Equipment (Gods and Men Supplement)

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Since The Time of Gods and Men takes place in ancient times, there are several unique weapons, armor, and means of transportation.


These are new weapons. Any weapons presented in the Player's Handbook may be used, except for the sickle, crossbow, kukri, flail, rapier, scimitar, falchion, glaive, greatsword, guisarme, halberd, ranseur, scythe, kama, nunchaku, sai, bastard swords, dwarven waraxes, orc double axes, two-bladed sword, dwarven urgosh, and shuriken.

All weapons that would normally be made of steel are made of Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)). Unlike the description for Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)), Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) items in a Time of Gods and Men campaign do not cost 1/5 the cost of normal weapons. In all other respects, these weapons function under the rules for Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)).

New Weapons
Exotic Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Weight Type
Light Weapons
Fingerblade 45 gp 1d4 1d6 2 lb. Piercing
One-Handed Weapons
Khopesh 16 gp 1d4 1d6 4 lb. Slashing
Two-Handed Weapons
Battlehorn 50 gp 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 10 lb. Piercing
Double khopesh 30 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 8 lb. Slashing

New Weapon Descriptions[edit]

A battlehorn is a double weapon that consists of two large horns affixed together, facing opposite directions. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a battlehorn in one hand can't use it as a double weapon--only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round. If you use a ready action to set a battlehorn against a charge, you deal double damage if you score a hit against the charging character.
In its most basic definition, a fingerblade is a double-edged shortsword. However, this weapon is customized to your hand. The hilt is something like a hand crossbow grip. It fits snugly in the palm of you hand such that your attack motion with the weapon is akin to a punch. Held correctly, a fingerblade becomes an extension of your forefinger, allowing maximum control. When an attack is properly executed, the hilt pushes into the palm so that no slippage occurs and maximum force is transferred into the thrust. If you are proficient with a fingerblade, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage to a foe who is flat-footed on the first round of combat. Creatures with immunity to extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks are not subject to this extra damage.
A khopesh is a sickle-sword that evolved from an axe. You can use its hooked blade to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the khopesh to avoid being tripped.
Khopesh, Double
A double khopesh is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, ust as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a double khopesh in one hand can't use it as a double weapon--only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round. A double khopesh can be used to make trip attacks like a normal khopesh.


All metal armor is made of Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)). Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) armors have their AC bonus reduced by one. Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) chain shirts and bronze chain mail have their AC bonus reduced by 2. Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) armors have -2 hardness of steel. Since steel armor does not exist yet, bronze armor costs the same as it's steel equivalent as per the Player's Handbook.

Banded armor and splint mail are prohibited, as are full-plate, padded armor, and locked gauntlets. Amor spikes and shield spikes are not available.

Despite the usage of half-plate armor, most warriors prefer to be outfitted in a Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) breastplate. Half-plate is almost exclusively used by warriors on chariots, due to it's lack of mobility. Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) breastplates are able to be elaborately crafted, and a Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)) breastplate has +1 to its maximum Dexterity bonus, for a total of +4.


All shields that would be made of steel are instead made of Bronze(bronze (3.5e Equipment)). In addition, there is also a new type of shield: the hide shield.

New Shield
Shield Cost Shield Bonus Maximum Dex Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure Chance Weight
Shield, hide 20 gp +3 +4 -3 30% 30 lb.

New Shield Description[edit]

Shield, hide
Hide shields come in a variety of shapes, from the Mycenaean figure-eight design to the simple oval shape, they are all made of animal hide stretched tightly over a wood or bone framework and reinforced with strips of hide. It is relatively lightweight while still providing cover as a tower shield does. By giving up your attacks for the round, you gain total cover. The shield does not, however, provide protection against targeted spells; a spellcaster can still target the shield. Since it is made of a lighter material then a tower shield, you only take a -1 penalty on attack rolls while wielding a hide shield in combat. You cannot bash with a hide shield, nor can you use your shield had for anything else. Hide shields do not count as tower shields for the purpose of proficiency.


There is only one major vehicle in the Time of Gods and Men that is not used elsewhere: The chariot. There are four types of chariots. In order to determine the speed of a chariot, add the weight of the chariot and the total weight for all riders, then divide by the number of horses. This gives the weight for how much each individual horse is carrying. Then find the speed based on whether that weight is a light, medium, or heavy load.

Chariot Type Cost Weight
Chariot, Light 70 gp 100 lb
Chariot, Hittite 80 gp 100 lb.
Chariot, Heavy 110 gp 150 lb.
Chariot, Heavy Scythed 190 gp 160 lb.

Chariot Description[edit]

Chariot, Light
Light chariots are drawn by two horses, and have a big enough area for two humans to stand comfortably in. They are used by the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Trojans, and the Mycenaeans.
Chariot, Hittite
These chariots are used exclusively by the Hittite Empire. They are wider then a light chariot and have their wheels placed in the middle, rather then to the back. This allows three humans to stand in the chariot comfortably. There are also pulled by two horses.
Chariot, Heavy
Heavy chariots are wider then even those used by the Hittites, and are drawn by four horses. There is enough room for three humans to stand comfortably, but oftentimes there are only two riders. Most of the time the two riders are wearing heavy armor, which is offset by the power of four horses. They are used by the Babylonians and Persians.
Chariot, Heavy Scythed
This is a variant of the heavy chariot, with blades attached to both ends of the axle, and a blade underneath the chariot itself. A scythed chariot allows you to make a ride-by attack(See the rules for chariot warfare) that deals 1d8 damage on either side. If you trample an opponent, they take 1d8 extra damage from the blade underneath(no save). Scythed chariots are used exclusively by the Persians.

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