Homing Soulmass (5e Spell)

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Revision as of 12:29, 22 March 2020 by PJammaz (talk | contribs) (needsbalance)
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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This is just a much more powerful version of magic missile. Magic missile at level one does a max of 3d4+3, while this spell could potentially deal 6d4 at level one.

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Homing Soulmass
1st-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

You create a number of orbs of light equal to your spellcasting ability modifier. Each orb hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. An orb deals 1d4 force damage to its target. The orbs all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more orb for each slot level above 1st.

(3 votes)

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