3.5e Metapsionic Feats

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Metapsionic Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Divine Sorcerer Sorcerer <!-A short summary of the feat-> gains turning, loses familiar
Ever-Ready Shield Extend Power You prepare a defense against the unknown.
Instant Empower Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the energy output of your powers in an instant.
Instant Extend Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the duration of your powers in an instant.
Instant Maximize Power Any other metapsionic feat You can manifest powers for maximum effect in an instant.
Instant Quicken Power Quicken Power, Instant Empower Power, Instant Extend Power, Instant Maximize Power You can manifest powers in an instant, not wasting your attention on them.
Instant Widen Power Any other metapsionic feat You can increase the area of effect of your powers in an instant.
Intensify Power Empower Power, Maximize Power, Psicraft 30 ranks, ability to manifest 9th level powers. Combines the effect of Empower Power and Maximize Power to maximize and double a power's potency.
Large Brain Intelligence 19, and your race must have innate psionic abilities.
Ordinary Crafter Crafting rank 5+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> can make non-magic items
Power Casting Ability to cast fourth level spells (divine or arcane), Ability to manifest fourth level powers. Cast Spells using Psionic Power Points
Reach Your Potential spellcaster 5th level+, spellcasting stat 20+ <!-A short summary of the feat-> caster levels are equal to HD
Thundering Power None You can add a thunderclap to your electrical powers.