, 30ft at 11th level, and 40ft at 16th level.

Head Mutation: Brutalist Maw

Mutates your jaws into rows of serrated, oversized teeth, and increases your bite force. As an action, you may expend one Mutagen Point to bite down onto a target creature for a base 1d6 piercing + Disease Potency modifier in damage as a melee attack, but with a penalty of -1 to your attack roll. On a successful attack, you restore the same amount of hit points equal to the damage dealt.

The damage of your mutation increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level.

Brutalist Mutagen: Rend

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Brutalist carrier, you also gain the Rend mutagen. Once per action, you may expend one Mutagen Point to increase the damage dice of your Mutation's damage roll by 1.

Wear & Tear

At 7th level, your complete savagery allows you to loom over any enemies knocked prone and decimate them. All attacks against prone enemies grant a bonus 1d4 + your Disease Potency modifier to your damage roll.

Additionally, upon making a successful grapple on a target enemy, you can pounce upon them and attack them relentlessly. You can use your action to make an unarmed attack against them for each turn that they are grappled, without breaking the grapple; and/or expend a Mutagen Point to make another unarmed attack against them as a bonus action.

At the end of the grapple, you may also do a Strength (Athletics) contest against the target creature's Strength (Athletics) saving throw; if successful, you knock them prone as they escape the grapple.

Therapeutic Violence

At 7th level, your bloodlust in battle allows you to continue sustained combat even in the most dire of circumstances.

When you deal the finishing blow to a creature with 30 hit points or more, you gain temporary hit points equal to 1d4 + your Disease Potency modifier. The base amount increases to 1d8 at 11th level, and 1d12 at 16th level.

Septic Claws

At 11th level, your Arm Mutation: Brutalist Claws can now inflict your Disease if you roll a 19 on the d20 roll after your attack.

You may also opt to expend 1 Mutagen Point to inflict the disease if any number from 16-20 is rolled after your attack. However, the Mutagen Point must be expended before the attack is made, and cannot be recovered even if the attack misses.

Mutual Annihilation

At 16th level, you can expend 1 Mutagen Point and 1d10 of your maximum hit points to double the number of attacks made during your next turn (including any unarmed attacks made as a bonus action), and add your Disease Potency modifier to each of the damage rolls.

All maximum hit points lost with this ability are restored upon finishing a long rest.

Hive Mind

It is not uncommon for insects to be disease vectors in the animal kingdom. The Hive Mind takes full advantage of this with the host not only acting as a host for the disease, but for a specialized breed of insects that reside within the Infested. Utilizing its insect swarms for offense and defense, the Hive Mind is the ultimate tactician-typed carrier for the Infested, and has extreme versatility in commanding a legion of insects to act at its disposal.

Quick Build: Highest ability score(s): Constitution, followed by Intelligence.

Hive Vector

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Hive Mind carrier, you gain a tiny insectoid creature to act as your familiar in battle. This creature has all the features of a familiar, but it remains as a beast instead of a celestial, fey, or fiend. A Hive Mind may choose any one of the following types of creatures as a Hive Vector:

  • Beetle: A singular tiny beetle with AC 10 + (Max Mutagen Points), a Speed of 25 ft, 5 ft climb (limited flight) and 10 ft swim. The only Hive Vector that can directly attack with a bite attack dealing (1d4 + Max Mutagen Points) piercing damage.
  • Disease Worms: A swarm of worms with limited ground mobility, but can burrow underground and move rapidly across water, with a Speed of 15 ft, 0 ft climb (limited flight) and 50 ft swim.
  • Fly Swarm: A swarm of weak flying familiars with no direct damage output, but a high Speed of 40 ft, 40 ft climb and 0 ft swim.

Once chosen, a Hive Mind gains the Arm Mutation: Insect Hive on one of its arms (see below), with which it can summon its Hive Vectors. It cannot select another Hive Vector unless the mutation is reset after a long rest, and Hive Vectors cannot be summoned if the mutated arm is damaged in any way.

If the Hive Vector is killed, the Hive Mind can resummon a Hive Vector as an action by expanding one of its Hit Dice until the next long rest.

Hive Vectors can perform all regular, non-combat actions that a Hive Mind can (e.g. run Perception checks or pick locks), and can lift objects weighing a number of lb equal to your Infested Level (double if using the Beetle Hive Vector). Unless otherwise commanded, however, Hive Vectors act autonomously as if they are regular passive creatures.

Diseased Bite

As an action, the Hive Mind may command the Hive Vector to attack a target creature and transmit its disease. The target creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Disease Save DC, or be afflicted with your Disease and take 1d6 poison damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not afflicted with your Disease.

After the attempted attack, the Hive Vector must make a Constitution saving throw (with a bonus equal to your current Mutagen Points) against a DC of 13. On a successful save, the Hive Vector is unharmed, but cannot infect another target creature with a disease for the next hour (without any short or long rest). On a failed save, the Hive Vector instantly dies.

Infrared Sight

Once any creature is affected with the Disease, it is revealed to both the Hive Vector and the Hive Mind regardless of any vision-affecting effects, except Darkness, as long as the creature remains within the range of vision of either the Hive Vector or the Hive Mind. Affected creatures also gain a -3 penalty to any Dexterity (Stealth) checks.


As an action, you can command the Hive Vector to harvest blood and viscera from a deceased creature with non-decayed flesh, with at least 10 hit points. The Hive Vector must concentrate on harvesting the deceased enemy for a full minute, but upon doing so and returning to the Insect Hive, the Hive Vector restores:

  • Mutagen Points to the Hive Mind equal to the total hit dice of the target creature divided by 2 (rounded down, minimum of 1), and
  • Hit points equal to (your remaining Mutagen Points + 1)d6, or the maximum hit points of the target creature, whichever is lower.

Arm Mutation: Insect Hive

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Hive Mind carrier, you also gain access to the Insect Hive mutation, transforming one of your forearms into a complex chitinous structure that doubles as a hive for your Hive Vector.

When the Mutation is active, the Hive Vector can be summoned or temporarily dismissed as a bonus action instead of an action. While temporarily dismissed, the Hive Vector resides inside the Insect Hive.

Hive Mind Mutagen: Insectoid Shield

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Hive Mind carrier, you also gain access to the Insectoid Shield mutagen.

As a reaction, you may expend one Mutagen Point for your Hive Vector to take a direct attack in your stead, if your Hive Vector is within movement range of you.


Disease has broken down the host's body so extensively that the host appears the same outwardly, but has disintegrated into a colony of smaller organisms. The Legion allows the Infested to survive otherwise lethal attacks by sacrificing its limbs, or create functioning replicas of itself for both combat and utility purposes. This unusual trait turns Legions into unusually resilient (if clumsy) fighters, and can overwhelm enemy forces with sheer numbers at higher levels.

Quick Build: Constitution, followed by Strength or Dexterity.

Divide And Conquer

At 3rd level, upon choosing to be a Legion carrier, the Legion may survive an otherwise lethal attack by bisecting itself into two once per long rest. These two halves of the Legion have half the maximum hit points of the Legion, and have 1d10 + (current Mutagen points) of hit points upon being bisected.

Legion halves may continue acting as normal with the same statistics as the Legion, but gain a -5 penalty to all skill checks and saving throws, and lose 15 ft of movement speed. Once the hit points of a Legion half reaches zero, that half is considered "dead" and destroyed, and cannot be revived except with magical means.

The Legion may be restored as a whole if both halves of the Legion survive, and are placed side-by-side to regenerate after a long rest (and at least 4 hours of sleep). Alternatively, any party member with at least 2nd-level necromancy may conduct a 4-hour long ritual to restore the Legion as a whole, but without restoring any hit points.

If both halves of the Legion are killed, the Legion is permanently dead. If one half of the Legion is killed, the Legion is only restored as a whole after a 48-hour uninterrupted rest.


The primary directive of most organisms spreading diseases is to propagate themselves rapidly and widely in the shortest span of time. The Sporecloud turns the host Infested into a deadly pathogenic spreader, utilizing a host of area-of-effect abilities to infect and disable the maximum number of enemy creatures at once.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Infested class, you must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 13, Strength or Dexterity 13, must be of either the chaotic or evil alignment.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Infested class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Mutations.

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