Team Fighting (3.5e Feat)

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Team Fighting [General, Fighter]

You know how to fight as a pair, group, and in formation.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Two or more people can fight together as a team. The team members block and parry blows for each other. Team members also work together to open up opponent’s weaknesses. Team members need to be within each other's threatened area and every team member needs to have the feat. Each person having Team Fighting gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. Also, if two people have Team Fighting they can switch carried items as a free action. This would allow one person to reload a Heavy Crossbow or Repeating Crossbow while the other fires, thus one character could fire the Heavy Crossbow every round while the other person is loading.

This feat can be used to model the extra effectiveness of Swiss pike men, Monks fighting together, or Athenian bonded battle partners.

Author: Scott Metzger © Scott Metzger 2001   This feat is from the NBoF, please see NBoF Credits.
Revised by the Netbook of Feats Review Board
NBoF Balance Rating (0 to 5 Scale)
Overall Purp Pow Port Comp Rule
4.20 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 4.50

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