Alden the Avenging Barbarian (3.5e NPC)

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Alden the Avenging Barbarian

CR 13

Male Half-Orc Fighter 2, Barbarian 6, Avenging Barbarian 5
CG Medium humanoid (Orc)
Init/Senses +5/low-light vision; Listen -1, Spot −1
Languages Common
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11
hp 13d12+65 (230) (13 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +15/+4/+1
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee +1 Wounding Greataxe +20 (1d12+9/x3) or
Melee +1 Wounding Greataxe x3: +20/+15/+10 (1d12+9/x3)
Base Atk/Grp +13/+19
Atk Options x2 damage but provoke AoO on charge (Headlong Rush), Opponent's gain +4 to attack on you but you can AoO back (Robilar's Gambit), -4 AC to take AoO's on those who attack you (Karmic Strike).
Special Actions Rage 4/day
Abilities Str 18 (-> 22), Dex 12, Con 16 (-> 20), Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Robilar's Gambit, Karmic Strike, Headlong Rush, Extra Rage, Building Rage +5/+10, Vessel for Pain, Painful Pummel, Pain Tolerance, Painful Frenzy, Pained Destruction.
Possessions +1 Wounding Greataxe, Belt of Giant Strength +4, Amulet of Health +4, Potion of Heroism x3, Potion of Enlarge Person x5, Potion of Haste x2, 10000 GP

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